词条 | 云南师范大学附属中学 |
释义 | 云南师大附中(Middle School Attached To Yunnan Normal University)是云南省教育厅首批评定的省一级完全中学,是云南省教育厅主管的唯一一所省级重点中学,是云南省科技教育的示范学校,是国家基础教育重点科研课题基地学校,是全国现代教育技术实验学校,是全国部分大学附中协作体、全国知名中学科研联合体的理事单位。 简介云南师大附中是云南省教育厅首批评定的省一级完全中学,是云南省教育厅主管的 唯一一所省级重点中学,是云南省科技教育的示范学校,是国家基础教育重点科研课题基地学校,是全国现代教育技术实验学校,是全国部分大学附中协作体、全国知名中学科研联合体的理事单位。 2003年9月1日,学校从昆明市建设路484号的老校址搬迁至现在的新校址——昆明市高新技术开发区洪源路36号。新校园占地面积160亩,校舍建筑面积近7万多平方米。现设54个高中班,在校学生有4000人,学校配有一流的师资队伍,全校教职工共320人,其中特级教师15人,高级教师128人,省级学科带头人4人,省级骨干教师6人,有市级学科带头人11人,市级骨干教师4 人,先后有8位教师接受了全国中小学骨干教师国家级培训。 2004年6月被云南省教委评定为省一级一等高级中学。 发展简史云南师大附中创建于1940年11月21日,前身是抗日战争期间北京大学、 清华大学和南开大学组建的“国立西南联合大学师范学院附属中学”(简称“联大附中”)。1984年昆明师范学院更名为“云南师范大学”,附中随之更名为“云南师范大学附属中学”。 经过几代人的不懈努力,云南师大附中形成了“求实、认真、团结、进取”的校风,“严格要求、科学管理、勤奋好学、勇于探索、团结协作、以身作则”的领导作风,“严谨治学、开拓创新、诲人不倦、为人师表”的教风和“严格广博、勤奋好学、勇于探索、追求不息”的学风;具有“爱祖国、重科学、争民主、求进步”的优良传统。七十一年来,云南师大附中学风正、治学严谨、人才辈出,为祖国培养了中国科学院院士万哲先、戴汝为、严陆光等一大批骨干和栋梁之才。 教学设施学校设有现代化的图书馆、计算机教室,理、化、生实验室,富于时代感的多功能音体馆,有达到国标二类标准的塑胶跑道运动场,以及既供师生就餐、又可兼顾对外服务的后勤服务楼,还有可容纳2100余人的学生公寓。 人才培养创建71年来,云南师大附中为祖国培养了4万多名学子,他们在不同的岗位上为祖国的繁荣富强添砖加瓦。恢复高考以来,附中为高一级学校输送了大批优秀人才,学校的教学质量一直保持稳步发展,500多名学生考入清华、北大深造;共培养了29名云南省高考“状元”。 校园文化校训先学会做人,再学做学问。不仅要学会,而且要会学。 办学理念一切为了学生的进步 一切为了教师的发展 教学理念厚引领 重基础 扬特长 求发展 校风求实 认真 团结 进取 领导作风严格要求 科学管理 勤奋好学 勇于探索 团结协作 以身作则 教风严谨治学 开拓创新 诲人不倦 为人师表 学风严格广博 勤奋好学 勇于探索 追求不息 传统爱祖国 重科学 争明主 求进步 领导班子校 长:关 磊 党委书记:关 磊 副校长: 马永文 副校长: 王朝训 副校长:田云灿 副校长:冯东黎 校长助理:李为 校长助理:杨永 工会主席:徐斌 校办公室主任:刘西圣 校办公室副主任:王光兴 教务处主任:孙毅 教务处副主任:王英 教务处副主任:张怀素 教科室主任:刘琦 总务处主任:辛力 总务处副主任:李海涛 国际部主任:杨卫东 信息中心主任:董翀 学生处主任:顾宇飞 学生处副主任:王梅 团委书记:鲍学良 团委副书记:刘雄 离退休办公室主任:刘洪俊 保卫科主任:李春龙 保卫科副主任:赵云青 发展前景随着教育改革的不断深化,我校的办学条件逐步得到改善,为了解决基础教育资源不足的矛盾,为了发挥云南师大附中在云南基础教育的辐射作用,为了充分挖掘我校的办学潜力,我校先后创办了2所分校:云南师大实验中学(昆明市东风西路484号)、大理新世纪中学(大理州下关镇)。 云南师大附中将充分利用新校的教学资源,不断深化内部的教育体制改革,全面提高教育质量,争取进入全国千所示范性高中,将云南师大附中办成对省内外、国内外交流的窗口学校,具有一流管理、一流师资、一流办学质量的国家级示范高中。 英文版English VersionHomepage Introduction This school is the only provincial key middle school which is administered by the Provincial Education Commission (PEC). In the June of 2004, it has honored as the Provincial First-rate Senior Middle School by PEC. it developed from the Middle School Affiliated with the State-established Southwest Union University, which was sponsored by Beijing University, Qinghua University and Nankai University,during the Anti-Japanese War. The school started oil November 21st, 1940. It was renamed the Middle School Attached to Yunnan Normal University in 1984. On September 1st, 2003, the school moved from 484# Jianshe Road to the new address locatedin 36# Hongyuan Road. Kunming High-tech Zone. The new campus covers 120 acres. And the area of schoolhouse is nearly 60,000 square meters. Staffed with an excellent faculty of 214. the school has an enrollment of 3100 students studying in 48 classes at present. This school is equipped with facilities such as a modernized library, the laboratories of physics, chemistry, biology and computer, a multifunction centre,an athletic ground with high-standards synthetic retinoic tracks, a logistic building and also a student's apartment building which can accommodate 1800 students. In the past 67 years, nearly 40,000 students have graduated from this school, ever since resuming the university entrance examination. We have always kept our teaching standard at a high level. There have been more than 300 graduates entered Qinghua University and Beijing University. With generations of hard work, we have formed the education idea of truth-seeking, earnest, united and enterprising; a leadership style of requesting strictly managing scientifically, working diligently, pursuing bravely, cooperating and working exemplary; the teaching style of studying rigorously, teaching improvingly and innovatively, and working hard. Teachers in this school are trying to help students extend their scope, and encourage them to keep on exploring. With the tradition of patriotism, science, democracy and advance, a lot of academicians such as Wan Zhexian. Dai Ruwei, Yan Luguang have graduated from the school in the past sixty years. We have always cared much and made a point of all-round development of our students.Thus, we put forward "Learning how to be a qualified citizen comes before learning. Gaining net only knowledge but also the way to learn." In order to detect and foster students' ability, we have opened many selective courses and offered our students opportunities to practice. Our school will make full use of the teaching resources in the new campus to deepen the reform of our education system and to improve our teaching quality. We are trying our best to rank in the national thousand exemplary schools. And we will make it a school for our province to communicate with other provinces as well as other countries. Our aim is to become a school with the best management, the best teachers, and to keep a high education level. |
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