词条 | 中国音乐家大系:器乐篇 |
释义 | 中文名称:中国音乐家大系:器乐篇 资源类型:APE 版本:4月1日更新甘柏林 月夜[41CD] 发行时间:2006年 专辑歌手:Various Artists 地区:大陆 简介: 中国音乐家大系: 这是一份诚挚的礼物,献给所有爱乐者分享,薪传中华文化是我们的宏愿,也是理想,更相信我们绝不是寂寞的。 为了实践这个宏愿,曾多次的跋涉大陆之千山万水,寻访名家、宗师,搜集完整之国乐经典、名家名曲,期盼能将中国音乐宝藏重现光彩。 在寻根之历程中,我们方才发现中华文化竟是如此浩瀚壮阔,源远流长;虽只是中国文化中沧海一粟,也希望能努力地加以整理、推广。让在西方文化冲击下之中国,能回顾细尝自己的宝藏,让全世界聆听我中国音乐意境深悠之乐章。 ——————中国龙企划组合 国人爱听古典,newage,爵士,很多外国人的音乐。一直以来有个心愿,让老外听听中国人正宗的民乐,每个人口中都会哼黄河,梁祝,二泉映月,高山流水,让老外像中国人爱古典那样爱中国民族音乐。中国龙音乐大系41CD陆续先BT,再上电驴分享给外国朋友。2008年对中国人来说是有着独特意义的一年,就让中国民乐带着中国人的精、气、神屹立在世界的每一个角落! 专辑介绍: 拉弦系列 周耀锟 - 黄河二胡协奏曲黄河(Erhu Concerto of Yellow River) 艺术家:周耀锟(Zhou Yao-Kun) 专辑名称:黄河 发行时间:1992/01 周耀锟,1945年出生,江西清江人,国家一级演奏员,曾在中央民族乐团任乐队首席20年,担任中、日、韩三国艺术家组成的亚洲乐团第一任乐队首席,并在首届中国艺术节上荣任中华千人大乐队的首席。被国务院授予“有突出贡献的艺术家”,文化部首批“尖子演员”,现为中国音乐学协会二胡学会副会长兼秘书长。多年来,他致力于二胡艺术,无论是演奏、创作、教学以及乐器改良诸方面都有精深造诣。他的演奏快捷明亮,尤以左手快指换把敏捷见长,其刚柔相济,粗犷朴实成为周先生独特的演奏风格。他创作改编二胡乐曲达30余首。在民族拉弦乐器的改革方面,他作了大量创新试验,亦多次在全国性的二胡及民族乐器演奏比赛中担任评审委员,并在全国各大音乐学院艺术学院讲学兼课,培养了大批青年二胡演奏人才。 专辑曲目: 01. Fishing with the Spring - Abundance 渔歌奏凯 02. Song for Happy Drinking 酒歌 03. The Pure Ha-Da 洁白的哈达 04. Flowing Mountain Stream and Spring 幽涧清泉 05. Tears of the Royal Madam Hsiang 湘妃泪 06. Phrases for the Tieh-Ma 铁马吟 07. Erhu Concerto of Yellow River 黄河二胡协奏曲 周耀锟 - 川江魂(Spirits of the Chuan River) 艺术家:周耀锟 Zhou Yao-Kun 专辑名称:川江魂 1.川江魂 Spirits of the Chuan River 本乐曲选用了四川省江上的船工号子及川剧音乐为基调,即描绘出秀丽如画的川江风光,又表现了船工们辛勤劳动的热闹场面,乃至奋力与狂风恶浪搏斗的动人情景,都在流泻的音符中生动刻画出来。 this music has selected in the Sichuan river boatman worker's chant and Sichuan opera music is a main key, namely describes the beautiful like picture the rivers scenery, also has displayed the boatmen industrious work lively scene, and even with the strong winds evil influence fight's touching scene, in the note which flows out vividly portrays furiously. 2.古城情思 Longing for the Ancient Capital 曲中“古城”意指北京城,乐曲以京剧为素材,分慢板与流水板两部分,慢板部分系将婉转优美的京剧唱腔进一步加工,使之更加音乐化,发挥了二胡音色甜美柔和的演奏特长,听来既抒情优美、京味十足,又不失铿锵有力之处,音乐情绪起伏迭荡,变化细致,流水板部分旋律明快流畅,以二胡的连续快速音型和清脆明亮的音色,赋予本段音乐清新而活跃的特色,而长拖腔的出现,则又使之独具抒情性,本乐曲从不同角度抒发思古幽情,带给人们无限的省思与回忆。 In the tune “the old city” represents Beijing, the music take the Peking opera as the source material, will divide the slow movement and the musical beat two parts, the slow movement sub-system will be persuasive the exquisite Peking opera melody to further process, causes it music, has displayed the urheen timbre delightful gentle performance special skill, will listen both to express feelings, the Beijing style to be full exquisitely, and will not lose the sonorous powerful place, music mood fluctuation repeat swings, the change will be careful, musical beat partial melodies sprightly smooth, by the urheen continuously the fast figure and the clear bright timbre, will entrust with this section of musics fresh and the active characteristic, but long will draw out a syllable appearance, also will then cause it alone lyricism, this music from differentThe angle expresses thinks of the ancient exquisite feeling, takes to the people infinite province to think with recalls. 