

词条 章卫华




· 1996年-2000年 清华大学环境科学与工程系,获环境工程工学学士

· 2000年-2002年7月 毕业于清华大学环境科学与工程系,获工学硕士学位

· 2003年2月-2006年 香港科技大学土木工程系,获得土木工程哲学博士学位(PhD)


· 2003年-至今 中山大学环境学院工作

· 现在为广东省土壤协会会员,国际环境地质协会(ISEG)会员


· 本科生:《环境工程导论》,《环境化学》,《土建工程概论》

· 硕士研究生:《环境工程土壤学》


· 土壤重金属和有机物污染与修复以及固体废物资源化



1. 国家自然科学基金项目“菲和Cd在复合污染土壤中的联合作用及其机理(40802088)”

2. 国家教育部博士点(新教师)基金“PAHs对重金属在土壤中的吸附和迁移行为的影响(20070558058)”

3. 广东省自然科学基金(博士启动)项目“菲对重金属在土壤中的可迁移性的影响(D07300505)”

4. 广东省环境污染控制与修复重点实验室开放基金项目“重金属与有机污染物共存效应对其在土壤中的电化学行为的影响”。


· 国家环境保护部全国土壤污染调查和治理“全国土壤现状调查与污染防治专项-多金属污染土壤淋洗技术示范工程”的研究。


1. Zhang, W. H., Cao, J. and Zhang,R. D. (2008) “Lead adsorption on silty clay in the presence of phenanthrene.” SoilRem 2008, Nanjing, China, Oct 19-22. (speaker)

2. Zou, Z. L., Qiu, R. L., Zhang, W. H., Dong, H. Y., Zhao, Z. H., Zhang, T., Wei, X. G. and Cai, X. D. (2008) “The study of operating variables in soil washing with EDTA.” Environmental Pollution (in Press).

3. Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W. and Lo, I. M. C. (2008) “Removal of Pb by EDTA-washing in the presence of hydrophobic organic contaminants or anionic surfactant.” J. of Hazar. Mater. 155, 433-439.

4. Zou, Z. L., Zhang, W. H., Yang, X. H., Wei, X. G., and Qiu, R. L. (2008) “Soil washing for remediation of a multiple heavy metal-contaminated Site.” 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geo-technology, Hong Kong, June 1-4. (speaker)

5. Zhang, W. H. and Lo, I. M. C. (2007) “Chemical-enhanced washing for the remediation of soils contaminated with marine diesel fuel in the presence/absence of lead”, ASCE J. of Environmental Engrg., 133(5), 548-555.

6. Tong, A. S. F., Lai, K. C. K., Ng, K. T. W., Tsang, D. C. W., Liu, T. Z., Hu, J., Zhang, W. H., Lo, I. M. C. (2007) “Renewable energy generation by full-scale biomass gasification system using agricultural and forestal residues.” ASCE Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management, 11(3), 177-183

7. Tsang, D. C. W., Hu, J., Liu, M. Y., Zhang, W. H., Lai, K. C. K., and Lo, I. M. C. (2007) “Activated carbon produced from waste wood pallets: adsorption of three classes of dyes”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 184(1), 141-156.

8. Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W. and Lo, I. M. C. (2007) “Removal of Pb and MDF from contaminated soils by EDTA-and SDS-enhanced washing”, Chemosphere, 66, 2025-2034.

9. Tsang, D.C.W., Zhang, W. H. and Lo, I. M. C. (2007) “Copper extraction effectiveness and soil dissolution issues of EDTA-flushing of contaminated soils”, Chemosphere, 68, 234-243.

10. Tsang, D. C. W., Zhang, W. H. and Lo, I. M. C. (2007) “Modeling cadmium transport in soils using sequential extraction, batch, and miscible displacement experiments”, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 71, 674-681.

11. Tsang, D. C. W., Zhang, W. H., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006) “Transport Behavior of Heavy Metals during Flushing of Copper Contaminated Soil Columns using EDTA.” Brownfield Asia 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 6-8.

12. Zhang, W. H. and Lo, I. M. C. (2006) "EDTA-enhanced washing for remediation of Pb-and/or Zn-contaminated soils", ASCE J. of Environmental Engrg., 132(10), 1282-1288.

13. Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006) “Chemical-enhanced soil washing for Pb and MDF removal and their physiochemical interactions.” ICIDEN 2006, Abuja, Nigeria, September 10-15.

14. Zhang, W. H., Tsang, D. C. W., and Lo, I. M. C. (2006) “EDTA-enhanced Soil Washing for Pb removal in the presence of MDF and SDS.” Brownfield Asia 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 6-8.

15. Lo, I. M. C. and Zhang, W. H. (2005) “Study on the optimal conditions for the recovery of EDTA from soil washing effluents,” ASCE J. of Environmental Engrg., 131(11), 1507-1513.

16. Zhang, W. H. and Lo, I. M. C. (2005) “EDTA-enhanced washing for remediation of Pb- and Zn-contaminated soil”, INCEED 2005, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 24-30 (Speaker).

17. Lu, X. X., Zhang, X., Li, G. H., and Zhang, W. H. (2003) “Production of biosurfactant and its role in the biodegradation of oil hydrocarbons.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health A, 38(3): 483-492.

18. 章卫华,李广贺,邵辉煌,张旭,卢晓霞 (2002). “包气带土层中石油污染物的微生物降解研究.” 环境科学研究,15(2): 60-62.

19. 卢晓霞,李广贺,张旭,章卫华 (2002). “不同氧化还原条件下氯乙烯的微生物脱氯.” 环境科学, 23(2): 29-33.

20. 卢晓霞,李广贺,张旭,章卫华 (2002). “厌氧条件下有机氯代烃污染物的氧化降解.” 环境科学, 23(4): 37-41.

21. 卢晓霞,李广贺,张旭,章卫华 (2002). “水环境中不同氧化还原条件的氢浓度特征.” 环境化学, 21(1): 1-6.

22. 章卫华,李广贺,邵辉煌,张旭 (2001). “土层中石油烃类污染物索氏抽提流程改进及回收氯仿资源化研究.” 中国环境监测,17 (3).

23. Zhang, X., Lu, X. X., Shao, H. H., and Zhang, W. H. (2001). “Biodegradation of Residual Petrochemicals and Microbial Activity in Polluted Aeration Zone.” 6th International Symposium on in Situ and On-site Bioremediation, San Diego, California, June 4-7.

24.章卫华, 李广贺,邵辉煌, 张旭 (2001). “包气带污染土壤营养以及污染物的生物降解研究.”环境科学与工程研究,钱易, 郝吉明, 陈吉宁, 唐新华, 清华大学出版社, 北京:182-185.

25. 邵辉煌,李广贺,章卫华(2002). “包气带土层中重质油的生物可降解性.” 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 42(5): 708 - 710.

26. 邵辉煌, 李广贺, 章卫华, 张旭 (2001). “包气带油污土层生物修复现场控制性因素的评价.” 中国环境科学, 21(6): 519-522.





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