词条 | 曾国军 |
释义 | 副教授/Associate Professor 博士(中国中山大学,2005年)/Ph.D. (Sun Yat-sen University, 2005) 硕士生导师/Supervisor of Graduate Student 主讲课程/Course管理学原理(本科) 服务管理(研究生) 旅游企业战略管理(本科、研究生) 主要研究课题/Research Project主持人:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“标准化与原真性悖论:通过战略协同构建餐饮集团竞争优势”,2010.7-2013.6 / Principal, The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities “Paradox of Standardization and Authenticity: Strategic Synergy as Sources of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Restaurants” 主持人:教育部人文社会科学研究项目“中国承接国际服务外包的区位差异化战略研究(批准号:09YJC630233)”,2010.1-2012.12 / Principal, Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Ministry of Education of China ”Differentiation Paths of International Service Outsourcing in China (09YJC630233)”, 2010.1-2012.12. 主持人:教育部博士点基金“中国不同地区承接国际服务外包的差异化路径研究(批准号:200805581046)”,2009.1-2011.12 / Principal, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China ”Differentiation Strategies of different parts in China’s Participating International Service Outsourcing (200805581046)”, 2009.1-2011.12. 主持人:广东省社会科学“十一五”规划项目“跨国公司在粤子公司战略演变与广东提升外资质量研究(批准号:07YE04)”,2007.9-2009.7。/ Principle, the 11th 5-Year Plan Project of Guangdong Social Science “A Study on Strategic Evolution of Multinationals’ Subsidiaries in Guangdong and Enhancing Foreign Investment Quality in Guangdong(2007-2008)”, Grant No. 07YE04. 主持人:中山大学创建素质教育精品课程《管理学原理》(2008-2009)。/Principal, Construction of Quality-oriented Education by Developing Excellent Course of Fundamentals of Management in Sun Yat-sen University (2008-2009). 主持人:中山大学二期“985工程”本科教学“博学工程”“《旅游企业战略管理》课程建设” (2008-2009)。 /Principal, 2 “Project 985” and “Knowledge Engineering Project” of Undergraduate Teaching Activities in Sun Yat-sen University: Course Construction of Strategic Management of Tourism Firms in China (2008-2009). 主持人:中山大学文科青年教师科研基金项目“广东酒店产业集团化发展趋势与策略研究”(2007-2008)。 /Principal, Research Foundation Project of Young Teachers in Atrs in Sun Yat-sen University: A Study on Development Trends and Strategies of Hotel Groups in Guangdong (2007-2008). 主要参与人(第二):国家社科基金“促进以创业带动农村劳动力就业的对策研究(2009-2010)”,批准号08BJY037。/Principle (Participator), National Social Science Fund “Study on the Countermeasures of Promoting Rural Labor Force to be employed by Establishing Enterprises (2009-2010)”, Grant No. 08BJY037. 主持人:中山大学双语教学项目《管理学原理》(2007-2008)。/Principal, Bilingual Teaching Project funded by Sun Yat-sen University: the Course of Fundamentals of Management (2007-2008). 主持人:中山大学教学改革项目“研究型大学旅游管理本科专业课程设置的系统分析与优化”(2006-2007)。/ Principal, Pedagogical Reforms Project funded by Sun Yat-sen University: Systemic Analysis and Optimization of Curriculum Plan of Tourism Management Major in Research University (2006-2007). 主持人:中山大学校级引进人才科研启动项目“服务企业国际化经营问题研究”(2005-2006)。/ Principal, Starting Research Project of Importing Talented Teachers in Sun Yat-sen University: A Study on the Globalization of Service Business (2005-2006). 主持人:笹川基金博士生创新项目“跨国公司在华子公司战略角色及其演变”(2004-2005)。