

词条 张镇西




张镇西 1991-1993年在中国科学技术大学进行博士后研究。2000-2006年曾任西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院副院长。现任生物医学分析技术及仪器研究所所长、福建泰普-西安交通大学生物医学分析仪器研究中心主任、生物医学工程及生物物理学教授、博士生导师、教育部高等学校生物医学工程专业教学指导委员会委员(2006-2010年)、生物医学光子学教育部网上合作研究中心副主任及学术委员会委员、《激光生物学报》副主任编委、《中国激光》、《光电子·激光》、Optoelectronics Letters、《国际生物医学工程杂志》(原《国外医学生物医学工程分册》)、《世界医疗器械》编委、中国光学学会生物医学与激光医学专业第五届委员会委员、中华医学学会陕西省分会激光医学专业委员会副理事长、中华医学学会激光医学分会第四届全国委员会专业学组基础组副组长、陕西省电子学会生物电子学专业委员会副理事长、西安生命科学与技术学会理事长、西安激光与红外学会副理事长、西安市科协第七届委员会委员。全国高协组织教材研究与编写委员会委员、全国高协组织教材研究与编写委员会生命科学与工程专业委员会主任委员。“蒋大宗基金”管理委员会主任。美国SPIE会员、中国光学学会高级会员、中国仪器仪表学会高级会员。曾五次在德国斯图加特大学、放射与环境保护研究所(幕尼黑)、洪堡大学医学院肿瘤医院(柏林)、威廉港应用大学和吕倍克应用大学从事科学研究。目前发表论文百余篇,译著《激光与生物组织的相互作用——原理及应用》(西安交通大学出版社1999年4月)、《医学工作者的因特网》(西安交通大学出版社2000年6月)、《分子光子学》(科学出版社2004年4月)、《激光与生物组织的相互作用原理及应用》(第3版)(2005年8月)四部,参与《翻译纳电子学与纳米系统》(第4章 生物学衍生的思想、第11章 生物电子学与分子电子学)(西安交通大学出版社2006年7月)。获部 级科技进步三等奖二项、2006年度陕西省科学技术奖二等奖一项、2006年享受政府特殊津贴。















Prof. Dr. Zhang Zhenxi, born on Mar 7, 1951 in Gansu Province of P. R. China. He has studied laser-physics, biomedical engineering and instrumentation at the Northwestern University, Xi'an, and Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an. He has been awarded the Dr. of Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation from the Xi'an Jiaotong University on Dec 27,1990. His doctoral thesis was "Study of optical Propagation Properties in the Biological Tissues." He has worked as a Post-Doctorate scholar in the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, from August 1991 to September 1993. Since 1993 und 1998, he is an Associate Professor and a Professor in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, P.R. China. He is currently a Doctoral Supervisor (since 1998) and the Subdean of the School of Life Science and Technology at the same University.

He has worked as a Visiting Scientist in F. R. Germany from Jun. 1977 to Oct. 1979 at the Stuttgart University, from Oct.1988 to Jan. 1989 at the “GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health”(GSF-Forschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit), in Muenchen, Germany, from May to Dec. 1996 at the Robert Roessle Cancer Clinic of the Virchow University Clinic of the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany & from Sept. to Dec. 1999 at the University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven (Fachhochschule Wilhelmshaven), & from Sept. to Dec. 2006 at the University of Applied Sciences Luebeck (Fachhochschule Luebeck), Germany.

His basic research interests are focused on studies of tissue optics, tissue diagnostic spectroscopy, laser diffraction spectroscopy, and the development of laser and optics for biomedical engineering. He has published over 180 research articles in Chinese, English and German journals. He has translated the book "Laser-tissue interactions fundamentals and applications" (Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, Xi'an, China, 1999 (265 pp, 165 figs, 33 tabs) ISBN 7-5605-1108-2) from English into Chinese und the book "Internet fuer Mediziner" (Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, Xi'an, China, 2000, ISBN 7-5605-1236-4) from German into Chinese. Due to these contribution, he was awarded the First Scientific and Technological Progressive Prize awarded by the Educational Commission of the Shaanxi province and Third Scientific and Technological Progressive Prize conferred by the Ministry for Machine-Building of China in 1994, the Scientific and Technological Research Prize honored by the Scientific and Technological Commission of the Anhui Province of P.R. China, in 1995.

