词条 | 邹立 |
释义 | 邹立,中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院副教授。 受教育情况: 1997.09-2001.07 青岛海洋大学化学化工学院 博士 1994.09-1997.07 青岛海洋大学海洋生命学院 硕士 1988.09-1992.07 青岛海洋大学海洋化学系 学士 工作经历: 2004.12-今 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院 副教授 2001.07-2004.11 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院 讲师 2002.02-2004.01 美国佐治亚大学海洋科学系 博士后访问学者 1999.11-2000.04 德国汉堡大学 交流学者 海洋化学与海洋生物地球化学研究所 研究领域: 对海洋生物地球化学和海洋化学领域的诸多问题拥有广泛的兴趣:1)藻类和微生物生命活动过程中营养盐的地球化学循环,2)水体和沉积环境中有机物的来源、迁移、转化和降解机制,3)脂类分子标志物在生物地球化学中的应用,4)同位素地球化学。同时,我正在参预并寻求与环境问题相关的研究与合作,例如人为源污染物在海洋生态系统中的行为及其生态效应。 目前在研内容: 1) 黄河入海过程中常量元素、营养盐、有机碳(脂类分子化合物)的输运过程和机制; 2) 黄河三角洲蛤类高生产力机制研究; 3) 胶州湾北部潮间带有机碳的埋藏和降解规律; 4) 海洋微藻在不同生长时期膜质和胞质中脂类分子化合物及其分子稳定同位素的组成; 5) 北黄海沉积物中叶绿素和有机碳的分布和埋藏规律。 教授课程经历: 1、 环境生物学(本科生学位课) 2、 海洋生物地球化学导论(硕士研究生专业选修课) 3、 海洋生物地球化学(博士研究生学位课) 发表和已提交的论文和文章: 1 Zou, L., Sun, M.Y. and Guo, L.D. Transformation of organic carbon in high molecular weight-dissolved organic matter in the West Atlantic Ocean: evidence from composition of lipid biomarkers and their isotopic ratios (in preparation). 2 Huang, C.L., Zou, L.*, Luo, X.X., Jia, Y.G. and Gao, Z.H.. Transportation of major constituents in high turbidity estuary— the Estuary of Yellow River). Journal of Oceanography (submitted). 3 Sun, M.-Y., Carroll, M. L., Ambrose Jr., W. G., Clough, L. M.,Zou, L.and Lopez, G. R. 2007. Differential consumption of phytoplankton and ice algae by Arctic soft-sediment benthic communities: molecular evidence using natural and 13C-labeled food materials. Journal of Marine Research, (submitted). 4 吕欣欣,邹立,刘素美,王芳,2007.胶州湾潮间带沉积物有机碳和叶绿素的埋藏特征.海洋科学(已接收). 5 黄翠玲,邹立,罗先香,贾永刚,高振会,崔文林,2007.黄河口常量离子运移规律研究I—常量阳离子.中国海洋大学学报(已接收) 6 邹立,高振会,贾永刚,徐建德,吴盛青,黄翠玲,2007. 黄河口营养盐入海过程中时空特征. 黄河口划界与生态环境(待刊). 7 黄翠玲,邹立,罗先香,高振会,贾永刚,崔文林,2007. 常量离子在黄河入海过程中的指征作用. 黄河口划界与生态环境(待刊). 8 黄翠玲,邹立,王芳,贾永刚,高振会,崔文林,霍素霞, 2007. 黄河口沉积物中有机碳和叶绿素a的分布特征. 黄河口划界与生态环境(待刊). 9 刘霜,邹立,赵三军,黄翠玲,崔文林,高振会,2007. 黄河入海过程中微微型浮游生物变化规律初步研究. 黄河口划界与生态环境(待刊). 10 陈友媛,邹立,杨应斌,贾永刚,高振会,2007. 黄河口河海划界Ι-科学指标特征及划界. 黄河口划界与生态环境(待刊). 11 Zou, L., Sun, M.Y. and Guo, L.D., 2006. Temporal variations of fatty acids and their stable carbon isotopic compositions in dissolved, colloidal and particulate organic matters collected from the Yukon River during an ice open season: implication for relative contributions of organic carbon from various sources. Organic Geochemistry, 37(8), 944-956. 12 Sun, M.Y., Zou, L., Dai, J.H., Ding, H.B., Culp, R.A. and Scranton, M.I., 2004. Molecular carbon isotopic fractionation of algal lipids during decomposition in natural oxic and anoxic seawaters. Organic Geochemistry, 35, 895-908. 13 Zhang, J., Zou, L., Wu, Y. and Lin, Y.A., 2004. Atmospheric wet deposition and change in phytoplankton biomass in the surface ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L11310, doi:10.1029/2004GL019464. 14 Zou, L., Wang, X.-C., Callahan, J., Culp, R. A., Chen, R. F., Altabet, M. A. and Sun, M.-Y. 2004. Bacterial roles in the formation of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter in estuarine and coastal waters: Evidence from lipids and the compound-specific isotopic ratios. Limnology and Oceanography, 49, 297-302. 15 Zhang, J., Yu, Z.G., Raabe, T., Liu, S.M., Starke, A., Zou, L., Gao, H.W. and Brockman, U., 2004. Dynamics of inorganic nutrient species in the Bohai seawaters. Journal of Marine Systems, 44, 189-212. 16 李肖娜,刘素美,吕瑞华,张经, 邹立,2004.东、黄海沉积物中叶绿素的分析.中国海洋大学学报,34(4), 603-610. 17 Zou Li, Zhang Jing, Pan Wen-Xian and Zhan Yun-Peng, 2001. In situnutrient enrichment experiment in the Bohai and Yellow Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 23(10):1111-1119. 18 邹立,张经,2001.渤海春季营养盐限制的现场实验研究.海洋与湖沼, Vol.32(6): 672-678. 19 卢敏,张龙军,李超,邹立,张经,2001.1999年7月胶州湾东部赤潮生消过程生态环境要素分析.黄渤海海洋,19(4),43-50. 20 吴强明, 陈淑珠, 于志刚, 刘素美, 米铁柱, 郭军艇, 邹立. 黄海南部的溶解无机氮. 青岛海洋大学学报,2001,31(1):129-153. 