

词条 与妻书:真爱往事

《与妻书:真爱往事》是法国左翼思想家、记者安德列·高兹(Andre Gorz,1923-2007)2006年的作品。当时83岁的丈夫用充满爱的心为82岁的妻子多丽娜写下75页感人至深的情书,记录两人爱的历程。一年后夫妻二人共同离世。


与妻书:真爱往事 Letter to D :A love story

2006年,法国左翼思想家安德列·高兹(Andre Gorz,1923-2007)为爱妻多丽娜写下75页感人至深的情书,记录了两人矢志不渝的爱情.


安德列·高兹Andre Gorz,1923-2007),法国左翼思想家、萨特的学生、《新观察家》周刊的创始人。高兹于1923年生于奥地利维也纳,其父是犹太人,1938年奥地利被纳粹德国吞并后高兹和全家移居瑞士,并在那里开始学习哲学,受到萨特存在主义哲学影响。1948年,高兹移居法国,1954年加入法国国籍。








I'd reached the age where you ask yourself what you have done with your life ,what you would like tohave done with it. I had the impression of not having livek my life ,of having always observed it at a distance,of having developed only one side of myself and being poor as a person


I remember having written that ,at the end of the day,only one thing was essential to me :to be with you , I can't imagine continuing to write,if you no longer are. you are the essential without which all the rest, no matter how important it seems to me when you are there ,loses its meaning and its importance.


We've had dozens of vistors from every corner of the globe and I've given dozens of interviews. I surely have not lived up to the resolution made 30 years ago:to live completely atgime in the present,mindful above all of the richness that is our shared life .i'm now reliving the instants when i made that resolution with a sense of urgenly . i don't have any major work in the pipeline. i don't want" to put off living till later"--in George**ataille's phrase--any longer.


In Life, in Death, in Love


By Ben Macintyre


A single sheet of paper, pinned to the door for the cleaning lady, marked the moment when the French writer-philosopher André Gorz and hi**ritish-born wife Dorine reached the final chapter in their poignant love story. The note read simply: “Warn the police station. Do not go upstairs.” In the bedroom, lying side by side in bed in the pretty mansion set back from the road in the village of Vosnon, lay the bodies of André and Dorine Gorz. They had killed themselves with a drug overdose. He was 84, and she was 83. It was September 22, 2007.









On the bedside table lay some letters, bidding friends farewell and leaving matter-of-fact instructions for their joint cremation. No further explanations were needed, for André Gorz had already written the moving epitaph for their marriage a year earlier, and published it to greater acclaim than anything else he had achieved in a lifetime of writing and thinking.


Lettre à D: Histoire d’un Amour (Letter to D: A Love Story) is a 75-page love letter from an adoring husband to his ailing wife. It begins: “You’re 82 years old. You’ve shrunk six centimetres, you only weigh 45 kilos yet you’re still beautiful, graceful and desirable. We’ve lived together now for 58 years and I love you more than ever.” This simple statement of devotion and gratitude touched a chord with thousands, but the letter was really only addressed to one person, an acknowledgement that without his wife, Gorz’s work as a thinker, journalist and friend of Jean-Paul Sartre would be “meaningless and unimportant”.








“I need to piece together the story of our love to appreciate its full meaning. It’s what has allowed us to become who we are, living through each other and for each other. I’m writing to you now to understand what my life ha**een, what our life together has meant.” When the couple met in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1947, she was Doreen Keir, a 23-year-old British woman from a broken home travelling, somewhat aimlessly, through postwar Europe; he was still Gérard Horst, a 24-year-old Austrian of Jewish descent, without money, prospects or a country to call home. They met over a card table. Outside the window, it was snowing heavily. Later, the bashful young Austrian asked the red-haired and vivacious Englishwoman to dance.

“我们所共同经历的风雨晨昏,一颦一笑,汇聚起来,便是爱情的全部真谛。 我们的爱,浸渍,塑造着你我;两心相依,彼此是各自的依托和诉求。当我写这些字的时候,回望走过的一生,更渐渐领悟,一路有你,生命的意义从此不同。”



Horst had been born in Vienna in 1923, to a Roman Catholic mother and Jewish father. It was a miserable childhood. He graduated with a degree in chemical engineering in 1945. The following year he met Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, in Switzerland for a conference, who encouraged him to pursue his growing interest in moral philosophy. But it was the discovery of Doreen that launched Gorz’s writing career.


Both were essentially rootless. Doreen had been born in London, but abandoned by her mother as a child, and grew up in the care of a “godfather” in a house by the sea in England.


“They both knew insecurity as a formative experience,” said one friend. “They fought side by side, mutually protective…she became his archivist and researcher, his interlocutor, his primary reader, his sole critic.” The couple married in September 1949, and moved to Paris. She changed her name to its French equivalent, Dorine. In the fervid ideological atmosphere of the 1950s, while awaiting his French naturalisation papers, Horst decided that it would be safer to write under a pseudonym. He became André Gorz, a peculiar backhanded tribute to the father he had never liked: Gorz was the name of the industrial town where his father’s military-issue spectacles had been manufactured.


Many of his arguments seem modern today: an emphasis on balancing working time with other pursuits, the need for minimal universal welfare arrangements and the looming environmental threat of globalisation. Gorz, a bitter opponent of nuclear power, was among the first to articulate a theory of ecological politics.


Gorz was an otherwordly, intellectual figure, shy and discreet, a “library-rat” in the words of one friend. Dorine as his counterpoint was very joyful, sharp, always smiling. She was his contact with the real world”. The couple decided, early in their marriage, that it would not involve having children. Gorz once told the newspaper Libération: “…If we had had children, I would have been jealous of Dorine. I preferred to have her all to myself.” In this, they were exceptional, given the tenor of their times and the social milieu they moved in. While Sartre and De Beauvoir each had a string of lovers, André and Dorine Gorz were consistently faithful, with a relationship of unquestioning trust, according to friends, physically and intellectually.


Acolytes, student and fellow thinkers often clustered at their Paris apartment, where afternoon tea was served punctually, in the approved British manner. The Gorzes appeared to live on nothing, elegantly. “We know how to live in poverty, but not in ugliness,” Dorine would say.



By 1968, Gorz was enjoying considerable literary success as a prominent figure in the student uprising, but by then Dorine was already unwell. In 1965 she had undergone a routine back operation which involved X-rays using the radio-opaque10) contrast agent lipiodol. The side-effects of the chemical were horrific: with particles lodged in her cranium and forming cervical cysts, Dorine suffered enormous and mounting pain.


The couple moved out of Paris, and into a large maison in Vosnon, 80 miles east of the capital. But as Dorine aged, the pain grew worse.


In May 2006, Gorz contacted his publisher Michel Delorme, to say he had “a surprise” for him. Lettre à D had been written, “often in tears”, for Dorine alone. “We knew instantly the greatness and beauty of this work,” says Delorme.


André and Dorine Gorz were thrown together in the tumult of postwar Europe; they stayed together through the intellectual ferment of the 1950s and 1960s; and then they died together, concluding an intellectual pact between equals that had been sealed a lifetime before. Of all the millions of words written by Gorz, none will be remembered so long as the open, extended, heartful love letter he penned to his English wife and lover, just before the end.

“Neither of us wants to outlive the other,” he wrote. “We’ve often said to ourselves that if, by some miracle, we were to have a second life, we’d like to spend it together.”









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