词条 | 泽诺尼亚传奇4 |
释义 | 游戏信息大小:29 MB 开发作者:iOS、 Android类别:动作冒险 软件语言:英语、韩语、日语 游戏介绍游戏的画面依旧延续了不错的2D画面风格。即时战略的同时加入了最终幻想式的升级系统和功能表系统。 保留了经典Action RPG游戏模式的精髓!游戏角色拥有战士、刺客、火枪手、德鲁伊四种职业选择 软件大小:29.61 MB 适用系统:Android 2.1及以上 / iOS 适用设备:手机 / 平板 安卓版游戏介绍此版本完美离线,没有武器等级限制,1级可以穿96级,无限技能点。 游戏讲述了在 Zenonia 大陆上骑士团与龙族的长久斗争,游戏的主角是一个与龙族势力有牵连的,被圣骑士团长抚养的战场弃婴。《Zenonia4》是《Zenonia》系列游戏的第四作,游戏的画面依旧延续了不错的2D画面风格。即时战略的同时加入了最终幻想式的升级系统和功能表系统。 保留了经典Action RPG游戏模式的精髓!游戏角色拥有圣骑士、射手、术士和战士四种职业选择。 更新内容: The Abyss crash bug fixed Google Play payment module update Minor bug fixes 此版本完美离线,没有武器等级限制,1级可以穿96级,无限技能点。 无限ZEN币: 1.打开游戏,选择进入游戏正式开始玩的时候,点击-左上角暂停按钮。 2.点击-skill-point(左下角)--点击那个小+号--是刷技能点的。 3.然后会看到小+号后面有个,APPLY亮起来,点击它--会出现个小窗口-选择NO。 4.即可刷到ZEN币。 游戏特色《泽诺尼亚传奇4》的剧情体系与3部前作相比差异不大,虽然Chael不再是主角,但同样卡哇伊十足的Q版造型,绝对不会让玩家感觉陌生。这款作品最大的改进就是画质,哪怕只是封面图也能让你感受到大作的气场,Gamevil终于醒悟了,明白了视觉享受对于一款RPG游戏来说,是非常重要的元素。对白虽然是韩文但菜单全部用英文显示,玩家不用担心游戏进程会受到影响,看不懂没关系,直接Skip不就了事了~游戏操作依旧采用了经典的左侧轨迹盘,加右侧攻击与技能组合键的模式。跳过累赘的对话直接踏上探险之路吧,高清细腻的画面会让玩家的每次进攻都成为享受。 游戏的装备与道具系统相比前作要更加丰富,不仅敌人会掉落大量的优质武器,还可以用金钱购买灵药进行配制,炼出属于自己的独特药水。虽然对韩式RPG并不十分推崇,这款新作却用它大气的场面和色彩炫丽的画面展示了独特的风格。 游戏攻略任务流程(中/英):第一章 主线: 1。Find Dupre[All my questions can be answered if I find Dupre,Let's look for him in the forest to the East] 找到Dupre[我所有的问题可以回答如果我发现Dupre,咱们还是找他的森林在东方] 2。Removing the seal[All of our hope depends on spirit dust。Let's defeat these spirits and gather 5 spirit dust] 拆卸密封[我们所有的希望取决于精神尘土。让我们击败这些精神(镰刀死神)和收集5灰尘] 支线: 1。Escaping the Maze[The road splits in two,but only one leads to the east side forest。Find the exit] NPC:Tombstone 从迷宫[路两个分裂,但只有一条通往东边森林。找到出口](Tip:往下走) 第二章 主线: 1。Anya has lost her glow[What a day。。。wake up on a creepy island,meet a fairy,island starts to crumble and now Anya is hurt。First things first,let's look for a town for Anya] Anya已失去了自己的光芒[一天…在一个令人毛骨悚然的岛醒来,遇到一位仙女、海岛开始崩塌,现在Anya是伤害。首先,咱们还是找个Anya小镇)完成NPC:Gina。 2。Restoring Light[Anya is in criticial condition。Let's find 8 Liferoot in Eraes Forest to the South。] 恢复光(Anya在恢复关键性条件。让我们找个8 Liferoot森林在Eraes南方。)Tips:采花。 3。Jessica's request[Jessica's daughter was kidnapped south of town,and her husband went after the monsters。Let's check it out] 完成NPC:lan 杰西卡的请求[杰西卡的女儿被绑架的南部城镇,和她的丈夫追赶的怪物。让我们看看) 4。The Chase[Jessica's husband gave up his life trying to save his daughter。Let's find the girl and save her] 追逐[洁西卡的丈夫放弃他的生命在试图挽救他的女儿。让我们找个女孩救她) 5。 It's a trap[Defeat Baki and rescue the child] 这是一个陷阱[失败Baki,救出儿童) 6。Makr of Ladon[Strange scrolls suggest the Mark of Ladon is nearby。Let's look for it] 奇怪的标志证书建议Ladon附近。让我看看他。(就是去八爪鱼BOSS) 支线: 1。The Soldier's Letter[The injured soldier handed a letter,requesting it be delivered to the town mayor。Let's look for a nearby town] 士兵们的信[受伤的士兵把一封信,要求它交付市长。让我们找一个附近的城镇里) 完成的NPC:Malon。 2。