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释义 | 1 加拿大多伦多大学生理系教授◎ 简介卓敏,福建霞浦人,1964年11月生,1980年霞浦一中高中毕业,1985年获中国科学技术大学生物系学士学位;毕业后考入中国科学院上海生理研究所攻读研究生,转博后前往美国艾奥瓦大学药理系联合培养,并于1992年获该校博士学位。1992至1995年在美国哥伦比亚大学神经生物学和行为研究中心诺贝尔奖获得者E. R. Kandel实验室任博士后;1995至1996年在美国斯坦福大学分子生理学系美国科学院院士R. W. Tsien实验室任博士后。 曾任美国华盛顿大学医学院助理教授(1996至1999年)、副教授(1999至2002年)和教授(2002至2003年),华盛顿大学痛觉中心创建人之一、基础研究部主任。现任加拿大多伦多大学生理系教授、EJLB基金会和加拿大国立研究院第一届及神经科学领域惟一的特聘教授(Smith Chair in Neuroscience, EJLB-CIHR)、加拿大特聘研究教授(Canadian Research Chair, Tiger I)、第一份Online痛觉研究杂志Molecular Pain主编、2004年中国科学院海外学者专家评审团成员、王宽诚访问学者、Pfizer公司痛觉生物学科学咨询委员会成员,2009年当选加拿大皇家科学院院士。在国际权威杂志如Nature,Science,Neuron,Nature Neurosci,J Neurosci等杂志上发表研究论文80余篇、综述10余篇。 重要奖项: 1. Howard Hugh Medical Institute postdoctoral fellowship (1993-1995) 2. NIH research Career Development Award (R29, 1997-2001) 3. Wang Kuan-Cheng Research Award (2003) 4. Scientific adviser for Pfizer on pain medicine (2005-2008) 5. The EJLB-CIHR Michael Smith Chair in Neuroscience and Mental Health (2005-) 6. Canada Research Chair, ( 2003-) 7. Canada Research Chair in Pain and Cognition, Tier I (2005-) 8. Chang Jiang Visiting Scholar in Neurobiology, Fudan University (2005-2008) 9. Korea World Science Forum 2008: Brain power 10. SNU_WCU Professor (2009-) 11. Fellow of Royal Society of Canada (2009-) ◎ 科学研究◎ 研究方向痛觉传递的中枢可塑性及其突触分子机制在脑健康和疾病中的作用。 ◎ 代表论文1.Zhuo M. (2011). Cortical plasticity as a new endpoint measurement for chronic pain. Molecular Pain. 2011, 7:54. 2. Zhuo M, Wu GX, and Wu LJ. (2011). Neuronal and microglial mechanisms of neuropathic pain.Molecular Brain. 2011, 4:31. 3. Wang H, Xu H, Wu LJ, Kim SS, Chen T, Koga K, Descalzi G, Gong B, Vadakkan KI, Zhang X, Kaang BK, Zhuo M. (2010) . Identification of a novel, centrally acting drug for treating neuropathic pain. Science Translational Medicine, in press. 4. Li XY, Ko HG, Chen T, Descalzi G, Koga K, Wang H, Kim SS, Shang Y, Kwak C, Park SW, Shim J, Lee K, Collingridge GL, Kaang BK, Zhuo M. (2010) Alleviating neuropathic pain hypersensitivity by inhibiting PKMzeta in the anterior cingulate cortex. Science 330:1400-1404. . 5. Vecsey CG, Baillie GS, Jaganath D, Havekes R, Daniels A, Wimmer M, Huang T, Brown KM, Li XY, Descalzi G, Kim SS, Chen T, Shang YZ, Zhuo M, Houslay MD, Abel T. (2009) Sleep deprivation impairs cAMP signalling in the hippocampus. Nature. 2009 Oct 22;461(7267):1122-5. . 6. Zhuo, M. (2008) Cortical plasticity and chronic pain. Trends Neuroscience, 31:199-207. (Review) . 7. Wang H, Wu LJ, Kim SS, Lee FJ, Gong B, Toyoda H, Ren M, Shang YZ, Xu H, Liu F, Zhao MG, Zhuo M. (2008) FMRP acts as a key messenger for dopamine modulation in the forebrain. Neuron, 59:634-647. 8. Zhao, MG, Toyoda, H, Lee, YS, Wu ,LJ, Ko, SW, Zhang, XH, Jia, Y, Shum, F, Xu, H, Li, BM, Kaang, BK and Zhuo, M. (2005). Roles of NMDA NR2B subtype receptor in prefrontal long-term potentiation and contextual fear memory. Neuron 47, 859-872. 