词条 | 中国对外服务工作行业协会 |
释义 | 协会简介中国对外服务工作行业协会是自发组建、服务外商、规范运作的全国性社团组织。 协会成立于1989年,在国家民政部登记注册,其政府主管部门为国家贸促会,同时接受国家商务部的业务指导。 协会目前拥有全国各地一百多家会员单位,集中了外企、外事、外航三大涉外服务领域的旗舰和精英企业。会员单位的主营业务是为外国及台、港、澳地区的经济组织和企业的在华商务代表机构,外国驻华使、领馆、联合国及境外媒体驻华机构,外国航空公司在华常设机构,以及“三资企业”提供各种类型、优质高档的人力资源服务。截止到2004年,全行业客户群体已达4万1千余家,全年营业收入总计已逾人民币达195亿元,业务覆盖率为上述国(境)外驻华常设机构的百分之九十以上。 中国对外服务工作行业协会的宗旨是服务会员单位、促进行业发展。十五年来,在国家改革开放和经济建设过程中,始终发挥着积极作用。 协会面向会员、面向政府、面向外商、面向市场,建有自己的网站,发行自己的刊物,每年组织行业内的培训、研讨、交流和出访,与政府相关部委建立了良好的沟通机制,与国外同行业组织和机构取得了广泛的联系。协会还于1999年经外交部批准,加入“民间职介机构国际同盟”(ciett),是海峡两岸在该国际职介合作组织中唯一的合法代表。 十几年来,协会紧紧围绕“行业服务,行业自律,行业代表,行业协调”的基本职能积极作为,在实践中初步形成了一套既有民主集中,又有较高效率的组织形式和运作机制。理事会是协会最高权力机构,常务理事会是协会的常设机构,会长会议是协会的最高议事机构,秘书处是协会的日常工作机构。 在新的世纪里,面对挑战与机遇并存的新形势,中国对外服务工作行业协会将认真贯彻落实党的十六大精神,努力使协会成为“独立公正、规范运作的专业化市场自律性组织”,为会员单位提供交流经验,获取信息和开展国内外业务合作的平台,引导会员单位提高服务质量,扩大服务产品,拓宽服务领域,完善服务机制,强化诚信建设,同时,协调会员关系、维护行业权益,影响法规建设,发挥桥梁作用,促进入世后中国人力资源服务行业的发展。 行业公约中国对外服务工作行业协会行业公约 第一条:为完善涉外人力资源市场体系、规范涉外人力资源市场经营秩序,促进行业发展,加强协会建设,全面提高对外服务工作行业的服务质量和竞争优势,根据国家法律、法规和中国对外服务工作行业协会章程,制订本公约。 第二条:本公约所称对外服务工作,是指按照国家或地方政府主管部门的批准,从事向外国经济贸易企业或组织、联合国机构、外国政府、境外媒体等驻华常设代表机构,向三资企业或其他企业提供的人力资源招聘、派遣、培训、管理、委托代理、信息咨询等相关服务项目。 会员单位经营业务中的外派劳务、留学、移民中介等服务项目应遵守国家认定的权威部门的有关规定。 第三条:本公约为中国对外服务工作行业协会推荐性服务标准。作为行业规约,适用中国对外服务工作行业协会正式会员。 本公约报送协会的政府业务主管部门。 本公约将向国务院标准化行政主管部门申请标准制订和备案,争取成为对外服务经营行业的行为准则和行业规范,作为外服经营企业(以下统称为外服经营单位)的认定标准及管理办法。 第四条:外服经营单位应符合国家有关法律和行政法规规定的企业设立条件,而且: 1、在注册登记的工商营业执照或经批准,有明确从事涉外人力资源中介服务的业务范围; 2、有健全可行的公司章程、管理制度、工作规范,有与其业务相适应的营业场所、资金和办公设施; 3、有完善的组织机构,有熟悉人力资源管理业务的人员,其中必须有5名以上具有大专以上学历并取得人才中介服务资格证书的专职人员; 4、能够独立享有民事权利,承担民事责任,从业一年以上,具有良好信誉,工商、税务,劳动等年检无不良纪录。 第五条:任何所有制形式和注册类型的外服经营单位,或经协会常务理事会同意的其他相关企、事业单位均可依照协会章程加入中国对外服务工作行业协会。 第六条:外服经营单位必须遵守国家法律、法规,严格执行国家有关涉外经济、涉外事务管理的政策规定,维护国家、社会、经济和人才安全。 第七条:外服经营单位必须维护社会公共利益和行业共同利益。遵循依法、诚信、公平、文明的经营原则,提倡开展电子政务和电子商务,努力提高对外服务工作技能和水平,认真为客户提供服务优质、高效便捷、程序透明、价格合理的服务产品。 第八条:行业内部鼓励发展会员之间互助互利的合作关系,支持外服经营单位之间双边或多边的业务交流,支持多种形式的知名品牌、先进管理模式和信息资源的整合与共享,提倡开展公平有序的服务产品、服务质量与服务效率的竞争。反对任何阻碍、损害对外服务事业发展、进步的经营行为与不正当竞争。 第九条:行业协会坚持入会不分先后,企业不分大小的平等的工作原则,坚持破除行业壁垒、行业垄断和地区封锁的经济体制改革方向,坚持发挥行业整体优势,维护行业合法权益的协会职能。 第十条:外服经营单位要增强企业的信用意识,适应并推动以道德为支撑、产权为基础、法律为保障的社会信用制度和道德风尚。 第十一条:外服经营单位在从事经营活动时,应自诫自律,自觉约束经营和管理行为,维护行业内公平竞争的市场环境。不得采取以下不正当竞争行为: 1、通过媒体、广告或其他方式对本单位进行虚假宣传,或捏造、散布虚假信息,损害、贬低同行企业的形象、商誉; 2、采取竞相压价、转借资质等手段,谋取通过正当竞争不能实现的利益或市场份额,干扰、破坏其他外服经营单位的合法市场活动; 3、利用在业内的强势地位,强制用户接受其产品和服务,或强制其他同行企业经营其产品; 4、在开展竞标服务和与其他外服经营单位合作时,与用户互相串通、暗箱操作,欺诈和排挤其他竞争对手。 5、其他社会或行业内公认的不公平、不透明、不公正的手段。 第十二条:外服经营单位在与用户的业务交往中,应讲究信誉、履行合同,做到服务项目、服务标准、服务流程、服务价格四公开,自觉保证用户有充分的知情权与合法权益。 第十三条:收费与投诉等管理制度为外服经营单位的必备制度,法律后援机构为外服经营单位的应设机构。外服经营单位不得违规经营,不得牟取暴利。在用户发生投诉或与外服经营单位产生纠纷时,外服经营单位必须在第一时间回答用户疑问,认真、妥善处理用户要求与投诉,力求通过友好协商解决纠纷。 第十四条:外服经营单位应遵守国家人才管理与人才流动的有关规定,并按照政府有关规定办理用工手续。不得招聘下列人才到外国驻华常设机构工作或出境服务: 1、正在承担国家、省级重点工程、科研项目的技术和管理人员,未经单位或主管部门同意的; 2、在职国家公务员; 3、由国家统一派出而又未满轮换年限的支援西部开发人员; 4、在岗涉及国家机密的人员和离岗脱密期未满的涉密人员; 5、有违法嫌疑正在依法接受审查尚未结案的人员; 6、法律、法规规定暂时不能流动的其他特殊岗位的人员,或需经批准方可出境的人员。 第十五条:外服经营单位应共同维护本行业内业务和管理人才的流通秩序。 1、外服经营单位开展人力资源服务,必须坚持以人为本。应依劳动法与派遣类员工签订合同,约定外派员工的劳动待遇、工资支付及缴纳社会保险等费用的方式。不得扣押外派员工的身份、学历、资格证明、人事档案等原件,不得阻拦外派员工的合理流动。 