

词条 郑有飞

郑有飞: 博士,教授,博士生导师。 中国气象学会大气环境委员会委员、农业气象与生态环境专业委员会委员、江苏省气象学会大气化学与大气污染专业委员会副主任、江苏省环境科学学会理事、江苏省生态学会理事, 2003-2004 年赴加拿大萨斯喀切蕰大学进修一年。


积极承担教学任务,近五年来完成气象学专业和农业气象专业、环境科学专业、生态学专业本科生和研究生、博士生 10 余门主干课程的教学任务,已完成指导博士生 1 人,正在指导 10 人,已完成指导硕士论文 37 篇、正在指导 10 余人,指导本科毕业论文几十篇。教学任务饱满,教学质量优秀,共发表教学法方面的文章 7 篇。还用英语讲授世界气象组织区域培训中心的“农业气象学”,主持“气象仪器国际培训班(英语)”并担任主讲和教材主编。参与写作教材《应用气候学》一部,利用自己科研成果指导学生研制的“地表紫外辐射预测和对策系统”计算机软件参加了“江苏省第二届大学生成果展”并获三等奖。

积极承担科研任务,近年来主持或参加国家自然科学基金、国家教育部骨干教师基金、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省“ 333 工程”资助项目、江苏省“青蓝工程”等研究项目多项 93 年以来,先后发表文章 100 余篇,出版专著一部、参与写作专著一部、教材一部多次参加国际学术会议。

肖薇、郑有飞、于强,基于 SHAW 模型对农田小气候要素的模拟,生态学报, 2005 , 25 ( 7 ): 1626 - 1634

Longhui Li, Qiang Yu, Youfei Zheng etal. Simulating the response of photosynthetic partitioning during vegetative growth in winter wheat to environmental factors. Field Crops Research. 2005(in print)

Gao, W, Y.F. Zheng, J.R. Slusser, G.M. Heisler, J.Q. Xu and D.L. He. 2004. Effects of supplementary ultraviolet-B irradiance on maize yield and qualities: a field experiment. J. of Photochemistry and Photobiology .80 : 127 - 131

Mindong Chen, Youfei Zheng, Chuan Haiwang 004, An efficient methods for the Synthesis of Some new 1-aryl-4-ethoxycarbonyl-5- dimethylaminomethyleneamino-1,2,-3-triazole and their derivatives, Heterocyclic Communications Vol. 10 , NO. 1, pp. 53

Fahua Zhu, Youfei Zheng, Xulin Guo, Sheng Wang. 2005. Environmental impacts and benefits of regional power grid interconnections for China. Energy Policy 33:1797-1805.

Li Wei, Youfei Zheng, 2004, Study on characteristics of climate changes and potential productivity of five crops in Jiangxi winter growing season, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5153 , p. 218-224, Ecosystems" Dynamics, Agricultural Remote Sensing and Modeling, and Site-Specific Agriculture;

Guoqiang Zhao, Zixi Zhu, Youfei Zheng, Wensong Fang, 2004, Water-saving techniques in Chinese agriculture: water-saving irrigation and straw mulching for winter wheat, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5153 , p. 195-199, Ecosystems" Dynamics, Agricultural Remote Sensing and Modeling, and Site-Specific Agriculture

马 玉霞、郑有飞、文秀萍、桑建人,高血压病发病率预报道人工神经网络方法研究,南京气象学院学报, 2003 , 26 ( 2 ): 252 - 257

张荣刚、郑有飞、何雨红、肖薇,紫外 UV-B 辐射增强对麦田蚜虫的影响,南京气象学院学报, 2003 , 26 ( 2 ): 258 - 262

郑有飞、马玉霞、杨燕波、严俊、李辉、杨兴、钱青军,地表紫外辐射预测和对策系统软件介绍,南京气象学院学报, 2002 , 25 ( 2 ): 253 - 258 传海、郑有飞、何都良、高桂枝,紫外线强度增加对小麦节间大维管束条数及穗部性状的影响,麦类作物学报, 2003 , 23 ( 3 ): 45 - 48

王传海,郑有飞,何都良,吴芳芳,代华兵,南京地区近地面紫外辐射 UV-B强度对小麦生长及产量影响的评估,农业环境科学学报,2003,22(2),147-149

Y.Zheng, W. Gao, C.Wang, W. Xiao, R. Zhang, Effect of increased UV-B on weeds and big worms in a farmland ecological system, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003, Vol 5156 : 273-280

W. Gao, Y.Zheng, J.R.Slusser, Y.He, R. Zhang, Impact of enhanced ultraviolet–B irradiance on maize yield formation and structure: a field evaluation, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003, Vol 5156 : 396-402

Youfei.Zheng , Wei Gao , James Slusser ,Yuhong He, and Richard Grant, Growth analytic simulation of soybean and winter wheat crops under different does of UV-B irradiance. Proceedings of SPIE,2003 , Vol.4896:130-134

Wei Gao, Youfei Zheng, James Slusser, Gordon Heisler, Jianqiang Xu, Douliang He, Impact of enhanced ultraviolet-B irradiance on maize yield and its seed qualities: A field evaluation, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003, Vol.4896:159-164