Dr. Zhang is currently Deputy-editor in Chief of journal of Acta Laser Biology Sinica, Editorial Boand of Chinese Journal of Lasers B (in English) and of Laser Journal and senior member of China instruments society. He is also a member of the Chinese Medical Association which is devided into subassociation. Dr. Zhang is the subdean of the subassociation "Laser Medicine" of the Province Shaanxi. He is a visiting professor of the South China Normal University, in Guanzhou.

List of Publications

Prof. Dr. Zhenxi Zhang

(until April 2002)

Papers (1980-1989)

1. Chen-hsi Chang, Kurt Hirsch, Hans Salzmann: High Repetition Rate Electrooptic Q-Switching of Nd3+:YAG Laser Showing Strong Optical Birefringence (in English). IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. QE-16, No.4, April 1980, 439-445

2. Chen-hsi Chang, Kurt Hirsch, Hans Salzmann: High Repetition Rate Electrooptic Q-Switching of Nd3+:YAG Laser Showing Strong Optical Birefringence (in English): Bericht IPF79-6,Institut fuer Plasmaforschung der Universitaet Stuttgart,1979

3. Zhen Xi Zhang: Thermische Linseneffekte in CW- gepumpten Nd:YAG Laserstaeben (in German). Bericht <IPF> 79-7, Institut fuer Plasmaforschung der Universitaet Stuttgart, 1979

4. Zhen Xi Zhang, Kurt Hirsch, Hans Salzmann: High Repetition Rate Electrooptic Q-Switching (in Chinese): Laser and Infrared. Vol.10, No.11, 1980, 1-6

5. Zhen Xi Zhang: The scientific research of Laser institute at Stuttgart University (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.11, No.1, 1981, 73-76

6. Zhen Xi Zhang: The Thermal Lensing Effects of Nd3+:YAG Laser Rod by CW Pumped (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.11, No.2, 1982, 32-38

7. Zhen Xi Zhang: Experimental Studies of FTIR Q-Switching (in Chinese). Weapon Laser. Vol.5, No.2,1981, 14-15

8. Zhen Xi Zhang: CW Pumped and Pulsed Energy Input of Nd3+:YAG Laser (in Chinese). Journal of Northwestern University (Natural Sciences Edition). Vol.11 No.2, 1981, 67-70

9. Zhen Xi Zhang: Simultaneous pumping of Nd3+:YAG Laser by CW and pulsed light (in Chinese). Laser Journal. Vol.8, No.5, May 1981, 48-49

10. Zhen Xi Zhang: The Thermal Lensing Effects of Nd3+:YAG Laser Rod by not even Pumped (in Chinese). Sichuan Laser. Vol.2 No.4, 1981, 29-33

11. Zhen Xi Zhang: An Experimental Study of Nd3+:YAG Laser Rod with Compensation of Thermal Lensing (in Chinese). Journal of Northwestern University (Natural Sciences Edition). Vol.12, No.1, 1982, 51-59

12. Chuan Ji Hu, Zhen Xi Zhang: Moral Character of Leader of Scientific Research Institution (in Chinese). Scientiology and Management of S. & T. No.3, 1982, 42-44

13. Zhen Xi Zhang: FTIR-Laser Q-Switch (in Chinese). Physics. Vol.11, No.10, October 1982, 596-598

14. Zhen Xi Zhang: About thesis "High Repetition Rate Electrooptic Q-Switching of Nd3+:YAG Laser Showing Strong Optical Birefringence" answer to Question (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.12 No.11 1982, 56-60

15. Zhen Xi Zhang: A Simultaneously Pumped by CW and Pulsed Krypton-Lamp Nd3+:YAG Laser (in Chinese). Physics. Vol.12, No.1, January 1983, 42-44

16. Zhen Xi Zhang: The Teaching and Studying of Physics at University Stuttgart (in Chinese). Journal of Northwestern University (Natural Sciences Edition). Vol.13, No.1, 1983, 120-123