2、外服经营单位聘用或接受在其他会员单位工作过的经营人员,应维护原单位合法权益,不得通过不正当手段获取、使用或泄露原单位业务成果、知识产权和商业秘密。 第十六条:外服经营单位应按国家有关部门对中介行业的要求配置工作人员,认真抓好本单位从业人员的业务和素质教育。从业人员应熟悉对外服务和人才中介的政策法规,懂专项业务、企业管理、计算机使用和至少一门外语。避免过失责任投诉和发生违法违规行为。 第十七条:行业内部反对竞相压价或通过消极的价格协议垄断市场。同一地区、同一城市两家以上的外服经营单位为维护正常的经营秩序和共同利益,可以自愿协调、统一合同文本和收费标准,可以制订与本公约不相抵触的自律规章。 第十八条:外服经营单位有义务大力宣传本公约。教育员工按照本公约从事经营活动,并在单位内部建立相应的规章制度,保证本公约的实施; 第十九条:协会另外制订公约实施办法,定期对模范遵守法律、法规和本公约的诚信外服经营单位予以评比和表彰; 第二十条:协会的外商事务服务中心为行业对外服务和接受公众监督的窗口。客户因外服经营单位违反本公约的规定受到损害时,可向该中心投诉。协会协调并帮助客户维护合法权益; 第二十一条:对于证据确凿违反本公约的外服经营单位,协会可根据具体情况采取如下措施: 1、劝阻停止违约行为或违规经营; 2、责令其消除影响,包括赔偿给有关单位造成的损失; 3、在协会刊物或网站上通报批评; 4、通过公众及地方媒体公布其违约行为。属于协会会员的,取消其协会会员资格; 5、议政府行政主管部门对其停牌整顿,或取消其外服经营单位认定资格。 第二十二条:本公约经中国对外服务工作行业协会2004年四届四次全体理事会讨论通过,公约实践过程中的修改、实施、监督、检查、解释和管理工作,由中国对外服务工作行业协会常务理事会负责。 第二十三条:本公约自公布之日起生效。 协会章程(中文版)第一章 总 则 第一条 中国对外服务工作行业协会(以下简称协会),英文名称为CHINA ASSOCIATION OF FOREIGN SERVICE TRADES(缩写为:CAFST)。 第二条 协会是由国务院、各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准的对外服务机构为主体自愿组成的非赢利性的社会团 体,是全国对外服务领域的行业组织。 第三条 协会的宗旨是促进地区、行业的经济发展,促进国际经济交流与合作;沟通会员与政府的联系;推进对外服务的发展,协调会员的关系,保护会员的合 法权益,维护公平竞争。本协会遵守宪法、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德风尚。 第四条 协会的管理部门为中国国际贸易促进委员会,并接受社团登记管理机关中华人民共和国民政部的监督管理和中华人民共和国商务部的业务指导。本协议已在中华人民共和国民政部注册登记,具有法人资格。 第五条 协会的常设机构设于北京市朝阳区工人体育场东路4号城市宾馆2107,2108室。 第二章 职 能 第六条 协会的职能是: (一)宣传、贯彻国家和政府有关法律、法规、政策、研究本行业在改革开放中的 新情况和发展问题,向政府及有关部门反映会员的要求、提出政策、立法方面的建 议; (二)向政府及有关部门提供信息和咨询; (三)维护会员合法权益,协调会员关系; (四)进行调查研究和行业统计,收集,发布行业信息; (五)出版、发行协会出版物; (六)制定行业职业道德准则,行规行约,并监督会员执行,维护行业内的公平 竞争; (七)组织本行业的交流与合作; (八)为会员培训各类人员,进行经验交流,指导帮助企业改善经营管理,提高企业素质; (九)开展咨询服务,为会员提供国内外技术经济信息和市场资讯; (十)发展行业公益事业; (十一)与国外同行业及相关组织建立联系,开展国际经济交流与合作,邀请和接待外国代表团来访,组织国内代表团、考察团出国考察和访问,参加国际相关服务贸易组织的活动; (十二)承办政府及有关部门委托事项; (十三)开展行业协会宗旨所允许的其他活动。 第三章 会 员 第七条 协会的会员为团体会员,即为理事单位。理事会即为会员大会。凡政府批准的向外国企业常驻代表机构和外商投资企业提供外事服务、人力资源服务的企事业单位或相关的咨询服务的团体,可成为协会会员;与本行业有关的中外企业及知名人士可成为协会名誉会员。 第八条 具备协会会员资格并要求加入中国对外服务工作行业协会的团体,须拥护本章程。 第九条 会员入会的程序是: (一)提交入会申请书及有关资质证明; (二)经常务理事会讨论、并由半数以上常务理事通过; (三)由理事会或协会秘书处发给会员证。 第十条 会员的权利 (一)享有本章程所规定的表决权、选举权、被选举权、罢免权和监督权(名誉会员不享有上述权利); (二)出席理事会,参加协会举办的活动; (三)对协会工作提出建议和批评; (四)享有协会提供的各项服务; (五)退会; (六)参与制定协会的基本管理制度; (七)协会章程规定的其他权利。 第十一条 会员的义务 (一)遵守法律、法规和协会章程,遵守协会制度的行业规范和自律规章,执行协会决议; (二)完成协会委托的任务,向协会反映情况,提供协会所需资料; (三)按规定交纳会费; (四)协会章程规定的其他义务。 第十二条 会员退会应于本年度终结六十日前提出书面申请,退出协会并交回会员证。 第十三条 会员有下列情形之一的,经常务理事会讨论通过予以除名; (一)无正当理由连续两年或累计两年拖欠会费,经催促不缴纳的; (二)不履行协会章程规定、违反行业规范和自律规章的;给协会名誉及行业声誉造成严重损害的。 第四章 组织机构和负责人的产生 第十四条 协会的组织机构由理事会、常务理事会、会长会议及秘书处组成。理事会是协会最高权利机构。常务理事会是理事会的常设机构。会长会议是协会的最高议事机构。秘书处为协会日常工作机构。 第十五条 理事会每年召开一次,理事会由常务理事会召集。常务理事会认为必要,可以临时召开理事会。理事会的职权是: (一) 听取、审查和表决通过协会工作报告、决定协会工作方针、任务和规划; (二) 修改和批准协会章程; (三) 选举产生由会长会议提出的常务理事会的组成人员。 第十六条 协会的理事成员应由会员现职领导担任,每届任期四年,连选可连任,不得超过二届(但会员的现职领导如未出现变更,仍可连任)。 第十七条 理事会闭会期间,重大事务由常务理事会讨论决定。常务理事应从担任三年以上理事职务并在任的理事中提名,经理事会表决通过产生,任期四年,连选可连任。常务理事单位的数量不超过会员单位总数的三分之一。常务理事会由会长或常务副会长主持,会长或常务副会长缺席时,指定一名副会长代行常务副会长职权。常务理事会的职权是: (一) 确定召集理事会的时间及内容,向理事会报告工作,执行理事大会的决议; (二) 推选副会长及秘书长.副秘书长和秘书处负责人; (三) 讨论并通过协会聘请名誉会长、顾问、名誉会员; (四) 批准吸收协会会员及增补常务理事; (五) 决定协会内部工作机构的设置; (六) 审定协会财务预决算报告; (七) 审定协会工作计划; (八)审定协会章程和理事会授予的其他职权 第十八条 理事会、常务理事会应由二分之一以上理事、常务理事出席。