词条 | 中盐进出口有限公司 |
释义 | 中盐进出口中盐进出口有限公司为中国盐业总公司(缩写为CNSG或CNSIC)的控股子公司。同时也是中国盐业总公司唯一直接控股的专业外贸企业。 中盐进出口有限公司成立于2000年7月,创建初期主要负责为中盐集团控股、参股的盐及盐化工企业拓展稳定的对外供销渠道。自公司成立以来,在维护盐及盐化工产品的进出口业务的同时;积极拓展了纺织、轻工、机械设备、农产品、化工产品(聚丙烯,聚乙烯,甲苯二异氰酸酯,二本基甲烷,硼砂,硼酸等)、再生产品(汽车压件、废金属、废塑料等)、冶金及资源矿产品等进出口及内贸业务。 中盐进出口有限公司现已同全球多个国家的大型企业建立了良好的贸易往来,业务遍及东亚、东南亚国家(例如韩国,日本,印度尼西亚,马拉西亚等),北美,中南美洲国家(例如墨西哥,委内瑞拉,巴西等),欧盟各国,俄罗斯以及哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦等远东各国。在中国盐业总公司的大力支持下,公司具有雄厚的贸易融资能力。 中盐进出口有限公司拥有国际化的、实践经验丰富的专业团队,能够根据客户所需提供高品质和高效率的服务,已在客户中建立了良好的声誉。 Overall introduction of China Salt Import and Export Co., Ltd. China Salt Import & Export Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Salt Group (CNSG, also named CNSIC), and is also the largest, authorized import & export company of CNSG. China Salt Import & Export Co. Ltd was founded in July 2000. One of the company’s main purposes is to be responsible for helping the salt and salt chemical factory of CNSG to properly organize and operate a stable sales supply channel abroad. During nine years of development, the company has successfully developed export business for salt and salt chemical products. It also has added other trade items such as textile, light industrial products,machinery, equipment and agricultural products, as well as create import business for chemical products (including PP, PE, TDI, MDI, Borax, Boric acid etc.) , scrap and recycling products (including scrap car/ metals/ plastics, etc.), Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI), and other mining products, etc. The company has trade its production with many countries around the globe including east and east south Asia (such like Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.) America, middle and south America (such like Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, etc.), European Union, Russia, and other far east area like Kazakhstan. The company’s financial background is very strong with a current financial rating and the CNSG Group support. China Salt Import & Export Co., Ltd. is a professional import and export company with international industry standards and practices which can adapt very easily to meet the needs of our most demanding clients. We have built a strong international reputation of excellence with our customers and are well known for our high efficiency and quality of service. 业务简介主营的盐及盐化工产品业务;自营和代理土产畜产品、轻工业品、五金矿产品、化工产品、机电产品、工农具的进出口业务(国家规定的专营进出口商品和国家禁止进出口商品的特殊商品除外);经营进料加工和“三来一补”业务;经营对销贸易和转口贸易;家用电器、办公设备、针纺织品、汽车零配件的销售;物资仓储;与上述业务相关的咨询服务;技术交流。 组织机构办公室、综合部、项目部、国际贸易部、人力资源部、财务部、酒业部、旅行社等。 领导班子中盐进出口有限公司总经理:王景斌。 |
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