词条 | 依泉丽尔 |
释义 | 依泉丽尔URIAGENEER是秉承了当今绿色健康美理念,专注于疗效性护肤品的研发的护肤品品牌,尤其以医药祛痘悠久闻名,采用纯天然祛痘配方,功效显著,安全无副作用。 依泉丽尔品牌依泉URIAG 研究中心在致力于创立专业皮肤学研发中心的过程中,出色满足了皮肤学专家和有皮肤问题人们的需要,为了让全球众多爱美女性享受温泉水贵族美肤养颜佳品,研发中心依靠其在皮肤日常护理上深入而丰富的专业知识生产出的独特创新护肤产品—依泉丽尔URIAGENEER,依泉丽尔创立至今,广受化妆品界,以及经济界瞩目,天然药妆祛痘作为首推中国市场的护肤品牌,URIAGENEER系列产品含依泉等渗温泉水,经过严格的过敏测试,效果经专业研究和科学手段测试认可,与全球各地皮肤医生紧密合作,按照欧洲制药原则生产。低过敏性,不生粉刺配方,所有成分符合欧洲药品生产的严格标准。对肌肤无害,使用于各个年龄层,并且使用方便,更能研发出符合消费者需求的产品。 依泉丽尔URIAGENEER秉承了当今绿色健康美理念,专注于疗效性护肤品的研发,而且在添加的有效成分中,特别注重在天然植物中萃取精华,而疗效也比较明显。由2008年底全球焦点——中国市场网络首发。实现了依泉URIAGE的又一次完美进化。 According to Stephen URIAG Research Center of Dermatology is committed to the creation of a professional R & D center, the best experts to meet the skin and skin problems of people's needs, in order to allow the world to enjoy the many beautiful women in hot spring water aristocratic beauty Jiapin, R & D centers rely on their day-to-day care of the skin depth and wealth of expertise to produce unique and innovative skin care products - according to Stephen Brill URIAGENEER, according to Stephen Brill has created well received by the cosmetics industry, as well as the economic circles of attention, as well as natural cosmetic Qu pox as the most important skin-care brands in China, URIAGENEER series of products according to Stephen isotonic with hot water, the allergy to undergo a rigorous testing, the effect of research and science by means of professional recognition test, the skin around the world and work closely with doctors, according to the European pharmaceutical the principle of production. Hypoallergenic, non-prescription acne of Health, all components meet the strict European standards for pharmaceutical production. Sound of the skin, use in all ages, and easy to use, more research and development to meet consumer demand for products. URIAGENEER according to Stephen Green carried on the health of the United States today, the concept of focus on the efficacy of skin care research and development, but also add the active ingredients, in particular focus on natural plant extracts, and also more obvious effect. Global focus by the end of 2008 - the first network of the Chinese market. Stephen URIAGE achieved in accordance with another perfect evolution. 依泉天然萃取功效显著依泉温泉水源于阿尔卑斯山脉的纯净山谷,富含钙、铜-锌和锰,具有抗炎、舒缓、滋养、修复等效果。依泉的独一无二之处,在于具有天然等渗性,在皮肤上可任其自然吸收,而无需用纸巾按干;不仅能补水,还能持久保湿。作为“BIORGA制药公司”的分支,依泉皮肤科学实验室专注于疗效性护肤品的研发,而且在添加的有效成分中,特别注重在天然植物中萃取精华,而疗效也比较明显。 医药祛痘,安全无副作用依泉丽尔采用纯天然祛痘配方,其天然等渗温泉水富含有多种矿物质与微量元素,能提高细胞活力及再生能力,加快皮肤的修复。可彻底去除老废角质和深层污垢,有效抑止痘痘的生成,调理肌肤促进新陈代谢,彻底抑制暗疮棒状杆菌、葡萄球菌等有害菌群,促进细胞生长,修复损伤,加速愈合化脓及已遭感染的伤口,有效清除愈合的疮印及色素沉着。能够迅速激活受损细胞,软化更新皮肤组织,重建皮肤酸脂膜,促进细胞再生,平复疤痕,瓦解色素,均匀肤色,真正做到轻松除疤,不留痕迹。 依泉丽尔祛痘四大优势·历史悠久依泉活泉水纯净无菌,富含钙、铜、锌和锰,具有抗炎止痒、舒缓镇静、抗自由基、保湿修复水脂膜等功效。其天然等渗温泉水富含有多种矿物质与微量元素,能提高细胞活力及再生能力,加快皮肤的修复。依泉水为古罗马时期皇室与军队的疗伤用水,1877年法国政府认可依泉皮肤水疗中心。 ·浑然天成依泉活泉水源于法国阿尔卑斯山脉海拔424米的群山间、经历75年穿越结晶岩石和山地、吸取11000mg/L的矿物质和微量元素、温度稳定在27℃,PH值为6.77的天然等渗泉水。 ·疗效迅速法国依泉皮肤科学试验室利用现代工艺,揉合保湿因子、多元醇、椰油基甘油酯、丹参酮、珍珠、僵蚕、曲酸复合体、珍珠等纯中药成份特制而成,具有抗炎止痒、舒缓镇静、抗自由基、保湿修复水脂膜等功效。其天然等渗温泉水富含有多种矿物质与微量元素,能提高细胞活力及再生能力,加快皮肤的修复,3天祛痘,15天有效淡化痘印! ·治愈彻底可彻底去除老废角质和深层污垢,抑制暗疮棒状杆菌、葡萄球菌等有害菌群,调理肌肤促进新陈代谢,促进细胞生长,修复损伤,加速化脓及已遭感染伤口的愈合,清除痘印及色素沉着。对青春痘、痘印、痘疤,各类粉刺、暗疮及印痕等效果显著,愈后不反弹、不复发! |
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