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男,博士,教授,博士生导师,(1952-2009),1978年毕业于华东师范大学,1998年获美国 California 大学Santa Barbar 分校博士学位。师从国际知名的地理信息科学家,全美地理信息科学联合会主席Arthur Getis教授,从事地理信息科学与空间分析的教学与研究,与Arthur Getis教授一起在国际上首次提出了在GIS平台上的空间自回归和滤波模型,并应用该模型对中国地区经济的两极化进行了分析,文章发表在1997年美国区域科学学会论文集里,被认为是空间统计学中具有重要影响的模型。

先后任美国Miami大学、Memphis大学和 louisiana洲立大学的助理教授以及加洲大学Santa Barbara分校的副研究员。是The American Association of Advancement of Science、The Western Association of Regional Science和The American Statistical Association的会员。2002年回国,经Arthur Getis教授推荐,同年被评为地理信息系统专业的教授、博士生导师。目前主持着国家自然科学基金资助和教育部重点基金资助项目的研究。



1、Ying, Longgen and Arthur Getis. 1997. Spatial autoregressive and filtering models. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Association of Regional Science, Hawaii, Feb. 7-9, 1997.

2、Ying, Longgen. 2000. Measuring spillover effects: Some Chinese evidence. Papers in Regional Science, 83 (1): 48-61.

3、Ying, Longgen and Xiang-te Kung. 2000. Forecasting upto 2000 AD on Shanghai’s environmental quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 63 (1): 69-83.

4、Ying, Longgen and Liu Youci. 1995. A model of objective weighting for EIA. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 36 (2): 1-14.

5、Ying, Longgen and Xiang-te Kung. 1993. Fuzzy clustering analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 37 (1): 41-54.

6、Ying, Longgen Xiang-te Kung. 1992. Comprehensive assessment of water quality using fuzzy set theory. Water Resources Bulletin, 93 (1): 21-32.

7、Ying, Longgen and Xiang-te Kung. 1991. Lake eutrophication: A case study of the Dianshan Lake, Shanghai, China. The Journal of Geographical Review, The Royal Geographical Society, 97 (2): 34-45.

8、Ying, Longgen and Xiang-te Kung. 1990. A study of heavy metal pollution in soil.CATINA, 64 (2): 24-34.





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