

词条 左建儒











现任中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所 研究员,博士生导师,中国遗传学会常务理事、植物遗传与基因组学专业委员会主任。《遗传学报》与《遗传》副主编,《科学通报》特邀编委,Molecular Plant, Physiologia Plantarum, Plant Signaling & Behavior, Biology of Cell, J Integrative Plant Biology,《生物化学与生物物理进展》等刊物编委 。北京大学、山东农业大学、兰州大学和江苏大学兼职或客座教授。



细胞分裂素在植物生长和发育过程中通过调节细胞分裂和细胞分化起着非常重要的作用(郑丙莲等,科学通报,2003;邓岩等,植物学通报,2006)。尽管经过几十年的生物化学和遗传学研究,对细胞分裂素作用机制的了解仍有限。我们分离鉴定并系统研究了数个拟南芥的细胞分裂素以及相关突变体(pga突变体)(Zuo et al., 2002; Sun et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2008)。在此基础上,我们筛选了相关突变体的抑制子突变,并对其中的soi33突变体进行了系统研究。我们发现SOI33是一个细胞分裂素的转运蛋白(Sun et al., 2005)。这是继生长素转运蛋白之后发现的第二类植物激素转运蛋白。通过对上述突变体以及相关基因的研究,我们将力求阐明细胞分裂素信号转导的遗传学和分子机理。与此同时,我们对光和细胞分裂素信号转导途径互作反应的分子机理进行了探索(Zheng et al., 2006; Feng et al., 2006)。光和细胞分裂素共同调控了许多生长发育过程(例如光形态建成、开花等),因此两个信号通路的相互反应在十多年前就被人们意识到,但对其分子机制了解很少。我们发现细胞分裂素参与了生物节律的调节,而生物节律调控器的主要元件也参与了细胞分裂素信号转导的调控 (Zheng et al., 2006)。



细胞的程序性死亡(PCD)在有机体的正常生长发育和防御性反应中起着很重要的作用。对植物细胞PCD的分子和生化机理了解甚少。我们通过正向遗传学方法,分离鉴定了系列拟南芥PCD突变体并进行了系统的研究。其中,SPC1基因通过光氧化途经调控细胞凋亡 (Dong et al., 2007)。鞘磷脂和神经酰胺是调控细胞分裂、细胞分化以及细胞凋亡的重要二级信使分子。我们发现FBR11基因编码鞘磷脂和神经酰胺生物合成途经的第一个限速酶SPT的一个亚基,该基因的突变导致抗凋亡表型、雄配子发育过程的自发凋亡 (Shi et al., 2007; Teng et al., 2008) 。而高度保守的eIF5A基因的突变fbr12导致抗凋亡表型与严重的生长发育缺陷 (Feng et al., 2007) 。我们将通过对FBR12和PAR2等基因的功能的深入解析,探索植物细胞凋亡的分子调控机理。


作为双子叶与单子叶植物的代表,拟南芥和水稻的全基因组测序工作已经分别完成。在后基因组学时代,诠释这些基因的功能即功能基因组学研究将成为该领域的主流。筛选功能缺失性突变是研究基因功能最有力的工具之一。我们利用XVE化学诱导表达系统(Zuo et al., 2000),构建了拟南芥条件性功能获得和缺失性突变体库,并用于功能基因组学研究。目前,我们已获得了超过五万个独立的突变株系(张健等,2005),其中一万二千余个突变体已经对国内非盈利性科研机构公开释放。我们同时利用模式植物功能基因组学的相关知识 (Wang et al., 2008; Mu et al., 2008), 对油菜等农物的重要农艺性状进行分子改良。


1.Mu, J., Tan, H., Zheng, Q., Fu, F., Liang, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, X., Wang, T., Chong, K., Wang, X., and Zuo, J. (2008) LEAFY COTYLEDON1

is a key regulator of fatty acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol., DOI: 10.1104/pp.108.126342.

2.Wang, X.*, Niu, Q-W.*, Teng, C., Li, C., Mu, J., Chua, N.-H., and Zuo, J. (2008) Overexpression of PGA37/MYB118and MYB115

promotes vegetative-to-embryonic transition in Arabidopsis. Cell Res., DOI: 10.1038/cr.2008.276. (* These authors contributed equally)

3. Teng, C.*, Dong, H.*, Shi, L.*, Deng, Y., Mu, J., Zhang, J., Yang, X., and Zuo, J. (2008) Serine palmitoyltransferase, a key enzyme for

de novosynthesis of sphingolipids, is essential for male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol., 146:1322-1332.

(* These authors contributed equally)

4. Shi, L.*, Bielawski, J.*, Mu, J.*, Dong, H., Teng, C., Zhang, J., Yang, X., Tomishige, N., Hanada, K., Hannun, Y.A., and Zuo, J. (2007).

Involvement of sphingoid bases in mediating reactive oxygen intermediate production and programmed cell death in Arabidopsis.

Cell Res., 17:1030-1040. (* These authors contributed equally)

5. Feng, H., Chen, Q., Feng, J., Zhang, J, Yang, X., and Zuo, J (2007)Functional characterization of the Arabidopsiseukaryotic translation

initiation factor 5A-2 (eIF-5A-2) that plays a crucial role in plant growth and development by regulating cell division, cell growth and cell

death.Plant Physiol., 144:1531-1545.

