

词条 中信建投证券有限责任公司












01 2010年3月15日,公司在《新财富》杂志主办的“第四届最佳投行”评选中荣获“本土最佳投行”奖项。

02 2010年3月19日,公司成为北京地区首批获准开展IB业务的两家券商之一,正式开展IB业务。

03 2010年6月1日,在《证券时报》主办的“2010中国区优秀投行”评选中,公司荣获“最具成长性投行”与“主板最佳投行”奖项;公司保荐及主承销的华谊兄弟IPO项目荣获“最具影响力项目”奖项;公司保荐及主承销的东方园林IPO项目荣获“最具投资价值保荐项目”奖项。

04 2010年6月22日,在《证券时报》主办的“第三届中国明星证券营业部”评选中,北京三里河路证券营业部荣获“中国明星营业部二十强”称号,北京安立路证券营业部荣获“中国最佳机构服务营业部”称号。

05 2010年7月14日,公司在中国证监会组织的2010年度证券公司分类评价中,获得目前业内最高的A类AA级评级。

06 2010年9月6日,公司进入保监会批准的向保险机构投资者提供交易单元的券商名单。

07 2010年9月8日,公司获得中国金融期货交易所核准的证券自营业务股指期货交易编码,开始从事股指期货套期保值交易。

08 2010年9月14日,由公司首次担任联合主承销商的2010年第二期中国铁路建设债券成功发行,发行规模为150亿元。

09 2010年10月11日,经中国证监会核准,公司在北京市丰台区、广东省佛山市、陕西省安康市、新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、宁夏回族自治区银川市设立5家证券营业部。

10 2010年11月24日,公司获得中国证监会核准的融资融券业务资格。

11 2010年11月26日,公司研究发展部在第八届《新财富》年度评比中,荣获“进步最快研究机构”第2名、“最具影响力研究机构”第10名,同时在策略研究、通讯和非金属类建材三个领域上榜;在宏观经济、食品饮料和有色金属三个领域入围。另有2名研究服务人员获得“最佳销售经理”称号。

12 2010年12月8日,公司第二届监事会第六次会议选举朱利民同志为中信建投证券股份有限公司监事会主席。

13 2010年12月13日,公司成功引进美国通用资产管理公司3.50亿美元资产,实现了QFII业务的新突破。

14 2010年11月11日至12月16日,经中国证监会核准并经北京市工商行政管理局变更登记,北京国有资本经营管理中心、中央汇金投资有限责任公司与世纪金源投资集团有限公司成为公司股东。



Following is the English translation

Set up

Founded on November 2, 2005, China Securities Co., Ltd. (CSC) is a nationwide comprehensive securities company approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).


CSC is headquartered in Beijing. To date CSC has had 120 business outlets located in 4 provincial-level cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing) and over 80 large-and medium-sized cities in nearly 20 provinces in north, north east, east, south central, south west, and north west China. CSC has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, namely, China Futures Co., Ltd. and China Capital Management Co., Ltd..


CSC’s major scope of business is as follows: securities brokerage; securities investment advisory; financial advisory relating to securities trading and investment; securities underwriting and sponsoring; proprietary trading; asset management; acting sales of securities investment fund; providing introducing broker services for futures companies; and other types of business approved by CSRC. Moreover, CSC also carries on futures brokerage and direct investment through its wholly-owned subsidiaries.


According to the statistics data complied by the Securities Association of China, CSC has been always among top securities companies in China since its establishment in terms of key business performance indicators. In 2009 CSC ranked the fourth in all Chinese securities companies in terms of both the amount and number of stock and bond underwriting as lead underwriter, the ninth in terms of the trading volume of stock and fund and market share, the seventh in terms of operating income from securities brokerage business, and the second in terms of both the trading volume of spot bond and total trading volume of bond. CSC has become a prominent securities company characterized by sound assets, stringent internal control, excellent internal management and strong economic performance.

CSC has received many awards because of its outstanding professional capabilities and excellent business performance. In 2009, CSC received the Excellent Investment Bank Award granted by Shanghai Stock Exchange, the award of the Best New Investment Bank in China in the selection campaign “Chinese Best Investment Banks in Last Decade” organized by Investor China and the Economic Observer, and the award of the Best Selling Broker for Fund Products granted by the Securities Association of China. The proprietary Brokerage Business Integrated Management Platform developed by CSC won the 2009 Science and Technology Award in Securities and Futures Industry jointly granted by CSRC, the Securities Association of China, and the Futures Association of China. In recent years, CSC’s Research Institute was awarded the honorary title of “Chinese Best Securities Research Institution in the Eye of Chinese Internet Users” in the selection campaign organized by Finance Channel of Baidu. CSC’s futures company won the Financial Contribution Award granted by the municipal government of Chongqing. CSC has been awarded the honorary title of Excellent Trader on China Foreign Exchange Center and National Inter-bank Funding Center for four successive years.


By following its business philosophy of “good faith, devotion, growth and win-win”, CSC is committed to providing best financial services for all customers and friends and is exerting unremitting endeavor to make CSC a leading securities company in China with global perspective.





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