词条 | 灼热丝试验机 |
释义 | 在设备内部容易使火焰蔓延的绝缘材料或其他固体可燃材料的零件可能会由于灼热丝或灼热元件而起燃。在一定条件下,例如流过导线的故障电流、元件过载以及不良接触的情况下,某些元件会达到某一温度而使其附近的零件起燃。HJ-7100灼热丝试验机是利用模拟技术评定由于灼热元件或过载电阻之类热源,在短时间内所造成热应力的着火危险性。适用于电工电子设备及其元件、部件,也适用于固体电气绝缘物料或其他固体可燃材料。 灼热丝试验机参考标准GB/T5169.10-2008.IEC695-2-1/0:1996 试验原理使用无火焰起燃源的灼热丝试验(灼热丝是一个规范的电阻丝环)它使用电加热到规定期温度,然后在试验的条件下,使灼热丝和试验样品接触。 1.箱内容积:0.5m 2.外形尺寸:600(宽)×1200(长)×1000(高) 3.灼热丝:1)直径为4mm的镍/铬(80/20) 如示图: 4.热电偶:直径为1.0mm铠装细丝,连接丝为镍铬和镍铝(K型)丝 5.最高温度:≥980℃ 6.温度误差:960℃±5℃ 7.温控表:1)采P.I.D微机控制 2)温度范围:0~1200℃ 3)分辩率: 1℃ 4) 温度稳定性<0.5℃ 8.温度波动度:±5℃(依据标准可以±15℃) 9.加热电流:0A~130A 10.灼热丝与试验样品施加压力值:1N 11.灼热丝与试验样品可移动的距离:>7mm 12.试样结束试验后,脱离装置为全自动脱离 13.灼热丝与铺底层松木板的距离:200±5mm 14. 白松木板厚:10mm 15.灼热丝压入试验样品的深度采用机械方式限制,压入深度为7mm 16.控制部分: 1)电流表一只:量程为150A 2)温控表:韩国奥托尼克斯 量程范围: 0~1200℃ 精度为:≤1℃ 3)tα计时器一个 4)t:计时器一个 5)te:计时器一个 6)接触功能键一个 7)脱离功能键一个 8)AC220V马达一个 9)散热风扇一个 灼热丝试验机操作步骤1.将试验品固定于试验架上,调整试验插入所需尺寸。 2.插上机箱背后电源,确认进线电源是否有良好接地,电源电压为AC220V。 3.调整计时表:ta.ti.te试验所需时间范围。 4.开启电源开关,检查仪表是否正常。 5.待温度表显示值到试验所需温度,按启动键,即进入试验,注ti.te两个键均为自锁键,如果ti.te键弹出,按启动键后,则进入全部计时状态。 6.当加温时间计时完毕时,载样小车将自动脱离。停止加温。 7.观察试验品,起燃时按下ti键,计时表ti开始计时。 8.观察试验品在燃烧过程中所掉下的残渣,燃烧和试验品到熄灭时立即按te键,计时表te开始计时。燃烧时记录火焰高度。 9.试验结束。 10.关闭电源开关,按下ti、te键,打开机箱顶部排风口,打开观察窗门,排出烟雾。 11.取下试验品,记录试验结果,清洁箱内污垢,关闭排风口,关闭总电源开关。 计时表ta 为试验时间。 计时表ti 为试验到试验品起燃时间。 计时表te 为试验到试验品熄灭时间。 GLOW WIRE TEST APPARATUS Description: The apparatusis complete of: 1.Electric control board with digital instruments,voltmeter,ammeter,temperature,measuring equipment; 2.Box burn er with internal volume of 500 dm 3 made in sheet iron,painted in colour black inside,complete with glass door. 3.Apparatus painted in colour RAL 7032 outside. 4.Aluminium working table with to position in plane and graduatde scale with fasteners for references of depth of operated from outside of the protection. 6.Test piece holder support in chrome-plated and perforated plate,adjustable in the three directions. 7.Pressure load between heating element and test piece obtained by traction masses=1N 8.Rod with survey index of the height of the flame with graduated scale up to 200mm over heating body,Vertical distance between heating element and wood table carrying paper>=200mm. 9.Heating element in NiCr 80/20 wire diameter = 4mm 10.Themo couple in NiCr and NiAl wires diameter 0.5mmx100mm 11.Working temper ature range=450(0)-1050(0)max 12.Leads switch and fuse protection 13.Connection to the mains:230V-50Hz(or60Hz)-KW0.5 14.Max.dimensions of the equipment cm 98x65x125,weight Kgs.105 15.A plate in pure silver 2x100x0.1mm complete with certificate of analysis,10mm thickness pinewood wood and english manual are supplied with the apparatus. 16.Optional spare Parts can be selected: a)Thermocouple type"K" b)Heating elementing NiCr 80/20 wire diameter=4mm c)Plate in pure silver 2x100x0.1mm 17.There quired moving rate is achieved as follows:from the outside the carriags is approached at 1.0-1.5mm fromthe glow-wire and then it is released and it approached by in ertia due to the drawing masses with a force of 1N. |
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