Maintaining Peace[Trolls have been lurking near the town,causing unrest。Let's take care of 8Troll Warriors per the mayor's request] Tips:打8只牛魔王。 维护和平[巨魔一直躲在附近的小镇,可能引起社会动荡。让我们照顾8巨魔战士,市长的请求)完成NPC:Malon 提交任务后,又要打牛魔王 15只。这是重复任务。 3。Cursed Man[Mr。Smith returned this moring with a curse。Purchase a Status Healing Potion from the Dark Merchant in front of the inn at 2AM and give it to Mr。Smith] 完成NPC:Mr。Smith 诅咒人[史密斯先生今天早上回来时被诅咒。在凌晨2点时,到前面客栈的暗黑商人购买治疗药水交给史密斯先生] Tips:接了这任务就会完成“隐藏任务”成就(送Title) 4。A child's Request[Sharon's pet Kukuri disappeared in the forest to the east。Let's find Kukuri] 完成NPC: Sharon。 一个孩子的请求[莎朗的宠物Kukuri消失在森林的东面。让我们找Kukuri) Tips:东边深林的鸡 5。Angela's Request[The innkeeper's son is injured。Purchase a Health Potion(L) from the item merchant and deliver it to the innkeeper。] 完成NPC:Angela 安琪的请求[客栈老板的儿子受伤了。购买一个健康药剂(L)从项目商人,把它送到客栈老板。) Tips:把手机时间调成 22:00 到 03:00 区间,然后跑到深林再回来,就发现那个商人在客栈旁边。 6。Hero's War[Gladiator Jackson has tons of experience and should be of help。Find Gladiator Jackson and speak to him。] 完成NPC:Gladiator Jackson 英雄的战争[角斗士杰克逊吨的经验和应帮助。发现角斗士杰克逊和他讲话。) 7。A need for Bronze[It's farming season,and there isn't enough Bronze to cover all the farming gear orders。Obtain 10 Bronze Ore] 这是农业的季节,没有足够的青铜能够覆盖整个农业齿轮的命令。获得10铜矿石 Tips:锄石头收集10铜矿石 8。Weapon Combine[RuneDust from wisps。Shard of Darkness from Hunters。Create a Mana Stone with these and give to the Blacksmith] 武器结合[从小精灵(光球)得到RuneDust、从猎人得到Shard of Dakness。创建一个魔法石与这些给铁匠] Tips:合成Magic Stone,在EraesForestEast打光球得到RuneDust,在EraesForestSouthwest打拿着炮的怪得到Shard of Dakness。然后去铁匠那点第二项合成。(记得放入Deluxe Magic Dust) 第三章: 主线: 1。Side effect[The shining scroll foretold a new prophecy。。。and once again,Anya collapsed。Better look for an elementalist]完成NPC: elementalist 副作用[闪亮的滚动预言一个新的预言…而这一次,Anya倒塌了。最好找一个元素使。] 2。Joining the Royal Guard[Rescuing Elisa from the mob of monsters earned you recognition from the Royal guard。They might have information。Let's visit them。] 加入皇家卫士[从怪物营救Elisa赢取皇家卫士信誉。他们可能有信息,我们去看看吧] Tips:跑上军营那里就可以了。 3。Chael's test[As a test of mettle,received orders to patrol the Snowy region,north of Adoram forest。Let's inspect the area] Chael的勇气。[勇气的一个试验,接到命令巡逻下雪的地区,Adoram北部的森林。让我们检查地区] Tips: move to The Ice Shelf (去冰架) 4。Infiltration[The majority of the forces seemed to have left the area。Clear out the stragglers and look for clues] 渗透[大多数的力量似乎已经离开这一地区。清理出平面图、立体图和寻找线索] Tips:快速打5只雪人 5。Hunting Elruba[A tough looking Commander-type just appeared。Defeat Dark Commander Elruba] 狩猎Elruba[在一个艰难Commander-type就出现了。 打败黑暗的指挥官Elruba] 6。Uncomfortable Return[Just received news of the enemy discovering another Mark of Ladon。Let's head back to the guard outpost and report] 不舒服的回报[刚刚收到的消息Ladon敌人发现另一个标志。咱们回守卫哨站,并报告] 7。