/ Principal, Innovation Program of Ph . D candidates Funded by SYLFF: Evolution of Subsidiary Strategic Role of Multinationals in China (2004-2005). 论著目录/PublicationZeng Guojun. Expansion Strategies and Evolution Paths of Hotel Groups in China [J]. China Geographical Science. 2010, 20(4): 372–380./ 曾国军. 中国酒店集团的扩张战略与路径演变[J]. China Geographical Science. 2010, 20(4): 372–380. 彭青、曾国军. 家庭旅馆成长路径研究:以世界文化遗产地丽江古城为例[J]. 旅游学刊. 2010, 25 (9): 58-64./Peng Qing and Zeng Guojun. Growth Paths of Family Inns in China: Case Study on the World Cultural Heritage Lijiang OldTown[J]. Tourism Tribune. 2010, 25 (9): 58-64. 曾国军、彭青. 广州酒店业供给结构研究:基于亚运会的讨论. 旅游论坛,2010,3(4): 448-452. / Zeng Guojun and Peng Qing. Supply Structure of Hotel Industry: An Investigation of Hotel Industry in Guangzhou[J]. Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism, 2010,3(4): 448-452. 曾国军. 旅游企业战略管理,北京:旅游教育出版社, 2010. 彭青、张骁鸣、曾国军. 广交会与2010年亚运会对广州酒店空间格局的影响. 地理科学, 2009, 29, (2): 154-160./ Peng Qing, Zhang Xiaoming and Zeng Guojun. The Impacts of Canton Fair and Asian Games 2010 o the Spatial Pattern of Guangzhou’s Hotels [J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica. 2009, 29, (2): 154-160. 曾国军. 跨国公司知识溢出、组织间学习与中国企业的管理创新:基于服务性企业的分析框架. 科技进步与对策, 2009, 26, (9): 113-116./ Zeng Guojun, Knolowdge Spillover, Inter-organizational Learning and Management Innovation of Corporation in China: A Framework in Service Industries [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2009, 26, (9): 113-116. 李庆、曾国军. 酒店集团扩展的内部影响因素:基于中国酒店集团的问卷调查. 学理论, 2009, 22, (6): 115-117./Li Qing and Zeng Guojun. Motives of Hotel Groups’ Expansion: An Investigation of Hotel Groups in China [J]. 2009, 22, (6): 115-117. 曾国军、李庆. 酒店集团扩展战略及路径选择的实证研究:基于中国酒店集团的问卷调查.旅游科学, 2008 (2): 56-62./ Zeng Guojun and Li Qing. Expansion Strategies of Hotel Groups: An Investigation of Hotel Groups in China [J]. Tourism Science. 2008(2): 56-62. 曾国军, 李庆. 中国酒店集团化扩展障碍因素的实证研究. 学术论坛, 2008(2): 147-150./ Zeng Guojun and Li Qing. Obstacles of Hotel Groups’ Expansion: An Investigation of Hotel Groups in China [J]. Academic Forum. 2008(3): 147-150. 人大复印资料全文转载。 曾国军. 重点大学如何培养旅游管理专业的本科生. 旅游学刊, 2008(2): 9-10./Zeng Guojun. How does a Key University Cultivate Undergraduates of Tourism Management. Tourism Tribune. 2008(2): 9-10. 曾国军、李军、彭青. 中国旅游上市公司盈利能力的影响因素研究. 旅游论坛, 2008, 1, (2):236-241, / Zeng Guojun, Li Jun and Peng Qing. A Study on Determinants of Public Companies’ Profit Ratio by Travel Industry in China [J]. Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism, 2008, 1, (2):236-241. 曾国军, 李军, 彭青. 一小时经济圈与酒店供给结构:基于广州酒店业的实证研究. 大珠三角论坛, 2008(3)./ Zeng Guojun, Li Jun and Peng Qing. One-hour Economic Circle and Supply Structure of Hotel Industry: An Investigation of Hotel Industry in Guangzhou [J]. Forum of Pearl River Delta. 2008(3). 曾国军,彭青. 旅游管理专业课程体系设置的系统分析. 桂林旅游高等专科学校学报, 2008, 19,(3): 443-447./ Zeng Guojun and Peng Qing. Systemic Analysis of Curriculum Plan of Tourism Management Major: An Investigation of Bachelor in Research University [J]. Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism. 2008, 19,(3): 443-447. 曾国军, 孙志斌, 齐闯. 广东跨国公司发展的趋势与特征:1979-2007. 现代管理科学, 2008(3): 39-41./Zeng Guojun, Sun Zhibin and Qi Chuang. Trends and Characteristics of Multinationals in Guangdong: 1979-2007. Modern Management Science. 2008(3): 39-41. 彭青, 曾国军. 突发事件背景下中国旅游业利润率的环境影响因素研究. 现代管理科学, 2007(9)./A Study on the Environmental Factors Which Influences the Profit Ratio of Tourism Industry in China in the Context of Emergencies. Modern Management Science. 2007(9): 14-16. 曾国军, 刘博. 全球化背景下中国服务产业发展的七个特征. 现代管理科学, 2007(6): 54-56./ Seven Characteristics of China’s Service Industry Development in the Context of Globalization. Modern Management Science. 2007(9): 14-16. 曾国军, 彭青. 国外酒店管理研究的进展. 广州城市职业学院学报, 2007(1) : 57-62, 69./ Zeng Guojun and Peng Qing. Recent Developments in Hospitality Management Research. Journal of Guangzhou City Polytechnic. 2007(1): 57-62, 69. 曾国军. 跨国公司在华子公司战略角色演变的影响因素与路径:以业务范围和竞争能力为框架. 管理学报, 2006(6): 692-698./ Zeng Guojun. The Influencing Factors and Paths of the Strategic Roles Evolution of the Corporations Attached to Multinational Companies in China. Chinese Journal of Management. 2006(6): 692-698. 曾国军. 跨国公司在华子公司战略演变的动因与路径. 管理科学, 2006(4):15-21./Zeng Guojun. Motives and Paths of Subsidiary Strategic Role Evolution of Multinationals in China: A Framework of Localization and Integration. Management Sciences in China. 2006(4):15-21. 毛蕴诗, 曾国军. 现代中国民营企业的工场管理:志高空调案例研究. 南大商学评论, 2006年第7辑./Mao Yunshi and Zeng Guojun. Workshop Management of Modern Private Enterprises in China: Case Study on Chigo Air Condition Ltd [J]. Nanjing University Business Review, Fall, 2005. 曾国军. 服务企业国际化战略选择的文献研究. 现代管理科学, 2006(12): 58-60./ Zeng Guojun. Literature Review of International Strategic Choices of Service Enterprises. Modern Management Science. 2006(12): 58-60. 曾国军. 跨国公司在华子公司战略角色演变-以当地化和一体化程度为框架. 管理评论, 2006(2): 25-30./Zeng Guojun. Subsidiary Strategic Role and Evolution of Top 500 Multinationals’ Subsidiaries in China: the Framework of Localization and Integration Degree. Management Review. 2006(2): 25-30. 刘博,曾国军. 跨国公司在华子公司战略演变的动因分析. 经济与管理, 2006(5): 66-69./Liu Bo, Zeng Guojun. Motivation of Strategic Evolution of Multinationals Subsidiaries in China. Economy and Management. 2006(5): 66-69. 曾国军. 外商直接投资在华区位选择的影响因素研究. 学术研究, 2005(11): 38-42./Zeng Guojun. Determinants of Location Choice of FDI to Mainland China. Academic Research. 2005(11): 38-42. 曾国军. 当地化、一体化:子公司战略角色的文献述评. 现代管理科学, 2005(10): 47-49./ Zeng Guojun. Localization and Integration: Literature Review on Subsidiary Strategic Role [J]. Modern Management Science. 2005 (10). 曾国军. 世界500强在华子公司战略角色演变:以业务范围与竞争能力为框架. 南开管理评论, 2005(4): 67-72./ Zeng Guojun. Subsidiary Strategic Role and Evolution of Top 500 Multinationals’ Subsidiaries in China: the Framework of Business Scope and Competence [J]. Nankai Management Review. 2005 (4): 67-72. 曾国军. 跨国公司在华子公司战略演变的七个特征. 