词条 | 灼热丝试验仪 |
释义 | 产品介绍本试验仪依据 IEC60695 - 2 - 10 / 11 / 12 / 13、GB5169.10、GB5169.11及 GB4706.1《家用和类似用途电器的安全 第一部分:通用要求》中所规定的有关条款设计制造。 材料燃烧试验的测试仪器设备,灼热丝试验仪根据灼热丝试验标准中“灼热丝试验测试方法”的要求设计制造,瀚阳仪器浙江办事处-模拟灼热元件或过载电阻之类的热源或点火源在短时间所造成的热应力,瀚阳仪器浙江办事处-灼热丝试验装置适用于电工电子产品、家用电器及其材料进行着火危险试验,也用于无火焰引燃源着火试验,以测定相关材料的灼热丝起燃温度和可燃性、耐燃指数。 在设备内部容易使火焰蔓延的绝缘材料或其他固体可燃材料的零件可能会由于灼热丝或灼热元件而起燃。在一定条件下,例如流过导线的故障电流、元件过载以及不良接触的情况下,某些元件会达到某一温度而使其附近的零件起燃。 灼热丝试验仪将规定材质(Ni80/Cr20)和形状的电热丝(Φ4 mm的镍铬丝)用大电流加热至试验温度 ( 550 ℃ ~ 1000 ℃ 1min 后,以规定压力 (1.0N) 垂直灼烫试品 30s ,视试品和铺垫物是否起燃或持燃时间来测定电工电子设备成品的着火危险性;测定固体绝缘材料及其它固体可燃材料的起燃性、起燃温度 (GWIT) 、可燃性和可燃性指数 (GWFI) 。 测量灼热丝的温度用标称值径为0.5mm的铠装细丝热电偶,线材为镍铬和镍铝(K型)丝,适合在温度高达960℃条件下连续运行,它们的焊接点位于铠装套内,用于测量灼热丝温度的热电偶,其铠装套的金属至少能耐1050℃的温度。 校准:温度测量系统的校准温度为960℃,标准方法是用纯度为99.8%、厚 0.06mm、边长 2mm 的正方形银箔放在灼热丝顶部的上表面。当灼热丝加热到使银箔熔化时,温度为 960℃±15℃。 测试灼热丝温度的热电偶,其铠装套的金属至少能耐1050度的温度。 FZ-5101A GLOW WIRE TEST APPARATUS Description: The apparatusis complete of: 1.Electric control board with digital instruments,voltmeter,ammeter,temperature,measuring equipment; 2.Box burn er with internal volume of 500 dm 3 made in sheet iron,painted in colour black inside,complete with glass door. 3.Apparatus painted in colour RAL 7032 outside. 4.Aluminium working table with to position in plane and graduatde scale with fasteners for references of depth of operated from outside of the protection. 6.Test piece holder support in chrome-plated and perforated plate,adjustable in the three directions. 7.Pressure load between heating element and test piece obtained by traction masses=1N 8.Rod with survey index of the height of the flame with graduated scale up to 200mm over heating body,Vertical distance between heating element and wood table carrying paper>=200mm. 9.Heating element in NiCr 80/20 wire diameter = 4mm 10.Themo couple in NiCr and NiAl wires diameter 0.5mmx100mm 11.Working temper ature range=450(0)-1050(0)max 12.Leads switch and fuse protection 13.Connection to the mains:230V-50Hz(or60Hz)-KW0.5 14.Max.dimensions of the equipment cm 98x65x125,weight Kgs.105 15.A plate in pure silver 2x100x0.1mm complete with certificate of analysis,10mm thickness pinewood wood and english manual are supplied with the apparatus. 16.Optional spare Parts can be selected: a)Thermocouple type"K" b)Heating elementing NiCr 80/20 wire diameter=4mm c)Plate in pure silver 2x100x0.1mm 17.There quired moving rate is achieved as follows:from the outside the carriags is approached at 1.0-1.5mm fromthe glow-wire and then it is released and it approached by in ertia due to the drawing masses with a force of 1N. 产品规格灼热丝试验仪 GLOW-WIRE TESTING INSTRUMENT IEC60695-2-10/11/12/13、IEC60884-1、GB2099.1、IEC60335-1、GB4706.1、VDE、GB/T5169.10 部件或零件在故障或过载条件下,可能达到过高的温度或点燃它们附近的零件,灼热丝试验模拟灼热元件或过载的电阻之类的热源或点火源在短时间所造成的热应力,用模拟技术评定着火危险性,适用于对电工电子产品、元件、家用电器部件用的塑料及非金属绝缘材料零件如:开关外壳、继电器插座 . . . 。 基本规格: Description 箱体内容积 ≥0.5 立方米,带玻璃观察门 箱内照度 小于 20LUX 灼热丝温度 常温 + 10℃ ~ 1000℃ 可调节, 温度容许误差 500 ~ 750℃±10℃;750 ~ 1000℃±15℃ 灼热丝对样品 灼热丝 灼热丝是用直径为 4mm 的镍 / 铬(80/20)丝制成的 灼热丝尖部靠近 计时器 0 ~ 99 分 99 秒范围内可调,精度:±1 秒 产品特点 本试验仪控制系统自动化,启动后装夹试样的小车会 电源 AC 220V / 50Hz |
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