理事会、常务理事会决议,必须经出 席理事会、常务理事会的二分之一以上的理事、常务理事会通过。每一理事、常务理事享有一票表决。 第十九条 协会的会长会议成员由名誉会长、会长、常务副会长、副会长、顾问及秘书长、副秘书长组成。主要职权是: (一) 研究制定协会工作报告、工作计划、行业规章、协会章程等重要文件,提交常务理事会和全体理事会通过。 (二) 研究讨论会员入会、退会、除名等事项,提出意见交常务理事会通过。 (三) 研究讨论常务理事组成人选名单,并提交理事会通过。 (四) 提出协会秘书处负责人人选,提交常务理事会通过。 (五)研究决定其它重要事项。 第二十条 协会的会长、常务副会长、副会长、秘书长必须具备以下条件: (一) 坚持党的路线、方针、政策,政治素质好; (二) 在本行业有较大的影响;具有区域代表性,对所在区域的对外服务业务发展有一定影响力; (三) 会长、常务副会长、秘书长任职,应符合国家规定的最高任职年龄; (四) 身体健康,能坚持正常工作; (五) 具备完全民事行为能力。 第二十一条 协会会长、常务副会长、秘书长如超过国家规定的最高任职年龄的,须经理事会通过,报业务主管单位审查并经社团登记管理机关批准同意后,方可任职。 第二十二条 协会设会长一人,常务副会长两人,副会长若干人。会长由国家贸促会现职会长担任。常务副会长和协会法定代表人由贸促会提名,并经常务理事会通过。副会长应是理事单位担任现职的领导,担任常务理事二年以上,能胜任协会领导工作的。副会长由常务理事会投票选举产生。 第二十三条 协会法定代表人由常务副会长担任。协会的法定代表人不得担任其他社会团体的法定代表人 第二十四条 协会会长行使下列职权: (一)召集和主持理事会和常务理事会; (二)检查理事会和常务理事会决议的落实情况; (三)代表协会签署有关重要文件。 第二十五条 协会设置秘书处,负责协会日常工作。秘书处可设秘书长一人,副秘书长若干人,秘书长为专职。秘书长、副秘书长及秘书处办事机构的负责人由会长会议提名,常务理事会决定 第二十六条 协会秘书长行使下列职权: (一) 主持秘书处的日常工作,组织实施年度工作计划; (二)协调会员开展工作; (三)决定秘书处办事机构专职工作人员的聘任; (四)处理其他日常事务; 第五章 资产管理、使用原则 第二十七条 协会经费来源: (一) 会员单位缴纳的会费; (二) 捐赠和资助; (三) 各项服务收入; (四)政府资助; (五)利息; (六)其他依法取得的收入。 第二十八条 按照国家及本协会有关规定收取会员会费。 第二十九条 会费包括会员入会时一次性缴纳的入会费和每一会计年度缴纳的常年会费。 第三十条 会员退会或被除名时,不得请求协会退还已缴纳的会费或资助、捐赠的财产。 第三十一条 协会的会计年度为当年的7月1日—下一年的6月30日,协会应在每一会计年度制作财务预决算报告,提交理事会审议通过。 第三十二条协会经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围和事业的发展,不得在会员中分配。 第三十三条 协会建立严格的财务管理制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。 第三十四条 协会配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼任出纳。会计人员必须进行会计核算,实行会计监督。会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。 第三十五条 协会的资产管理必须执行国家规定的财务管理制度,接受理事会和财政部门的监督。 第三十六条 协会换届或更换法定代表人之前必须接受社团登记管理机关和业务主管单位组织的财务审计。 第三十七条 协会的资产,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。 第三十八条 协会专职工作人员的工资和保险、福利待遇,按照国家有关规定执行。 第六章 章程的修改程序 第三十九条 对协会章程的修改,须经常务理事会通过后提交全体理事会审议通过。 第四十条 协会修改的章程,须在理事会通过15日内,经业务主管单位审查同意,并报社团登记管理机关审核后生效。第七章 终止程序及终止后的财产处理 第七章 终止程序及终止后的财产处理 第四十一条 协会完成宗旨或自行解散或由于分立、合并等原因需要注销的,由理事会或常务理事会提出终止动议。 第四十二条 协会终止动议须经理事会表决通过,并报业务主管单位审查同意。 第四十三条 协会终止前,须在业务主管单位及有关机关指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。 第四十四条 协会经社团登记管理机关办理注销登记手续后即为终止。 第四十五条 协会终止后的剩余财产,在业务主管单位和社团登记管理机关的监督下,按照国家有关规定,用于发展与本协会宗旨相关的事业。 第八章 附 则 第四十六条 协会设名誉会长、顾问等荣誉职务,人选由会长提名,常务理事会通过。 第四十七条 协会可吸收长期热心从事中国对外服务工作的国内外知名人士为“名誉会员”,并由会长签发证书。 第四十八条 本章程经理事会通过,报中国国际贸易促进委员会备案。本章程解释权属中国对外服务工作行业协会理事会。 第四十九条 本章程自社团登记管理机关核准之日起生效。 协会章程(英文版)Constitution of China Association of Foreign Service Trades Chapter I General Principles Article 1. The name of the Association is China Association of Foreign Service Trades (hereunder called CAFST for st). Article 2. CAFST is a non-profitable social organization composed of foreign service agencies providing human recourses services designated by the State Council, provincial governments, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the control of the central government. It is a nationwide trade organization. Article 3. The aim of CAFST is to promote regional economic development and international exchange and co-operation, bridging its members and