词条 | 岳彩旭 |
释义 | 个人简历岳彩旭,男,1982年生,博士研究生,哈尔滨理工大学讲师。主要从事高强度钢高速切削机理研究和切削过程仿真研究,发表了20余篇有一定学术价值的学术论文,其中10余篇被EI检索,作为主要参与者完成了多项国家自然科学基金和省部级课题。目前担任学术兼职为黑龙江省刀具技术协会理事。 学术交流2011年11月15日,应邀参加由香港理工大学主办,中国机械工程学会、香港社团法人精密工学会、韩国精密工程协会、香港光机电行业协会和精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室协办的“4International Conference of Asian Society Precision Engineeringand Nanotechnology”(ASPEN 2011)。并参加了制造前沿课题的交流,参观了香港科技园。 发表论文1)3D Finite Element Simulation of Hard Turning[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2009, 69-70: 11-15.(EI:20094512423220). 2) 2DFEM Estimate of Tool Wear in Hard Cutting Operation: Extractive of interrelatedparameters and tool wear simulation result.Advanced Material Research, 2009,69-70:316-321.(EI: 20094512423281). 3) FEM of Saw Tooth Chip Formation under Different Cutting Edge Preparation. KeyEngineering Materials, 2010, 431-432: 417-420. (EI:20102613032423). 4) Experiment and Forecast Research of Hard Cutting Surface Roughness. Journal ofHarbin Institute of Technology, 2010, 17:224-227.(EI:20102413004178). 5) Finite Element Simulation of Heavy Cutting Process [J]. AdvancedMaterials Research, 2011, 188: 617-622.(EI:20111913971716). 6) 2D FEM Estimate of Tool Wear in Hard Cutting Operation: Tool Wear andSimulation of Hard Cutting Process under Steady State.Advanced MaterialsResearch, 2009, 69-70:306-310. (EI:20094512423279). 7) 2D FEM simulation of PCBN tool with round edge cutting hardened steel. Journalof Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010, 17:193-196. (EI:20102413004172). 8) Study on NC Machining Technology for Integral Impeller of PeltonTurbine. Advanced Materials Research, 2010,102-104: 861-865.(EI:20101512844880). 9) Modeling of ball-end milling cutter and vibration analysis in hard milling.Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2010, 17:236-239. (EI:20102413004181). 10) Research on Orthogonal Experiments of Precision Hard Cutting Surface Roughness.Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2010, 17:157-159. (EI:20102413004163). 11) Study on Causes of Material Plastic Side Flow in Precision Hard CuttingProcess. Advanced Materials Research, 2010,97-101:1875-1878. (EI:20101612863270). 12) 不同刀具刃口形式下锯齿形切屑形成的有限元仿真.机械科学与技术.2011,4:44-48. 13) 硬态切削与磨削工艺的表面完整性.工具技术, 2008,42:13-18. 14) 硬态切削技术.航空制造技术,2008, l18:26-29. 15) 硬态切削工艺中PCBN刀具的最新发展. 航空制造技术,2009,6:48-51. 16) 淬硬钢GCr15斜角切削过程的有限元分析.制造技术与机床,2008,5:88-91 17) 绿色切削技术的研究进展与发展趋势.航空制造技术.2010,11:26-30. |
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