9. Wei, F., Qiu, C. S., Liauw, J., Robinson, D. A., Ho, N., Chatila, T., and Zhuo, M. (2002). Calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV is required for fear memory. Nat Neurosci 5, 573-579. 10.Wei, F., Qiu, C. S., Kim, S. J., Muglia, L., Maas, J. W., Pineda, V. V., Xu, H. M., Chen, Z. F., Storm, D. R., Muglia, L. J., and Zhuo, M. (2002). Genetic elimination of behavioral sensitization in mice lacking calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases. Neuron 36, 713-726. . 11. Wei, F., Wang, G. D., Kerchner, G. A., Kim, S. J., Xu, H. M., Chen, Z. F., and Zhuo, M. (2001). Genetic enhancement of inflammatory pain by forebrain NR2B overexpression. Nat Neurosci 4, 164-169 . 12.Kerchner, G. A., Wang, G. D., Qiu, C. S., Huettner, J. E., and Zhuo, M. (2001). Direct presynaptic regulation of GABA/glycine release by kainate receptors in the dorsal horn: an ionotropic mechanism. Neuron 32, 477-488. . 13.Zhuo, M., Zhang, W., Son, H., Mansuy, I., Sobel, R. A., Seidman, J., and Kandel, E. R. (1999). A selective role of calcineurin aalpha in synaptic depotentiation in hippocampus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96, 4650-4655. . 14. Tang, Y. P., Shimizu, E., Dube, G. R., Rampon, C., Kerchner, G. A., Zhuo, M., Liu, G., and Tsien, J. Z. (1999). Genetic enhancement of learning and memory in mice. Nature 401, 63-69. 15. Li, P., Wilding, T. J., Kim, S. J., Calejesan, A. A., Huettner, J. E., and Zhuo, M. (1999). Kainate-receptor-mediated sensory synaptic transmission in mammalian spinal cord. Nature 397, 161-164.. 16. Li, P., Kerchner, G. A., Sala, C., Wei, F., Huettner, J. E., Sheng, M., and Zhuo, M. (1999). AMPA receptor-PDZ interactions in facilitation of spinal sensory synapses. Nat Neurosci 2, 972-977. . 17. Li, P., and Zhuo, M. (1998). Silent glutamatergic synapses and nociception in mammalian spinal cord. Nature 393, 695-698.. 18. Kavalali, E. T., Zhuo, M., Bito, H., and Tsien, R. W. (1997). Dendritic Ca2+ channels characterized by recordings from isolated hippocampal dendritic segments. Neuron 18, 651-663. 19. Zhuo, M., Hu, Y., Schultz, C., Kandel, E. R., and Hawkins, R. D. (1994). Role of guanylyl cyclase and cGMP-dependent protein kinase in long-term potentiation. Nature 368, 635-639. 20.Zhuo, M., Small, S. A., Kandel, E. R., and Hawkins, R. D. (1993). Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide produce activity-dependent long-term synaptic enhancement in hippocampus. Science 260, 1946-1950. 2 安徽财经大学会计学教授卓敏,女,1967年出生,安徽财经大学会计学教授,硕士学历,硕士生导师。 主要研究方向 成本管理会计,财务管理,公司智力结构研究 主要著作 《上市公司财务报表分析》。 部分论文 对资本经营若干认识误区的剖析 审计与经济研究 金融衍生工具信息披露论 中国城市金融 社会职务 安徽省学科带头人培养对象 安徽丰原生物独立董事 |
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