government in order to prosper their business, creating a harmonious atmosphere of fair play for its members by mediating their relationships and protect their legal rights and interests. CAFST abides by the state constitution and relevant laws and regulations and complies with the social norm. Article 4. CAFST is a sub-council of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and under the supervision of Ministry of Civil Affairs of China. CAFST also receives business guidance from the Ministry of Commerce of China. It is registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China as a legal entity. Article 5. The standing organ of CAFST is located in Room 2107, 2108 City Hotel, No.4 Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R.China. Chapter II Functions Article 6. The functions of CAFST are as follows: 1. To publicize and implement the relevant laws、policies and regulations issued by the government in this field; To study some new situations and development in the trade. To report the demands of the members to the government and departments concerned and put forwards some suggestion for legislation and policy-making; 2. To provide information and consultation in the trade to the government and departments concerned ; 3. To safeguard the legal rights and interests of the members and to coordinate relations among them; 4. To make investigation and statistics and to collect and publicize information in this trade; 5. To publish and distribute the periodicals of CAFST; 6. To formulate business moral codes and relevant rules and regulations of the trade, and to supervise the members to abide by them and preserve order for fair competition in the trades; 7. To organize business exchange and co-operation among its members; 8. To hold training courses for the members so as to facilitate their exchanges of experience and help them improve management quality of enterprise; 9. To offer consulting service and provide the members with domestic and international information of technology, economy and marketing; 10. To promote the courses of public welfare; 11. To contact foreign counterparts and corresponding organizations abroad for international economic co-operation and exchanges; To invite and receive foreign delegations to China and organize CAFST’s delegation going abroad for the market survey; To participate the activities held by the corresponding international organization; 12. To accomplish tasks entrusted by the government and departments concerned; 13. To organize other activities in accordance with the aims of CAFST. Chapter III Membership Article 7. The members of CAFST are of organization each of them is a council member as well. The council meeting means a general assembly. Any corporation authorized by the government to offer human resources services or foreign service trade as well as consultation service concerned can be accepted as a member of CAFST. Enterprises both domestic and overseas concerned to this trade and prestigious social