

词条 芭比与魔幻飞马之旅


很久很久以前,在北欧的一个王国里,安妮卡公主正无忧无虑的滑冰着。她很喜欢滑冰,也非常喜欢冒险,每当在冰雪上自由自在的滑冰的时候,是安妮卡公主最快乐的时刻。这天,安妮卡滑冰时,发现了一只北极熊正哆嗦的看着她。小熊孤零零的,也没有家人,安妮卡就带它回家了。当安妮卡兴冲冲的回家时,就被父母叫住了,父母很生气,不准安妮卡以后出去滑冰。“不,这不公平!”,安妮卡哭着跑回了自己的房间。因为今天是她十六岁生日。她的父母拿走了他的滑冰鞋,不允许她出去玩。但是到了晚上,安妮卡还是偷偷溜出去了。因为今天城堡外灯火通明,安妮卡在冰上尽情地滑着,突然,一个邪恶的巫师出现在她的面前。巫师自我介绍说:“我是威洛,你未来的丈夫。”这时,国王和王后连忙来阻止威洛,结果却被威洛变成了石像,以及所有的村民。就在这时,一匹戴着皇冠的飞马,从从空中俯冲下来,对安妮卡喊到:“快爬到我的背上来。”在飞马带走安妮卡的时候,威洛威胁安妮卡说:“你只有三天的考虑时间,要不然,他们将永远变成石像。”飞马把安妮卡带到了白云宫殿,白云皇后告诉她,唯一的办法就是光之法杖,需要一把勇者之尺,爱的戒指和被希望之火照耀的冰雪宝石才能够造出光之法杖,同时也能清楚了,比雅娜是自己的姐姐,现在安妮卡明白了父母为什么对自己那么严格。比雅娜和安妮卡穿过死亡森林的时候,她们被吊在了树上,这时,一个叫艾丹的英俊青年刚好从这里经过,他用手中的宝剑割破网罩,救出了她们。雪花不见了,安妮卡跳下冰沟去找它。结果也掉进了巨人的汤锅里。安妮卡就快被煮熟了,紧急之下,她使用花言巧语骗过巨人,再用头发上的丝带逃了出来。这时,他们惊奇的发现:安妮卡的丝带竟然和安妮卡一样高!这正是勇者之尺的高度!不一会,丝带开始发光,变成了一根闪闪发光的仗杆。“你成功了!”比雅娜激动地喊道。第二天一大早,大家出发去找冰雪宝石,安妮卡拿了一块,艾丹也拿了一块,雪花看见这么多亮闪闪的宝石,高兴极了,抓了很多宝石,就在这时,山洞坍塌了,比雅娜急忙带着大家出来,在山洞坍塌之前逃出了山洞。让安妮卡不明白的是--艾丹也拿了一颗宝石,为什么山洞没坍塌呢?原来,艾丹因为赌博把所有的钱输光了,为了弥补自己的过失,他也拿了一颗。现在就差仁爱之戒了,比雅娜把自己的王冠献了出来。这时,皇冠开始发光,一股神奇的力量把它们造成了光之法杖。 安妮卡举起法杖,用爱的魔法破解了威洛在比雅娜身上的咒语。比雅娜摇了一下魔法铃铛,两匹飞马出现了,她们要去阻止威洛。这时,威洛突然在背后出现安妮卡连忙使用光之法杖,可是根本不起作用。比雅娜摔到了地上,安妮卡也掉进了冰窟里。比雅娜渐渐恢复入了意识,她和艾丹尽全力把安妮卡救了出来。安妮卡和艾丹前去威洛的宫殿,夺回了光之法杖,安妮卡这次出自爱而不是恨去使用,法杖开始发光了。所有被威洛下了咒语的人都恢复了原样,现在,安妮卡和艾丹可以尽情的滑冰,没有人来阻止他们。而光之法杖呢,则成为了比雅娜每晚看见的第一颗星星。


In a magical kingdom, the Queen wants to surprise her daughter, Princess Annika, with a birthday gift. When she opens the door to Annika's room, she discovers that Annika is missing, having gone to an ice rink without asking for permission. Out skating, Annika meets a small polar bear whom she names Shiver. When Annika returns to the palace, her parents are so worried and overprotective they forbid her from skating ever again.

That night, Annika sneaks out of the palace to join a festival. A powerful wizard named Wenlock appears and asks the princess to marry him. When Annika refuses, Wenlock furiously tells the king and queen the fate of their "other daughter", which surprises Annika. Wenlock magically turns everyone into stone, but Annika is saved by Brietta, a flying horse, but Wenlock tells her that she has three days to marry him, otherwise the spell will be permanent.