17. Yin Sheng Lei, Nou Wang, Zhen Xi Zhang: Experimental Studies on He-Ne Laser Brillouin Scattering in Liquid (in Chinese). Physics. Vol.12, No.7, July 1983, 415-417

18. Chuan Ji Hu, Zhen Xi Zhang, Quality of Leaders in Scientific Research (in Chinese). Administrative Personnel and Manage. 1983, 72-73

19. Zhen Xi Zhang, Zhi Yong Zhang, Chen Xiang Ming: A Study on Theory of FTIR-Q Switch (in Chinese). ACTA OPTICA SINICA. Vol.4, No.5, 1984, 450-456

20. Nuo Wang, Zhen Xi Zhang: Survey of Weapon of Ion Beam (in Chinese). Applied Optics. No.6, 1984, 102-105

Papers (1985-1989)

21. Zhen Xi Zhang: New Advance of Laser Medicine (in Chinese). The Press of Shaanxi Hygiene. No.65, 3. 30. 1985

22. Zhen Xi Zhang: Loss Investigation of Cone- Mirror Resonator (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.15 No.4, 1985, 22-25

23. Nuo Wang, Zhen Xi Zhang: Laser Beam and Optical Acupuncture (in Chinese). The Press of Xian Science and Technology. No.123, 9.1.1985

24. Nuo Wang, Zhen Xi Zhang: Laser Beam and Optical Scalpel (in Chinese). The Press of Xian Science and Technology. No.124, 9. 15. 1985

25. Zhen Xi Zhang, Bao Lin Lu: The Theory of FTIR-Q Switch Resonator (in Chinese). ACTA PHYSICA SINICA. Vol.35, No.4, 523-528, 1986

26. Zhen Xi Zhang: Light and Biomedical Engineering (in Chinese). Light World. Vol.5 No.5, 1987 38-39

27. Zhen Xi Zhang, Wen Qian Zhang: The Theorytic Study on Thermal Lensing Effects in Active Resonant Cavity of FTIR Q-Switching (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.17, No.12, 1987, 31-34

28. Zhen Xi Zhang: Inventor of Radiation Treatment for Smallaox and Lupus (in Chinese). Light World. Vol.6 No.4, 1988

29. Zhen Xi Zhang, Xin Xu, Hong Zhuang: Laser Used in Medicine and Lasermedicine (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.18 No.7, 1988 14-16

30. K.Debes, Zhen Xi Zhang: The Introduction of Biomedical Engineering and Bionics of Germany Democratic Republic (in Chinese). External Medicine- Fascicle of Biomedical Engineering. Vol.12, No.2, 1989, 106-110

31. Jin Qi Zhen, Ken Hua Zan, Zhen Xi Zhang: Experimental Research and Theoretical Analysis of He-Ne Laser Beam Penetration through Human Skin (in Chinese). Laser and Infrared. Vol.19, No.3, 1989, 26-30

32. Xin Xu, Zhen Xi Zhang, Hong Zhuang: The Mechanism and Detection of Laser Muscle Diffraction (in Chinese). Journal of Applied Laser. Vol.8, No.4 Series No.42, Aug. 1989,208-211

Papers (1990-1994)

33. Zhen Xi Zhang, Hong Yu, Zhi Lin Zhang: Experimental Research on Animals Visceral Organ Reflection and Transmission from Visible Light to Ultraviolet (in Chinese). Journal of Dalian University of Technology. Vol.30, No.6, 1990, 661-665

34. Xin Xu, Zhen Xi Zhang, Ken Hua Zan: The Laser Polarization of Muscle Tissue and Its Detection (in Chinese). Laser Technology. Vol.14, No.6, 61-63, 1990

35. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang: A new type of optical detector-the isotropic ball (in Chinese). Journal of Biomedical Engineering. Vol.8 No.2 1991, 167-170

36. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Zhi Lin Zhang: Researches on the Reflectivity of Tumors Tissues (in Chinese). Proceedings of `91 Annual National Conference on Biomedical Electronics, Measurement, Information & Control. Oct 7-9 1991 Shanghai China 1-66-68

37. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuang Fang et al: The Study Diffused Reflection of Biomedical Tissues (in Chinese). Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing. Vol.7, No.S Sep. 1992 243-246

38. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Zhi Tai Shong et al: Luminescence of Human Tumorous Tissue (in Chinese). Study and Apply of Luminescence. Rong Chuan Fang and Shang Da Xia editor, Publishing House of the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, January 1992

39. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuang Fang et al: The effects of Formalin Fixation Influenced on Reflectance and Transmittance of Tissue (in Chinese). Physical Study on Biomedicine. Xi Lin Chen editor, Publishing House of Atomic Energy, Nov. 1992

40. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuan Fang et al.: Formalin Fixation's Influence on Optical Properties of Tissues (in Chinese). Laser Biology. Vol.2, No.1 Mar. 1993 204

41. Xin Shen Guo, Zhen Xi Zhang: High Repetition Rate Solid-State Laser with Medium-Pressure Nitrogen as Coolant (in Chinese). ACTA OPTICA SINICA. Vol.13,No.4 April,1993 p.133

42. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuan Fang: Luminescence of Human Tumor Tissues (in Chinese). Proceedings of the First China Postdoctoral Academic Congress. Publishing House of Goufang, Mar.1993 1646-1649

43. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuan Fang: The Reflectance Properties of The Tumor Tissues (in German). Laser Medizin. Vol.9,No.2 June. 1993 110-115

44. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuan Fang: Studies on Phenomenon of Diffraction and Polarization in Muscular Tissues (in Chinese). Journal of Biomedical Engineering. Vol.10,No.2 June.1993 127-133

45. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Zhi Lin Zhanget al.: Studies of Optical Propagation Properties in Biological Tissue (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering. Vol.12,No.3 Sept.1993 195-202

46. Zhen Xi Zhang: A General Situation of The Third International Conference of the International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (in Chinese). Laser Biology. Vol.3 No.3 Sep.1994 520-522

Papers (1995-1999)

47. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Cong Xun Zheng: The Refractivity and Refractive Index of Biological Tissues (in Chinese). Laser Biology. Vol.5 No.1 1995 778-784

48. Ye Yang, Zhenxi Zhang, Dazong Jiang: Application and Progress of laser techniques in small particle measurement, The advanced problem in morden science and technology researching -Present situation and tendency (in Chinese), Xi”an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, 1996

49. Xin Hui Yang, Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Cong Xun Zheng: Forward Light Scattering of Red Blood Cells (in Chinese). Laser Biology. Vol.5 No.2 1996 821-828

50. Ye Yang, Zhenxi Zhang, Xinhui Yang, Dazong Jiang: A Study of Light Scattering from Biological Cells: A Model of Coated Sphere (in English). Proceedings International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BME’96) Technology for Health. June 3-5, 1996 Hong Kong 373-376

51. Zhen Xi Zhang, Jian Sheng Mei, Klaus Debes, Cornelius Schilling: Beugungserscheinungen im Muskelgewebe (in Germany). Tagungsband zum 2. Ilmenauer Workshop für Mikrosystemtechnik. Mechanisch aktive Mikkrosysteme. 4.-5. July 1996 P.69-75

52. Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Jiang Dazong: Laser Techniques of measuring particles size and their size distribution (in Chinese). Laser Technology. Vol.21 No.2 1997 122-127

53. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Chong Xun Zheng, Hui Rong Rao, Feng Yang, Qiang Wu, Bao Tai Wang: Luminescence of Human Tumor Tissues and Their DNA (in English). Laser in the Life Sciences. Vol.7 No.3 1997 199-205

54. Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Jiang Dazong: Application of laser light scattering techniques in cell counting and classification (in Chinese). Laser Technology. Vol.21 No.4 1997 231-236

55. Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Jiang Dazong: Elastic light scattering of blood cell counting and classification (in Chinese). Journal of Biomedical Engineering. Vol.14 No.2 1997 170-175

56. Zhang Zhenxi: A survey of experimental pharmacology and oncology Berlin-Buch GmbH. ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. Vol.6, No.3 1997 1172-1174

57. Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Jiang Dazong: Numerical Calculation of Mie Scattering (in Chinese). Journal of Applied Optics. Vol.18 No.4 1997 17-19

58. Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Yang Xinhui,Jiang Dazong: Comparison and Analysis of Mie Scattering and Anomalous Diffraction of Spheres with Refractive Index Near 1 (in Chinese). Journal of Applied Optics. Vol.18 No.6 1997 12-16

59.Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Jiang Dazong: Comparison and Analysis of Mie Scattering and Fraunhofer Diffraction of large particles (in Chinese). Laser Technology. Vol.22 No.1 1998 18-21

60.Zhenxi Zhang: A Brief Introduction of Department of Surgery and Surgical Oncology of Robert R&ouml;ssle Hospital at MDC-- the Virchow University Clinic at Humbold University in Berlin (in Chinese). ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. 1998 Vol.6,No.1, 78-79

61. Zhang Zhenxi: A Brief of the Book of Laser-Tissue Interactions (in Chinese), Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser. 1998 Vol.9,No.3, 269-270

62. Ayding Bulgen, Hongli Li, Zhenxi Zhang: The classification and counting of leukocytes by using VSC-technology (in English). ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. 1998 Vol.7,No.3, 216-219

63. Ye Yang, Zhen-Xi Zhang, Xin-hui Yang, Da-zong Jiang: The blood cell counting and classification from stationary suspensions by laser light scattering Method (in English). Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 1998 Vol.20, No.4, 1885-1888

64. Li Hongli,Zhang Zhenxi: The Classification of Laser Hazard and the Interaction of Laser-eye (in Chinese). Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser. 1999 Vol.10,No.1, 67-69

65. Yao Cui-ping,Zhang Zhen-xi: Interaction of Laser with Tissue (in Chinese). ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. 1999 Vol.8,No.2, 102-108

66. Yao Cuiping, Li Hongli, Zhang Zhenxi: The study of the light fluence rate distribution in blood (in Chinese). Laser Technology. 1999 Vol.23,No.6, 344-349

67. Ye Yang, Zhenxi Zhang, Xinhui Yang, Dazong Jiang, Joon Hock Yeo: Study on blood cell counting and classification by non-flowing laser light scattering method (in English). Proceedings of SPIE. 1999 Vol.3897, 131-138

68. Xinhui Yang, Ye Yang, Zhenxi Zhang, Dazong Jiang, Zhao Hengyu: Design of Blood Cell Analysers by Using Stationary Suspending Laser Light Scattering Method (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation. 1999 Vol.23, No. 3, 128-133

Papers (2000- )

69. Yang Xinhui, Yang Ye, Zhang Zhenxi, Jiang Dazong: A Measuring System of an Instrument for Blood Cell Counting and Classification Using Stationary Suspension Fluid (in Chinese). Beijing Biomedical Engineering. 2000 Vol.19,No.2, 91-95

70. YAO Cuiping, ZHANG Zhenxi: Genetic Engineering (in Chinese). International Pharmaceutical Information. 2001 Vol.2, No.2, 13-17

71. YAO Cuiping, ZHANG Sheng, ZHANG Zhenxi: Optical Fiber Technology for Biomedicine (in Chinese). International Medical Devices. 2001 Vol.7, No.8, 45-48

72. ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Interaction Between Laser and Biological Tissue (in Chinese). International Medical Devices. 2001 Vol.7, No.10, 12-17

73. NIU Jinlong, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong, YANG Shenghong, MA Guanglai, WANG Keguang: Preparation, structure and solubility of C2KNa(PO4)2 (in English). Journal of Materials Science. 2001 Vol.36, No.15, 3805-3808

74. NIU Jinlong, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Investigation of Phase Evolution During the thermochemical synthesis of tricalcium phosphate (in English). Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing. 2001 Vol.9, No.5, 235-240

75. Sujuan Zhang, Zhenxi Zhang, Dazong Jiang:Photodynamic therapy of different photosensitizers in leukemia (in English).Proceedings of SPIE.2001 Vol.4536,54-62

76.XU Zhenghong, ZHANG Zhenxi: Biomedical Photonics Research (in Chinese). International Medical Devices. 2002 Vol.8, No.5, 40-44

