词条 | 蕃薯芦笋鱼柳 |
释义 | 中文介绍原料:土豆、草鱼、西红柿、芦笋、香椿芽、红辣椒、巧克力酱、鸡蛋。调料:番茄酱、盐、白糖、胡椒粉、料酒、淀粉、姜。 做法: 1、将草鱼切成大片,用盐、胡椒粉、料酒腌渍。土豆切大片,用微波炉高火8分钟打熟。 2、番茄切小丁,红椒切丝,芦笋切长段飞水捞出待用。3、用淀粉和鸡蛋加少许盐和成糊,将鱼片拖糊,下5成高的油锅,炸成金黄捞出沥油。放入微波炉中火3分钟至熟。 4、土豆取出在保鲜袋里捻成泥,用盐、胡椒粉、黄油、香葱末拌匀成泥。将土豆泥拍成小饼放在盘中,依次放上三根芦笋,架上两片鱼片。 5、锅内留油,煸香姜末放入番茄丁,和少许的番茄酱,加白糖、盐调味制成浓汁,在盘子周围淋上浓汁,挤上巧克力酱,在鱼排上点缀红椒丝和椿芽。 小贴士: 全麦包 热量:65cal/一片 全麦包是面包中最低热量,如果你是无包不欢的话,就建议你早餐或者tea time吃个全麦包填填肚子! 燕麦片 热量:132cal/一杯 外国好多减肥餐单都会set燕麦片做早餐主打菜式,一来低卡,二来营养丰富,含维他命B、E、铁等成分,对推动消化系统很有功效。今天开始就用它代替芝士做消夜,一定fit得多。 椰菜 热量:40cal/一杯 椰菜含丰富高纤维成分,配合番茄、洋葱、青椒等材料可煲成瘦身汤,肚子饿的时侯很管用,低卡又饱肚。 芦笋 热量:66cal/一磅 芦笋含丰富维他命A同C,用来做沙律是个不错之选,或者闲时煲熟做一杯芦笋,看电视听歌时可当小食充饥,健康又不会肥。 茄子 热量:19cal/半碗 有科学研究指出茄子一顿正餐中可以发挥阻止吸收脂肪作用,同时蕴含维他命A、B杂及C,对减肥人士讲系一种好食又有益食物。 鸡肉 鸡肉系好多减肥餐单的指定菜式,当然去皮食用,热量更低。3安士鸡肉只有4。1g脂肪,比半份牛肉同猪肉的热量还要低。 土豆 热量:145cal/一个大薯 食土豆keep fit不是通吃,因为20条炸薯条热量就有成260cal,所以食水煮土豆就最安全,薯片?当然免问! 海鲜 热量:水浸吞拿鱼135cal/1/4杯三文鱼70cal/一安士 一般海鲜都是keep fit女士的首选,盐水浸吞拿鱼同三文鱼,大家不妨用作减肥餐主菜。 扁豆 热量:232cal/一杯 若配合绿叶菜食用,可以加快身体的新陈代谢。 橙 热量:50cal/一个 橙含天然糖分、多纤维又低卡,是用来代替糖果、蛋糕、曲奇等甜品的最佳选择,嗜甜但减肥姊妹们可以食橙来满足食甜的欲望,加上多食纤维有助排便,减少体内积聚毒素 英文解说Raw materials: potatoes, grass, tomatoes, asparagus, Chinese Toon, red pepper, chocolate sauce, eggs. Sauces: tomato sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, cooking wine, starch, ginger. Practice: 1, will cut into large areas of grass carp, salt, pepper, cooking wine pickled. Cut a large potato in the microwave 8 minutes to play high-fire cooked. 2 tomatoes cut Xiao Ding, shredded red pepper, asparagus, water, remove and cut long period of flying standby. 3, with the starch and add a little salt and egg into a paste, drag the fish paste, 5 percent higher under the pan, deep fry until golden and drain gold. Microwave oven over medium heat 3 minutes until cooked. 4 Remove the bag for potato twisted into mud, salt, pepper, butter, onion mix into the mud at the end. The mashed potatoes made into patties on the plate, in turn put three asparagus, rack 2 fillets. 5, leaving the oil pan, stir into the tomato ginger Hong Ding, and a little tomato sauce, add sugar, salt, seasoning made of bisque, topped with juicy around the plate, get on the chocolate sauce, decorated in red rafts pepper wire and Chunya. Tips: Whole wheat bread Calories: 65cal / 1 Whole wheat bread is the lowest calorie bread, no bag, if you would not be happy if, on the proposed breakfast or tea time you eat whole wheat bread filled Tiandu Zi! Oatmeal Calories: 132cal / cup Many foreign countries are set to lose weight menu oatmeal for breakfast main dishes, the one low card, and secondly, nutritious, containing vitamins B, E, iron and other elements, are very effective in promoting the digestive system. Used it today to do midnight snack instead of cheese, much more must fit. Broccoli Calories: 40cal / cup Broccoli is rich in high fiber content, with tomatoes, onions, green peppers and other materials can burn into a thin soup when hungry, Hou is very useful, low-card has Baodu. Asparagus Calories: 66cal / a pound Asparagus is rich in vitamin A with C, used to make salad is a good choice, or make a cup of cooked asparagus cooker leisure, watching TV when songs as snacks to eat, healthy and not fat. Eggplant Heat: 19cal / bowl Eggplant dinner meal with scientific research that can play the role of block absorption of fat, and contains vitamins A, B complex and C, say a line on a good diet food has good food. Chicken Chicken menu system a lot of weight designated dishes, of course, eating peeled, lower the heat. 3 ounces of chicken is only 4. 1g fat, beef with pork than half the calories were still low. Potato Calories: 145cal / a large potato Keep fit eat potatoes not-take-all, because there are 20 chips into a heat 260cal, so fresh boiled potatoes on the safest, potato chips? Of course, no way! Seafood Heat: the flooding salmon tuna 135cal/1/4 Cup 70cal / 1 oz Ms. generally keep fit seafood are the first choice, salt tuna with salmon flooding, you may wish to lose weight as a main course meal. Hyacinth bean Calories: 232cal / cup If with the leafy vegetable consumption, can speed up the body's metabolism. Orange Calories: 50cal / a Orange with natural sugar, more fiber and a low card is used in place of candy, cakes, cookies and other desserts the best option, but sweet sister to lose weight can eat fresh sweet orange to satisfy the desire, coupled with more food fibers to help bowel movements to reduce the accumulation of toxins the body |
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