

词条 叶福兴



工作单位:天津大学 材料科学与工程学院 材料加工系






2001.04-2004.03:日本大阪大学 博士学位;

2004.04-2006.05:日本大阪大学 特聘研究员;

2006.04-今:日本大阪大学 海外共同研究员、客员教授;

2006.04-今:天津大学 材料科学与工程学院 教授。
















[1] Fuxing Ye, Hidetoshi Fujii, Takuya Tsumura and Kazuhiro Nakata, Friction stir welding of Inconel 600 , Journal of Materials Science, Vol.41 (2006), P5376-5379. (SCI:080PE, EI: 063710104812)

[2] Changjiu Li, Guanjun Yang; Yuyue Wang, Chengxin Li, Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori, Phase formation during deposition of TiO2 coatings through high velocity oxy-fuel spraying, Materials Transactions, Vol. 47, No.7, July, 2006, P1690-1696. (SCI:082GP, EI: 063810118025)

[3] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, Photoresponse and donor concentration of plasma sprayed TiO2 and TiO2-ZnO electrodes, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.14, No.4 (2005), P530-536. (SCI:994TS, EI: 06039652623)

[4] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori, A new application field of plasma spraying technique to environmental depollution, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol.14 (2004), P55-61. (SCI:867DG, EI: 05038797188)

[5] Akira Ohmori, Fuxing Ye, New trends of thermal spray technique in materials recycling and integration, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol.14 (2004), P41-41. (SCI:867DG)

[6] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, New approach to enhance the photocatalytic activity of plasma sprayed TiO2 coating using p-n junctions, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol.184, (2004), P233-238. (SCI: 829JJ, EI: 04258223355)

[7] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, Formation of p-n junction by plasma spraying technique to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.39 (2004), P353-355. (EI: 7932653)

[8] Weize Wang, Changjiu Li and Fuxing Ye, Effect of specimen geometry on fracture toughness measurement of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings by the tapered double cantilever beam approach, Vacuum, Vol. 73 (2004), P649-654. (SCI: 813TH, EI: 04168116317)

[9] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, The photocatalytic activity and photo-absorption of plasma sprayed TiO2-Fe3O4 binary oxide coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol.160, (2002), P62-67. (SCI: 596NR, EI: 02417136624)

[10] Takuya Tsumura, Fuxing Ye, Taichi Murakami, Hideo Nakajima, and Kazuhiro Nakata, Prediction of laser fusion zone profile of lotus-type porous metals by 3D heat transfer analysis, Solid State Phenomena, (in press)

[11] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori, Takuya Tsumura, and Kazuhiro Nakata, Electron-hole behaviors in TiO2-Fe3O4 coating deposited by plasma spraying, Smart Processing Technology, Vol.1, P53-56.

[12] Takanobu Hagino, Keita Nagai, Keisuke Uenishi, Takehiko Sato, Fuxing Ye, and Akira Ohmori, Photocatalytic properties of plasma sprayed TiO2 coatings assisted with Au nanoparticles, Smart Processing Technology, Vol.1, P69-72.

[13] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, The influence of FeTiO3 formation on the photocatalytic property of plasma sprayed TiO2 coatings, Journal of High Temperature Society, Vol. 29 No.4 (2003), P160-163.

[14] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori, Fabrication of advanced photocatalytic TiO2 coatings by thermal spray technique, Thermal Spraying Technique, Vol.23 No.1 (2003), P45-51.

[15] Fuxing Ye, Takuya Tsumura, Toru Komazaki and Kazuhiro Nakata, Structure and mechanical properties of ADC12 and A5083 dissimilar friction stir welded joints, Transactions of JWRI, Vol.35 No.1 (2006) P53-56. [16] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, Phase composition and photocatalytic activity of TiO2-Fe3O4 coatings prepared by plasma spraying technique, Transactions of JWRI, Vol.32 No.1 (2003) P167-174.

[17] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, The microstructure and photoelectrochemical characteristics of TiO2-ZnO electrodes prepared by plasma spraying technique, Transactions of JWRI, Vol.31 No.2 (2002) P201-205. [18] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, Photocatalytic activity and photo-absorption of plasma sprayed TiO2-10%Fe3O4 coatings, Transactions of JWRI, Vol.30 No.2 (2001) P73-78.


[19] Fuxing Ye, Takuya Tsumura, Kazuhiro Nakata and Akira Ohmori, Dependence of photocatalytic activity on the compositions and photo-absorption of functional TiO2-Fe3O4 coatings deposited by plasma spray, The Second International Conference on Joining Technology for New Metallic Glasses and Inorganic Materials, 22-25, May 2007, Kanagawa, Japan. (Invited paper)

[20] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori, Takuya Tsumura, Kazuhiro Nakata and Changjiu Li, Microstructures and compositions of photocatalytic plasma-sprayed Titania-hydroxyapatite coatings, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2007, 14-16 May 2007, Beijing, China.