figures both at home and abroad are also encouraged to become honorary members. Article 8. Corporations qualified and applying to be as a member of CAFST should abide by this constitution. Article 9. The procedure of applying the membership is: 1. Submit the application and documents concerned with its qualification; 2. To be discussed in the standing council meeting and ratified by more than half of the attendants; 3. A certificate of membership will be honored by the council or secretariat of CAFST. Article 10. The rights of the members: 1. Voting, standing for election, to be elected recalling and supervision (except honorary members); 2. Attending the council meeting and activities organized by CAFST; 3. To offer suggestion or comment on the work of CAFST; 4. To enjoy services provided by CAFST; 5. To withdraw from CAFST; 6. To participate the formulation of the basic management system for CAFST; 7. Other rights stipulated in the constitution. Article 11. Obligation of the members: 1. To abide by the laws, relevant regulations issued by the State and constitution of the Association as well as business practice code and self-discipline of CAFST, to implement the decisions of CAFST; 2. To accomplish the tasks entrusted by CAFST and provide information expected by the Association; 3. To pay the membership fee as per the stipulation; 4. Other obligations stipulated in the constitution of CAFST. Article 12 Members may withdraw CAFST subject to submitting an application of 60 days prior to the end of the year and return the certificate to CAFST. Article 13. A member will be expelled from CAFST subject to one of the following specific conditions: 1. To be in arrears of membership fees without any reasonable excuse for two years running or two accumulated years after being warned, but no signs of improvement. 2. No implementation of the regulation of CAFST, and violating the constitution and the business code and of self-discipline. Any behaviors in violation of the aim of CAFST, leading to ruin its reputation. Chapter IV Structure and Election Article 14. CAFST is composed in the structure of secretariat, board of presidents meeting, standing council and council which is the top power organ. Standing council is the standing body of CAFST. The board meeting is the top policy-making organ. The secretariat is the organ for rutine work. Article 15. The council meeting will be held once a year, and called by the standing council. An irregular council meeting may be held if the standing council think it is necessary. Functions of the council are: 1. Receiving, examining and voting to pass CAFST’s activities’ report as well as making policies and plans in the field; 2. Revising and ratifying the constitution; 3. Voting for the deputies of standing council, recommended by the presidents’ meeting. Article 16. Deputies of the council who should be same leaders at present post of the members’ companies each of them will be on the post for a term of 4 years and can be prolonged for