Requesting Support[The Snowy outpost is under attack by a large enemy force and is requesting support。Go assist Elisa,Ruira and Haz] 请求支援[冬天的前哨站遭到大批敌军力量和请求支援。去协助Elisa法,Ruira和Haz] Tips:上山顶对话而已 8。Infiltrating the Temple[Commander Haz has discovered the monsters are after the Mark of Ladon。Head to the basement cave and look for it] 浸润圣殿[指挥官Haz了魔鬼是后Ladon的标志。头地下室洞里,寻找它] 9。Dark Generl Leonard[Defeat Dark General Leonard and gather information about Shaturu] 黑暗Generl李奥纳德[打败黑暗Generl李奥纳德和收集Shaturu] 10。Return to Snowy Outpost[Unfortunately Shaturu's whereabouts remain unknown。Ehad back to the Snowy outpost to report] 回到下雪的前哨站[不幸的是Shaturu的下落仍然不清楚。回到雪前哨提出报告] 11。Clear the Area[Leonard's defeat significantly weakened the Dark Forces,but the scattered minions are still a threat。Quickly dispatch them and speak to Sven] 清理地区[失败的李奥纳德的黑暗力量明显减弱,但分散的仆从仍然是一个威胁。派遣他们并告诉Sven。] Tips:打15只Ice Golem 12。Gathering information[Let's return to Deva castle war room to plan our next move] 收集信息[让我们回到城堡的房间位天神战争计划我们的下一步] 支线: 1。Refining and Strenthening[Speak to the Blacksith of Deva castle and talk to him about Refining and Strengthening] 提炼和加强[跟在城堡的铁匠谈论提炼和加强] 2。Material Production[A Mana Stone is needed to help create weapons for war。Let's create a Mana Stone] 材料生产[魔法石是有需要的,以帮助制造。战争。让我们创建一个魔法石] Tips:Mana Stone =Mystic Dust(第五章隐藏的地穴的甲虫爆出) + Shard of Chaos(第五章城外的小鸡爆出) (记得放Magic Dust) 3。Legend of the Hero[The Bard seems to want a Mana Potion(L)in exchange for more stories。Let's get him one and see what he has to say] 传说中的英雄[诗人看上去想要法力药水(L),以换取更多的书。让我们给他一个,看看他要说什么] Tips:去商店买一个魔法药水(L)给Eze。 4。Revenge for my Parents[In revenge for his parents。kid requested the siaying of 10 Troll Priest in Western Adoram Forest。Oblige him] 为父母复仇[为他的父母复仇。应孩子要求,在Adoram森林杀10只巨魔牧师()。答应他] 5。 Meat From the Dragon Turtles near the area] 很难找到食物[使用城市的入口过去Adonis镇,并从龙龟上收集10只甲鱼肉] 6。Training Recruits[When first entering the Royal Guard,one must go through basic training。Capture 10 Dark Lycans and prove your worth!] 训练新兵[当第一次进入皇家卫士,一个人必须经过基本训练。捕捉10 黑暗狼证明你的价值!] 7。The Den of Trials[As the final step for basic training,speak to the Den of Trials Attendent] 书房里的实验[作为最后一步为基本训练,说到书房Attendent试验] Tips:就是跑到看塔门卫那说话。 8。Cold as Ice[Extracting maximum beverage taste requres 10 pieces of Could Ice。Frozen Knights should have them] 冷若冰霜[最大的饮料口味要求提取10根能冰。FrozenKnight(冷冻骑士)应该有] 9。Kan's Request[The Letter of Recommendation needed for Kan to join the Royal Guard can be obtained by assisting Head Guard Zeratus] 完成NPC:Kan Kan的要求[带上Kan需要的推荐信,加入皇家卫兵。得到帮助Zeratus头部防护装置] Tips:Collect Letter of Recommendation{会在第四章的时候完成} 10。Zeratus'Request[Zeratus requested the capture of 10 Salamanders for the Letter of Recommendation。Let's go hunting] Zeratu's要求[Zeratus要求获得10火蜥蜴换一封推荐信] Tips:会在第四章的时候完成 11。