词条 | 中国筝岛 |
释义 | 中国筝岛,也称“筝岛”,是辽宁省葫芦岛市的一个别称。由于葫芦岛市在古筝新筝艺术领域成就显著,被有关部门命名为“中国筝岛”。 历史沿革在中共葫芦岛市委和葫芦岛市政府的正确领导下,在国家文化部、国家教育部、中共辽宁省委宣传部和辽宁省文化厅的有力指导和大力支持下,葫芦岛市打造“中国筝岛”文化品牌工作取得了显著成就,先后被国家6个有关部门和辽宁省文化厅授予中国古筝新筝艺术成就第一市称号,简称为“中国筝岛”。葫芦岛市被国家文物出版社出版的《中国文化遗产年鉴》编委会认定为全国古筝新筝艺术成就第一市收编入卷,被《中华人民共和国之最》认定收录,主要根据以下5个方面。 理论研究硕果累累。中国筝岛的古筝家们认真进行古筝新筝理论研究,深入进行古筝新筝理论探讨,撰写发表古筝新筝论文100多篇,在国家文化部所属的出版社、中国文联所属的出版社出版古筝新筝理论专著18部,其中有多部荣获全国文艺专著一等奖和社会学科成果一等奖。全国古筝艺术电视讲座和全国新筝艺术电视讲座,都是根据他们创立的理论录制的。理论专著的发行和电视讲座的播出,极大地促进了全国古筝理论水平和演奏水平的提高,充分地显示出了先进理论的科学指导作用。 曲目创作精品迭出。中国筝岛的古筝家们在古筝新筝曲目创作方面取得显著成就,先后创作、编创古筝新筝曲目200多首。其中,有4首被认定为中国古筝名曲,有42首被中央电视台隆重推出,有80多首被选入各种考级教程和各种版本的曲集。他们曾在11个国家和地区举办个人作品音乐会,均获得极大成功。他们创作的作品,被录制成20集光盘在国内外发行。有多首荣获国际大赛和全国大赛创作奖。 经济建设尖端人才不断涌现。在中国筝岛建设过程中,他们狠抓业务培训,使得尖端人才不断涌现。先后有数十人人荣获全国古筝比赛和国际古筝比赛专业组第一名,有5人分别获得正高或副高职称。近四年来,中国筝岛的古筝选手接连三次包揽了全国器乐大赛古筝新筝各组别的冠军。以姜淼、赵勃楠、王冬婉、马娜、陈古音为代表的中国筝岛的杰出古筝演奏家先后10余次代表国家出访演出,为多国元首进行专场演出,并跟随胡锦涛主席出访拉美国家,做出了突出贡献,受到胡锦涛主席和多国国家元首的称赞,多次受到国家文化部和中国驻外大使馆的表彰。筝岛的筝乐大师王天一,更是第一个在世界音乐艺术殿堂——维也纳金色大厅举办个人原创作品音乐会的中国音乐家。 教学基地遍及世界。在中国筝岛的建设过程中,他们特别注意加强教学基地建设。先后在葫芦岛市建立了30多个古筝新筝教学基地,在全国28个省(市)自治区建立起70多个教学基地,在国外8个国家和地区建立了10个教学基地。在这些基地学习古筝的学员达10万多人,其中有500多外籍人员。这些教学基地在弘扬民族文化工作中,在传播中国文化工作中,做出了突出贡献。 艺术创新成就显著。在中国筝岛建设过程中,始终坚持古筝艺术的创新。他们先后创新了几十种古筝演奏技法,运用了几十种曲目创作新技法,并对这些创新成就进行理论性总结。除了对古筝艺术的创新外,他们还创立了前所未有的新筝的系统演奏技法,教学方法,创作了系统的新筝演奏曲目和教学曲目。他们把这些创新成就,通过发表论文、电视讲座、出版专著、录制光盘等手段,在国内外广泛传播。现在全国各省(市)自治区和30多个国家、地区,运用他们的新理论指导古筝新筝教学,演奏他们的新作品。 英文China Cheng Island, also called "Cheng Island", Huludao City, Liaoning Province is a another name. As Huludao City in the new Cheng Zheng Art notable achievements in the field, the relevant departments were named as the "China Cheng Island." Huludao in the CPC Municipal Committee and the municipal government of Huludao under the correct leadership of the national Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of National Education, the CPC Liaoning Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Office of the Liaoning Provincial Cultural strong guidance and strong support of Huludao City, creating the "China Cheng Island "brand work culture has made remarkable achievements have been six national departments and the Office of the Liaoning Provincial Cultural grant China Cheng Zheng new title of artistic achievement in the first, referred to as" China's Zheng Island. " Huludao City, published by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage "China's cultural heritage Yearbook" for the board finds that the National Cheng Zheng new artistic achievements, the first incorporated into the volume was "the most People's Republic of China" that included, primarily on the basis of the following five area. Theoretical research fruits. China Cheng Zheng home to the island to engage in serious Cheng Zheng new theoretical research, in-depth Cheng Zheng new theory of writing a new Cheng Zheng papers more than 100 articles, which the Ministry of Culture in the State Press, which published the recommendation Cheng Zheng new theories on the 18, which won a number of the first prize in the National Arts and social science achievements won. National television guzheng art lectures and National Cheng new television art talks, they are based on the theory of the creation of the record. Dedicated to the issue of theory and television broadcast lectures, will greatly promote the guzheng theoretical level and raise the level of performance, and has fully