3.祝愿 Joyful Wishes 本乐曲系穆祥来先生的一现代优秀作品,由中央乐团少年合唱团柔美委婉的和声配合二胡的细腻表现,娓娓道出作曲者心底深处最真切的意念:“我默默地为一切具有美好、善良愿望的人们祝祷——永远!”... This music is solemn comes gentleman's one modern outstanding works auspicious, gently beautiful tactful and the sound coordinates urheen's exquisite performance by the central philharmonic orchestra youth chorus, says the tunesmith moral nature deep place clearest thought on and on: “I have happily, good desire people for to pray silently - - forever!”… 4.良辰美景 Wonderful Time With Fine Senery 良辰佳夜,花好月圆,柔和的琴音、甜美的旋律,令人心醉!近代作品《良辰美景》,经周耀锟先生一双巧手以二胡作新的诠释,确实韵味十足。 Auspicious day good night, happy married life, gentle piano music, delightful melody, elated! The modern work "Beautiful scenery on a beautiful day", a pair of clever artisan makes the new annotation after Mr. Zhou Yaokun by the urheen, the flavor is truly full. 5.黄土情 For the Inhabitants of Loess Plain 选用西北地区民间音乐为基调的《黄土情》,以浓郁的风格、质朴的情调、流畅的节奏,描绘了黄土高原的情景,抒发了作者深厚、纯朴的情意。 selects the Northwestern Region folk music for the main key "Loess Sentiment", by the rich style, the plain affective tone, the smooth rhythm, described the Loess Highlands scene, expressed the author deeply, the simple cordiality. 6.晋中忆事 Remembering of The Chin-days 这首大型协奏曲共分五段:(一):庄严的中板,(二):热烈的小快板,(三):抒情的慢板,(四):戏剧性的行板及(五):辉煌的广板。本乐曲以浓郁鲜明的晋中地区民间音乐和歌曲为素材,回顾了可歌可泣的中华民族历史,讴歌中华大无畏的牺牲奉献精神与英雄气概,以及为了追求美好理想而不屈不扰的战斗意志,乐曲以浓沉庄严的回忆开始,用满怀激情、向往未来、勇往直前的辉煌音调结束,曲中运用多层次的对比,展现出各种不同风貌的历史画面,高胡独奏则充分运用了许多高难度的演奏技巧,使音乐既具有强烈的起伏变化、细致入微的感情表达,又具有华丽而激动人心的技巧展示。 专辑曲目: 01. 川江魂 Spirits of the Chuan River 02. 古城情思 Longing for the Ancient Capital 03. 祝愿 Joyful Wishes 04. 良辰美景 Wonderful Time With Fine Senery 05. 黄土情 For the Inhabitants of Loess Plain 06. 晋中忆事 Remembering of The Chin-days 张锐 - 二泉映月(The Moon Reflected in Er-Quan) 艺术家:张锐(Zhou Yao-Kun) 专辑名称:二泉映月 张锐:二胡演奏家,作曲家。1926年出生于云南昆明。张锐自幼随父学艺,演奏二胡、京胡。后在重庆国立音乐学院师从陈振铎,主学二胡。又曾在重庆音乐教导员训练班学习作曲和指挥。张锐的二胡揉弦别具一格,用弓饱满,发音刚健辽亮。他擅长演奏刘天华作品,灌制了由他演奏的刘天华十首二胡作品唱片专辑。他对二胡的表演艺术深有研究,从美学角度提出二胡演奏艺术十二个美的愿望。张锐的主要作品有歌剧《红霞》、二胡曲《苍山十八涧山歌》、《山林中》、《沂蒙山》等,著有《张锐二胡练习曲》一书。 张锐大师是中国近现代乐坛上举足轻重的二胡演奏家及作曲家,他在乐界大量而不断地投射光芒,为同辈演奏家所望尘莫及!尤其他演奏的《二泉映月》一曲,音色哀婉而锐利,被誉为最神似 “阿炳”的诠释,至今无人能出其右!专辑还特别收录张大师二胡协奏曲力作【蝴蝶泉组曲】,使得整张专辑更完整地呈现出张锐大师毕生淬炼的二胡演奏艺术之多个面向! 本专辑为年近九十的张锐大师惟一代表作品集,录音当时,大师虽已届古稀之年,其艺术生命的长河却仍是源源不断,奔涌如初,他以充满感情的琴声,曲曲一气呵成,用完美的演奏创造无接点录音奇迹,令参与录音工作人员啧啧称奇,更创造一段乐坛佳话;令许多听者热泪盈眶,坊间更是热销不衰。