Natural Medicine[Cavebloom flower is rumored to grow in this cave。Find it and give it to Nicky to help the wounded troops] 天然药物[有传闻说,Cavebloom花生长在这个洞穴里。找到他,把它交给Nicky帮助受伤的部队] Tips:采花(位置:洞穴BOSS房前一个地图左上角。) 12。Toasty Winter Coat[The lengthy war has the troops running low on supplies,namely warm clothing。Let's deliver 15 pieces of Sasquatch leather。] 烘烤的冬衣[冗长的战争军队供应不足的情况,即暖和的衣服。让我们拯救15块野人皮革] Tips:打雪人出的皮革 第四章: 主线: 1。Preparing the Welcoming[The Royal Guard generals are returning from a victory。Find 10 Hyacinth flowers in Adoram forest to celebrate] 准备欢迎[黄家卫兵将军正在凯旋归来。在Adram深林找到10Hyacinth花] 2。Meeting of the Generals[No one showed up to the meeting。Let's notifty Ecne and Morpice,but Ecen frist] 会见将军[没有人出现来参加这次会议,让我们通知Ecne和Morpce,先见Ecen] 3。Traces of Morpice[Morpice was last seen near the gorge,but now has gone missing。His traces must be in the area。] Morpice的痕迹[最后一次被看到是Morpice附近的峡谷,但现在不见了。他应该在该地区的附近] 4。The Cave Guardian[Drace is blocking the cave entrance。Defeating him is the only way in] 洞穴的监护人[Drace堵住了洞穴入口。打败他是唯一的方法。] 5。Voice of Morpice[Find Morpice] Morpice的声音[找到Morpice] 6。The First Sealstone[The road is blocked BY a powerful seal。Find the source of the seal's power] 第一Sealstone[这条路封锁了一股强大的密封。找到源头的密封的权力] 7。Taking care of Elisa[Now that the seal is unpowered,it is vulnerable to destruction。Guard Elisa while she casts her spell] 照顾Elisa[现在, seal通电时容易受到破坏。当他诅咒时,保护Elisal] 就是24秒打死5只牛······ 8。The Souce of Evil[The seal has been demolished and our way is clear。However,Anya warns of a great energy coming from within,be careful。] 邪恶的来源[我们知道密封方式已被解除,但Anya警告一个强大能量从里面散发出来,小心点] 支线: 1。Restoring Adoram Forest[Defeat 15 Bone Soldiers] 恢复Adoram深林[打败15骨头士兵] 第五章: 主线: 1。Bitterweet victory[Carve a path through the monsters for Ruira,Haz and Elisa to follow] Bitterweet胜利[怪物为Ruira雕刻出了一条小路,Haz和Elisa跟随]--返回城 2。Locating the Holy gem[Head to Deva castle war room to report news of Morpice's death,as well as the Holy gem。] 找出神圣的宝石[天神城堡上面的战情报道Morpice的死忙,以及神圣的宝石] 3。Talk to Anya。 跟Anya 4。Grasping the Situation[Anya has done it。。。Or has she?Look for a near by town to check if we're in the past] 掌握情况[Anya做过。。。或者她呢?找一个附近的城镇检查如果我们在过去的Deva Cstle] Tips:就是跟Perry姨谈话。 5。Archmage Zelos[Archmage Zelos,Morpice'smaster,is rumored to live in the area。Let;s ask him about the holy gem] 大法师Zelos[大法师Zelos,Morpice 'smaster,有传闻说,他住在这个区域。让我们问问他这件神圣的宝石] 6。The Hidden Dungeon[Found the location of the Holy gem from Zelos。Let's find it and destroy it before it's too late] 隐藏的地牢[从Zelos发现圣洁宝石的位置,在为时已晚前,让我们找到并摧毁它] Tips:跟Elesia交谈一下就发现。 7。然后就去那个洞*****(请看地图位置) 8。Seeking the Holy gem[We've entered the Hidden Dungeon。The Holy gem must be close。。。] 追求圣洁的宝石[我们已进入隐藏的地牢。圣宝石必须关闭] 9。