77.ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Interaction of Laser and Biological Tissue: Application in Ophthalmology Treatment (in Chinese). International Medical Devices. 2002 Vol.8, No.5, 50-53

78. NIU Jinlong, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong, Synthesis and Characteristics of Porous Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics (in Chinese). Journal of Biomedical Engineering. 2002 Vol.19, No.2, 302-305

79. ZHANG Sujuan, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong, 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Esters Based Photodynamic Therapy (in Chinese). Journal of Biomedical Engineering. 2002 Vol.19, No.2, 310-314

80. NIU Jinlong, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Investigation of Phase Evolution During the formation of calcium potassium sodium orthophosphate (in English). Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2003 Vol.78, No.2, 308-312

81. AI Wen-jing, ZHANG Zhen-xi, Blood rheology and its applications to the Clinical Inspection, Chinese Medical Equipment Journal. 2003 Vol.24, No.1, 24-26

82. HOU Zhenqing, ZHANG Zhenxi: Light Pliers for Life Science (in Chinese). International Medical Devices. 2003 Vol.9, No.2, 47-49

83. WU Hong,ZHANG Zhen-xi, WU Dao-cheng, YU Kai-tao, LI Xiao-ye:Preparation and Drug Release Characteristics of Pingyangmycin Gelatin Microspheres for Embolization Therapy (in English). Chinese Journal of Cancer Research. 2003 Vol.15 No.1, 24-28

84. NIU Jinlong, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Structure Determination of C2KNa(PO4)2 with Wide-angle XRD (in English). Rare Matal Materials and Engineering. 2003 Vol.32 No.3, 173-175

85.HE Qingli, XU Yanliang, XU Rong, ZHANG Zhenxi: The Mechanism Analysis of Blood Protein Activity Adjusted by Low Level Laser (in Chinese). Acta Photonica Sinica. 2003 Vol.32 No.6, 646-648

86. AI Wen-jing, ZHANG Zhen-xi, Development of Cardiac Ultrasound Imaging (in Chinese). International Medical Devices. 2003 Vol.9, No.11, 63-65

87. Xiao Hua,Xiong Jianwen, Wu Jiming, Zhang Zhenxi:Experiment research on ALA-PDT destruction of leukaemie cell HL60. Proceedings of SPIE (in English). 2003 Vol.5254, 379-381

88. Xiong Jianwen, Chen Li, Liu Mingsheng, Zhang Zhenxi:A quantitative modify of flow cytomerry (FCM) (in English). Proceedings of SPIE. 2003 Vol.5254, 382-387

89. Zhenghong Xu, Zhang Zhenxi, Jing Wang, Ye-cho Huang:The High-Resolution Optical Mapping of Cardiac Electrical Activity (in English). Proceedings of SPIE. 2003 Vol.5254, 425-456

90. Zhang Hong, Yang Lin, Zhang Zhenxi, Jin Yinbin, Huang Yizhuo: The Development of the Computer Simulation Study in the Arrthymatic Mechanism. Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing & Electrophysiology. 2004 Vol. 18, No. 2, 81-84

91.ZHANG Zhenxi, LIU Demin,Raman Spectrum Application for Cancer Diagnosis (in Chinese),International Medical Devices. 2004 Vol.10, No.5,12-14

92.Cuiping Yao, Zheng Li, Zhenxi Zhang: New algorithm and system for measuring size distribution of blood cells (in English). Chinese Optics Letters. 2004 Vol.2, No.6, pp. 343–346

93.HUO Zhenqing, ZHANG Zhenxi, Historical evolvement & development of insulin preparation (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Medicine. 2004 Vol.4,No.7,619-622

94.Oliver-Werner Duscheck, Zhang Zhenxi,Laser Application in Medical Engineering (in English),Acta Laser Biology Sinica. 2004 Vol.13,No.3,161-166

95.TONG Ze-feng, ZHANG Zhen-xi,Laser Hazards ang Safety Standards (in Chinese). Acta Laser Biology Sinica. 2004 Vol.13,No.3,198-201

96、LI Zhen, ZHANG Zhen-xi: Study on the Laser-induced Gene Transfection (in Chinese). Acta Laser Biology Sinica. 2004 Vol.13,No.3,219-223