[21] Fuxing Ye, Hidetoshi Fujii, Takuya Tsumura and Kazuhiro Nakata, Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Inconel 600 joint, National Meeting of J.W.S., April 2006, Tokyo, Japan, No.78 (2006), P74-75.

[22] Yuji Sakai, Takuya Tsumura, Fuxing Ye, Koji Ueda, Tomoyuki Ueyama, Katsuya Akamatsu, and Kazuhiro Nakata, Weldability of noncombustible magnesium alloy, National Meeting of J.W.S., April 2006, Tokyo, Japan, No.78 (2006), P70-72.

[23] Hirohisa Ikekami, Takuya Tsumura, Fuxing Ye, and Kazuhiro Nakata, Effect of tool geometry on joint strength of Mg alloy by spot friction welding, National Meeting of J.W.S., April 2006, Tokyo, Japan, No.78 (2006), P72-73

[24] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, Photocatalytic function of FeTiO3 in composite TiO2-FeTiO3 coatings prepared by plasma spray, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2006, 15-17 May 2006, Seattle, Washington,USA.

[25] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori et. al., Electron-hole behaviors in TiO2-Fe3O4 coating deposited by plasma spraying, International Symposium on Smart Processing Technology, 14-15 Nov. 2005, Osaka, Japan

[26] Takanobu Hagino, Fuxing Ye et. al., Preparation of TiO2 photocatalytic spray coating with Au nano particles, National Meeting of J.W.S., Sept. 2005, Fukui University, Japan, No.77 (2005-09), P32-33.

[27] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, Charges generation and separation in plasma sprayed TiO2-Fe3O4 coatings, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2005, 2-4 May 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

[28] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, Fabrication of advanced photocatalytic TiO2 coatings by plasma spraying technique, The 1st Thailand-Japan International Symposium, 20-22 Dec. 2004, Bangkok, Thailand. [29] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, Roles of FeTiO3 in composite coating prepared by reactive plasma spraying technique using agglomerated TiO2-Fe3O4 powder, The 80th Thermal Spray Congress, 8-10 December 2004, Kyusyu, Japan.

[30] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, A new application field of plasma spraying technique to environmental depollution, The 4th International Conference on Surface Engineering, 29-31 October 2004, ShenZhen, China.

[31] Akira Ohmori and Fuxing Ye, New trends of thermal spray technique in materials recycling and integration, The 4th International Conference on Surface Engineering, 29-31 October 2004, ShenZhen, China.

[32] Fuxing Ye, Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, Photoresponse and donor concentration of plasma sprayed TiO2 and TiO2-ZnO electrodes, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2004, 10-12 May 2004, Osaka, Japan. (Best Paper Award) (EI: 04538753757)

[33] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, Photocatalysis mechanism of plasma sprayed composite TiO2-Fe3O4 coating, The 12th Thermal Spray Symposium, 14 November 2004, Morioka, Japan. (Promotive Award)

[34] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori and Changjiu Li, Investigation of the photocatalytic efficiencies of plasma sprayed TiO2-Fe3O4 coatings, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA, P169-174.

[35] Fuxing Ye and Akira Ohmori, Study on the photo-electrode characteristics of plasma sprayed TiO2-ZnO coatings, National Meeting of J.W.S., Oct. 2002, Takayama, Japan, No.71 (2002-10), P60-61.

[36] Akira Ohmori, Fuxing Ye and Changjiu Li, The effects of the additives on photocatalytic performance of plasma sprayed titanium dioxide coatings, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2002, 4-6 March 2002, Essen, Germany, P165-169.

[37] Akira Ohmori, Fuxing Ye and Changjiu Li, The effects of the additives on photocatalytic properties of plasma sprayed titanium dioxide coatings, Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. JWS, 2001, Kobe, P953-957.

[38] Akira Ohmori, Fuxing Ye, Study on the effects of Fe3O4, Al2O3 and Y2O3 additives on the photocatalytic TiO2 coatings, National Meeting ofJ.W.S., Oct. 2001, Morioka, Japan, No.69 (2001), P206-207.

[39] Akira Ohmori, Fuxing Ye and Souta Matsusaka, Surface Modification of biodegradable plastic by plasma spraying ceramic powders, National Meeting of J.W.S., Sept. 2000, Kouchi, Japan, No.67 (2000), P488-489.

[40] Yuyue Wang, Fuxing Ye, Changjiu Li et al., Structure and adhesion strength of NiCrAlY coatings sprayed by HVOF method, The 9th National Welding Symposium., Sept. 1999, P299-302.





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