The Stone Guardian[Stoneface is guarding the stone。Crush him to retrieve it] 石头守护者[石头面守护着这石头,打碎它再收拾起来。] 10。Escape[Removing the Holy gem from Stoneface's forehead has caused the hidden chamber to collapse。Get out of here] 逃脱[从Stoneface去除圣宝石的额上已经造成了秘室的崩溃。离开这里] Tips:就跑回到上一层出口就行了。 11。Embers of Hope[Secured the Holy gem,time to head back to Deva castle of the future。The portal in town should do the trick] 火红的希望[神圣宝石固定了,时间回位天神城堡的未来。门在城里应该有效。] Tips:返回Deva Castle Barracks 支线: 1。Blast from the Past(1)[Duped by a thief again!Come back here with my money!Wait til Iget my hands on you。。。] 过去的Blast[被一个小偷骗了!带上我的钱回来这里 Tips:就是过去找Luke 2。Blast from the Past(2)[Meet Battered]完成的NPC:Adas Tips:回到AdonisTown找Adas,就可以了。 3。A Mother's Request[Morian's son Momo headed into the forest and never came out。Let's find him,he could be in danger] 一个母亲的请求[Morian为首的儿子Momo到森林里不出来了。让我们找到他的时候,他会是很危险的] Tips:去地牢在最后打BOSS的分岔路找到。 4。Strange Happenings[Monsters seem to be increasing everywhere。Something's definitely wrong。。。Let's slay 15 Angry Slimes to calm the town] 奇怪的事件增加[怪物似乎无处不在。肯定有些东西不对劲。让我们杀15只愤怒的小鸡,使小镇平静吧] 5。Protect Momo[Suddenly monsters everywhere!Protect Momo and safely exit together。] 保护Momo[突然怪物无处不在!Momo和安全保护共同存在。(就是打死5只锤子牛) 第六章: 主线: 1。Readying for Battle[Prepare for the trip to Aria castle,then meet Elisa at the Easern Gate] 准备战斗[前往城堡,然后在Eaern门会见Elisa] 2。To Aria Castle[The Royal Guard is nolonger in danger。Head to Aria castle for info on Shaturu] 前往Aria城堡。[皇家卫队不再危险了,带信息给正在Aria城堡交战的Shaturu] 3。For the Greater Good[The collapsed hidden dungeon is sure to have some answers。Shaturu may be in there as well] 为了追求更好的[坍塌的隐藏的地牢保险有一些答案。Shaturu可能在那里] 4。Dark General Proneus[Disgustingly it's not Shaturu。However,defeating Proneus will surely weaken his forces。] 普通黑暗Proneus[令人恶心,它不是Shaturu。然而Proneus必将击败削弱他的力量。] 5。Confirming Authenticity[The good news is that Shaturu's whereabouts are known。The bad news…well,let's head back to Aria castle to confirm] 确认真实性[好消息是Shaturu下落的线索是众所周知的。这个坏消息…嗯,咱们回Aria(咏叹)城堡确认] 6。Battle for Aria(1)[A massive number of Dark force warriors are headed toward Aria castle。Let's help Elisa guard the North Gate。] 咏叹之战(1)[一大批黑暗力量战士朝向Aria的城堡。让我们帮助Elisa保卫北大门。] 7。Battle for Aira(2)[Defeat the monsters on the Northwest Wing and return to Elisa] 咏叹之战(2)[打败在西北面的怪物,并回到Elisa] 8。Battle for Aria(3)[Now the Northeast Wing is under attack。Head over and help defend。] 咏叹之战(3)[现在东北翼受到攻击,到那边帮助保护。] 9。Battle for Aria(4)[A special team of Dark soldiers are battering the North Gate。Defeating the commanding officer should disperse the attack] 咏叹之战(4)[一个特别小组的黑暗士兵冲击着北大门。击败指挥官应该能分散冲击。] 10。This way to the Heavenly Realm[The north Gate is secure。Shaturu must be shtopped before he regains his strength,meaning we must head to the Dark Castle。