全新改版之「二泉映月—大师系列」,发烧级的录音质量已在国际间引起广泛的回响;尤其内容详尽、全彩精致印刷的中英文解说与典雅的包装设计,都令爱乐者倍感物超所值、爱不释手,二胡一代大师张锐-这中国音乐史上的传奇您绝不容错过! *二胡一代大师张锐二胡演奏 *安庆骝扬琴伴奏 *张福全指挥中国歌剧舞剧院民族乐团伴奏 Chang Jui: Erhu performer, composer. in 1926 was born in the Yunnan Kunming. Opened sharply since childhood along with the father scholarship, played the urheen, the jinghu. Latter in Chongqing state-run Conservatory teachers from Chen Zhenduo, main study urheen. Also once studied the composition and the direction in Chongqing music political instructor training class. Chang Jui the urheen rubs string to have a distinctive style, is full with the bow, pronunciation vigorous distant bright. He excels to play the Liu Tianhua work, filled has made Liu Tianhua ten urheen work which played by him the phonograph record special edition. He has the research deeply to urheen's performing arts, proposes the urheen performance art 12 beautiful desires from esthetics angle. Chang Jui main the work has the opera "Sunset glow", the urheen tune "Cangshan 18 Gorge Folk songs", "In Wooded mountain", "Yimengshan" and so on, wears has "a Sharp Urheen To practice the Tune" a book. Master Chang Jui is in the Chinese near modern musical world the pivotal erhu performer and the composer, he in happy massive and projects the ray unceasingly, can not hold a candle for of the same generation performer! Especially he plays "Two Reflecting Founts" a tune, the timbre is sorrowful and is sharp, is honored as most is an excellent likeness “Arab League splendidly” the annotation, until now nobody can leave right its! The special edition also specially includes Master Zhang the urheen concerto devoting[butterfly spring suite], causes the whole piece special edition to present the urheen performance art which Master Chang Jui the lifetime quenchings many to face completely! This special edition for year nearly 90 Master Chang Jui only representative work collection, sound recording at that time, although master already a session of seventy years of age, its artistic life's perpetual flow actually was still continuously, rushes wells up like at the beginning, he by the lyrical tweedle, Qu Qu forms a coherent whole, creates the non-contact sound recording miracle with the perfect performance, the command participates in the sound recording staff expressing admiration, creates a section of musical world charming story; Makes many listener hot tears filling the eyes, between the work place is the selling well does not fade. Brand-new edition correction it “Two Reflecting Founts month - master the series”, has a fever the level recording quality internationally to cause the widespread echo; Especially content exhaustive, entire color fine printing Chinese and English illustration and elegant packing design, feels urgently philharmonic the above the price in value, to be unable to put down, a two Master Hu generation of opens in the sharp - this Chinese music history the legend you not fault-tolerant! 专辑曲目: 01. 