词条 | 张凯锋 |
释义 | 张凯锋承担863、自然科学基金、总装备部、机电部、航天部、省、市及横向协作等二十余项科研项目。目前进行纳米陶瓷材料和纳米颗粒增强金属基复合材料的制备、超塑成形技术、金属和塑料成形有限元分析软件开发、塑料和超细粉体微零件成形技术的研究。 身份1978,2-1984,6 哈尔滨工业大学,本科生、硕士生 1984,6-1990,3哈尔滨工业大学,助教、讲师、在职博士生 1990,4-1992,10哈尔滨工业大学,副教授 1992,10-1994,8 日本理化学研究所,客座研究员 1993,9~ 哈尔滨工业大学,教授 1995,7~ 哈尔滨工业大学,博士生导师 2000,10~ 哈尔滨工业大学材料工程系,主任 2005,8~ 金属精密热加工国防科技重点实验室,常务副主任 学术兼职国际超塑性顾问委员会常委 第九届国际超塑性系列会议主席 中国微米纳米技术学会理事 全国塑性工程学会副理事长 中国机械工程学会微纳制造技术分会理事 全国塑性工程学会超塑性学术委员会副主任 塑性工程学会国际交流工作委员会委员 塑性工程学会塑性理论学术委员会委员 黑龙江省锻压学会副理事长 哈尔滨工业大学塑性加工工艺与装备研究所所长 哈尔滨工业大学威海分校热加工工艺联合研究所所长 中国镁协专家 塑性工程学报、锻压技术、材料科学与工艺等3杂志编委 学科材料加工工程 研究方向超塑性成形理论与工艺、纳米材料制备与塑性加工、微零件的注射成形 论著成果在超塑性与超塑成形研究方面已有二十多年的研究经历,所开发的7475铝合金超塑成形技术和设备及控制系统在神舟5号和六号飞船乘员座椅制造中获得应用。还进行了锡铅合金、锌铝合金、铝合金、钛合金、镍基高温合金、不锈钢、模具钢、镁合金和陶瓷等多种材料的超塑性研究,其中镍基高温合金、不锈钢、镁合金板材超塑性是在国内率先开展研究。发明了筒形件的轴向加载和超塑成形复合工艺以及厚度分布控制技术。 开展了纳米陶瓷材料及成形技术的研究。采用湿化学法自行制备了纳米氧化锆、纳米氧化铝陶瓷粉体。粉体经过煅烧、真空热压烧结致密化处理之后,可以进行超塑性成形,也可直接真空热压烧结成形出零件。首创了陶瓷挤压成形技术,为陶瓷的近净塑性成形开辟新的途径。 开发了粉末和塑料微注射成形技术。以往的塑性加工主要是毫米级零件的制造,而微成形制造的零件是微米级的。随着微结构、微器件的发展,微成形得到重视并将有广泛的应用前景。已经开展了锌铝合金和铝锂合金的微零件成形的研究。粉末微注射成形将在IT和生物医学材料成形中得到广泛应用。 主要学术成果[1] Chan KC, Wang CL, Zhang KF. Superplastic deformation behavior of the electrocodeposited Ni/SiC composite. Scripta Mater. 2004, (51),605-609 (SCI, 他引12次, IF2.887) [2] Guoqing Chen, Kaifeng Zhang, Guofeng WANG,Wenbo Han. The superplastic deep drawing of a fine-grained alumina-zirconia ceramic composite and its cavitation behavior. Ceramics International, 2004(30), 2157-2162. (SCI, 他引3次, IF1.369) [3] Yin, D.L.; Zhang, K.F.; Wang, G.F.; Han, W.B. Warm deformation behavior of hot-rolled AZ31 Mg alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005,392(1): 320-325. (SCI他引49次, IF1.806) [4] Chan, K.C., Wang, G.F., Wang, C.L. and Zhang, K.F. Low temperature and high strain rate superplasticity of the electrodeposited Ni/ Si3N4 (W) composite. Scripta Mater. 2005 (53), 1285-1290. (SCI, 他引2次, IF2.887) [5] Chan, K.C., Wang, G.F., Wang, C.L. and Zhang, K.F. Low temperature superplastic gas pressure forming of electrodeposited Ni/SiCp nanocomposites. Materials Science & Engineering A , 2005(404), 108-116. (SCI, IF1.806) [6] D.L. Yin, K.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang and W.B. Han. Superplasticity and cavitation in AZ31 Mg alloy at elevated temperatures. Materials Letters, 2005, 59(14) :1714-1718. (SCI, IF1.748) [7] Wang, G.F., Chan, K.C., and Zhang, K.F. Low temperature superplasticity of nanocrystalline electrodeposited Ni-Co alloy. Scripta Material 2006 (54), 765-770. (SCI, 他引9次, IF2.887) [8] Kaifeng Zhang, Guofeng Wang. Fabrication and superplasticity of Al2O3/3Y-TZP laminated composite. J Europ Ceram Soc. 2006 (26), 253-257(SCI, IF1.58) [9] X.F. Li, K.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang. Preparation and tensile properties of amorphous Fe78Si9B13/nano-Ni laminated composite. Materials letters. 2007(61), 4901-4905. (SCI, IF1.748) [10] Wang F, Zhang KF, Wang GF. Texture in superplastically deformed alumina-zirconia composites. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2008(491), 476-482. (SCI, IF1.806)材料科学与工程学院 [11] Zhang, Kaifeng, Ding Shui, Wang, Guofeng. Different superplastic deformation behavior of nanocrystalline Ni and ZrO2/Ni nanocomposite. Materials letters. 