词条 | 约瑟夫·科顿 |
释义 | 人物档案英文名:Joseph Cotten 中文名: 约瑟夫·科顿 生卒年月:1905年5月15日-1994年2月6日 出生地:美国弗吉尼亚州匹兹堡 国籍:美国 人物生平约瑟夫·科顿是那种永远成不了天皇巨星、进不了前10名但却也令人永远无法忘怀的演员,他就靠在那里吸着烟,温情而饶有意味地用眼角余光看着你,像一座酝酿爆发的休眠火山,你不知道什么时候会爆发,一旦爆发,你会心甘情愿被他灼人的热能所熔化。 我目前能找到的科顿的资料很少,只知道他曾就读于华盛顿希克曼表演学校。1930年开始在百老汇登台演出;1937年,他参加奥逊*威尔斯的水星剧团,两年之后在百老汇风行一时的《费城故事》中与凯瑟琳.赫本合作演出。1938年在影片《约翰逊太多了》中初登银幕,此后相继主演了《公民凯恩》、《安巴逊大族》、《疑影》、《第三人》等多部著名影片。1948年,他主演的《珍妮的画像》获得了威尼斯国际电影节最佳男主角奖。1958年,在出演了《邪恶之触》后,慢慢淡出影坛。于1994年2月6日去世,终年八十九岁。 约瑟夫·科顿是从来没有得到奥斯卡提名的著名美国演员,这不禁让人觉得不可思议,但联想到奥逊·威尔斯、查理·卓别林也是演技一流,同样被奥斯卡弃之如履,便不再为科顿感到惋惜,他的才华勿需奥斯卡来证明。 作品年表公民凯恩Citizen Kane (1941) .... Jed Leland Lydia (1941) .... Michael Fitzpatrick 安巴逊大族The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) .... Eugene Morgan Journey Into Fear (1942) .... Howard Graham Shadow of a Doubt (1943) .... Charlie Oakley Hers to Hold (1943) .... Bill Morley 煤气灯下Gaslight (1944) .... Brian Cameron Since You Went Away (1944) .... Lieutenant Tony Willett I'll Be Seeing You (1944) .... Zachary Morgan 爱之信Love Letters (1945) .... Allen Quinton 太阳浴血记Duel in the Sun (1946) .... Jesse McCanles The Farmer's Daughter (1947) .... Glenn Morley 珍妮的画像Portrait of Jennie (1948) .... Eben Adams 第三人The Third Man (1949) .... Holly Martins Beyond the Forest (1949) .... Doctor Louis Moline 摩羯星座下Under Capricorn (1949) .... Sam Flusky Walk Softly, Stranger (1950) ... Chris Two Flags West (1950) .... Colonel Clay Tucker September Affair (1950) .... David Lawrence Half Angel (1951) .... John Raymond Peking Express (1951) .... Michael Bachlin The Man with a Cloak (1951) .... Dupin Untamed Frontier (1952) .... Kirk Denbow The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice (France - 1952) (uncredited) .... Senator The Steel Trap (1952) .... Jim Osborne 尼亚加拉Niagara (1953) .... George Loomis A Blueprint for Murder (1953) .... Whitney "Cam" Cameron Special Delivery (1955) .... John Adams A Killer Is Loose (1956) .... Sam Wagner The Bottom of the Bottle (1956) .... P. M. Martin The Halliday Brand (1957) .... Daniel Halliday 邪恶之触Touch of Evil (1958) .... Coroner (unbilled) From the Earth to the Moon (1958) .... Victor Barbicane The Angel Wore Red (1960) .... Hawthorne The Last Sunset (1961) .... John Breckenridge Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) .... Dr. Drew Bayliss Great Sioux Massacre, The (1965) .... Major Reno The Money Trap (1965) .... Dr. Horace Van Tilden The Oscar (1966) .... Kenneth Regan Showdown (1966) ... Temple Cordeen The Hellbenders (1967).... Jonas Some May Live (1967) (TV) .... U.S. Intelligence Officer Jack of Diamonds (1967) .... Ace of Diamonds Brighty of the Grand Canyon (1967) .... Jim Owen Petulia (1968) .... Mr. Danner Split Second to an Epitaph (1968) (TV) .... Doctor Ben Stern White Comanche (1968).... Sheriff Logan Days of Fire (1968) Gangster '70 (1968) .... Destil Latitude Zero (1969).... Capt. Craig McKenzie The Lonely Profession (1969) (TV) .... Martin Bannister Keene (1969) Hour of Vengeance (1969) Cutter's Trail (1969) (TV) .... Gen. Spalding 虎!虎!虎!Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) .... Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson Grasshopper, The (1970) .... Richard Morgan Do You Take This Stranger? (1970) (TV) .... Doctor Robert Carson Assault on the Wayne (1971) (TV) .... The Admiral City Beneath the Sea (1971) (TV) .... Dr. Ziegler Lady Frankenstein (1974).... Baron Frankenstein 歌剧院杀人王The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) .... Dr. Vesalius The Screaming Woman (1972) (TV) .... George Tresvant The Scientific Cardplayer (1972).... George Baron Blood (1973) .... Baron Otton von Kleist Doomsday Voyage (1972) .... Captain Jason The Devil's Daughter (1972) (TV) .... Judge Weatherby Soylent Green (1973) .... William Simonson Timber Tramps (1973) A Delicate Balance (1973) .... Harry 赝品F for Fake (1975).... Guest Final Payment (1975) .... Paternò The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case (1976) (TV) .... Dr. Joseph Francis Condon A Whisper In the Dark (1976) Twilight's Last Gleaming (1977) .... Arthur Renfrew 77航空港Airport '77 (1977) .... Nicholas St. Downs III Aspen (1977) (TV mini-series) .... Horton Paine Return to Fantasy Island (1978) (TV) .... Mr. Grant Concorde Affair (1978) .... Foster Johnson Caravans (1978) .... Crandall The Perfect Crime (1979) .... Sir Arthur Dandy Screamers (1979) .... Prof. Ernest Marvin Churchill and the Generals (1979) (TV) .... General George C. Marshall Heaven's Gate (1980) .... Reverend Doctor The Hearse (1980) .... Walter Pritchard Guyana: Cult of the Damned (1980) .... Richard Gable Delusion (1980) .... Ivar Longrock Casino (1980) (TV) .... Ed Booker The Survivor (1981) .... The Priest |
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