another one term by election. The duration is normally two terms except that the deputy is still on the post of their company. Article 17. The important decisions will be made by the standing council during the adjournment. A deputy of the standing council, who should raised from deputies who have been on the post over three years in the council, has a term of four years voted by the council and the term can be prolonged by election. Members of the standing council are limited less than one third of the members of the council. Meeting of the standing council will be presided by the president of vice standing presidents and should he be absent, a vice president appointed will be on duty. Functions of the standing council are as following: 1. To decide the time and contents of the council, report activities to the council, implement the decision of the council; 2. To recommend and vote for the vice president, secretary-general, vice secretary-general and so on; 3. To discuss and approve the proposal of inviting honorary president, advisers and honorary members; 4. To encourage and ratify potential candidates to join CAFST and augment deputies of the standing council; 5. To adjust the structure of the working body of CAFST; 6. To examine and decide the financial report of budget and final accounts of CAFST; 7. To examine and decide CAFST’s activity plan; 8. To examine and perfect the constitution and exercise the other rights authorized by the council. Article 18. The meeting of council and/or standing council should be presented by more than half of the deputies respectively. Any resolution of the council and /or standing council should be made by more than half of the deputies each of them has the right to cast only one vote. Article 19. The attendants of the president meeting are composed of honorary president, president, vice standing presidents, vice presidents, secretary-general and vice secretaries-general. The main functions are as following: 1. To study and make the documents of activity report, working plan, regulation of the trade, constitution, etc. which should be submitted to the council for approval; 2. To discuss the membership application, withdraw, expelling, etc., giving and submitting comments to the standing council for approval; 3. To discuss the composition of the standing council and submit the resolution to the council for approval; 4. To recommend the candidates of the secretariat and submit the proposal to the standing council for approval; 5. To decide the other relevant important affairs. Article 20. The president, vice standing presidents, vice presidents, secretary-general should be qualified for the following conditions: 1. Stick to our Party’s policy, be good at political qualification; 2. To be well-known in this field and can play an important role in the business trade locally; 3. Age limitation for the president, vice standing presidents, vice presidents and secretary-general should accord with the relevant state regulation; 4. To