2008(62), 719-722. (SCI, 他引1次, IF1.748) [12] Li XF, Zhang KF. Improved tensile ductility of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy using electrodeposited nano-Ni. J. Non-cryst. Solids,,2008, 354(26): 3088-3092 (SCI, 他引1次, IF1.449) [13] X.F. Li, K.F. Zhang, G.F. Wang, W.B. Han. Plastic deformation behavior of amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy at elevated temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008) 1061–1065. (SCI, 他引1次, IF1.449) [14] Yu, J.L. Zhang, K.F.; Wang, G.F. Superplasticity of multiphase fine-grained Nb-16Si-2Fe refractory alloy. Intermetallics, 2008v 16, n 10, p 1167-1170. (SCI, IF2.034) [15] Yu, J.L. Zhang, K.F. Tensile properties of multiphase refractory Nb-16Si-2Fe in situ composite. Scripta Materialia, 2008v 59, n 7, p 714-717. (SCI, IF2.887) [16] Zhang, Chunping , Zhang, Kaifeng; Wang, Guofeng. Superplasticity of fine grained |? -TiAl based alloy synthesized by pulse current auxiliary sintering. Materials Letters, 2009v 63, n 24-25, p 2153-2156. (SCI, IF1.748) [17] Lu, Zhen , Zhang, K.F.Crystal distribution and molecule orientation of micro injection molded polypropylene microstructured parts . Polymer Engineering and Science, 2009 v 49, n 8, p 1661-1665 (SCI, IF1.245) [18] Zhang, ChunPing, Zhang, KaiFeng. Tensile behaviors of fine-grained |? -TiAl based alloys synthesized by pulse current auxiliary sintering. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2009v 520, n 1-2, p 101-104. (SCI, IF1.806) [19] Yu, J.L. Zhang, K.F.; Li, Z.K.; Zheng, X.; Wang, G.F.; Bai, R. Fracture toughness of a hot-extruded multiphase Nb-10Si-2Fe in situ composite. Scripta Materialia, 2009v 61, n 6, p 620-623. (SCI, IF2.887) [20] Zhang, K.F.; Kun, L. Classification of size effects and similarity evaluating method in micro forming. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009v 209, n 11, p 4949-4953. (SCI, IF1.1) [21] Li, Xifeng; Chen, Jun; Zhang, Kaifeng. High temperature deformation behavior of amorphous Fe78Si9B13/nano-Ni laminated composite. Materials and Design, 2009v 30, n 7, p 2665-2669. (SCI, IF1.107) [22] Zhang, Chunping, Zhang, Kaifeng. Superplasticity of a |? -TiAl alloy and its microstructure and cavity evolution in deformation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010,v 492, n 1-2, p 236-240. (SCI, IF1.51) [23] Wang, X.L. , Zhang, K.F. Mechanical alloying, microstructure and properties of Nb-16Si alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010 v 490, n 1-2, p 677-683. (SCI, IF1.51) [24] Yan, H.H., Zhang, K.F. Processing of multi-sheet structures of an aluminum alloy by laser welding/superplastic forming. Materials and Design, 2010v 31, n 4, p 2220-2223. (SCI, IF1.107) 专利情况张凯锋。陶瓷手术刀的装夹装置。公开号:200410044047.4 张凯锋。一种变摩擦条件的正反向超塑胀形方法。申请号:200810063861.9 张凯锋。一种制造 GH4169 高温合金多层板结构的方法。申请号:200810209590.3 张凯锋。线膨胀系数可调 ZrO2 和 TiO2 超塑陶瓷模具的制备方法。申请号:200810137554.0 张凯锋。纺织喷印用氧化锆陶瓷喷嘴的制造方法。申请号:200910071923.5 张凯锋。一种铌硅铁合金发动机部件及其制备方法。申请号:200910308608x 专著情况( 1 ) 张凯锋,魏艳红,魏尊杰,闫牧夫. 《材料热加工过程的数值模拟》.2 0 0 1 ,哈尔滨工业大学出版社 ( 2 ) 张凯锋.2 0 0 8 , 《微成形制造技术》 ,北京:化学工业出版社 ( 3 ) 王仲仁,张凯锋。 《锻压手册》 ,2 0 0 8 , 北京:机械工业出版社 ( 4 ) K FZ h a n g . S u p e r p l a s t i c i t yi na d v a n c e dm a t e r i a l s . I C S A M 2 0 0 6 . T T P |
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