

词条 郑修成


一. 概况

郑修成(1974.11- ),男,河南省兰考县人。1995.9-1999.7信阳师范学院化学系,学士;1999.9-2002.6南开大学化学系,硕士;2002.9-2005.6南开大学化学系,博士。2005年7月-至今 郑州大学化学系从事教学和科研工作,期间于2009.04-2010.01赴香港理工大学访学。2007年晋升为副教授,2008年遴选为硕士生导师。




1 郑修成,张守民,吴世华等,反应条件对铱基催化剂催化甲醇羰基化反应产物的影响,贵金属,2003, 24 (1) :10-14

2 郑修成,张守民,吴世华 等,甲醇羰基化制醋酸铱基催化剂体系的研究,有机化学,2003, 23 (6) : 613-618

3 郑修成,黄唯平,吴世华 等,负载型金属CO氧化催化体系的研究进展,无机化学学报,2003, 19 (11) : 1153-1159

4 郑修成,张晓丽,吴世华 等,不同CuO/CeO2催化剂CO低温氧化反应,催化学报,2005, 26 (11) : 971-976

5 郑修成,王向宇,吴世华 等,Cu基等非贵金属催化剂上CO氧化的研究与进展,化学进展,2006, 18 (2-3) : 159-167

6 郑修成,李敏艳,王向宇 等,晶化温度对Al-SBA-15复合材料结构的影响,信阳师范学院学报(理学版),2009,22 (3) : 427-430.

7 Xiucheng Zheng, Weiping Huang, Shihua Wu, et al. Low-temperature CO oxidation on CuO/CeO2 catalyst prepared by sol-gel method, Chinese. J. Catal.,2003, 24 (12) : 887-888.

8 Xiucheng Zheng, Shuping Wang, Shihua Wu, et al. Copper oxide catalysts supported on ceria for low-temperature CO oxidation, Catal. Comm.,2004, 5 (12) : 729-732.

9 Xiucheng Zheng, Shuping Wang, Shihua Wu, et al. Characterization and CO oxidation catalytic behavior of CuO/CeO2 catalysts, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett.,2005, 84 (1) : 29-36.

10 Xiucheng Zheng, Shihua Wu, Shuping Wang, et al. The preparation and catalytic behavior of copper cerium oxide catalysts for low temperature carbon monoxide oxidation. Appl. Catal. A2005, 283 (1-2) : 217-223.

11 Xiucheng Zheng, Dongzhan Han, Shihua Wu, et al. Preparation, characterization of CuO/CeO2 and Cu/CeO2 catalysts and their applications in low-temperature CO oxidation, J. Rare Earth., 2005, 23 (1) : 47-51.

12 Xiucheng Zheng, Shuping Wang, Shihua Wu, et al. Preparation, characterization and catalytic properties of CuO/CeO2 system, Mater. Sci. Eng. C2005, 25 (4) : 516-520.

13 Xiucheng Zheng, Shuping Wang, Shihua Wu, et al. Synthesis, characterization and catalytic property of ceria spherical nanocrystals. Mater. Lett.,2005, 59 (22) : 2769-2773.

14 Xiucheng Zheng, Xiaoli Zhang, Shihua Wu, et al. Preparation and characterization of CuO/CeO2 catalysts and their applications in low-temperature CO oxidation, Appl. Catal. A

2005, 295 (2) : 142-149.

15 Xiucheng Zheng, Xiangyu Wang, Shihua Wu, et al. Catalytic carbon monoxide oxidation over CuO/CeO2 composite catalysts, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 2006, 88 (1) : 57- 63.

16 Xiucheng Zheng, Xiaoli Zhang, Shihua Wu, et al. Characterization and catalysis studies of CuO/CeO2 model catalysts, Catal. Comm.,2006, 7 (9) : 701-704.

17 Xiucheng Zheng, Xiaoli Zhang, Shihua Wu, et al. Influence of ceria preparation method on the performance of CuO/CeO2 catalysts, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 2007, 92 (2) : 195-203.

18 Xiaoli Zhang, Xiangyu Wang, Xiucheng Zheng*, et al. Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous, tungsten-containing molecular sieve composites, J. Non-Crystal. Solids, 2009, in press





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