软科学, 2005(6): 60-64./ Zeng Guojun. Seven Characteristics of Subsidiary Strategic Role’ Evolution of Multinationals in China [J]. Soft Science. 2005 (11): 60-64. 毛蕴诗, 曾国军. 网络组织框架下的外部流程再造. 现代管理科学, 2004(10)./ Mao Yunshi and Zeng Guojun. Characteristics and Motives of Divestment of Japanese Multinationals in China Streamlining Cross-company Processes in the Context of Network Organization [J], Modern Management Science. 2004 (10). 李敏, 曾国军. 跨国公司在华投资策略及中国企业的应对措施研究进展. 管理世界, 2004(8): 128-130./ Li Min and Zeng Guojun. Recent Development of Multinationals’ Investment Strategies and the Countermeasures of Chinese Local Enterprises. in China Management World. 2004(8): 128-130. 曾国军, 李硕. 外商直接投资对地区经济发展的影响:上海、江苏、浙江与广东地区的比较.当代财经, 2003(4): 76-78./ Zeng Guojun and Li Shuo. Impact of FDI on the Development of Regional Economy: A Comparison of Several Provinces in China [J]. Contemporary Finance& Economics, April, 2003: 76-78. 李江帆, 曾国军. 中国第三产业内部结构升级趋势分析. 中国工业经济, 2003(3): 34-39./ Li Jiangfan and Zeng Guojun. An Analysis on Upgrading Trends of Tertiary Industry’s Internal Structure in China [J]. China Industrial Economy, March, 2003: 34-39. 曾国军. 广东第三产业发展状况的实证研究. 南方经济, 2003(3): 73-75./ Zeng Guojun. Empirical Study on Development of Tertiary Industry in Guangdong [J], South China Economy, March 2003: 73-75. 毛蕴诗, 孙景武, 杜慕群, 曾国军. 世界500强的特征及其对我国企业的启示. 中山大学学报, 2002(5)./ Mao Yunshi, Sun Jingwu, Du Muqun and Zeng Guojun. Characteristics of the World’s Top 500 Enterprises and the Revelation for Chinese Enterprises [J]. Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Social Science Edition), October, 2002. 曾国军. 跨国公司在华子公司战略角色及其演变. 北京:中国财政经济出版社, 2007./ Zeng Guojun. Evolution of Subsidiary Strategic Role of Multinationals in China [M]. Beijing: Chinese Press of Finance and Economics, 2007. 毛蕴诗, 蒋敦福, 曾国军. 跨国公司在华撤资:行为、过程、动因与案例. 北京:中国财政经济出版社. 2005./Mao Yunshi, Jiang Dunfu and Zeng Guojun. Multinationals’ Divestment in China: Behavior, Process, Motivation and Cases. Beijing: Chinese Press of Finance and Economics, 2005. 国际会议 Peng Qing and ZengGuojun. Growth Path of Family Inns in China: Case study on the World Heritage Lijang Old Town. The First International Conference on Tourism Between China-Spain, March 28-31, 2010, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, (Proceedings publisher: Pearson). Zeng Guojun,Peng Qing, and Li Qing. Expansion Strategies and Evolution Paths of Hotel Groups in China, The First International Conference on Tourism between China-Spain, March 28 - 31, 2010, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, (Proceedings publisher: Pearson). 政府与企业横向课题2009-2010,法国-荷兰皇家航空公司,法国-荷兰皇家航空公司(KLM)市场调查,中国市场项目。 2008-2009,广州亚组委,亚运餐饮服务总体规划研究。 2008-2009,广州亚组委,亚运餐饮食品物流配送及保障体系研究。 2008-2009,三水旅游局,三水酒店业发展规划。 2008-2009,中山国际酒店,中山国际酒店集团发展战略研究。 2008-2009,广东省经贸委,广东技术改造投资效益研究。 2007-2008,广州市旅游局,广州市酒店业发展市场调查。 2007-2008,广东大厦,广东大厦服务质量提升研究。 2006-2007,广西壮族自治区人事厅,广西壮族自治区公务员能力建设。 2006-2007,粤财集团,粤财精品商务酒店可行性研究。 2005-2006,花园酒店,高星级酒店经营管理人才开发研究 2003-2004,丽珠集团,丽珠集团股权激励研究 |
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