

词条 张幼怡


张幼怡,研究员,博士生导师。北京大学第三医院血管医学研究所副所长,卫生部心血管分子生物学与调节肽重点实验室副主任,分子心血管教育部重点实验室副主任,北京大学心血管研究所所长, 北京大学前沿交叉科学研究院生物医学跨学科中心副主任。




现兼任国际病理生理学会副理事长、中国病理生理学会秘书长、中国病理生理学会心血管专业委员会主任委员,中国病理生理学会受体专业委员会副主任委员,中国药理学会心血管药理专业委员会委员。《中国科学:生命科学》和《Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology》常务编委, 《J Pathophysiology》、《中国药理与毒理》、《生理学报》、《中国病理生理学杂志》、《中国药学杂志》《中华医学杂志英文版》等编委。


1. 多种亚型肾上腺素受体在心血管共存的生理与病理意义;

2. 心血管重塑的网络调控及早期防治的基础研究;

3. 肾上腺素受体单个分子在活细胞中的动态行为;

4. 心力衰竭的分子机制与转化医学。


多年来一直从事肾上腺素受体与心血管疾病发病机制的研究, 特别是肾上腺素受体在心血管系统的分布,信号转导,生理功能及在病理状态下的改变和受体之间的交互作用的研究。作为项目主持者先后承担10 余项各级科学基金课题,包括:国家科技部重点基础研究发展规划项目“973”课题2 项(已结题);国家自然科学基金8项,北京市自然科学基金1 项等。共发表学术论文180篇,其中SCI96篇(第一和责任作者58篇)近三年发表论文38篇,SCI 收录35篇(责任作者23篇)。2001 年获国家教委中国高校自然科学一等奖(第2 完成人)。参与编写《动态心电图》、《分子核医学》、《受体信号转导系统与疾病》和《生命科学中的单分子行为及细胞内实时检测》等著作。


1. XF Zhao, XH Zheng, YM Wei, LJ Bian, SX Wang, JB Zheng, YY Zhang*, ZJ Li, WJ Zang*. Corrigendumto “Thermodynamic study of the interaction between terbutaline and salbutamolwith an immobilized b2-adrenoceptor by high-performance liquid chromatography”. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY, 2009, 877:911-918

2. JY Qi, M Xu, ZZ Lv, YY Zhang*.Differential expression of 14-3-3 eduringd physiological, pathological cardisc hypertrophy and chronicheart failure in mice. GENE THERAPY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 2009, 13: 71-81

3. GM Shi, QH Cui, YY Zhang*.microRNA Set: A Novel Wayto Uncover the Potential Black box of chronic Heart Failure in MicroRNAMicroarray Analysis. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, 2009, 2(4):240-246

4. W Wang, M Xu, YY Zhang, B He.Fenoterol, a beta2-adrenoceptor agonist, inhibits LPS-induced membrane-boundCD14, TLR4/CD14 complex, and inflammatory cytokines production throughbeta-arrestin-2 in THP-1cell line. ACTA PHARMACOL SIN, 2009, 11, 30(11): 1522-8

5. Y Xia, KZ Gong, M Xu, YY Zhang,JH Guo, Y Song, P Zhang. Regulation of gap-junction protein connexin 43 by beta-adrenergicreceptor stimulation in rat cardiomyocytes. ACTA PHARMACOL SIN, 2009, Jul,30(7): 928-34

6. D Ai, W Pang, N Li, M Xu, PD. Jones, J Yang,YY Zhang, N Chiamvimonvate, Y. J. Shyyf, BD. Hammock, Y Zhu. Solubleepoxide hydrolase plays an essential role in angiotensin II-induced cardiachypertrophy. PNAS, 2009, 106(2): 564–569

7. ZJ Li, N Liu, LS zhang, KZ Gong, YB Cai, W Gao, ZQ Liu, SY Liu, QD Han, YY Zhang*. Proteomic profiling revealscomprehensive insights into adrenergic receptor-mediated hypertrophy inneonatal rat cardiomyocytes. PROTEOMICS CLIN APPL, 2009, 3: 1407-1421

8. JY Huang, L Qin, XL Peng, CY Xiong ,YYZhang, J Fang .Cellular traction force recovery: An optimal filteringapproach in two-dimensional fourier space. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, 2009,7, 259: 811–819

9. JY Huang, XL Peng, L Qin, T Zhu, CY Xiong, YY Zhang, J Fang. Determination of Cellular Tractions on ElasticSubstrate Based on an Integral Boussinesq Solution. JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICALENGINEERING, 2009, 6, 131: 061009-9

10. F Wei, Y Song, C Chen, ZZ Lv, YY Zhang*.Stimulation of adenosine A2B receptors induces interleukin-6 secretion incardiac fibroblasts via the PKC–p38 signalling pathway. BRITISH JOURNAL OFPHARMACLOLGY. 2010, 159:1598-1607

11. JY Qi, M Xu, ZZ Lv, YY Zhang*.14-3-3 inhibits IGF-I induced proliferation of cardiacfibroblasts via PI3K-dependent NFAT pathway. CLIN EXP PHARMACOL PHYSIOL, 2010,37: 296-302

