

词条 中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院

中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院成立于2005年4月,其前身可以追溯到1946年原山东大学水产系水产加工专业组,1954年改为水产品加工专业,1984年改为食品工程专业,1986年成立食品工程系。 食品科学与工程学院设有食品科学与工程、生物工程2个本科专业;水产品加工与贮藏工程、食品科学2个硕士点;水产品加工与贮藏工程、食品科学2个博士点;食品科学与工程博士后流动站。





College of Food Science and Engineering

The College of Food Science and Engineering, which grew out of the Fishery Products Processing of the Fishery Department, established in 1946, and then Food Engineering Department in 1986, was founded in April, 2005. The College offers two undergraduate programs (Food Science and Engineering and Biological Engineering), one state key discipline (Aquatic Product Processing and Preserving Engineering) one provincial key laboratory of Shandong (Seafood Safety Lab).The College is approved to confer the Doctoral Degree in food science and engineering for doctoral candidates of food science, as well as Master’s Degree in food science and engineering . The College consists of 40 teachers including one specially appointed professor, who was awarded by the Taishan Scholars Program, 10 professors, 10 associate professors, 12 lecturers as well as six technicians of engineering. In the past five years, it has grown to more than 330 registered undergraduates, over 158 graduates. Among them there are 43 doctors. The college have educated 1023 undergraduates, 367 students enrolled in short-term courses as well as360 graduates including 64 doctors. They have published 668 excellent theses, compiled 16 subjects and textbooks as well as completed 173 state, provincial and international exchange research tasks, in which five prizes were awarded by the provincial and national governments.

The College has excellent conditions and available equipment. There are over ten labs with various specialties and characterized by research and teaching in the College. Meanwhile, we have advanced equipment such as gas chromatographic instruments, gas mass spectrometer, phase liquid chromatography, biology automated microbes identification system, food texture instruments, ion chromatography, low temperature refrigeration as well as high-speed centrifuge, which amounts to several million yuan RMB. We have bases for teaching and research which can produce sample products. This College has been in charge of the state research tasks in terms of the seafood chemistry and seafood safety, and plays an important role in the domestic and international academic fields which have reached the international level.





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