be good at health and can work regularly; 5. To have entire civil ability. Article 21. The president, vice standing presidents, vice presidents and secretary-general may continue their post subject to the approval by the council and authorities concerned if their age is over the limitation stipulated by the state. Article 22. CAFST has one president, two vice standing presidents and several vice presidents in its structure. The president should be also the present Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). The two vice standing presidents, including one who is the legal person of CAFST, should be recommended by CCPIT and approved by the standing council. The vice presidents should be voted in an standing council meeting, the candidates ought to be present leader of their corporation and have been on the post of deputy of the standing council for over two years, as well as to be capable of the post of CAFST. Article 23. The legal person should be one of the vice standing president who ought not to be the legal person of the other social communities. Article 24. Functions of the presidents: 1. To call and preside meetings of the council and standing council; 2. To inspect implementation of decisions made by the council and the standing council; 3. To sign important documents on behalf of CAFST. Article 25. CAFST has a secretariat in charge of routine work. The organ is formed with a secretary-general (full time) and several vice secretaries-general. The above staff are recommended by the Presidents Meeting and approved by the standing council. Article 26. Functions of the secretary-general: 1. In charge of routine work of the secretariat and manage to implement annual work plan; 2. To coordinating and supporting members’ business; 3. To appoint full time staff of thesecretariat ; 4. Other business. Chapter V Principle of Use and Management of the Assets Article 27. Funds of CAFST come from: 1. Membership fee; 2. Receiving donations and financial aid; 3. Income from offering services; 4. Financial aid provided by the government; 5. Interests; 6. Other legal incomes; Article 28. Collecting membership fee is in accordance with relevant regulation set up by the state and the association. Article 29. The membership fees include an enrollment fee when joining the association and the annual membership due of each fiscal year. Article 30. The membership fees and donated assets are not refundable when a member is to withdraw or be expelled. Article 31. The fiscal year of the association is from 1st,July through 30th June next year, a budget and final accounts report shall be made for each fiscal year and approved at the meeting of the council. Article 32. CAFST’s funds must be used in the business and development set up in the constitution of CAFST, never to be distributed among the members. Article 33. A strict financial management regulation must be set up to ensure a legal, authentic, accurate and entire accounting data. Article 34. The qualified accountants