

词条 张信明

张信明 ,男,1964年10月生,安徽天长人,副教授,硕士生导师,KAIST (韩国高等科学技术研究院)客座教授, 韩国高等教育财团国际交换学者奖2005-2006获得者。

1985.7毕业于中国矿业大学自动化系,获工学学士学位。1988.7毕业于中国矿业大学北京研究生部计算中心,获工学硕士学位(研究方向:通讯远动与计算机应用)。2001.12在中国科技大学计算机系获得工学博士学位(研究方向:计算机网络与网络计算)。1988.9―1999.2在合肥工业大学财经学院担任计算机教学、机房和教研室管理工作。2002.3起在中国科技大学计算机系从事教学科研工作。目前主持国家自然基金项目一项,参加国家自然基金、973项目各一项、国家发改委CNGI(下一代互联网示范工程) 项目两项,主持完成华为科技基金、宁波市重点博士科学基金项目各一项,参加完成国家863、973项目各一项,参加完成中国科学院高水平大学建设、中国科技大学创新基地项目的研究。


[1]赵志伟,张信明,刘道科,阙灿. 竞争允许TDMA的无线传感器网络MAC层协议. 计算机工程, 2007, 33(24).

[2]Jun Lv, Xinming Zhang, Xiaojun Han, Yanyan Fu . A Novel Adaptively Dynamic Tuning of the Contention Window (CW) for Distributed Coordination Function in IEEE 802.11 Ad hoc Networks . International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), November 2007.

[3]Xinguo Wang, Xinming Zhang, Guoliang Chen, Shuang Tian . An Adaptive and Distributed Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks . International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), November 2007.

[4]Shuang Tian, Xinming Zhang, Xinguo Wang, Peng Sun, Haiyang Zhang . A Selective Anchor Node Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks . International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), November 2007.

[5]Can Que, Xinming Zhang, Yongzhen Liu, Yanbin Huang . Performance Analysis of Chain Topology in IEEE 802.11 Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks . International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), November 2007.

[6]Fengfu Zou, Xinming Zhang, Xuemei Gao, Dong Shi, Enbo Wang . Load Balance Routing using Packet Success Rate for Mobile Ad hoc Networks . The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WICOM), September 2007.

[7]Xuemei Gao, Xinming Zhang, Dong Shi, Fengfu Zou, Wenbo Zhu . Contention and Queue-aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks . The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WICOM), September 2007.

[8]Shuang Tian, Xinming Zhang, Pengxi Liu, Peng Sun, Xinguo Wang . A RSSI-based DV-hop Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks . The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WICOM), September 2007.

[9]干国政,张信明,刘琼,郑文琛. 基于流量预测的移动Ad hoc网络联合组播路由协议.计算机工程, 2007, 33(16).

[10]Xuemei Gao, Xinming Zhang, Dong Shi, Guoliang Chen . An Efficient Heuristic Gossiping Mechanism in Ad Hoc Routing . International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom), August 2007.

[11]Zhiwei Zhao, Xinming Zhang, Peng Sun, Pengxi Liu. A Traffic Queue-aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom), August 2007.

[12]Dong Shi, Xinming Zhang, Xuemei Gao, Wenbo Zhu, Hui Fei . The Redundant Cache: An Enhancement of Cache Mechanism in DSR . International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom), August 2007.

[13]干国政,张信明,赵志伟,陈国良. 能量驱动的移动Ad hoc网络概率组播路由协议.计算机工程,2007,33(9).

[14]Xiang Yu, Xinming Zhang, Can Que, Qiong Liu. A Practical Low Interference Topology Control for Mobile Ad hoc Networks . The Sixth International Conference on Networking, April 2007.

[15]Pengxi Liu, Xinming Zhang, Shuang Tian, Zhiwei Zhao, Peng Sun. A Novel Virtual Anchor Node-based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks . The Sixth International Conference on Networking, April 2007.

[16]Dong Shi, Xinming Zhang, Xuemei Gao, Wenbo Zhu, Fengfu Zou. A Link Reliability-aware Route Maintenance Mechanism for Mobile Ad hoc Networks . The Sixth International Conference on Networking, April 2007.

[17]Zhiwei Zhao, Xinming Zhang, Peng Sun, Pengxi Liu. A Transmission Power Control MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks . The Sixth International Conference on Networking, April 2007.

[18]Vincent Wenchen Zheng, Xinming Zhang, Daoke Liu, Dan Keun Sung . A Joint Power Control, Link Scheduling and Rate Control Algorithm for Wireless Ad hoc Networks . IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), Hong Kong, March 2007.

[19]Xinming Zhang, Qiong Liu, Dong Shi, Yongzhen Liu, Xiang Yu . An Average Link Interference-aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks . The Third International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, March 2007.

[20]Xinming Zhang, Xuemei Gao, Dong Shi, Dan Keun Sung . Lifetime-aware Leisure Degree Adaptive Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks . The Third International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, March 2007.

[21]Xinming Zhang, Fei Xie, Wenjing Wang, Mainak Chatterjee . TCP Throughput for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications . First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom), October 2006, Beijing China.

[22]Jianwei Han, Kun Zhou, Li-Yi Wei, Minmin Gong, Hujun Bao, Xinming Zhang, Baining Guo . Fast example-based surface texture synthesis via discrete optimization . Special issue in Journal of The Visual Computer, 2006,22(9-11): 918-925.


[24]Xiaohai Wei, Guoliang Chen, Yingyu Wan, Xinming Zhang . Longest Lifetime Path and Minimal Re-Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.软件学报,2006,17(03).

[25]王青山,张信明,陈国良.基于插值法的移动Ad hoc网络功率路由算法.计算机工程,2006,32(01).

[26]谢飞,张信明,郭嘉丰,陈国良.延迟主导的自适应移动Ad hoc网络路由协议. 软件学报,2005,16(09).


[28]郭嘉丰,张信明,谢飞,陈国良.基于节点空闲度的自适应移动Ad hoc网络路由协议.软件学报,2005,16(05).

[29]张信明.聚集业务流特性与QoS性能界限的研究.计算机科学, 2004,31(12).

[30]王青山,张信明,马涛,唐何.Ad hoc无线网络功率控制综述.计算机科学, 2004,31(7).

[31]马涛,张信明,陈国良,王青山.Ad hoc无线网络公平调度算法研究.计算机科学, 2004,31(6).

[32]马涛,张信明,王青山,张联华.Ad hoc无线网络分组调度算法综述.计算机科学, 2004,31(4).

[33]Tao MA, Xinming ZHANG and Guoliang CHEN.A Maximal Clique Based Packet Scheduling Algorithm in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, 3rd International Conference on Networking, 2004.02.

[34]张信明,陈国良,黄刘生,徐云.QoS路由近似算法的研究.计算机科学, 2003,30(1).

[35]张信明,陈国良,顾钧.基于网络演算的流量整形模型.软件学报, 2002, 13(12).

[36]张信明,陈国良,丁箐.CSFQ算法的分析与改进.小型微型计算机系统,2002, 23(12).

[37]张信明,陈国良,刘峰.Internet QoS控制机制综述.计算机科学,2002, 29(3).


[39]张信明,陈国良 . HTTP的安全机制 . 计算机科学, 2000, 27(7).





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