

词条 中交一公局




Founded in April 1963 and originally transformed from Highway Division One of Chinese People’s Liberation Army which made great contributions during revolutionary war period, CCCC First Highway Engineering Co. Ltd. (FHEC) was renamed from The First Highway Engineering Bureau of China Road and Bridge Corp. in 2006, FHEC is now a sole subsidiary of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. and situats its head office in Beijing.



After decades of efforts, starting from undertaking highway for military purpose and overseas economic aid projects, the Company has been developed into a Class A General Contracting Enterprise engaged not only in construction of high-grade highway, extra large bridge, municipal works and long tunnel, but also in the engineering design, consultancy, scientific research, defects detection and road machinery manufacturing. The Company comprises 13 sole subsidiaries, 5 share-holding subsidiaries, 1 property management company, 1 hospital, 1 division attached to the head-office and 1 overseas company with 5 regional representative offices.


成立40多年来,公路一局为抵御外来侵略参建过国防公路、为抗震救灾参建过救灾应急桥梁,改革开放后参建过第一条世界银行贷款的公路——京津塘高速公路,此后又参建了北京至上海、北京至珠海、北京至哈尔滨、青岛至银川、上海至成都等一大批标志性高速公路工程,创造了我国公路桥梁建设史上的多项“第一”。在对外经援中参加了援助蒙古、尼泊尔、南也门、布隆迪、卢旺达等国的公路建设,为国家争了光。在走出国门承包国际工程中,先后打进了布隆迪、菲律宾、马来西亚、乌干达、肯尼亚、喀麦隆、 扎伊尔、科特迪瓦、埃塞俄比亚等国家的工程施工领域,以优质、守信为企业拓展了更广泛的国际市场。公路一局在公路行业建设史上立下了不朽的功绩,足迹遍及全国29个省、市、自治区和非洲、东南亚、中东等20多个国家。

Over the past 40 years, FHEC initially constructed highways for national defense and bridges for first–aid, but since the national economic reform in 1980’s the Company has taken part in the construction of nearly all major trunk highways in the country including the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway which is the first expressway financed by World Bank in China, and Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, Beijing-Harbin Expressway, Qingdao-Yinchuan Expressway and Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway etc. The Company has created many records in the history of highway construction in China.

FHEC has undertaken many assignments of economic aid highway projects in Mongolia, Nepal, South Yemen, Burundi and Rwanda etc. and won a great number of honor for our country. For international competitive bidding project, FHEC has widened international market with its high quality and faithfulness, and has completed a lot of projects successfully in Burundi, Philippines, Malaysia, Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, Congo(Zaire), Cote d'Ivoire and Ethiopia etc. The Company now is a real international civil engineering construction company with its footmark left in almost whole China and more than 20 countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and Middle East.



Entering 21st century, FHEC has undertaken a great number of high-grade, most complicated and very difficulty projects in the country and has delivered a good number of projects titled with top national quality awards. The experience and technical know-how the Company get from its successfully completed cable-stayed bridges, large-sized tunnels, deep-water foundations and high piers have brought itself onto the most competent position of highway construction technology, thanks to the business conception of Depending on Human’s Intelligence and Vitalizing Enterprise through Science and Technology. Now FHEC puts more emphasis on development of municipal works, railway works, underground works and overseas projects in order to optimize product structure. Both turnover and newly signed contract value in year of 2006 was more than the set target of Ten Billion RMB Yuan and profits was over One Hundred Million RMB Yuan. All these have put the Company forward the faster and more sustainable development track.



By the end of 2006, FHEC has constructed more than 8,500 kilometers of highway of various grades and 1190 sets of bridges of deferent classes at home and abroad, among which the expressway completed by the Company accounts for more than 10% of the whole nation. FHEC has so far won 6 LUBAN Prizes and 4 ZHANTIANYOU Prizes which are the top Civil Engineering Works awards in Chinese construction industry, has won 8 Silver Medals for National High Quality Works, 5 New Record Prizes of Chinese Enterprises, 8 Awards for Management Innovation and 64 Province/Ministry Level Awards. Together with many other awards FHEC now is a well-known construction enterprise both home and abroad to deliver better service and add more value to its employers.



Looking back at its history of development, FHEC realized internationalization in its corporate system and management model by means of mechanism innovation. It realized adoption of the market principle for production elements and refinement for quality control based on management innovation. It also upgraded corporate core competitiveness in the round through technical innovation. In the rapid development period of highway construction full of both opportunity and challenge, FHEC, holding the responsibility of Highway Constructor, Guide and Enhancer, will strive for making itself as a world class construction enterprise group specialized in highway construction and capital operation business, so as to create value for the clients, gain profits for the shareholders and make more contributions to national economic construction and social development.





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