

词条 章聚乐


基本情况: 男,汉族 ,中国共产党党员,安徽师范大学数学计算机科学学院教授,基础数学研究生导师,1937年9月生,安徽省枞阳县人,1963年7月毕业于皖南大学(今安徽师范大学)数学系。曾任安徽师范大学数学系代数教研室副主任,代数研究室主任,数学系副主任,德国《数学文摘》杂志社评论员,安徽师范大学教学督导员,《安徽师大学报》编委。享受政府特殊津贴,获安徽省1993年科技进步奖,获曾宪梓教育基金会1997年高等师范院校教师奖。


学相关课程的教学和《环论与同调代数》的研究工作。1979年开始参与培养基础数学研究生,1986年开始单独培养基础数学研究生。先后讲授大学本科生的基础课和选修课有《高等代数》,《近世代数》,《数论》,《群论》,《环与域》和《代数学》,研究生的基础课和专业课有《基础代数》,《除环上线性代数》,《环论》,《李代数》,《交换代数》,《多重线性代数》,《模论》,《同调代数》,《非奇异环与模》和《Von Neumann 正则环论》等十多门课程。教学认真负责,注意为人师表,教书育人,治学严谨,深受学生一致欢迎与尊敬,深得领导与同事们的高度评价与称赞,1982年获安徽师范大学教学质量优秀奖,



多年来,在《同调代数》,《Von Neumann 正则环论》和《矩阵的广义逆》等理论方面有系统深入研究,其中《 Von Neumann 正则环及其推广》的研究被公认为居国内领先地位。先后在《Comm. in Algebra》(U.S.A.)、《Comm. Math.》(Poland)、《Internat. J. Math. and Math.Sci.》(U.S.A.)、《Algebra Collequium》、《Kobe J. Math.》(Japan)、《Southeast Asian Bull. Math.》、《Acta Math. Vietnamica》、《科学通报》、《数学年刊》、《数学进展》、《数学研究与评论》、《东北数学》、《数学杂志》、《数学季刊》等国内外重要杂志上发表论文40余篇,

主要有: 1. Von Neumann Regularity of SF-Rings (with Du Xianneng), Algebra,21(7)(1993),2445-2451, M

R94e:16021, Zbl.791(1994):16009.

2. 每个极大左理想是理想的完全幂等环,科学

通报,36(20)(1991),1529-1531, Zbl.762 (1993):16005. Fully Idempotent Rings Whose Every Maximal Left Ideal Is an Ideal,Chinese Science Bulletin,37(13)(1992),1065-1068.

3. Generalizations of Principal Injectivity (with Wu Jun),Algebra Colloquium, 6(3)(1999),277-282,

4. Von Neumann 正则环和SF-环(与杜先能合作),数学年刊,14A(1)(1993),6-10, MR94c:16012, Zbl.801(1995):16007. On Von Neumann Regular Rings and SF-Rings(with Du Xianneng),Chinese J.of Contemporary Mathematics,14(1)(1993),9-13, MR94j:16016.

5. Hereditary Rings Containing an Injective Maximal Left Ideal (with Du Xianneng),Algebra,21(12)(1993),4473-4479, MR94j:16017, Zbl.803(1995):16010.

6. 每个本质左理想是理想的MERT环(与胡卫群合作),数学年刊,15A(2)(1994),204-207, Zbl.808(1995):16015.

7. On a Question Concerning WCT Rings,Commentationes Mathematicae (Poland), 34 (1994),253-257, MR96c:16031, Zbl.827(1996):16002.

8. MELT右V-环是Von Neumann正则环(与杜先能合作),科学通报,39(17)(1994),1629,Zbl.839(1996):16010. MELT Right V-Rings Are Von Neumann Regular (with Du Xianneng),Chinese Science Bulletin,40(11)(1995),967-968.

9. Semiprime SF-Rings Whose Essential Left Ideals Are Two-Sided (with Du Xianneng) Internat.J.Math.& Math.Sci.(U.S.A.),17(3)(1994),617-618.

