

词条 仵彦卿


上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院执行院长、教授,博士生导师。生态与地下环境研究所所长, 中国科学院1997年“百人计划”入选者,陕西省1997年“三五人才”入选者。国家海洋局海洋赤潮灾害立体监测技术与应用重点实验室学术委员会委员,国际水文地质学家协会会员(IAH), 国际环境水文家协会会员(IAEH),《地球科学进展》编委,上海市学位委员会第四届学科评议组成员,上海市城乡建设与交通第七届科技委员会委员,上海市2007-2008年,2009-2010年科技预见专家,上海市环境科学学会理事、副秘书长,上海市闵行区环境科学学会理事长。上海交通大学学术委员会委员,学位委员会委员,上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院分学位委员会主席。中国环境科学学会土壤与地下水专业委员会委员。

1982年毕业于吉林大学;1988年长安大学获理学硕士学位; 1992年长安大学获理学博士学位;1995年3月成都理工大学博士后出站,1995年7月评为教授,1996年11月被原机械工业部批准为博士生导师,1995年8月-2004年1月在西安理工大学任教授,1998-2004年中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 研究员,博士生导师,(“百人计划”入选者)。指导毕业硕士生 12名,毕业博士生17名,指导的博士生柴军瑞获2003年陕西省优秀博士论文。










1. 仵彦卿,张应华,温小虎,苏建平,中国西北黑河流域水文循环与水资源模拟,科学出版社,2010年1月

2. 仵彦卿, 岩土水力学,科学出版社,2009年4月

3. 仵彦卿, 多孔介质污染物迁移动力学,上海交通大学出版社,2007年2月

4. 仵彦卿、张倬元, 岩体水力学导论, 西南交通大学出版社, 1995年

5. 仵彦卿、李俊亭、张倬元, 地下水动态观测网的优化设计, 成都科技大学出版社, 1993年

6. Wu Yanqing, Mechanism analysis of hazards caused by the interaction between groundwater and geo-environment, Environmental Geology,2003,44:811–819

7. Wu Yanqing,Optimal design of groundwater monitoring network in Daqing, China, Environmental Geology,2004, 45(4):527-535

8. Wu Yanqing, X Wen, Y Zhang,Analysis of the exchange of groundwater and river water by using Radon-222 in the middle Heihe Basin of northwestern China,Environmental Geology, 2004,45:647–653

9. Wu Yanqing, Parameter identification of a leakage aquifer system in Daqing region of China using model of coupled FEM and Kalman filter, COMMUNICATIONS IN NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 2005,21:675-690

10. Changwen Ma, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Chengxin Sun, Leonora Lee, Adsorption characteristics of perchloroethylene in natural sandy materials with low organic carbon content, Environmental Geology, 2007, 52(8): 1511-1519

11. XH Wen, YQ Wu, LJE Lee, JP Su, Groundwater flow modeling in the Zhangye Basin, Northwestern China, Environmental Geology, 2007, 53(1): 77-84

12. Jun Wu, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Jian Lu, Leonora Lee, Field investigations and laboratory simulation of clogging in Lixi tailings dam of Jinduicheng, China, Environmental Geology, 2007, 53(2): 387-397

13. Jun Wu,Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Jian Lu, Laboratory study of the clogging process and factors affecting clogging in a tailings dam, Environmental Geology,2008,54(5): 1067-1074

14. Changwen Ma, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者), Dechlorination of perchloroethylene using zero-valent metal and microbial community, Environmental Geology,2008,55(1):47-54

15. Qiang An,Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Shauna Taylor Bin Zhao, Influence of the Three Gorges Project on saltwater intrusion in the Yangtze River Estuary, Environmental Geology,2009,56:1679–1686

16. X H Wen, Y Q Wu and J Wu,Hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Zhangye Basin, Northwestern China,Environmental Geology,2008,55(8):1713-1724

17.Qiang An, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Jinhui Wang,Zhien Li,Heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments of the Yangtze river estuary, China,Environ Earth Sci., 2009.11,59(2):363-370,DOI 10.1007/s12665-009-0034-4

18. Qiang An, Yanqing Wu(通讯作者),Jinhui Wang,Zhien Li,Assessment of dissolved heavy metal in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea, China,Environ Monit Assess.,DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-0883-z,2010,164:173-187

19. Y. H. Zhang,X. F. Song,Y. Q. Wu,Use of oxygen-18 isotope to quantify flows in the upriver,and middle reaches of the Heihe River, Northwestern China,Environmental Geology,2009.08,58(3):645-653

20. Yonghua Zhu , Liliang Ren, Todd H. Skaggs, Haishen Lü, Zhongbo Yu, Yanqing Wu, Xiuqin Fang. Simulation of Populus euphratica root uptake of groundwater in an arid woodland of the Ejina Basin, China. Hydrological Processes, 23(17):2460-2469,2009

21. Yanqing Wu, Changwen Ma,Remediation technology of groundwater contaminated by perchloroethylene,Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 45, Nos. 1/2/3, 2011:176-185

22. Xu Zengguang, Wu Yanqing, Wu Jun, Zhong Xiaoqing, A model of seepage field in the tailings dam considering the chemical clogging process, Advances in Engineering Software, 42(2011):426-434

23. Fei Yu, Jie Ma and Yanqing Wu,Adsorption of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene isomers on multi-walled carbon nanotubes oxidized by different concentration of NaOCl,Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China,DOI: 10.1007/s11783-011-0340-4





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