

词条 英国医学期刊



英国医学期刊 (British Medical Journal,简称BMJ),是一份在全世界广受欢迎及阅读的同行评审性质的综合医学期刊。本期刊由BMJ出版集团公司(BMJ Publishing Group Ltd)(属于英国医学协会(British Medical Association))所发行,其它相关出版的刊物包括有广受欢迎的附属期刊诸如:神经学、神经外科学与精神病医学期刊(The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry),心脏医学期刊,胸腔医学期刊(Thorax),其它的还有,如:学生BMJ期刊(Student BMJ) 主要是为全球医科学生而发行。


The BMJ is an emphatic advocate of 循证医学, and publishes original 研究, clinical reviews, news, editorial perspectives, personal views and career focus articles to mention a few. Recently, its readership has witnessed a surge in the number of articles focussing on medical 伦理 and health in developing nations.

The Journal also releases a number of 'theme issues' every year, when it publishes research and review articles pertaining to the theme addressed. Some of the popular theme issues in recent years include 'Health in 非洲', 'Management of Chronic Dieseases' and 'Global Vocies on the 艾滋病 Catastrophe'. Apart from these, a special two-week 'Christmas Issue' is released every year, on the Friday preceding the year's Christmas.


BMJ目前的编辑为"芬娜·戈里",在前任编辑李查·史密斯(Richard Smith)于2004年7月退休后她接着继任。"芬娜·戈里"于2005年2月被任命,而在过渡间期的代理编辑为肯伦·阿贝西(Kamran Abbasi)。


一般实习 针对一般实习来编辑。

临床研究 针对医院医师。

国际编辑 针对外国订户。

冲击编辑 针对BMJ的退休人员。



Submission of manuscripts to the BMJ is done via a completely online manuscript processing system called 宾齐出版系统(BenchPress) (史丹佛大学海威出版部(HighWire Press)提供的一种服务). Several authors have welcomed this all-online system, as it removes several cumbersome procedures employed by several other general medical journals while submitting a manusript.

The BMJ has an open 同行评审 system, wherein the authors will be informed who reviewed their manuscripts. About 60 to 65% of all the submissions to the journals are rejected without a peer-review. The acceptance rate is less than 7% for original research articles. Articles chosen for peer-review are first '裁判'(refereed) to experts, who comment on their importance and suitability for 出版 before they are sent for external review.

Decisions for those manuscripts sent for external review are usually reached within eight weeks. If not, the decisions are usually reached within two weeks.


本期刊创刊于1840年为一分地区性的医学与外科期刊,不过经由其刊出高影响因子的研究论文及独特的临床案例报告(case reports),很快地获得全世界医生的青睐。长久以来,它的唯一竞争者是柳叶刀医学期刊 (同样是在英国出版),不过随着全球化的兴起,BMJ已经面临从其它医学期刊来的严苛竞争,尤其是新英格兰医学期刊与JAMA。

BMJ被视为主要的综合性医学期刊之一,其它同样性质的医学期刊为新英格兰医学期刊 (N Engl J Med),美国医学协会期刊 (JAMA)及柳叶刀医学期刊。一些权威机构也把加拿大医学协会期刊 (CMAJ)及内科医学年鉴(Annals of Internal Medicine)含括在"核心的"综合医学期刊选列里面,纵然后者只是月刊的发行而不像前者为周刊出版方式。



于1995年BMJ全面进行网络发行,并且将1994年开始已发行的期数档案也全面置于互联网上。In addition to the print content, supportive material for original research articles, additional news stories, and electronic letters to the editors are its principal attractions. The BMJ website has a remarkable policy of publishing most e-letters to the journal, called 'Rapid Responses', and is shaped like a fully moderated internet forum. However, concerns remain, even among the web-editors of the journal, that this feature may be abused by correspondents who might not want to contribute anything substantial to the topic under discussion. A Firefox/Greasemonkey killfile filter obtainable from 1956 was developed for this reason, to avoid annoyance, by some British doctors.

In the past all content of the BMJ was freely available online; however, it recently (2005年) changed to a subscription model. Original research articles shall continue to be available freely; however, from January 2006, all other contents, including clinical reviews and editorials, shall require a subscription to the website. All access restrictions will be lifted a year after the publication of an issue.

The BMJ, like 新英格兰医学期刊, allows complete free access for visitors from economically disadvantaged countries. Of the major general medical journals, only the 加拿大医学协会期刊(CMAJ) is available under complete open access (i.e. no registration/login is required). The 临床研究期刊 (J Clin Invest), though not a general medical journal, is a notable biomedical research journal whose entire archive (dating back to 1924年) is available freely online.






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