

词条 曾荣昌


曾荣昌,博士,教授, 从事化工腐蚀与防护、材料失效与断裂、材料表面改性、新型医用材料等方面的研究。主持或主要参与国家 “863”项目、国家自然科学基金、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金省部级重点自然科学基金、自然科学基金、科技攻关项目等纵向项目。发表论文100多篇,其中SCI、EI收录论文70多篇次,单篇论文最高被引57次;获得省级自然科学奖和教学成果奖三等奖各1项;出版著作1部,参著2部,参编教材1部;申请专利9项,其中:授权发明专利3项,实用新型1项;目前担任国际学术期刊《The Scientific world Journal》材料学领域编委。


[1]R.C. Zeng, W. Dietzel, F. Witte, N. Hort. Progress and challenge for magnesium alloys as biomaterials, Advanced Engineering Materials, 10(8)2008:B3-B14.

[2] Zeng Rongchang, Zhang Jin, Huang Weijiu, W. Dietzel, K.U. Kainer, W. Ke. Review of studies on corrosion of magnesium alloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,16, 2006: S763-S771.

[3] Rong-Chang Zeng, Jun Chen, Wolfgang Dietzel, Rudolf Zettler, Jorge F. dos Santos, M. Lucia Nascimento, Karl Ulrich Kainer. Corrosion of friction stir welded magnesium alloy AM50, Corrosion Science, 51(2009)1738-1746.

[4] Rongchang Zeng, Zidong Lan, Linghong Kong, Yuanding Huang, Hongzhi Cui. Characterization of calcium-modified zinc phosphate conversion coatings and their influences on corrosion resistance of AZ31 alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2011) 3347-3355.

[5] Rongchang Zeng, K.U.Kainer, C. Blawert, W. Dietzel. Corrosion of an extruded magnesium alloy ZK60 component-The role of microstructural features, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 4462-4469.

[6] Rongchang Zeng, Enhou Han, Wei Ke. A critical discussion on influence of loading frequency on fatigue crack propagation behavior for extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys. International Journal of Fatigue, 36(1), 2012: 40-46.

[7] Rongchang Zeng, Enhou Han, Wei Ke, Wolfgang Dietzel, Karl Ulrich Kainer, Andrejs Atrens. Influence of microstructure on tensile properties and fatigue crack growth in extruded magnesium alloy AM60, International Journal of Fatigue, 32, 2010: 411-419.

[8] R.C. Zeng, W. Ke, E.H. Han, Influence of load frequency and ageing heat treatment on fatigue crack propagation rate of as-extruded AZ61 alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 31(3), 2009: 463–467.

[9] R.C. Zeng, Y.B. Xu, W. Ke and E.H. Han. Fatigue crack propagation behavior of as- extruded magnesium alloy AZ80, Materials Science and Engineering A, 509, 2009: 1-7.

[10] R.C. Zeng, J. Chen, J. Kuang, J. Zhang. Influence of silane on corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy AZ31 with thermally sprayed aluminum coating. Rare Metals, 29(2), 2010: 193-197.

[11] R.C. Zeng, J. Chen, W. Dietzel, R. Zettler, K.U. Kainer. Microstructure evolution and tensile properties of friction-stir-welded AM50 magnesium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,18, 2008: s76-s80.

[12] R.C. Zeng, W. Ke, E.H. Han. Corrosion of artificial aged magnesium alloy AZ80 in 3.5wt% NaCl solution.Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 23(3)2007:363-368.

[13] Zeng Rongchang, Chen Jun. pH value in simulated occluded cell for magnesium alloys, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,17,2007. s193-s199.

[14] Zeng Rongchang, Chen Jun. Electrochemical behavior of magnesium alloys in simulatedbody fluids, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,17, 2007, s166-s169.

[15] ZHANG Chun-Yan,ZENG Rong-Chang*, LIU Cheng-Long,CHEN Rongshi, GAO Jia-Cheng. Preparation of calcium phosphate coatings on Mg-1.0Ca alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 20, 2010: S655-659.


[16] J. Chen, R.C. Zeng*, W.J. Huang, Z.Q. Zheng, Zhenlin Wang, Jun Wang. Characterization and wear resistance of macro-arc oxidation coating on magnesium alloy AZ91 in simulated body fluids, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,18, 2008:s361-s364.

[17]曾荣昌、郭小龙、刘成龙、崔洪芝、陶武、刘云逸、李博文. 医用Mg-Ca和Mg-Li-Ca合金腐蚀研究,金属学报,2011, 47(11): 1477-1482.

[18]曾荣昌、周晚秋、韩恩厚、柯伟. pH值对挤压镁合金AM60腐蚀的影响,金属学报,44(3), 2005: 307-311.

[19] 曾荣昌, 柯伟,徐永波,韩恩厚, 朱自勇. 镁合金的最新发展及应用前景. 金属学报, 40(7), 2001: 673-685.

[20]曾荣昌, 孔令鸿、陈君、崔洪芝、刘成龙. 医用镁合金表面改性研究进展,中国有色金属学报,21(1), 2011: 35-43.

[21]曾荣昌、兰自栋. 镀液温度对镁合金AZ31 表面锌钙系磷化膜耐蚀性的影响,中国有色金属学报,20 , 2010: 1461-1466.

[22] 曾荣昌,兰自栋等. 镁合金表面化学转化膜研究进展. 中国有色金属学报,19(3), 2009: 397-403.

[23] 曾荣昌、韩恩厚、柯伟、徐永波.挤压镁合金AM60的腐蚀疲劳,材料研究学报,19(1), 2005: 1-7.

[24] 曾荣昌、韩恩厚、柯伟、徐永波.变形镁合金AZ80的腐蚀疲劳机理.材料研究学报,18(6), 2004: 561-567.

[25] 曾荣昌、韩恩厚、柯伟、刘路、徐永波. 轧制组织对镁合金AM60疲劳性能的影响. 材料研究学报, 17(3), 2003: 241-245.







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