

词条 张慰萍

张慰萍, 女, 教授, 1945年4月生于江苏苏州, 1967年毕业于中国科学技术大学近代化学系. 1988年在东京大学短期工作, 1992年以来多次赴法国国家科学研究中心Orsay 核物理研究所, 以及里昂发光材料物理化学实验室工作.


"固体化学", "结构和物性", "发光材料" 以及研究生课程 "固体功能材料概论".


纳米发光材料, 稀土发光, 光波导薄膜.


Publication since 2003

1) Synthesis and luminescent properties of sub-5nm Lanthanide oxides

nanoparticles, J. Luminescence, 2003,101-102:445

2) Spectroscopic properties and blue to ultraviolet upconversion for

Ho3+ ions in Cs2NaGdCl6 crystals, J. Alloys and Compounds, 2003, 361:1

3) Synthesis and Characterization of Gd2O3:Eu3+ phosphors nano-particles by sol-lyophilization technique,

J. Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 173(2):335-341

4) Optical properties of nanocrystalline Y2O3:Eu depending on the odding structure, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 2003, 262(2): 588

5) Conbustion synthesis and luminescent properties of nanocrystalline

ZnO, J. Inorganic Materials ( in Chinese) ,2003,18(4):933

6) Site-selective spectra and time-resolved spectra of nanocrystalline

Y2O3:Eu, Chemical Physics Letters , 2003, 376:318

7) VUV spectra and quantum cutting of LiKGdF5:Er,Dy single crystal,

High Energy Phys. And Nuclear Phys.(in Chinese), 2003,27(Supp.):35-39

8) Structure and optical properties of rare earth doped Y2O3 waveguide

films derived by sol-gel process,

Thin Solid Films, 2004, 458(1-2):274-280

9) Structure and optical properties of sol-gel derived Gd2O3 waveguide

films, Applied Surface Science, 2004, 230:215-221

10) Synthesis and properties of europium based phosphors on the

nanometer scale: Eu2O3, Gd2O3:Eu, Y2O3:Eu,

J. Colloid and Interface Science, 2004,273:191-197

11) Structure and waveguide properties of sol-gel derived Gd2O3 films,

J. Rear Earth, 2004, 22(1):27

12) Structure property and visible upconversion of Er3+ doped Gd2O3

nanocrystals, J. Rear Earth, 2004,22(3):365

13) Preparation, Structural Analysis and Luminescence Properties of

Nanocrystalline Phosphor Gd2O3:Eu, J. Rear Earth, 2004, 22(1):40

14) Er3+ doped BaTiO3 optical-waveguide thin films elaborated by sol-gel method, J. Rear Earth, 2004, 22(1):36

15) Blue upconversion of cubic Gd2O3:Er produced by green laser,

J. Alloys and Compounds, 2004, 376:23-27

16) Optogemetrical and structural analyses in waveguiding configuration: pplication to Y2O3 sol-gel planar waveguides,

a International Workshop on Photonics and Applications,

Hanoi, Vietnam, 5-8 Apr. 2004

17) Optical study and crystal field analysis of praseodymium doped

lanthanum metaborate, Molecular Physics, 2004, 102(11-12):1171-1176

18) VUV spectra and quantum cutting of LiKGdF5:Er,Sm single crystal

Nuclear Techniques, 2004, 27(12) , (in Chinese)

19) Visible upconversion in rare earth ions doped Gd2O3 nanocrystals,

J. Physical Chemistry B, 2004, 108:19205-19209

Publication papers: (1998-2002)

1) Spectroscopic properties of Eu3+ions in X1-Y2SiO5 at nanometric scale Physics B, 1998, 254:141

2) Preparation of nanocrystalline Ln2O3:Eu (Ln =Gd,Y ) by combustion synthesis and photoluminescence, J. Inorganic Materials, 1998, 13(1):53 (in Chinese)

3) Research on quenching concentration of nanocrystalline Y2SiO5:Eu

Chinese J. Luminescence,1998, 19(1): 19 (in Chinese)

4) The preparation of nanocrystal Y2O3:Eu by combustion method and its luminescent properties,

Chinese J. Luminescence,1998, 19(1): 8 (in Chinese)

5) Theoretical study on complex f-f transition simulation of luminescence spectra of nanocrystalline X1-Y2SiO5:Eu3+, J. Alloys and Compounds, 1998, 275-277:450

6) Preparation and size selectively excited luminescence of nanometric scale X1-Y2SiO5:Eu3+, Acta Physica Sinica, 1998, 47(7):1267 (in Chinese)