demonstrated the advanced theories of guiding role. Creative quality pieces one after another. China Cheng Zheng home to the island in the new Cheng Zheng creative repertoire has scored remarkable achievements have created, for a new Cheng Zheng tracks more than 200 first. Of these, four were identified as Chinese zither music, 42, was solemnly launched by China Central Television, more than 80 elected to the first of Grading Test Guide and various versions of the song set. They have in the 11 countries and regions held personal concert works, which have received great success. Their creative works, was recorded in a 20-disc issue at home and abroad. Have won the first International Competition and the National Competition awards for their creative works. Cutting-edge talents are emerging. China Cheng Island in the course of construction, they paid close attention to professional training, making sophisticated talent continue to emerge. Five people have won national and international competitions guzheng guzheng group first professional competition, 10 won the first amateur group. Five people were given high or is (Owen Sound) said. The past four years, China's Zheng Zheng Island swept three successive National Music Competition zheng zheng the new group champion. To Yang, Bo Zhao Nan, Chen Ancient Music, Wangdongwan, Na Ma Zheng as the representative of the Chinese guzheng virtuoso Island has outstanding more than 10 performances on behalf of the state visit, the heads of state for more than a special performance, and follow President Hu Jintao's visit to Latin America American countries have made outstanding contributions by President Hu Jintao and heads of state of many nations praised repeatedly by the State of the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Embassy in recognition. Teaching bases around the world. Cheng Island in China in the course of building, they pay special attention to strengthening the construction of teaching base. In Huludao City, has established more than 30 new Cheng Zheng teaching base in the country's 28 provinces (municipalities) to the autonomous region set up more than 70 teaching base in eight foreign countries and regions established 10 teaching base. Guzheng these bases in the study of more than 100,000 students, including more than 500 foreigners. These teaching base in the work to develop the national culture, in the work of the dissemination of Chinese culture, and made outstanding contributions. Notable achievements in the arts innovation. China Cheng Island in the process of building consistently guzheng art innovation. They have created a kind of zither playing dozens of techniques, using dozens of pieces of new creative techniques, and innovative achievements of these theoretical summary. In addition to the guzheng art innovation, they also created an unprecedented new system Cheng's playing techniques and teaching methods, the new system created a koto repertoire and teaching repertoire. They put these innovative achievements by publishing papers, television lectures, published monographs, CD recording, and other means to disseminate widely at home and abroad. Now the provinces (cities), autonomous regions and more than 30 countries and regions, use their new theory to guide new Cheng Zheng teaching, playing their new works. |
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