Yuhong He, Youfei Zheng, Yangzong Deji, and Zhanqing Li, The character of total solar and ultraviolet radiations over Nanjing area, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003, Vol 4896:165-172

Chuanhai Wang, Youfei zheng, Wei Gao, James Slusser, and Duliang He, Responses of winter wheat growth and production under sub-ambient UV-B irradiance, proceedings of SPIE 4896: 219-222

Y.F.Zheng , W.Gao, C.H.Wang. Yield and Yield Formation of Winter Wheat in Response to Enhanced Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2003 , 120 : 279 - 283

W.Gao, Y.F.Zheng, J.R.Slusser. Impact of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on cotton yield and quality. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2003 , 120 : 241 - 248

Mindong Chen, Youfei Zheng, Guizhi Gao, Shuxian Fan, Shijie Lu , and Weiyi Hua, First Synthesis of Some new 1-aryl-4-ethoxycarbonyl-5- dimethylaminomethyleneamino-1,2,-3-triazole Under Vilsmeier Conditions SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS Vol. 33 , NO. 22, pp. 3969-3975, 2003. Mindong Chen, Youfei Zheng, Guizhi Gao, Shuxian Fan, Shijie Lu, First Synthesis and antibacterial activity of some N-[4-(ethoxycarbonyl)-1-substitutedaryl 1,2,3-triazole –5-yl]N"-phenlcarbodiimides and their derivatives , Heterocyclic Communications Vol. 9 , NO. 4, pp. 395, 2003. 郑有飞、何雨红、甘思旧,紫外辐射增加后麦田的小气候特征研究( I ) , 农业环境保护, 2002 , 21 ( 5 ): 406~409

Youfei Zheng, Xiaoli Zhao. On the Necessity of Opening Comprehensive Chemical Experiment Course Experiment Course for the Environmental Science Major. International J. of Engineering Education.2002,11(7):200~205 Y.F.Zheng,He Yuhong,Yang Yuanyan Zhanqing Li. Effects of increased UV-B upon the ecosystem of grown wheat in China. Journal of Photoscience.2002,9(4):166-169

Y.F.Zheng, G.Shi, W.Gao. Calculating Solar Ultraviolet Radiation by Computational Models in Nanjing Region. Proceedings of SPIE.2001.7,Vol 4482 : 455~459

郑有飞、石广玉、何金海,太阳紫外辐射预测计算模型研究 . 太阳能学报, 2001 . 22 ( 4 ): 461~465

郑有飞、杨志敏、颜景义,作物对太阳紫外辐射增加的生物效应极其评估.应用生态学报, 1996.7(1):107~109

郑有飞、简慰民、李秀芬、旦巴,紫外辐射增强对大豆影响的进一步分析 . 环境科学学报, 1998, 18(5):549~552

郑有飞、颜景义、杨志敏, 大豆植株经紫外辐照后生长分析的数学模型.南京气象学院学报, 1996 . 19 ( 1 ): 57 ~ 62

郑有飞、颜景义、万长建,一种简单实用的计算小麦累积光合量的方法.气象, 1996.22(9):

郑有飞、颜景义 ,未来气候变化时南京地区冬小麦气候生产潜力估算.中国农业气象,1997.18(3):

郑有飞、颜景义 , 小麦的水分利用效率及其最优化问题. 中国农业气象, 1997.18(4):

Zheng Youfei .Estimation of Influence Future Climatic Change on Wheat and Its Yield in Jiangsu Provience. in: Environment and Biometeorology. China Agricultural Scientech Press. 1996.9.

郑有飞、宗雪梅、徐云、陈万隆, 气候变化对江苏省小麦生产的可能影响 .南京气象学院学报,1998,21(2):230~237

郑有飞、万长建、宗雪梅、苗开超,小麦生育期计算机模拟系统初步研究 .南京气象学院学报,1998,21(3):377 ~ 382

郑有飞、宗雪梅、陈万隆、连加胜,未来气候变化对南京地区春大豆生产潜力的影响 .中国农业气象,1998,19(5):4 ~ 7

郑有飞、万长建、缪启龙、等,气候变化对小麦产量的影响,南京气象学院学报 , 1999,22(4):536 ~ 540

郑有飞, 气象与人类健康及其研究 ,气象科学,1999,19(4):424~428

郑有飞,石广玉,何金海等,南京地区紫外辐射初步研究,南京气象学院学报 2000,23(2):235~241

紫外辐射增加对大豆光合作用和生长的影响.生态学报, 1996.17(4):154~ 159(第三作者)

郑有飞、颜景义、万长建等,小麦作物光合生产模拟研究,南京气象学院学报 , 1995,18 (4):

郑有飞、颜景义、杨志敏,紫外线辐射增加对大豆的影响及其估算,应用气象学报, 1995,15(4):


二氧化碳、臭氧和紫外辐射与农作物生产 北京:气象出版社 1997

应用气候学(普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材),北京:气象出版社, 2001

Climate Change and Regional Sustainable Development, Beijing, New York: Science Press


气候变化对长江三角洲经济环境影响评价研究 1999年获国家环保总局科技进步二等奖。














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