

词条 张立飞


立飞 ,男, 1963年5月生,博士,教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。

















2、国家杰出青年基金项目 《中国西部超高压变质作用岩石学研究》(40325005) (2004-2008);








1. Lin Yihui, Zhang Lifei*, Ji Jianqing, Wang Qianjie, Song Shugang, 2010, 40Ar/39Ar isochron ages of lawsonite blueschists from Nine Spring in the Northern Qilian Mountains, NW China, and their tectonic implications, Chinese Science Bulletin, 19: 2021-2027. 2. Li X-P, Zhang L-F, Ai Y-L, Song B and Liu X-M., 2010. Rodingitization overprinted zircons and hydrothermal zircons from the rodingite of serpentinite complex, Western Tianshan: Mineral chemistry and the U-Pb ages, Lithos doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2010.03.009

3. Yang Yuping, Zhang Lifei*,Changes in the Hydrogen-Bonded Structure of Lawsonite: An Experimental Study to 2.5 GPa and 400 ℃, Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 21, No. 5, p. 811–816.


4. Lü Zeng, Zhang Lifei*, Du Jinxue and Kurt Bucher, 2009, Petrology of coesite-bearing eclogite from Habutengsu Valley, western Tianshan, NW China and its tectonometamorphic implications, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 773-787

5. Zhang Lifei, Wang Qianjie and Song Shuguang, 2009, Lawsonite blueschist in Northern Qilian, NW China: PT pseudosections and petrologic implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35 ,354–366.

6. Zhang Guibin, Zhang Lifei*, Song Shuguang, Niu Yaoling, 2009, UHP metamorphic evolution and SHRIMP dating of meta-ophiolitic gabbro in the North Qaidam, NWChina, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences . 35, 310-322

7. Zhang Guibin, Ellis David J., Christy Andrew, Zhang Lifei* , Niu Yaoling, Song Shuguang, 2009, UHP metamorphic evolution of coesite-bearing eclogite from the Yuka terrane, North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China, European Journal of Mineralogy,1287-1300

8. 苟龙龙 张立飞*, 2009, 新疆西南天山木扎尔特河一带低压泥质麻粒岩岩石学特征、独居石U-Th-Pb定年及其地质意义, 岩石学报,2271-2280。


9. Lü Zeng Zhang Lifei* Du jinxue, 2008, Coesite inclusion in garnet from eclogitic rocks in Western Tianshan, northwest China: convincing proof of UHP metamorphism, American Mieralogist, 93, 1845-1850.

10. Zhang Guibin, Song Shuguang, Zhang Lifei*, Niu Yaoling, 2008, The subducted oceanic crust within continental-type UHP metamorphic belt in the North Qaidam, NW China: evidence from petrology, geochemistry and geochronology, Lithos, 104, 99-118.

11. Zhang LiFei, Lü Zeng, Zhang GuiBin & Song ShuGuang, 2008, The geological characteristics of oceanic-type UHP metamorphic belts and their tectonic implications: Case studies from Southwest Tianshan and North Qaidam in NW China, Chinese Science Bulletin , 53, 3120-3130.


12. Zhang, Lifei, Ai, Yongliang, Song Shuguang , Liou Juhn and Wei Chunjing, 2007, A brief review of UHP meta-ophiolitic rocks, SW Tianshan, western China, International Geological Review, 49,811-823.

13. Zhang L-F, Ai, Y., Song S., Song, B., Rubatto, D., Williams, S., Liou, J. G., Ellis, D., 2007, Triassic collision of Western Tianshan orogenic belt, China: evidences from SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircon from eclogitic rocks, Lithos, 96, 266-280.

14. Li, X-P, Zhang L-F*, Wei C-J and Ai Y-L, 2007, Petrology of rodingites derived from eclogites in the western Tianshan, China, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 25, 363-382.

15. Qu Junfeng, Zhang Lifei*, Ai Yongliang, Lv Zeng, Wang Jianping, Zhou Hui, Wang Shiyan, 2007, High-pressure granulite from Western Kunlun, Northwestern China: its metamorphic evolution, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages and tectonic implication, Science in China (Series D), 50, 961-971.

16. 张立飞 吕增 李旭平 Kurt Bucher, 2007, 西阿尔卑斯Zermatt-saas洋壳深俯冲超高压变质带及其与我国新疆西南天山超高压变质带的比较, 高校地质学报,3, 498-506。

17. 张立飞, 2007, 极端条件下的变质作用:变质地质学研究的前沿, 地学前缘,14, 33-42。


18. Ai Yongliang,Zhang Lifei*,Li Xuping and Qu Junfeng, 2006, Geochemical characteristics of HP-UHP eclogites and blueschists, and tectonic implications in southwestern Tianshan, China, Progress in Nature Sciences, 16, 624-632.

19. Song S.G., Zhang L.F., Niu Y., Su L., Song B. and Liu D. Y., 2006. Evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A case study of the Northern Tibetan Plateau based on geochemical and geochronological data. Journal of Petrology, 47, 435-455.

20. 曹淑慧 张立飞* 孙樯 郑海飞, 2006,金刚石压腔下多硅白云母的原位Raman光谱研究, 岩石矿物学杂志,1,71-76。


21. Zhang L.F., Song S.G., Ai, Y.L., and Liou J. G. 2005, Relict coesite exsolution in omphacite from western Tianshan eclogites, China. American Mineralogist, 89:180-186.

22. Song, S., Zhang, L, Su,L., Y. Niu & B. Song, 2005, Geochronology of diamond-bearing zircons in garnet peridotite in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, North Tibetan Plateau: A record of complex histories associated with continental collision, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234, 99-118.

23. Song, S.G., Zhang, L.F., Chen, J., Liou, J.G., Niu, Y., 2005,Sodic amphibole exsolutions in garnet from garnet-peridotite, North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China: implications for ultradeep-origin and hydroxyl defects in mantle garnets, American Mineralogist, 90, 814-820.

24. Chen, L., Zhang, L. *, Wang H., Zhou, L., Chen, J., Yuan, B., 2005, Tow deferent illites in Luochuan loess, Northern Shanxi Province, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50,82-87.

25. 张立飞 艾永亮 李强 李旭平 宋述光 魏春景, 2005,新疆西南天山超高压变质带的形成与演化,岩石学报, 21(4):1029-1037.


26. Song S.G., Zhang L.F*. and Niu Y.L., 2004. Ultra-deep origin of garnet peridotite from the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China. American Mineralogist, 89:1330-1336.

27. Song S.G., Zhang L.F*. and Niu Y.L., 2004. Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages of eclogites from the North Qilian Mountains in NW China and their tectonic implication, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49, 848-852.

28. 李强 张立飞* 2004, 西南天山木扎尔特一带低压麻粒岩相变质作用PT轨迹及其地质意义, 岩石学报,20, 583-594。

29. 张立飞 冼伟胜 孙敏 2004,西准噶尔紫苏花岗岩成因岩石学研究, 新疆地质。





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