Let's head to the Heavenly Realm to find a way] 前往天王的路[北门安全了。在Shaturu回复力量之前必须阻止他,意味着必须去黑暗城堡。我们去天堂领域找 一个方法吧] 11。The Tiresome Undead[The guardsmen are missing their families due to the neverending threat。Help them go home earlier by slaying 20 Ogre Sorcerers] 讨厌的亡灵[由于无休止的威胁,守卫和家人失散了。屠杀20食人魔巫师帮助他们早点回家] 支线: 1。Material Production(Repeatable[)More weapons are needed。Let's create 3 more Mana Stones。] 材料的生产[就是多生产3个Mana Stones(这是重复任务)] 2。A Young Girl's Wish[She hasn't heard from him ever since he left for battle。Let's deliver the letter to her husband in Aria castle。] 一个年轻女孩的愿望[自从他丈夫战斗,她没听到他的消息了。让我们把信给她的在Aria(咏叹)城堡的丈夫] 3。Blast from the Past(3)[It turns out those shoes were alimited collection,made from rare Cyclops leather。Let's get 10 pieces of Cyciops leather from North of Aria Castle] 过去的Blast(3)[原来那些鞋子是由独眼巨人皮革弄成的。让我们从城堡北边弄10块皮革] Tips:Adas在Adonis Town 4。Extinguishing the Flame[Luke claims to have found the source of the Adoram Forest fires。Defeat 20 Evil Flames to quell the flames] 熄灭火焰[路加福音声称已经发现Adoram的来源的森林。打败邪恶的火焰20来平息这场大火] 5。Extinguishing the Flame[In an effort to bring back Adoram Forest's past beauty,let's hunt 30 Evil Flames。] 熄灭火焰[为了带回Adoram森林的美丽,让我们过去30邪恶狩猎火焰。](重复) 6。Preparing for War [A war is brewing。Bolstering our ranks require the finest weapons made of Mithril。Deliver 10 Mithril Ore] 准备战争[一场战争正在酝酿之中。支持我们的队伍需要最好的武器拿的。收集10个Mithril矿] Tips:Mithri Ore 在Scorched Forest North中锄石头得到。。 7。Preparing for War[They say failure is the moter of success。Let's get 20 more Mithril Ore] Tips:就是20个Mithril矿石(重复) 8。Conveying the Message[For leon to write a return letter Aria,he requires peace and quiet。Slaying 15 rhinotaurs should quiet things down] 传话[为Leon写回邮信封咏叹调外,他需要安静和平和。杀死15 rhinotaurs应该安静下来] Tips:就是去Aria Castle Alley打铁甲牛。 9。The Hidden Dungeon Tablet[A tablet in the dungeon is said to expiain the secrets of the Hidden Dungeon。Let's give it to Searcher if we find it] 隐藏的地牢碑[在地牢有一个碑解说隐藏地牢的秘密] 10。Mono's Necklace[This necklace seems like something Momo would have。Let's deliver it to him] Momo的项链[这条项链看起来像是Momo的。让我们把它送到他] Momo在Deva Castle Square(Past) 11。Puppy Love[Aria is sure to be waiting。。。let's deliver Leon's letter to her,it should make her happy] Puppy的爱[Aria肯定在等待。。。让我们送Leon的信给她,让她开心。] 12。Blast from the Past(4)[Finally got a pair of Special Collection Adas shoes。Let's head to Deva Castle of the Past to give to Luke] 过去Blast(4)[终于搞好一双鞋子,送给Luke吧] 13。Strange Old Man[Ramus appeared from nowhere only to be attacked by an assassin。Let's save him] 怪老头[不知从哪里突然出现的刺客,我们拯救怪老头吧] 第七章: 主线: 1。Mysterious Man[Following a sudden activation of the Sky Portal,a Holy warrior walked out requesting support。The Heavenly Realm seems to be in trouble。