10. SF-Rings Whose Maximal Essential Left Ideals Are Ideals, Advances in Mathematics(数学进展),23(3)(1994),257-262.

11. Some Remarks on Von Neumann Regular Rings (with Du Xianneng),Kobe j. Math.(Japan),9(2)(1992),151-157, MR94a:16016, Zbl.780(1994):16008.

12. P-Injective Rings and Von Neumann Regular Rings, Northeastern Math.J.(东北数学),7(3)(1991),326-331, MR93e:16020, Zbl.765(1993):16005.

13. Left SF-Rings Whose Complement Left Ideals Are Ideals (with Du Xianneng),Acta Math.Vietnamica,17(1)(1992),157-159, MR93j:16008.

14. P-Injectivity and Artinian Semisimple Rings,J.of Math.Research and Exposition (数学研究与评论),11(4)(1991),578-585, MR92I:16008, Zbl.790 (1994):16008.

15. A Note Von Neumann Regular Rings, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Math.,22(2) (1998),231-235.

16. Characterizations of Strongly Regular Rings, Northeast. Math.J.(东北数学),10(3)(1994),359-364, MR96a:16007, Zbl.822(1995):16002.

17. P-内射环和半素环(与陈建龙合作),数学杂志,11(1)(1991),29-34.

18. Endomorphism Rings of Generalized Quasi-Injective Modules,J.of Math. Research and Exposition(数学研究与评论),10(4)(1991),585-588, Zbl.793 (1992):1602


19. 关于SF-环的几点注记, 数学杂志,14(2)(1994),197-202.

20. On fpp-Rings (with Du Xianneng),Chinese Quarterly J.of Math.(数学季刊),8(1)(1993),77-80.

21. P-内射环的某些研究 (与陈建龙合作),数学杂志,12(2)(1992),141-145, Zbl.762 (1993):16002.

22. Strongly Regular Rings and SF-Rings(with Lu Rongdian),Northeast.Math.J.(东北数学),14(1)(1998),61-68.

23. 主左理想由若干个幂等元生成的环(与吴贵花合作),数学研究与评论,16(2)(1996),269-274, MR97c:16013.

24. Note on "Some New Results of P-Injective Rings" and "Regular Rings Are Very Regular" (with Xue Weimin), J.of Math.Research and Exposition (数学研究与评论),11(3)(1991),474-476, Zbl.780(1994):16007.

25. 关于McCoy定理(与杜先能合作),数学研究与评论,16(1)(1996),145-146, Zbl.849 (1996),16002.

26. Some Remarks on SF-Rings (with Du Xia

nneng),J.of Anhui Normal University (Natural Science),15(3)(1992),1-6.

27. 环上矩阵的Drazin逆(与杜先能合作),安徽师大学报 (自然科学版),19(4)(1996),305-308.

28. A Computational Method of Matrices,

J.of Anhui Normal University (Natural Science),1(2)(1974),45-60.

29. 结合环的可换性定理,安徽师大学报(自然科学版),7(2)(1984),14-18.

30. V-Rings Whose Essential Left Ideals Are Two-Sided (with Du Xianneng),J.Anhui Normal University (Natural Science),17(2)(1994),15-17, Zbl.864(1997):16006.

31. Von Neumann正则环( I ),安徽师大学报(自然科学版),13(3)(1990),13-18.

32. Von Neumann Regular Rings and P-V-Rings (with Wu Guihua),J.Anhui Normal University(Natural Science),17(4)(1994),1-5, Zbl.868(1997):16008.

33. 关于非奇异环, 安徽师大学报 (自然科学版),9(4)(1986),6-11.

34. Self Injective Rings and Regular Rings, Collected papers of 70th anniversary of the founding of Anhui Normal University,167-172, Anhui People's Press,1998.

35. P-内射环的几个新结果(与陈建龙合

作),安徽师大学报(自然科学版),12 (2) (1989),6-11.

36. P-Injective Rings, Communications on Algebra (Anhui Math.Soc.),2(1988),31-40.

37. 半素子模的判别定理(与杜先能合作),安徽师大学报(自然科学版),12(4)(1989),9-13.

