词条 | 仲剑初 |
释义 | 仲剑初,男,山东黄县人,理学博士,副教授,辽宁省硼工业协会副理事长。1985年毕业于大连工学院获工学学士学位,1988年毕业于大连理工大学获工学硕士学位,2001年于日本近畿大学大学院获理学博士学位。1988-1992年曾在化工部大连制碱工业研究所任工程师,1999-2001在日本近畿大学理工学部任招聘研究员,现在大连理工大学任教。2006-2009年先后赴土耳其、智利、阿根廷等硼资源丰富的国家考察硼矿资源,并进行技术交流。先后多次参加国际学术会议,交流硼矿加工和硼化学品合成领域的研究开发工作。近年来,参与编写教材和专著3部,在国内外期刊和国际学术会议上发表论文50余篇,其中SCI13篇,EI3篇,申请专利十余项。 学历: 1985.7,大连工学院, 工学学士 1988.6,大连理工大学,工学硕士 2001.6,日本近畿大学,理学博士 工作简历: 1988-1992,化工部大连化工研究设计院,工程师 1993-1999,大连理工大学化工学院,讲师 1999-2001,日本近畿大学理工学部,招聘研究员 2002-至今,大连理工大学化工学院,副教授 2006.6-7,土耳其硼矿资源考察及技术交流 2007.5-6,智利、阿根廷硼矿资源考察及技术交流 2009.9-10,土耳其硼矿资源考察及技术交流 社会兼职: International Journal of Ionics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 审稿人 “硼工业“杂志编委 辽宁省硼工业协会副理事长 营口市科技顾问 论文论著: 论文: 1. Lishuang Dou, Jianchu Zhong*, Preparation and characterization of magnesium borate for special glass, Physica Scripta T, 2010, T139, 014010(4pp). 2. Xia Huang, Jianchu Zhong*,Combustion synthesis of CaB6powder from calcium hexaborate and Mg, International Journal of Refractroy Metals and Hard Materials, 2010,28 (2), 143-149. 3. Jianchu Zhong*, Yafang Wang, Silicon-steel magnesium oxide fabricated from light-burned magnesia,Modern Physics Letters B,2009, 23(31-32),3859-3867. 4. Yi Ding , Qing Chen , Jian-Chu Zhong *,Three-dimentional metal-organic frameworks: coordination polymers of TTF derivatives with axially chiral helical motifs,Polyhedron, 2008,27,1393-1400. 5. Y. Ding, J. C. Zhong*etal,A novel 3-D open coordination polymeric network assembled from silver(I) and 4,5-bis((cyanoethylsulfanyl)-1,3-dithiole-2-thione with S…S contacts, Chem. Lett., 2005, 34(12), 1632-1633。 6.J. C. Zhong,M. Munakata et al, Syntheses and structural studies on silver(I) coordination polymers with trans,trans-1,4-diphenyl-1,3-butadiene, Inorg. Chim. Acta,2003, 342, 202-208。 7. J. C. Zhong,M. Munakata et al, Crystal Structure of 1:1 Donor-Acceptor Complex between 9,10-Benzophenanthrene and 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoro-1,4-benzoquinone, Anal. Sci., 2002, 18, 851-852。 8. M. Munakata,J. C. Zhonget al, A Double-Decker Silver(I) Coordination Polymer of 1-Methylpyrene with Columnar Aromatic Stacks.Inorg. Chem.2001, 40, 7087-7090。 9.J. C. Zhong,Y. Misaki, M. Munakata et al, Silver(I) Coordination Polymer of 2,5-Bis(4’,5’-bis(methylthio-1’,3’-dithiol-2’-ylidene)-1,3,4,6-tetrathiapentalene and Its Highly Conductive Iodine Derivative, Inorg. Chem.2001, 40, 7096-7098。 10. M. Munakata, J. C. Zhong,I. Ino, et al, 1-D cyano-bridged heterometallic complexes consisting of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetracanesilver(II) and tetracyanopalladium(II) or tetracyanoplatinum(II),Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2001, 317, 268-275。 11. J. C. Zhong,M. Munakata, et al, Spiral, Herringbone and Triple-decker Silver(I) complexes of Benzopyrene Derivatives Assembled through η2-Coordination, Inorg. Chem.,2001, 40, 3191-3199。 12. J. C. Zhong, M. Munakata, et al, A novel 2-D silver(I)-acyclic polyene coordination polymer assembled with linear unsaturated bridges, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2001, 322, 150-156。 13. I. Ino, J. C. Zhong,M. Munakata, et al, 2-D Interwoven and 3-D 5-fold Interpenetrating Silver(I) Complexes of 1-(Isocyanidomethyl)-1H-benzotriazole and 1,3-Bis(dicyanomethylidene)indan, Inorg. Chem., 2000, 39, 4273-4279。 国际会议论文 1. J. C. Zhong*, Y. Ding, S. H. Du, H. Z. Wang,A novel Ag(I)coordination polymer of TTF derivative with axially chiral helical motifs,The 4th Asian Conference of Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), Oral, May 21-24,2008, Sendai, Japan. 