词条 | 殷仕淑 |
释义 | 殷仕淑,女,现任安徽财经大学管理科学与工程学院教师。2002年毕业于中国科技大学电子科学与技术系信号与系统专业,获得硕士学位;2007年毕业于香港大学电机与电子工程学系数字信号处理专业,获得博士学位。主要研究方向:多速率数字信号处理,滤波器组技术,音频/视频信号处理等。近年来在国内外期刊/会议文章发表数十篇。 1. S.S. Yin and S.C. Chan, “Factorization of a Class of Perfect Reconstruction Modified DFT Filter Banks with IIR Filters,” in Proceedings of IEEE Int’l Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’05), pp. 4313-4316, May 2005. 2. S.S. Yin, S.C. Chan, K.M. Tsui and X.M. Xie, “On the Theory and Design of a Class of PR Uniform and Recombination Non-uniform Causal-Stable IIR Cosine Modulated Filter Banks,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 776-480, Aug. 2008. 3. S.S. Yin; S.C. Chan and K.M. Tsui, “On the Design of Nearly-PR and PR FIR Cosine Modulated Filter Banks having Approximate Cosine-Rolloff Transition Band,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 571-575, June 2008 |
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