二泉映月 The Moon Reflected in Er-Quan 02. 松花江上 Over the Sung-Hua River 03. 黄水谣 Song of the Yellow River 04. 听松 Listening to the Soughing of Pines 05. 山林中 In the Woods 06. 寒春风曲 The Cold Spring Wind 07. 大河涨水 Freshet in Great River 08. 沂蒙山 The Yi-Meng Mountain 09. 大车谣 For the Ox-Cart 10. 昆明湖 The Kunming Lake 11. 怀乡行 Going Out of the Homesickness 12. 琴声寄乡音 Expressing Homesickness with Erhu 13. 蝴蝶泉组曲 Music of the Butterfly-Spring a.苍山十八涧 Eighteen Streams in the Flourishing Ridges b.云弄峰下 Under the Yun-Long Peak 甘柏林 - 月夜(A Wonderful Moon-Night) 艺术家:甘柏林(Zhou Yao-Kun) 专辑名称:月夜 甘柏林:1935年9月29日生于湖南省长沙市,自幼双目失明。1946年春进长沙盲校,跟武泗玉(盲人)老师学习二胡、笛子、扬琴,1947年专攻二胡。1950年,在湖南广播电台录制了二胡独奏曲《空山鸟语》、《光明行》,被称为"少年二胡能手"。1951年,被保送南京盲哑学校,随宋廷亮(盲人)老师学习二胡,期间曾得到二胡演奏家张锐、甘涛老师指教。1955年被选送北京中国盲人训练班音乐班,随刘北茂教授学习二胡,并得到蒋凤之、张韶、刘明沅等先生的指导。1956年参加了"第一届全国音乐周",演奏《怀乡行》、《二泉映月》等曲目,被誉为"青年二胡演奏家"。此后,曾先后赴朝鲜、南斯拉夫、西班牙、美国、埃及等国访问演出。在北京、长春、吉林、长沙、台北、台中、香港等地举办二胡独奏音乐会,多次到中央电台、中国唱片社录音,录制唱片,唱片还远销澳大利亚、前苏联、东欧、新加坡等国家,成为驰名中外的盲人二胡演奏家。1986年中国旅行音像社录制甘柏林演奏的阿炳、刘天华作品盒式磁带,1988年太平洋影音公司广西音像公司出版了甘柏林演奏的《马头琴之歌》、《湘江乐》等三十余首二胡名曲的盒式磁带,在国内、外发行,受到好评。1994年,台湾中国龙唱片公司,灌制了甘柏林演奏的《刘天华、华彦均二胡传世名曲》的音乐CD。1979年被评为吉林艺术院音乐系副教授,1985年评为教授,在他的积极倡导下,长春大学创办了残疾人音乐、美术等专业班,现已发展为长春大学特殊教育学院。1989年担任中国特殊艺术团团长赴美演出,为我国特殊艺术事业作出突出贡献。 1988年任中国盲协主席。1992年获得国务院颁发的表演艺术事业中有突出贡献专家待遇。1998年当选中国残联副主席。1998年任第九届全国政协委员。 甘柏林主要著述有:《盲人和音乐》(1982年《人民音乐》10期刊登) 《从时代、作品看二胡演奏风格的形成与发展》(1985年全国二胡学术讨论会上的讲演)、《缅怀杰出的盲人音乐家华彦钧》(1983年纪念阿炳诞辰90周年学术讨论会上的发言)。甘柏林主要创作作品有:二胡独奏曲《草原情歌》(1959年人民音乐出版社出版二胡曲集第四集),《心向北京唱丰收》(与朱连喜合作,1979年人民音乐出版杜出版)。 Kan Pai-Lin: on September 29, 1935 was born in the Hunan Province Changsha, since childhood blind in both eyes. in 1946 spring entered the Changsha Blind School, (blind person) teacher studied the urheen, the bamboo flute, the dulcimer with Wu Siyu, in 1947 studied the urheen. in 1950, has recorded the urheen solo in Hunan Broadcasting station "Spatial Mountain Birdsong", "Bright Line", is called " the youth urheen expert ". in 1951, is recommended for admission to school the Nanjing School for the blind and mute, (blind person) teacher studies the urheen along with Song Tingliang, the period once obtained erhu performer Zhang Rui, Mr./Mrs. Gan Tao to advise. in 1955 is sent Beijing China blind person training class music class, studies the urheen along with Professor Liu Beimao, and obtains the Jiang phoenix, Yuan and so on Mr. Zhang Shao, Liu Ming instructions. in 1956 participated in " the first national music week ", plays "Is homesick Line", "Two Reflecting Founts" and so on programs, is honored as " the youth erhu performer ". Hereafter, once successively went to countries and so on North Korea, Yugoslavia, Spain, US, Egypt to give a visiting performance. In places such as Beijing, Changchun, Jilin, Changsha, Taibei, Taichung, Hong Kong holds the