97.HE Qing-li, HE Jian, ZHANG Zhen-xi: A physics model of biology enzyme activity rising by low level laser (in Chinese). Laser Journal. 2004 Vol.25,No.4,53-54

98. Hou Zhenqing, Zhang Zhenxi, Zhang chuanxin, Huang Mei: Use of natural plant exudates (Sanguis Draxonis) for sustained oral insulin delivery with dramatic reduction of glycemic effects in diabetic rats. Journal of Controlled Release. 2004 Jul 7;97(3):467-475(影响因子 3.0)

91. XIONG Jian-wen, XIAO Hua, CHEN Li, Wu Ji-ming, ZHANG Zhen-xi: Experiment Research of the Vivo Destruction of HL 60 Cells by the Use of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-based Photodynamic Therapy (in Chinese).Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser. 2004 Sep. Vol.15, No.9, 1118-1122

92. Ye Yang, Zhenxi Zhang, Xinhui Yang, Joon Hock Yeo, LiJun Jiang and Dazong Jiang: Blood cell counting and classification by non-flowing laser light scattering method. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2004 September/October Vol.9, No.5 (影响因子2.7)

93. Su-Juan Zhang and Zhen-Xi Zhang: 5-Aminolevulinic Acid–Based Photodynamic Therapy in Leukemia Cell HL60.Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2004 Vol.79, No.6, 545–550(影响因子 2.241)

94. XIAO Hua, XIONG Jian-wen, CHEN Li, Wu Ji-ming, ZHANG Zhen-xi: Research of Parameters on ALA-PDT Destruction of Leukaemie Cell. ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. 2004 Vol.13 No.5, 353-357

95. XIONG Jian-wen, XIAO Hua, CHEN Li, Wu Ji-ming, ZHANG Zhen-xi: Laser Plasma Induced Ablation in Cells of Eye Tissue. ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. 2004 Vol.13 No.5, 363-368


1. Xin Xu, Zhen Xi Zhang, Hong Zhuang: The Mechanism and Detection of Laser Diffraction in Muscle (Abstract)(in Chinese). Laser Journal. Vol.9, No.6, 1988, 373-374

2. Xin Xu, Zhen Xi Zhang, Ken Hua Zan: The Polarization Phenomena and Detection of Laser act on Muscles (Abstract) (in Chinese). Laser & Infrared. Vol.20, No.4, 41-42, 1990

3. Jing Feng Guan, Zhen Xi Zhang, Jian Hua Ding: Research on Inductive Self Fluorescent Radiation of Cancerous and Normal Tissues by Laser (in Chinese). Laser Journal. Vol.11 No.6, 1991, 294

4. Zhen Xi Zhang: The Study of Optical Propagation Properties in Biological Tissue (in Chinese). Chinese Optics and Applied Optics Abstract. Vol.5, No.6 1991 82

5. Zhen Xi Zhang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuan Fang: Optical Properties of Human Tumor Tissues,(in English). The 1993 International Conference on Luminescence. August 9-13, 1993 ICL'93 Technical Digest Th4-3, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA

6. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Yu Rong Ma, Rong Chuan Fang: Luminecence of Human Tumor Tissues (in English). Third International Conference of the International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences. April 10-14,1994, Abstract p.51 Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

7. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Cong Xun Zheng: Spectrum analysis of the Tumor Tissues (in Chinese). Laser Journal. Vol.16 No.5 1995 233-234

8. Zhen Xi Zhang, Da Zong Jiang, Cong Xun Zheng: The Forward-Scatter and Backward-Diffusion Distribution of Biological Tissues (in Chinese). Laser Biology. Vol.5 No.1 1996 812

9. Yan Oiulao, ZHANG Zhenxi, Xue feng, Jiang Dazong, Zheng Chongxun, Zhao Hengyu: Measuring red blood cells by Laser diffraction (in Chinese, in Germany and English). Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XI. Tagung, Chengdu, 23-26. September 1996. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, 28-29

10. YANG Ye, ZHANG Zhenxi, YANG Xinhui, JIANG Dazong: Forward Light Scattering of Biological Cells(in Chinese, in Germany and English). Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin. XI. Tagung, Chengdu, 23-26. September 1996. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, 76-77

