

词条 周明行

周明行 1934年生,安徽无为人。中共党员。1961年毕业于第二军医大学医疗系、历任第二军医大学附属长海医院、长征医院传染科医师、主治医师、讲师、副主任医师、副教授、主任医师、教授、硕士生导师。曾为全军立克次体组成员,中华医学会肝炎学组成员,上海医学会传染病学会委员兼秘书,《中国内科年鉴》专业编辑、常务编辑。现为中华医学会传染病学会委员、寄生虫病学组副组长,《中华传染病杂志》编委,中华医学会上海分会内科学会委员、传染病与寄生虫病学会副主任委员、临床医学受体学会副主任委员,《中国内科年鉴》副主编。1989和1991年先后在美国堪萨斯大学医学中心等4所院校进修传染病和医学病毒学。先后发表论文50余篇,编写专著20余本。1973年首次发现海南岛抗氯峻恶性疟;王叨5年首创将秋水仙碱用于病毒性肝炎,获显著疗效。先后获全军科技进步奖5项。参加抗疟疾和矽肺新药“羟基哌喹”的研制,1987年获国家发明二等奖。1992年获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。传略辑入《中国当代发明家大辞典》、美国传记研究所《国际名人录》和美国国际传记中心《国际传记辞典》。





Zhou Mingxing

Shanghai Research Center, deputy director of liver diseases

Chief Physician, Professor

Enjoyment of the State Council special allowance

Long, director of hospital infection doctors, have been involved in the formation of the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Medical Association Society for Infectious Diseases, and served as member and secretary; Society for Infectious Diseases of Chinese Medical Association Shanghai Branch, vice chairman of the Shanghai Research Center for Liver Disease core members of the Group of Experts, "Cheng ( China - International) Hepatitis Fund "Science Committee.

Scientific and technological progress has been awarded five national prizes; 1-4 has served as session co-chairs the Sino-US Conference on Infectious Diseases and the General Assembly, the Secretary-General; served as the Chinese Medical Association Society of Infectious Diseases, 7 th and 8 of the National Infectious Diseases chairman of the organizing committee meeting. Their personal biographies of American Biographical Institute has included the "International Who's Who" and the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, UK's "Who's Who in the world."





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