2. J.C. Zhong*, F. Wang, H. Z. Wang, D.S. Hu, Synthesis and characterization of calcium metaborate from ulexite and slaked lime, The 4th Asian Conference of Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), Oral, May 21-24,2008, Sendai, Japan. 3.J.C. Zhong*,F. Wang, H. Z. Wang, D.S. Hu, Mixed crystals of calcium borate powder prepared from ulexite by hydrothermal method,The 4th Asian Conference of Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), Oral,May 21-24,2008, Sendai, Japan. 4.Yi Ding(研究生), Jian-Chu Zhong*, Gui-Ling Ning, Hong-Zhi Wang, A TTF(tetrathiafulvalene)-Based Metal-Organic Coordination Polymer containing novel meso-Helical motifs formed by Ag(I) and 2-[4,5-bis(ethylsulfanyl)-1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene]-4,5-bis(2- cyanoethylsulfanyl)-1,3-dithiole(CE-TTF), The 4th Asian Conference of Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4), Oral,May 21-24,2008, Sendai, Japan. 5. Yi Ding(研究生), Jian-Chu Zhong*, Gui-Ling Ning, Hong-Zhi Wang, Synthesis, Characterization and Self-assembly of A New Metal- TTF (tetrathiafulvalene) System, Ag(I)-R2(dmit) (R= Me, Et; dmit=4,5-dimercapto-1,3-dithiole-2-thion), The 4th Asian Conference of Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT-4),Poster,May 21-24,2008, Sendai, Japan. 6. Lishuang Dou(研究生), Jianchu Zhong *, Hongzhi Wang,Preparation and Characterization of Magnesium Borate for Special Glass,The 3International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM2009), Oral, June 15-18, 2009, Jinju, Korean(ISTP收录)。 7.JianchuZhong*,Yafang Wang ,Hongzhi Wang,Desheng Hu, Silicon-steel magnesium oxideabricated from light-burned magnesia, The 3International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM2009), Oral, June 15-18, 2009, Jinju, Korean(ISTP收录)。 8.Kai Wang (研究生),Jianchu Zhong*,Hongzhi Wang, Preparation of Calcium Metaborate for alkali-free fiber-glass from Borax and Slaked Lime,The 3International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM2009),Oral,June 9-12, 2009,Jiuzaigou, China。 9.Jian-Chu Zhong,Hong-Wei Liu,Hong-Zhi Wang,De-Sheng Hu,Separation of Boron from Concentrate for Vonsenite Ores by Na2CO3Calcination, The 13Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical engineering Congress,oral,Taibei, Oct.5-8,2010 10.Shu-Mei Chen(研究生), Jian-Chu Zhong *, Dan He, Chun Wang, Na-Shun Wutu,Separation and Concentration of Low-grade Pinnoite Ores by Reverse Flotation,The 13Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical engineering Congress, oral,Taibei, Oct.5-8,2010 11.Yunfei Zhang(研究生),Jianchu Zhong*, Miao Li, Low-temperature synthesis of micro-nano boron carbide by boric acid-polyvinyl alcohol gel precursor,The 6biennial International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2011),oral,Singapore, June26-July2,2011 12. Yumin Zhang(研究生),Jianchu Zhong*, Hydrothermal Fabrication and Wet Chemical Surface Modification of Calcium Borate as Flame Retardant,The 6biennial International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2011),oral,Singapore, June26-July2,2011 授权专利: 1. 仲剑初,何丹,胡德生,一种钙化焙烧富硼渣的工艺方法(ZL201010141311.1),中国,2011 2. 仲剑初,窦立爽,胡德生,一种水热合成硼酸镁的方法(ZL200710158480.4),中国,2009 3. 胡德生,仲剑初,刘宏伟,活化硼镁铁矿的方法(ZL200710157450.1),中国,2009 4.. 胡德生,仲剑初,王洪志,石灰法分解钠硼解石矿粉制造硼酸钙(ZL200410100480.5),中国,2007(工业化) 5.胡德生,仲剑初,王斐,用硼钠钙石水热法制造含硼化合物及其综合利用(ZL200610046666.6),中国,2007 6. 胡德生,仲剑初,高镁低品位硼矿制造硼酸的方法(ZL200410050450.8),中国,2006,工业化试验 教材:1. 徐绍平,殷德宏,仲剑初,化工工艺学,大连理工大学出版社,2004(高等学校理工科规划教材) 2. 宁桂玲主编,仲剑初副主编,高等无机合成,华东理工大学出版社,2007(研究生教材,“十一五”国家重点图书) 3.全跃主编,曲勃、仲剑初副主编,硼及硼化物研究与进展,大连理工大学出版社,2008 研究方向: 1.化学矿物综合利用 2.硼化合物化学 3.精细与专用无机化学品合成 4. 无机矿物材料 获得奖励: 2002.9,大连理工大学教学优良奖 2003.9,大连理工大学教学优良奖 2005.9,大连理工大学教学优良奖 2005.9,九三学社大连市优秀社员 2008.9,大连理工大学教学优良奖 在读博、硕士研究生: 硕士8人 已毕业博、硕士研究生:硕士生17人,博士生1人 |
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