

词条 袁希钢




1、 化工过程分析与合成 (本科生)

2 、化工过程系统工程专题(硕士生)

3 、化工过程工程专题 (博士生)


1 、化工过程系统工程

2 、传质分离工程


1 、中国化工学会化学工程专业委员会委员

2、 中国系统工程学会过程系统工程专业委员会委员


1. 安维中, 袁希钢*, 用于热集成精馏序列综合的改进模拟退火算法, 化工学报, 2005, 56(3) 506-510

2. 安维中, 袁希钢*, 基于随机优化的热耦合复杂精馏系统的综合(I)模型化方法,化工学报, 2006, 57(7) 1591-1598

3. 安维中, 袁希钢* 基于随机优化的热耦合复杂精馏系统的综合(II)计算举例与分析,化工学报, 2006, 57(7) 1599-1604

4. 刘永建,袁希钢*,罗祎青,基于模糊规划的质量负荷不确定水网络的综合,化工学报,2006, 57(4),867-873

5. 郭莹,袁希钢*,曾爱武,余国琮,基于浓度/速度场测量的吸收过程液相传质系数,化工学报,2006,57(6),1277-1283

Selected publications: Refereed Journal Articles (*通信作者)

1 WeizhongAn and Xi-Gang Yuan*, A simulated annealing-based approach to theoptimal synthesis of heat integrated distillation sequences, Computers& Chem. Eng., 2008, (available online: doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2008.08.001)

2 G. B.Liu, K. T. Yu, X. G. Yuan* and C. J. Liu, A ComputationalTransport Model for Wall-Cooled Catalytic Reactor, Ind.Eng. Chem. Res., 2008, 47, 2656-2665

3 Z. M.Sun, K. T. Yu, X. G. Yuan*, C. J. Liu, A modified model of computationalmass transfer for distillation column, Chem. Eng. Sci., 62 (2007) 1839-1850

4 LuoYiqing, Yuan Xigang*, Liu Yongjian, An improved PSO algorithm forsolving non-convex NLP/MINLP problems with equality constraints, Computers& Chem. Eng., 31 (2007) 153–162

5 G. B.Liu, K. T. Yu, X. G. Yuan*, and C. J. Liu, New Model for Turbulent MassTransfer and Its Application to the Simulations of a Pilot-Scale RandomlyPacked Column for CO2-NaOH Chemical Absorption, Ind.Eng. Chem. Res., 2006; 45(9); 3220-3229

6 G. B.Liu, K. T. Yu, X. G. Yuan*, and C. J. Liu, Simulations of chemicalabsorption in pilot-scale and industrial-scale packed columns by computationalmass transfer, Chem. Eng. Sci., 61 (2006) 6511-65297 G.Q.Wang, X.G. Yuan* and K.T. Yu, A Method for Calculating EffectiveInterfacial Area of Structured Packed Distillation Columns under ElevatedPressures , Chem. Eng. Processing,2006, 45(8), 691-697

8 Chang Hua, Yuan Xi-Gang*, Tian Hua, Zeng Ai-Wu. Experimental study on the adsorption of water andethanol by cornmeal for ethanol dehydration. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2006, 45: 3916-3921

9 Chang Hua, Yuan Xi-Gang*, Tian Hua, Zeng Ai-Wu. Experiment and prediction of breakthrough curves forpacked bed adsorption of water vapor on cornmeal. Chem. Eng. Processing,2006, 45: 747–754

10 Chang Hua, Yuan Xi-Gang*, Tian Hua, Zeng Ai-Wu. Experimental investigation and modeling of adsorptionof water and ethanol on cornmeal in an ethanol-water binary vapor system. Chem.Eng. & Technology, 2006, 29: 454-461

11 Wang,G.Q., X.G. Yuan*, K.T. Yu, Review of mass-transfer correlations forpacked columns, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2005, 44 (23): 8715-8729

12 Sun,Z.M., B. T. Liu, X. G. Yuan*, C. J. Liu, K. T. Yu, New turbulent modelfor computational mass transfer and its application to a commercial-scaledistillation column, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2005, 44 (12):4427-4434

13 WangGQ, Yuan XG*, Tang ZL, Chen JB, Yu KT, A shortcut method for estimatingthe HETP of structured packed distillation columns at elevated pressure, Chem.Eng. & Tech., 28 (7):767-772, 2005





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