should arranged in the association. The cashier should not hold the post of accountant simultaneously. The accountant should conduct accounting and the business accounting must be supervised. When the accountant leaves the post, the procedure of relief of the shift must be done with the successor. Article 35. The management of the funds and property should be in accordance with regulations set up by the state, meanwhile, it should be supervised by the council and financial organ concerned. Article 36. Financial auditing ought to be given by the registration organ and authorities concerned before expiration of each session or when the legal person changed. Article 37. No body and unit is allowed to embezzle the funds and property of the association. Article 38. Salary, insurance and welfare for Staff of full-time of the association should be in accordance with regulations set up by the state. Chapter VI Procedure of Modification of the Constitution Article 39. Modification of the constitution should be firstly approved by the Standing Council and then by the council. Article 40. The constitution when it is modified by the council within 15 days, should be submitted to the superior and the registration organs for examination and approval, then it will go into effect. Chapter VII Procedure of Termination and settlement of Property Article 41. Should the association be terminated by reason of task fulfilled, voluntary disbanding and or separating, merger……,it should be motivated and raised by the council or the standing council. Article 42. The termination motion should be vowed in the council and to be submitted to the superior organ for approval. Article 43. Before termination, a clearing organ should be set up under the guidance of superior organs concerned to clear credit or debt and aftermath. Article 44. Termination will be in effect after cancellation of the registration in the registration organ. Article 45. In terms of the left funds and property, they ought to be used for the causes concerned with the aim of the association under supervision of the superior and registration organ according to regulations set up by the state. VIII Supplementary Articles Article 46. The association has several posts of honorary, such as honorary president and advisers etc. who will be nominated by the president and approved by the standing council. Article 47. The prestigious social figures who are enthusiastic in promoting foreign service constantly both domestic or abroad can be appointed by CAFST as “honorary members” and the president will sign the certificates for them. Article 48. This constitution has been approved by the council and reported to China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for record. The right of interpretation of the constitution is vested in China Association of Foreign Service Trades. Article 49. This constitution will be come into force when it is ratified by the registration organ. |
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