12 He K,Luo W,Zhang Y,Liu F,Liu D,Xu L,Qin L,Xiong C,Lu Z,Fang X,Zhang Y*.Intercellular Transportation of Quantum Dots Mediated by Membrane Nanotubes.ACS Nano, 2010, 4 (6): 3015–3022

13. Xiao H, Ma X, Feng W, Fu Y, Lu Z, Xu M, Shen Q, Zhu Y, Zhang Y*. Metformin attenuatescardiac fibrosis by inhibiting the TGFb1-smad3signalling pathway. Cardiovasc Res , 2010: 87, 504–513

14 Jiang SY, Xu M, Ma XW, Xiao H, ZhangYY. Distinct AMPK phosphorylationsite characterizes cardiac hypertrophy induced by L-thyroxine andangiotensinII. Clin ExpPharmacol Physiol, 2010:37;919–925

15 Xiao H, Zhang YY, Du XJ, Lu ZZ. Developmental changes in the geometry, functionand responsiveness of the mouse heart to β-adrenergic stimulation as determinedby high-resolution echocardiography. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.2010;37:826-832

16. Liu X, Gai Y, Liu F, Gao W, Zhang Y, Xu M, Li Z. Trimetazidineinhibits pressure overload-induced cardiac fibrosis through NADPHoxidase-ROS-CTGF pathway. Cardiovasc Res. 2010;88:150-158

17. Zhao X, Nan Y, Xiao C, Zheng J, ZhengX*, Wei Y, Zhang Y*. Screening thebioactive compounds in aqueous extract of Coptidis rhizoma which specificallybind to rabbit lung tissues beta2-adrenoceptor using an affinitychromatographic selection method.J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci.2010 Jul 15;878(22):2029-34

18. He K, Fu Y, Zhang W, Yuan J, Li Z, Lv Z, Zhang Y*, Fang X. Single-molecule imaging revealed enhanceddimerization of transforming growth factor β type Ⅱreceptors in hypertrophiccardiomyocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011;407(2):313-7

19. Ma X, Song Y, Chen C, Fu Y, Shen Q, Li Z,Zhang Y.* Distinct actions of intermittent and sustained b-adrenoceptor stimulation on cardiac remodeling. Sci China Life Sci. 2011;54(6):493-501

20. Shi X,Qin L,Zhang X,He K,Xiong C,Fang J,Fang X,Zhang Y*.Elasticity of cardiac cells on the polymer substrates with different stiffness:an atomic force microscopy study. Phys Chem Chem Phys.2011;13(16):7540-5

21. Fu YN,Xiao H,Ma XW,Jiang SY,Xu M,Zhang YY*. Metformin attenuates pressureoverload-induced cardiac hypertrophy via AMPK activation. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2011;32(7):879-87

22. Liu F, He K, Yang X, Xu N, Liang Z, Xu M, Zhao XS, Han QD, zhang YY*. 1A-Adrenergic receptor induces activation ofextracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 through endocytic pathway. PLoS ONE 2011;6(6): e21520

23. He K, Shi X, Zhang X, Ma X, Liu F, Xu M, LvZ, Fang X, Zhang Y*. Long-distance intercellular connectivity between cardiomyocytes andcardiofibroblasts mediated by membrane nanotubes. Cardiovasc Res. 2011; 92, 39–47

24. Li Z, Liu N, Han Q, Zhang Y*. A proteome reference map andregulation network of the neonatal rat cardiomyocyte. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2011; 32(9):1116-27

25. Li Y, Zhang H, Liao W, Song Y, Ma X, Chen C, Lü Z, Li Z, Zhang Y*. Transactivated EGFR mediatesα1-AR-induced STAT3 activation and cardiac hypertrophy. Am J PhysiolHeart Circ Physiol. 2011;301(5):H1941-51

26. Xu Q,Dalic A,Fang L,Kiriazis H,Ritchie RH,Sim K,Gao XM,Drummond G,Sarwar M,Zhang YY,Dart AM,Du XJ.Myocardial oxidative stress contributes to transgenic β-adrenoceptoractivation-induced cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Br J Pharmacol. 2011Mar;162(5):1012-28

27. Wang J,Song Y,Zhang Y,Xiao H,Sun Q,Hou N,Guo S,Wang Y,Fan K,Zhan D,Zha L,Cao Y,Li Z,Cheng X,Zhang Y*,Yang X.Cardiomyocyte overexpression of miR-27b induces cardiac hypertrophy anddysfunction in mice. Cell Research, 2011 Aug 16. doi: 10.1038/cr.2011.132

28. Chen C, Du J, Feng W, Song Y, Lu Z, Xu M, LiZ, Zhang Y*. b-adrenergic receptors stimulate interleukin-6 production throughEpac-dependent activation of PKCd/p38 MAPKsignaling in neonatal mouse cardiac fibroblasts. Br J Pharmacol, 2011 Nov 21.doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2011.01785.x.

29. Yongnan Fu, Han Xiao, YouyiZhang*. β-adrenoceptor signaling pathways mediate cardiac pathologicalremodeling. FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE. 2012 Jan 1;4:1625-37





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