let's quicky head to Coelraum] 神秘的人[面对突然启动的天空门户,圣战士走出请求支援。天上的境界似乎有麻烦了。让我们前进去Coelraum吧] 2。Heavenly Camp[It appears the survivors are stationed at a temporary base。Let's find it and seek Merrehen] 天上的营地[其出现的幸存者驻扎在一个临时基地。让我们找到它,寻求Merrehen] 3。Dark Portal[Merrehen explained the current situation as well as the whereabouts of the Dark Portal。Let's look for it] 黑暗之门[Merrehen说明当前状况以及下落的黑暗之门。让我们寻找它] 4。Keeper of the Dark Portal[Defeat Dark Keeper Keltura to use the portal] 黑暗之门的门将[打败黑暗Keltura,使用那个传送门] 5。Prisonbreak[Got surrounded and captured,but escaped thanks to Elisa。Let's find a way out while before it's too late] 越狱[有被抓获,但是由于Elisa逃脱。让我们找个出路,而亡羊补牢为时未晚] 额····要我们扮演Michael···· 6。Dark General Leviathan[What appeared to be improved circumstances turned out to be Leviathan's ploy all along。Slay Dark General Leviathan to escape] 简单的说:打BOSS 7。Find Elisa[This scene。。。same scene from my dream。Deja vumaybe?Better locate Elisa,then we can look for Chael] 找Elisa[这一幕。。。好像我的梦境。最好好是先找Elisa吧] 8。Crossroads of Choice(Normal)[Elisa could be in danger。Let's trust Chael's abilities for now and escape from the prison] 十字路口的选择(正常)[Elisa很危险的。让我们相信Chael的能力,现在逃离了监狱] 支线: 1。Restoring Coeiraum[Coelraum needs liberation from the occupying Dark Forces。Slay 20 King Necromancers] 恢复Coeiraum[Coelraum需要占用解放黑暗力量。杀死20只亡灵巫师王] 2。Coelraum Reconstruction[Reconstructing Coelraum is going to require a lot of materials,especially tombstones。Slay White Gargoyles for 20 Tombstones] 重建Coelraum[重建Coelraum将需要大量的材料,特别是tombsones。杀死白色石像鬼拿20只Tombstones] 3。Heavenly judgment[Her friends fell to Giant Worms。Slay 30 Giant Worms in cold retribution] 天上的判决[她的朋友们掉到GiantWorms。杀死30只巨型蠕虫] 第八章: 主线: 1。To the Dark Castle[Head to the Dark Castle] 前往黑暗城堡 2。Get Out of my Way[Got surrounded by guard upon entry。Show them a swift and merciless death] 别挡我的路[就是杀5只怪···] 3。Find Shaturu[Locate Shaturu's room of hiding] 找到Shaturu Tips:门口比较小一点的就是了。 4。Disarming the Seal[The entrance to Shaturu's room is sealed off with an energy。Let's find the source and destroy it] 解封[Shaturu的房间被能量封锁着。让我们找到源头摧毁它] Tips:就是原本封锁着的入口那房间。 5。Before it's too Late[Shaturu should be past this door。Let's find him before he regains all of his energy] 亡羊补牢为时未晚[走过这门Shaturu应该在那里。让我们来找他,别让他恢复他所有的能量] 6。The Final Showdown[Defeat Dark Lord Shaturu,architect of suffering and set the world straight again] 最后一决胜负[打败黑暗魔王Shaturu,在平行世界重新构架苦难。] 迷宫地图:路线:(按红线走,遇到分叉随便选条。) 城堡迷宫图文版攻略在实战中,很多玩家反映在最后boss前的Zerat Castle 2城堡迷宫是个难以突破的关卡。这个Zerat Castle 2城堡迷宫的走法详见图册。 泽诺尼亚传奇4谷歌市场版游戏信息泽诺尼亚传奇4谷歌市场版 游戏分类:角色扮演 游戏大小:29.8 MB 作者:GAMEVIL Inc. 游戏版本:1.1.9 适用于Android:2.2 2.3 2.3.3 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0.0 - 4.0.2 4.0.3 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