6. Dong, H.*, Deng, Y.*, Mu, J., Lu, Q., Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Chu, C., Chong, K., Lu, C., and Zuo, J. (2007) The Arabidopsis Spontaneous Cell Death1 gene, encoding a z-carotene desaturase essential for carotenoid biosynthesis, is involved in chloroplast development,Cell Res., 17:458-470. (* These authors contributed equally)

7. Feng, H.*, An, F.*, Zhang, S., Ji, J., Ling, H., and Zuo, J. (2006) Light-regulated, tissue-specific, and cell differentiation-specific expression of the ArabidopsisFe(III)-chelate reductase gene AtFRO6.Plant Physiol., 140:1345-1354. (* These authors contributed equally)

8. Zheng, B.*, Deng, Y.*, Mu, J., Ji, Z., Xiang, T., Niu, Q.-W., Chua, N.-H., Zuo, J. (2006) Cytokinin affects circadian-clock oscillation in a phytochrome B- and Arabidopsis Response Regulator4-dependent manner. Physiol.Plant., 127: 277–292.

(* These authors contributed equally)

9. Zuo, J., Hare, P.D., and Chua, N.H. (2006) Applications of chemical-inducible expression systems in functional genomics and biotechnology. In“Methods in Molecular Biology-ArabidopsisProtocols”, eds. Salinas, J., and Sanchez-Serrano, J.J., pp 329-342. Humana Press, NJ.

10. Sun, J., Hirose, N., Wang, X., Wen, P., Xue, L., Sakakibara, H., and Zuo, J. (2005) The Arabidopsis SOI33/AtENT8gene encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter that is involved in cytokinin transport in planta. J Integrat.Plant Biol., 47:588-603.

11. Sun, J.*, Niu, Q.-W.*, Tarkowski, P., Zheng, B., Tarkowska, D., Sandberg, G., Chua, N.-H., and Zuo, J. (2003) The Arabidopsis AtIPT8/PGA22 gene encodes an isopentenyl transferase that is involved in de novocytokinin biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 131:167-176. (* These authors contributed equally)

12. Zuo, J., Niu, Q., Ikeda, Y., and Chua, N.-H. (2002) Marker-free transformation: Increasing transformation frequency by the use of regeneration-promoting genes. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 13:173-180.

13. 邓岩* 王兴春* 杨淑华 左建儒(2006)细胞分裂素: 代谢、信号转导、交叉反应与农艺性状改良. 植物学通报, 23:478-498. (* 同等


14. 张健* 徐金相* 孔英珍* 纪振动* 王兴春* 安丰英* 李超* 孙加强 张素芝 杨晓辉 牟金叶 刘新仿 李家洋 薛勇彪 左建儒 (2005) 化学诱导激活型拟南芥突变体库的构建及分析. 遗传学报 32:1082-1088. (* 同等贡献)

15. 郑丙莲 张素芝 孙加强 邓岩 左建儒(2003)细胞分裂素信号转导:已知的简单性与未知的复杂性. 科学通报 48:885-891, 2003. 回国前发表的主要论文

1. Zuo, J., Niu, Q., Frugis, G., and Chua, N.-H. (2002) The WUSCHELgene promotes vegetative-to-embryonic transition in Arabidopsis.

Plant J. 30:349-359 (cover story).

2. Zuo, J., Niu, Q., Moller, S., and Chua, N.-H. (2001) Chemical-regulated, site-specific DNA recombination in transgenic plants. Nat.

Biotechnol. 19:157-161.

3. Zuo, J., Niu, Q., Nishizawa, N, Wu, Y., Kost, B., and Chua, N.-H. (2000). KORRIGAN1, an Arabidopsis1,4-b-glucanase localizes to the

cell plate by polarized targeting and is essential for cytokinesis. Plant Cell 12:1137-1152.

4. Zuo, J., Niu, Q., and Chua, N.-H. (2000) An estrogen receptor-based transactivator XVE mediates highly inducible gene expression in

plants. Plant J. 24:265-273.

5. Zuo, J., and Chua, N.-H. (2000) Chemical-inducible systems for regulated expression of plant genes. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 11:146-151.

6. Zuo, J., Rungger, D., and Voellmy, R. (1995) Multiple levels of regulation of human heat shock transcription factor 1. Mol. Cell. Biol.


7. Zuo, J., Baler, R., Dahl, G., and Voellmy, R. (1994) Activation of the DNA-binding ability of human heat shock transcription factor 1 may

involve the transition from an intramolecular to an intermolecular triple-strand coiled-coil structure. Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:7557-7568.

8. Tatzelt, J., Zuo, J., Voellmy, R., Scott, M., Hartl, U., Prusiner, S.B., and Welch, W.J. (1995) Scrapie prions selectively modify the stress

response in nuroblastoma cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:2944-2948.

9. Hedge, R. F., Zuo, J., Voellmy, R., and Welch, W.J. (1995) Short circuiting stress protein expression via a tyrosine kinase inhibitor,

herbimycin A. J. Cell. Physiol. 165:186-200.

10.Xia, W., Guo, Y., Vilaboa, N., Zuo, J., and Voellmy, R. (1998) Transcriptional activation of heat shock factor HSF1 probed by

phosphopeptide analysis of factor 32P-labeled in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 273:8749-8755.

11.Ananthan, J., Baler, R., Morrissey, D., Zuo, J., Lan, Y., Weir, M., and Voellmy, R. (1993) Synergistic activation of transcription is mediated

by the N-terminal domain of Drosophila fushi tarazu homeoprotein and can occur without DNA binding by the protein. Mol. Cell. Biol.






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