

词条 AAU

AAU 北美大学联盟

(Association of AmericanUniversities,AAU)北美大学联盟

有人说,在美国公认的名校标准是看该校是否属于北美61所顶尖研究型大学联盟。其中美国59所,加拿大2所。加入AAU的成员,必须得到至少3/4的现有成员的赞成票,目前需要61所AAU成员中至少有46所投赞成票才能获准加入,足见其门槛之高。TAMU于2001年加入AAU以后,时隔9年Georgia tech加入AAU,可见AAU的成员是经过精挑细选出来的。另外,2所表现不佳的大学已于1999年被逐出AAU。今年,AAU修改了会员资格门槛,又有2所大学离开了AAU联盟。

The Association ofAmerican Universities (AAU) was founded in 1900 by a group of fourteenuniversities offering the Ph.D. degree. AAU currently consists of 60American universities and two Canadian universities. The association serves its members in two major ways. It assistsmembers in developing national policy positions on issues that relateto academic research and graduate and professional education. It alsoprovides them with a forum for discussing a broad range of otherinstitutional issues, such as undergraduate education.AAU holds two membership meetings annually. A fall meeting isconducted on a member campus; a spring meeting is held in Washington,D.C. Member institutions are represented in AAU by their chiefexecutive officer. The Executive Committee is charged with the generaloversight and functioning of the association. In addition to the Executive Committee, the association has astanding Membership Committee. Ad hoc committees of presidents andchancellors and their staffs are formed as needed. Membership in the association is by invitation. The invitationof new members, which requires the assent of three-fourths of currentmembers, is considered periodically. Operation of the AAU Washington office and some of the generalcosts of AAU meetings are financed by dues paid by the memberinstitutions.

Member Institutions and Years of Admission

Brandeis University (1985)

Brown University (1933)

California Institute of Technology (1934)

Carnegie Mellon University (1982)

Case Western Reserve University (1969)

Columbia University (1900)

Cornell University (1900)

Duke University (1938)

Emory University (1995)

Georgia Institute of Technology (2010)

Harvard University (1900)

Indiana University (1909)

Iowa State University (1958)

The Johns Hopkins University (1900)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1934)

McGill University (1926)

Michigan State University (1964)

New York University (1950)

Northwestern University (1917)

The Ohio State University (1916)

The Pennsylvania State University (1958)

Princeton University (1900)

Purdue University (1958)

Rice University (1985)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (1989)

Stanford University (1900)

Stony Brook University-State University of New York (2001)

Texas A&M University (2001)

Tulane University (1958)

The University of Arizona (1985)

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1989)

University of California, Berkeley (1900)

University of California, Davis (1996)

University of California, Irvine (1996)

University of California, Los Angeles (1974)

University of California, San Diego (1982)

University of California, Santa Barbara (1995)

The University of Chicago (1900)

University of Colorado at Boulder (1966)

University of Florida (1985)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1908)

The University of Iowa (1909)

The University of Kansas (1909)

University of Maryland, College Park (1969)

University of Michigan (1900)

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (1908)

University of Missouri-Columbia (1908)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1922)

University of Oregon (1969)

University of Pennsylvania (1900)

University of Pittsburgh (1974)

University of Rochester (1941)

University of Southern California (1969)

The University of Texas at Austin (1929)

University of Toronto (1926)

University of Virginia (1904)

University of Washington (1950)

The University of Wisconsin-Madison (1900)

Vanderbilt University (1950)

Washington University in St. Louis (1923)

Yale University (1900)

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