词条 | 银行柜台英语脱口说 |
释义 | 基本信息·作者:熊莉萍 杭琛 李家文 ·出版社:中国金融出版社 ·页码:199 页 ·出版日期:2101年01月 ·ISBN:9787504949387 ·装帧:平装 ·开本:32 ·定价:20.00 内容简介《银行柜台英语脱口说》的编撰工作是由国内从事英语教学工作的专家和商业银行长期派驻海外的管理人员共同完成,具有较强的实用性。《银行柜台英语脱口说》可供银行的理财师、客户经理、产品经理、大专院校学生和对国际银行服务有所需求的企业和个人使用。 作者简介熊莉萍,对外经济贸易大学英语学院商务英语系教师。从事金融英语教学十余年,出版了《金融专业英语证书考试学习指导》等各种教材,发表专业论文十余篇,英语语言学研究生毕业,金融学在职硕士,MBA。 编辑推荐《银行柜台英语脱口说》:设置住址的会话场景,为读者提供广阔的学习空间,收集鲜活的实用锦囊,为读者铺设平坦的学习道路。 目录Dialogue 1 Greetings and Self-introduction 问候与自我介绍 Dialogue 2 Making Inquiries and Answering Questions 咨询与解答问题 Dialogue 3 Giving Suggestions and Making Explanations 建议与解释 Dialogue 4 Expressing Tnanks and Making Apologies 致谢与道歉 Dialogue 5 Saying Goodbye 道别 Dialogue 6 Dealing with Complaints 投诉与安抚 Dialogue 7 Potential VIP Customer 挖掘引导优质客户 Dialogue 8 Maintaining the Relationship with VIP Customers 营销维护优质客户 Dialogue 9 Advising Customers 更正指导客户 Dialogue 10 Transfer Service 转账业务 Part Ⅱ Savings and Loans 储蓄和货款 Dialogue 1 Opening Accounts and Depositing(I) 开户(一) Diaogue 2 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅱ) 开户(二) Dialogue 3 Opening Accounts and Depositing(111) 开户(三) Dialogue 4 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅳ) 开户(四) Dialogue 5 Opening Accounts and Depositing(V) 开户(五) Dialogue 6 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(I) 取款、销户(一) Dialogue 7 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅱ) 取款、销户(二) Dialogue 8 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts Oil) 取款、销户(三) Dialogue 9 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅳ) 取款、销户(四) Dialogue 10 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(V) 取款、销户(五) Dialogue 11 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(I) 挂失(一) Dialogue 12 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(Ⅱ) 挂失(二) Dialogue 13 Inquiry of Account Balance 查询余额 Dialogue 14 Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 没收假币 Dialogue 15 Reception Hall Service(I) 大厅接待对话(一) Dialogue 16 Reception Hall Service(Ⅱ) 大厅接待对话(二) Dialogue 17 Auto Loan 汽车贷款 Dialogue 18 Housing Mortgage Loan 住房抵押贷款 Dialogue 19 Interest Rate Adjustment 利率调整 Dialogue 20 Foreign Exchange Loan 外汇贷款 Dialogue 21 Application for Loans of Working Capital 办理流动资金贷款 Dialogue 22 Policy Inquiry-Entrustment Loan 政策咨询——委托贷款 Dialogue 23 Open an Account for Stock Trading 开户炒股 Dialogue 24 Investment Fund 购买基金 Part HI Money Exchange and Foreign Remittances 货币兑换和国外汇款 Dialogue 1 Inquiry about Exchange Rate 咨询汇率 Dialogue 2 Money Exchange 货币兑换 Dialogue 3 Handling Reconversions 兑回外币 Dialogue4 OutwardRemittances 汇出汇款 Dialogue 5 Inward Remittances 汇入汇款 Dialogue 6 Collection of Bills 票据托收 Dialogue 7 Taking Money Abroad 携带外汇出境 Dialogue 8 Transfer Foreign Currencies 外汇账户间的转账 Dialogue 9 Exchanging RMB for Purchasing House 非居民房产项下结汇 Dialogue 10 Exchanging Foreign Currency for Studying Abroad 留学购汇 Dialogue II BuyingTraveler's Check 购买旅行支票 Part IV Bank Cards,Phone-banking,E-banking and Other Services 信用卡,电话银行,网上银行及其他业务 Dialogue 1 ApplicationforCreditCards(I) 申办信用卡(一) Dialogue 2 Application for Credit Cards(Ⅱ) 申办信用卡(二) Dialogue 3 Cashing with a Foreign Credit Card 外卡取现 …… 参考书目 …… |
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