7) Photoacoustic spectroscopy study on Tb3+-Gd3+--sal complexes

Spectroscope Letters, 1998, 31(1):233

8) Excitation transfer between the two site in the nanometric scale

X1-Y2SiO5:Eu, Spectroscope Letters, 1998, 31(4):767

9) Preparation and size effect on concentration quenching of nanocrystalline Y2SiO5:Eu, Chemical Physics Letter, 1998, 292:133

10) Investigation on energy transfer between the two sites in nanocrystalline X1-Y2SiO5:Eu, Chinese J. Luminescence, 1998, 19(3):216 (in Chinese)

11) Luminescence of Tb3+ in rare earth orthoborates excited by VUV radiation Chinese J. Materials Research, 1999, 13(3):234 (in Chinese)

12) Infrared spectra and energy transfer of LaOBr:Er3+,Tm3+

J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1998, 16:1030 (in Chinese)

13) Energy transfer models of RE ions doped luminescence materials

J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1998, 16:947 (in Chinese)

14) Study on spectrum properties of YPO4:Pr3+

J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1998, 16:1039 (in Chinese)

15) Chemical preparation, structure analysis and spectrum characteristics of YPO4:Pr3+ nanocrystal, Chinese J. Luminescence, 1999, 20(2):102 (in Chinese)

16) Luminescent properties and concentration quenching of nanocrystalline Y2-xSi2O7:Eux, Chinese J. Luminescence, 1999, 20(2):97 (in Chinese)

17) Luminescent properties of PbWO4:Pr3+ scintillators

J. the Chinese Rare Earth Society, 1998, 16:1123 (in Chinese)

18) Site selectively excited luminescence and energy transfer of X1-Y2SiO5:Eu at nanometric scale, J.Applied Physics 1999, 86(7):3751

19) Size-Controllable Gly-Nitrate combustion synthesis of nanocrystalline LaxSr1-xMnO3 J. Alloys and Compounds, 2000, 311:90

20) Absorption and fluorescence spectra of Pr3+ in YPO4

J. Alloys and Compounds, 2000, 311:97

21) Photoluminescence Properties of Surface-modified nanocrystalline

ZnS:Mn J.Colloid and Interface Science, 2000, 229:534

22) Preparation and Optical properties of Nanosized CeO2:Er,Yb

Proceedings of ICETS 2000-ISAM, Oct. 2000,695

23) Preparation and properties of nanometric scale luminescent materials doped by rare earth, Chinese J. Luminescence,2000,21(4):314 (in Chinese)

24) Crystal structure and luminescence of the orthoborate LnBO3:Eu

(Ln =Y, Gd) J. Inorganic Materials , 2001, 16(1):9 (in Chinese)

25) A study on energy transfer and energy migration models for RE ions luminescence system, Acta Physica Sinica,2001,50(2):329 (in Chinese)

26) Elaboration and characterization of Y2O3 waveguide thin films prepared by sol-gel process, J. Chinese Rare Earth Society, 2001, 19(6): 511

27) Site symmetry and crystal field fitting of Eu3+ doped in YBO3

J. Chinese Rare Earth Society, 2001,19(6): 507

28) Site selective luminescence and phase transition of a PDP phosphor LT-GdBO3 J. Inorganic Materials , 2001, 16(3):470 (in Chinese)

29) Preparation and site selective luminescence of Eu3+ in Triclinic GdBO3

Chinese J.Chemical Physics, 2001,14(3): 323

30) Sol-gel preparation and Phase Transition of RE orthoborates

J. Rare Earth, 2001, 19(2): 138

31) Luminescence dependence upon concentration and temperature in YPO4:Pr3+ Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2001, 21(2): 151 (in Chinese)

32) Combustion synthesis and photoluminescence properties of nanocrystalline YVO4:Eu The proceeding of 2nd Conference on Nano-Materials and Nano-Technology, 2001

33) Preparation and characterization of sol-gel Y2O3 planar waveguide

Optical Materials, 2001,18:331

34) Elaboration and characterization of optical wave-guiding thin films derived from Y(AC)3 and Y(OR)3 through sol-gel method, The Congress of Materials Science in Taiwan , Nov. of 2001

35) Preparation of sol-gel derived Au nanoparticles dispersed Y2O3 thin films The 2nd Arian Conference on Crystal growth and Crystal Technology, August 2002, Seoul, Korea

36) Luminescence concentration quenching of 1D2 state in YPO4:Pr3+

J. Physics: Condensed Matter, 2001, 13:1151

37) Local structure and luminescence of nanocrystalline Y2O3:Eu

Applied Physics Lrtters, 2002,81(15):2857





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