urheen solo concert, arrives at the central broadcasting station, the Chinese phonograph record society sound recording many times, the record phonograph record, the phonograph record also sells in distant markets countries and so on Australia, former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Singapore, becomes the renowned at home and abroad blind person erhu performer. in 1986 the Chinese travel audio and video society recorded Kan Pai-Lin to play Arab League splendidly, the Liu Tianhua work cartridge, in 1988 the Pacific Ocean video and music company Guangxi audio and video company published Kan Pai-Lin to play "Song of the Horse's head qin", "the Xiangjiang River Happy" and so on 30 first urheen classic cartridge, in domestic, outside distributed, receives the high praise. in 1994, Taiwan sinosaurus Record company, filled makes Kan Pai-Lin to play "Liu Tianhua, Hua Yanjun the Urheen Was handed down for generations Classic" music CD. in 1979 is evaluated Jilin art courtyard music department associate professor, in 1985 evaluated professor, under he initiated positively, Changchun University organized the disabled person music, the fine arts and so on specialized class, already developed for Changchun University Special education Institute. in 1989 was Chinese special art group regimental commander to go to US to perform, made the outstanding contributions for our country special art enterprise. 专辑曲目: 1 月夜(刘天华曲) A Wonderful Moon-Night 5'26 2 病中吟(刘天华曲) Groaning From the Patient 6'06 3 苦闷之讴(刘天华曲) Song of Depression 3'53 4 悲歌(刘天华曲) Melody of Sadness 2'23 5 良宵(刘天华曲) Joyful Night 2'47 6 间居吟(刘天华曲) Glad Humming of A Humble Family 6'47 7 空山鸟语(刘天华曲) Bird-Singing From the Valley 3'57 8 光明行(刘天华曲) Pursuing Toward a Bright Future 4'37 9 烛影摇红(刘天华曲) Shining of the Red Candle 4'39 10 独弦操(刘天华曲) Performing With An Only String 5'27 11 听松(华彦钧曲) Listening to the Soughing of Pines 3'46 12 寒春风曲(华彦钧曲) The Cold Spring Wind 8'46 13 二泉映月(华彦钧曲) The Moon Reflected in Er-Quan 5'57 待发专辑: 《塞外情思》刘长福/二胡情致乐成 《望乡》刘继红/二胡思国怀乡 《二胡现代作品集》作曲/郑冰 演奏/朱晓生 《边疆叙事》京胡/宋士芳 二胡/余惠生 《豫西风情》中国坠胡大师马光陆/坠胡放歌喜悦传 弹拨系列 《阳春》当代古琴大师吴文光/虞山吴门琴韵 《阳关三迭》当代古琴大师孙贵生/辩梦琴缘续千年 《十面埋伏》(1) 《春江花月夜》(2) 浦东派琵琶大师林石城/名曲珍藏版 《情系长白山》吴玉霞/海棠琵琶韵致 《梁祝》潘娥青/浔阳琵琶传情 《梵音胜彼世间音》隐逸古筝大师杨秀明/筝音赋莲华 《建昌月》邱大成/筝弦声以和乐 《思凡》当代潮筝大师林毛根/南派筝曲经典 《雪山春晓》余江荔/筝乐飘飘处处闻 《孟姜女》当代筝艺名家王中山/豫筝诉尽风土情 吹管系列 《花泣》张维良/中国竹笛写意 《殇》张维良/箫的沉吟低啭 《别梦》张维良/笛箫首场音乐会 《黄河边的故事》北派笛子大师王铁锤/创作精华集 《荷花赞》北派笛子大师王铁锤/吹管乐大成 《神曲》陈涛/华夏玉笛飞声 《钗头凤幻想曲》王次恒/神州笛韵乐歌 《牧民新歌》当代竹笛名家简广易/牧笛跨海传乐 《断桥会》当代竹笛名家詹永明/魔笛声情悠悠 《白蛇传幻想曲》李光陆/笙情寄语天鹅 《苏武》当代唢呐大师胡海泉/唢呐歌吹沸天 敲击系列 《神驹》(1) 《鼓魂》(2) 中国打击乐大师朱啸林/华夏锣鼓演义 《林冲夜奔》中国扬琴大师项祖华/飞竹咏乐赋弦音 合奏系列 《长安咏》(1) 《临安忆》(2) 《洛阳赋》(3) 中国六大古都采风录/龙都古韵 《华魂》张殿英作品集 《江南丝竹》(1) 《广东音乐》(2) 长风中乐团/肃雍和鸣 《春郊试马》中国广东音乐五驾头/经典名曲集 |
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