21 张武昌,孙松,李超伦,邹立,金明明,卢勇,2000.白令海浮游植物添加营养盐培养实验.极地研究,12(4): 245-252. 22 Zou Li, Chen Hong-Tao and Zhang Jing, 2000. Experimental examination of the effects of atmospheric wet deposition on the primary production of the Yellow Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 249: 111-121. 23 邹立,李永祺,1999. 用QSAR法研究有机磷农药对海洋扁藻的构效关系. 海洋与湖沼, 30(2): 206-211. (本论文获项目优秀论文三等奖) 24 邹立,程刚,李永祺,林岿璇,1998. 11种有机农药对海洋微藻致毒效应的研究. 海洋环境科学,17(3): 29-34.(本论文获该杂志1998年度优秀论文) 会议论文: 1 Zou, L., Huang, C.L., Jia, Y.G., Mi, T.Z., Gao, Z.H., Gao, H.W., 2007. Sources and transportation of organic carbon in the sediment from the Yellow River to the Bohai: indicated by compound specific fatty acids.Oral presentation at the third International workshop on the Yellow River Studies (Project Leader: Prof. Y. Fukushima), RIHN and Niijima-Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan, February 13 - 15, 2007. 2 黄翠玲,邹立,罗先香, 2006. 黄河入海过程中常量离子变化规律研究. 2006年中国科学院海洋科学学术研讨会, 青岛, July 29-31. 3 Zou, L., Sun, M.Y. and Guo, L.D., 2006. Sources and transformation of organic carbon in HMW-DOM in the West-Middle Atlantic Ocean: implicated by composition of lipid biomarkers and their isotopic ratios. Oral presentation at Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (WPGM) 2006, Beijing, China, July 24-27. 4 邹立,孙铭一,郭劳动,2005. 育空河不同相中脂肪酸分子及其碳稳定同位素组成的时间变化研究. 2005中国极地科学学术年会,上海,10月21-23日. 5 Sun, M.-Y., Zou, L.,Dai, J., Ding, H., Culp, R.A. and Scranton, M.I., 2004. Stable carbon isotopic alterations of algal lipids during decomposition in Cariaco stratified oxic and anoxic seawaters. Oral presentation at the ASLO/TOS Ocean Research 2004 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 15-20, 2004. 6 Zou, L.,X.C. Wang, J. Callahan, R.A. Culp, R.F. Chen and M.Y. Sun, 2003. Carbon source and formation mechanism of HMW-DOM in estuarine and coastal waters: evidence from lipid composition and compound-specific isotopic ratios. Oral presentation at the Aquatic Sciences Meeting of ASLO 2003 program, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Feb. 9-14. 7 Zou, L.and Zhang, J., 2001. Simulated experiment on the growth of phytoplankton effected by atmospheric wet deposition.The 5th IOC/WESTPAC Science Symposium, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 27-31. 8 Zou, L.and Zhang, J., 2000. Experimental estimation on the effect of rainwater on the growth of phytoplanktons in the Bohai. Workshop on the project supported by NSFC, The Ecosystem dynamics and bio-source sustainability on the Bohai, Qingdao, China, Dec. 9-10. 9 Zou, L.and Zhang, J., 1999. Effects of nutrients, sediments and irradiance on phytoplankton on the Bohai Sea cruise in 1998 and 1999. Workshop on the Sino-Germany joint project, Analysis and modeling on the Bohai Sea ecosystem, Hamburg, Germany, Dec. 9 to 12. 10 Zhang, J., Yu, Z. and Zou, L., 1998. Inter-relation between atmospheric deposition and coastal environment and production. IOC-WESTPAC-Sida /SAREC workshop on Atmospheric Inputs of Pollutants to the Marine Environment, Qingdao, China in June 24 to 26. 11 Zou, L.and Zhang, J., 1998. Effects of rainwater on the primary production of the coastal Yellow Sea and Jiaozhou Bay (in Chinese).Communication among the students of Mainland and Taiwan of China and Hong Kong in July, Hong Kong, July 18 to 28. 12 Zou, L. and Zhang, J., 1998. Effects of coastal inputting materials on the marine primary production (a summary in Chinese).Communication among the students of Mainland and Taiwan of China and Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 18 to 28. 报告与专著: 1 邹立,1999.QSAR在有机磷农药水生毒理学应用中的探索.海洋水养殖—生态环境的保护与改善(国家攀登计划B类项目—海水增养殖生物优良种质和抗病力的基础研究7,李永祺主编,山东科学技术出版社,济南,pp261. 2 李永祺,唐学玺,汝少国,李春雁,邹立,贺建材和白逢伟,1995.有机污染、热污染及油污染的生物学判据研究.“八五”国家科技攻关项目,灾害性海洋环境数值预报及近海环境关键技术研究,85-903-08-05-05子专题研究报告. |
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