词条 | 珠海一中高中部 |
释义 | 简介珠海市第一中学是一所实行"一校两区"、高初中分离办学的特区重点中学,首批广东省一级学校、首批全国现代教育技术实验学校。校园占地面积为156019.85平方米(其中,高中校区123619.85平方米:初中校区32400平方米)高中部新校区由市政府投资近亿元于2000年8月建成,整个校园环境优美,设施先进。现有教职员工311人,其中高级教师72人,多名教师获全国劳动模范、全国优秀教师称号。现有教学班60个,学生3800余名。 办学特色多年来,学校始终坚持"高质量、有特色、现代化"的办学目标,致力于培养"乐于求知、勤于实践、善于交流、勇于创新,具有持续发展能力、正确人生态度以及文明和民主素养的特区优秀青年"。学校精心构筑寄宿制和信息化两种教育环境,建立以全程负责、全员参与和全面发展为核心的"三全教育"体系。在现代教育观念和信息化策略的引导下,学校积极推行教育教学改革,率先实现多媒体教学进入每一间教室,突出"数字化校园"的建设,探索以现代信息技术的广泛应用为特征、有助于学生开展探究与合作式学习的教学新体系和以学生自主研究为核心的课程新体系。 因持续显著的办学成绩,学校先后被评为广东省精神文明先进单位,珠海市模范集体,连续7年获珠海市教育质量一等奖,学校初中升学率为100%。近年来先后有两名学生成为广东省高考理科状元,历年来高考升学率均具全市之首。近5年来,在各种学科竞赛中,先后共有4500多人次获得国家级和省级的奖励。进入新世纪,全校师生正协力奋进,立志炼精湛教育技能、办特区精品学校、育未来精英人才、铸新型教育精神。 英文简介A brief introduction to the senior section of Zhuhai No1 Middle School Zhuhai No1 Middle School is a key school in the special econo mic zone of Zhuhai, with two separates, one for the junior section and the other for senior section. It is one of the first-degree schools in Guangdong, and an Experimental School of Modern Educational Technology. The campus for the senior section was built in the August of the year 2000, with the government investment of nearly one hundred million yuan. It covers an area of 123,000 square meters, with a constructing area of 40,000 square meters. It is beautiful and well-equipped. The number of the whole staff is 120, of whom 45 are senior teachers. Many of the teachers have been awarded "National Model Workers" or "National Excellent Teachers". Mr. Tang Qihan, our headmaster is awarded "the Headmaster of Exploits" by the government of Zhuhai. The school is a boarding school, with 32 classes and 1700 students. Over the years the school has been persistently adhering to the guiding principle of running a school: " High Quality, Peculiar Characteristics and Modernization", intending to train, for the special zone, excellent youths with the ability of continuous development, correct attitudes to life and civilized and democratic qualities, who are ready to learn and practise, good at communicating and bold in blazing new trails. The school is painstakingly building up a teaching environment of boarding system and information system. It is also developing " a system of responsibility in the whole process, participation of the whole staff and development in an all-round way" Guided by the instruction of modern educational ideas and informational strategy, the school actively carries out the education and teaching reform, equips each of its classroom with a multi-media platform and turns the campus into a "digital campus". We are trying to explore a new teaching system with wide use of modern information system, which is helpful to students' research and cooperative study. We are also exploring a new course-system with students' creative study as its core. Owing to its continuous outstanding achievements, the school is awarded an "Advanced School of Spiritual Civilization" by the government of Guangdong province. It is also cited as a model school in Zhuhai, having won the first prizes in the quality of education for seven successive years in the city. The percentage of students entering colleges or universities has been higher than all other schools in Zhuhai all these years. In the past five years, up to 450 students have respectively won prizes in the competitions in various subjects in Guangdong province as well as in the country. In the new millennium, we are striving to build the senior section of Zhuhai No 1 Middle School into one of "the 1000 National Model Senior Middle Schools", with a garden style, and the elegance of institution, imbued with modern spirits. |
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