38. Right Semi-duo ∏-Regular Rings (with Wu Guihua),J.of Anhui Normal University (Natural Science),19(1)(1996),1-6.

39. 关于正则环的几点注记(与吴贵花合作),安徽师大学报(自然科学版),19(3)(1996),203-206.

40. 具诣零单边理想链条件的环,安徽师大学报(自然科学版),8(2)(1985) 6-10.

41. Ostrowski定理的推广与应用(与张晓

东合作),安徽师大学报(自然科学版),20(2) (1997),115-118.

在上面的部分论文中,解决了在国外多种重要数学杂志上所提出的有关《环论》与《同调代数》的18个公开问题 ,它们是:

(1)If R is a left hereditary ring containing an injective maximal left ideal, is R semi-simple Artinian ? (cf. Algebra,20(3)(1992),749-759)

(2) Is R sem-simple Artinian if a ring R contains an injective maximal left ideal and every maximal left ideal of R is projective ? (cf. Arch. Math.,28(1992),215-220)

(3) If every non-zero complement left ideal of a ring R contains a non-zero ideal and every non-zero ideal of R contains a non-zero complement left ideal, is R a left WCT ring ? (cf. Ann. Soc. Math. Poland,30(1991),491-500)

(4) Is R regular if R is a MELT ring and

every simple right R-module is flat ? (cf. Comm. in Algebra,20(3)(1992),749-759)

(5) Is R self-injective regular if R is an ELT right CE-injective ring whose simple right R-modules are flat ? (cf. Ricerche di Mathematica,33(2)(1984),147-157)

(6) Is R regular if R is an ELT fully right idempotent ring ? (cf. Comm. Korean Math. Soc.8(3)(1993),345-349)

(7) Is R regular if every left (and right) R-module is GP-injective ? (cf. Riv.Mat.Univ.Parma,22(5)(1996),183-188)

(8) Is a MELT right V-ring R von Neumann regular ? (cf. Ricerche di Mathematica,33(2)(1984),147-157) (9) Is a left V ring whose essential left ideals are two-sided regular ? (cf. Math.J.Okayama Univ.,20(1978),123-129)

(10) Is R von Neumann regular if R is a MELT fully idempotent ring ? (cf. Portugaliae Math.44(1)(1987),101-112)

(11) Is R von Neumann regular

if every left (and right) R-module is YJ-injective ? (cf. Riv.Mat.Univ.Parma,22(5)(1996),183-188)

(12) Is R strongly regular if every ideal of a ring R is idempotent and every maximal left ideal of R is an ideal ? (cf. Bull.Soc.Math.Belgium,41(1989),129-138)

(13) Is R regular if R is a MERT ring and R is fully left idempotent ? (cf. Ann.Univ.Ferrara,31(1985),49-61) (14) Is R strongly regular if every complement left ideal of a ring R is an ideal and every simple R-module is flat ? (cf. Acta Math. Vietnamica,13(2)(1988),71-79)

(15) If R is an ERT ring which is a one-sided V-ring, then is R a left and right V-ring ? (cf. Kyungpook Math.J.,32(2)(1992),219-228)

(16) Is R regular if R a semiprime ELT ring and every simple right R-module is flat ? (cf. Math.J.Okayama Univ.,22(1980),151-160)

(17) Is R regular if R is a MERT ring and every simple right R-module is flat ? (cf. Ann.Univ.Ferrara,31(1985),49-61)

(18) Is R of bounded index if R is an ERT regular ring ? (cf. Kyungpook Math.J.,32(2)(1992),219-228)



很多都被美国《数学评论》、德国《数学文摘》全面摘评,同时被国内外同行专家广泛引用。先后两次领导《Von Neumann 正则环论及其推广》等省教委下达的科研项目的研究,取得了一系列成果,1993年获安徽省科技进步奖。事迹被收入《世界名人录》、《当代中国科学家传略》、《中国高等教育专家名典》、《






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