11. YANG Xinhui, ZHANG Zhenxi, YANG Ye, JIANG Dazong: Elastic Licht Scattering from Spheres Containing Spherical Inclusions: An Improved Optical Model for Nucleated Blood cells (in Chinese, in Germany and English). Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XI. Tagung, Chengdu, 23-26. September 1996. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, 78-79

12. Ayding Bulgen, Hongli Li, Zhenxi Zhang: The classification and counting of leukocytes by using VSC-technology (Abstract)(in English). ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA. 1997 Vol.6,No.4, 1247

13. Zhang Zhenxi,Jiang Dazong,Yangye,Yang Xinhui, Zhao Hengyu: Study on the blood cell counting and classification from stationary suspension by laser light scattering (in Chinese). Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser. 1999 Vol.10,Supp. Jun. 233

14. ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Optical Properties of Human Tumor Tissue (in English). Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XIV. Tagung, Heidelberg, 16-18. September 1999. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, 40

15. YAO Cuiping, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Genetic algorithm for measuring size distribution of blood cells (in English). Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XV. Tagung, Xi'an, 19-21. September 2000. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, BME#19

16. ZHANG Sujuan, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong, MO Xiaoyan, LIU Xin, ZHANG Mei: Interactions of Photodynamic Therapy with Tumors (in English): Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XV. Tagung, Xi'an, 19-21. September 2000. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, BME#21

17. ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong, Winfrid Liebrich, Christian Nowak, Thomas Moesta, Peter M. Schlag: Fluorescence detection of the photosensitizer influence on the tumor cell in vitro (in English). Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XV. Tagung, Xi'an, 19-21. September 2000. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, BME#2

18. NIU Jinlong, ZHANG Sujuan, ZHANG Zhenxi, JIANG Dazong: Synthesis and physiochemical properties of calcium alkali orthophosphate as a bioceramic: preliminary results (in English): Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft fuer Medizin und Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizin, XV. Tagung, Xi'an, 19-21. September 2000. Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeitraege aus dem Bereich Biomedizinische Technik, BME#24

19.He Qingli,He Jian, Zhang Zhenxi,A Physics Model of Biology Enzyme Activity Rising By Low Level Laser, Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizin und Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft für Medizin, XVII. Tagung, Hangzhou, 11-13, Oktober 2002, p.129

20. Zhang Baqin, Xiao Mi, Zhang Zhenxi, Miao Lixia, Chen Meilan: The Choice of Experimental Condition for 5-aminolevulinic Acid Based Photodynamic Therapy in Leukemia Cell K562 and HL60 (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Laser Mrdicine & Surgery. 2004 Vol.13 No.3, 165


1. M.H.Niemz: Laser-Tissue Interactions Springer, 1996 (Chinese translation from English) translator Zhenxi Zhang. Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, Xi‘an, China, 1999 (265 pp, 165 figs, 33 tabs). ISBN 7-5605-1108-2

2. Florian Korff: Internet fuer Mediziner, Springer, 1998 (Chinese translation from Germany) translator Zhenxi Zhang. Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, Xi‘an, China, 2000 (200 pp, 191 figs). ISBN 7-5605-1236-4

3. K. Horie, H. Ushiki, F.M. Winnik: Molecular Photonics, WILEY-VCH, 2000 (Chinese translation from English) Translator Zhenxi Zhang et al. Science Press, 2004 (200 pp, 191 figs). ISBN 7-03-012724-2

4. M.H.Niemz: Laser-Tissue Interactions Springer, 2004 (Third, Enlarged Edition)(Chinese translation from English) translator Zhenxi Zhang. Science Press, Beijing, China, 2005 (282 pp, 175 figs, 33 tabs, 40 problems & solutions). ISBN 7-03-014796-0


Zhenzi Zhang: Study of optical Propagation Properties in the Biological Tissues. Ph.D. thesis, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 1990


Patentee: JIANG D.Z., ZHANG Z.X.

Instrument for Blood Cell Counting and Classification by Laser Light Scattering Method

Patents Number: ZL 00 2 26434. X

Letters Patent: 427 551

Datum: 1. March 2001









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