Brietta takes Annika to a castle in the clouds called the Cloud Kingdom. There Annika discovers that "the other daughter" of the king and queen is Brietta, who was transformed into a Pegasus by Wenlock when she refused to marry him (explaining why Annika's parents are so overprotective). Annika decides to build the "Wand of Light" to break Wenlock's spell. In order to accomplish this, they must have a measure of courage, a ring of love and a gem of ice lit by the fire of eternal hope. The Cloud Queen gives Annika a crystal bell to ring if she is in need of help.

The group travels to the Forbidden Forest, where they meet a young man named Aidan who helps them after they get caught in a net. When Shiver and Annika fall into a giants stew pot, Annika tricks him into chaining himself to a post, and uses her hair ribbon to climb out. The ribbon is the same size as her, and as a measure of courage, it turns into a staff for the Wand of Light.

After trading Annika's skates for a fake map, the group finds themselves in a large cavern filled with gems, where a sign tells them to take only what they need. Although they get 2 gems, Shiver causes a cave-in, which they narrowly manage to escape. As Aidan starts to forge the Wand, he reveals that he ran away from his parents and lost all of his money gambling. He wishes to return to them and ask for forgiveness.

Brietta offers her tiara to make the ring of love. With all three objects, the "Wand of Light" is assembled, and Brietta transforms back into her human form.

Annika and Brietta return to the Cloud Kingdom on two pegasuses summoned by the Cloud Queen's bell, but Wenlock pursues them, hurting Brietta. Angrily Annika asks the wand to destroy Wenlock. But it does not work. Annika gives up. Finally she agrees to marry Wenlock if he changes her parents and the people back to normal persons. Wenlock refuses her for she is hateful, just like his other wives. He sneers at her, taking the wand from Annika's hand. He causes a snowslide, trapping Annika.

Immediately Aidan comes and helps to dig Annika out. Aidan and Brietta brings faint Annika to the Cloud Kingdom. After Annika wakes up, the trio go to Wenlock's place. While Brietta guards the pegasus, Annika, Aidan, and Shiver slides to the green castle. Aidan fights against Griffin as Annika searches the wand. When she finds the wand, suddenly the gem falls. Fortunately Aidan gives Annika his own.

Realizing how to work the Wand, Annika asks it to defeat Wenlock for the love of her family and friends. Wenlock turns to be an ordinary person and the spell on Annika's parents is broken. Annika shows them Brietta and the entire family celebrates together, while Aidan's father forgives him. Aidan makes Annika meet his father too. The end scene shows the trio skating in the cloud palace. Both Aidan and Annika are wearing crowns, signifying that they have gotten married. Brietta remarks that they look happy, and gifts the Cloud Queen with the Wand, who replies that it will be the first star at night.


Barbie and the Magic of the pegasus(2005)[芭比之魔幻飞马] 片尾曲 Hope has wings when I’m stuck on the ground, there’s no up, only down,

every slap sends me falling. not sure how to begin,

how to rise like the wind, So the soon I’ll be soaring.

I just breathe and let myself believe.

Cause hope has wings, to carry you. anything is possible,

just might be, a miracle waiting to come true. so I lift my eyes,

and see the sky, feel my heart, begin to fly. I will be carried by my dreams.

Cause hope has wings.(hope has wings*2times)

I could climb through the clouds, for away form the down, that was be so amazing.

feel the sun on my face, such a beautiful place, yeah,

I know that it's waiting. skating safe, encouraging with faith.

Cause hope has wings(hope has wings),

to carry you. anything is possible,

just might a miracle waiting to come true (come true),

so I lift my eye. and see the sky, feel my heart, begin to fly.

I will be carried by my dreams(by my dreams).

Cause hope has wings, like a flame, like a spark,

I’m amazed by the change. there’s a star in the dark,

calling out my name, follow me, I can see,

now I’m on my way (now I’m on my way).

Cause hope has wings (hope has wings),

to carry you, any things(any things) is possible, just might be,

a miracle waiting to come true (come true).

so I lift my eyes(lift my eyes), and see the sky,

feel my heart and, begin to fly, I will be carried by my dreams (by my dreams, la*6time).

I have a new hope that lives in me,

anywhere I go it sets me free, it shines a light,

its everywhere(When they fly), from north to south, it takes me there.

I have a new hope that lives in me, anywhere I go it sets me free(la*4times), it shines a light, its everywhere, from north to south, it takes me there.

la la la la la hope has wings~






































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