词条 | 野斑马 |
释义 | 简介大型原创舞剧《野斑马》讲述了这样一个寓言式的故事。 动物家园中,家长熊妈妈渴盼在其生日庆典上穿上一件用100张野斑马皮缝制的衣服,因为这样便能够长命百岁,消除病痛,熊妈妈已经积攒了99张皮,就缺最后一张。可是好不容易才捕获到的一匹野斑马却被熊妈妈的女儿斑马姑娘放生了,更易想不到的是她竟跟野斑马公涉爱河,直至为爱献身……这是中外舞剧史首例全动物造型舞剧,它歌唱生命,礼赞人性,揭示并颂扬了和平,友爱,共存这一21世界人类的共同主题。 剧情介绍序·放生 阴森黑暗的牢房囚禁着一匹野斑马,它在这里哀嘶、挣扎。 美丽、善良的斑马姑娘不忍目睹这一切,悄悄将他放生。 野斑马自由了,爱情在两个纯洁的心灵间慢慢的滋生开来…… 第一幕·熊妈妈的生日 动物王国里,家长熊妈妈正在举行生日庆典,金丝雀在蓝天下歌唱,金丝猴在树丛中腾跃,斑马姑娘跳起了美丽的舞蹈……生日宴会在热闹、祥和的气氛中举行。 为消除病魔,长命百岁,熊妈妈渴望在这生日庆典上穿上一件用100张野斑马皮缝制的衣服,她已积攒了99张,就缺最后一张。 大女儿狐狸精抓到了一匹野斑马,想以此作为生日礼物呈现给熊妈妈,以讨得熊妈妈的欢心。然而,善良的小女儿斑马姑娘却放走了野斑马,悲剧就此展开…… 第二幕·野斑马的天空 野斑马和斑马姑娘相约来到森林中,投入在大自然的怀抱中,尽情欢舞。 森林在欢呼,生命在跳跃,野性在奔放,爱情的火花在热烈迸发!野斑马和斑马姑娘这对有情人携手徜佯在爱的海洋中,流连忘返…… 第三幕(第一场)·熊妈妈病了…… 熊妈妈病倒了,更加剧了她摄取野斑马皮、消病祛灾的妄想。为了治好熊妈妈的心病,狐狸精献媚设计,欲套杀野斑马。 情况危急,刻不容缓,斑马姑娘不顾一切前去通知远方的野斑马不要回来。不料,事情败露,斑马姑娘被狠心的狐狸精射中了双脚,受伤不起,痛苦不堪。 对野斑马的追杀在继续…… 第三幕(第二场)·醒悟…… 野斑马回来了。 为和平,斑马姑娘欲铤而走险,去制止一场森林杀戮的爆发;为爱情,斑马姑娘不忍目睹心上人被屠杀;为亲情,斑马姑娘希望妈妈健康长寿……痛苦抉择之后,斑马姑娘毅然决定献出自己的皮来成全熊妈妈的贪婪,维持生命家园的和平、友爱、共存。 就这样,一对相亲相爱的仙侣生死诀别,野斑马紧紧抱着斑马姑娘的躯体,悲痛欲绝…… 此情此景唤醒了狐狸精,唤醒了熊妈妈,震撼了所有的动物同胞。动物们在为凄美壮烈的爱情高歌礼赞;熊妈妈、狐狸精在为残暴、冷酷的行为虔诚忏悔…… 动物家园走向了人性化的理想世界…… Prelude: Set Free Wild Zebra is imprisoned in a dark and eerie jail-ever defiant and struggling. Miss Zebra, a beautiful and virtuous creature, could not bear to see Wild Zebra in a prison so she secretly arranges to set him free. Wild Zebra escapes from prison with Miss Zebra's assistance. Nature takes its course as the two Zebras discover their heart-felt love for each other. Act One: Mother Bear's Birthday Meanwhile ,in the animal Kingdom,Mother Bear,is enjoying her birthday party. Allthe animals come to the celebration: The canary is singing under a bright blue sky. The golden monkey is jumping from tree to tree in the jungle. And the beautiful zebra girl is dancing. The party is a friendly,festive occasion with lots of laughter and fun. Mother Bear was hoping to wear a special dress made of 100zebra skins to the party, but unfortunately, she only had 99 skins-she needed one more.(Legend has it that whoever wears a dress of 100 zebra skins in guaranteed to live a long, healthy life free of diseases) Mother Bear's eldest daughter, Fox Spirit, wants to give her mother the ultimate birthday gift-the 100th zebra skin. She is the ome who captured Wild Zebra and is about to present him to her mother as a gift. But Wild Zebra escapes when Miss Zebra secretly sets him free. ?nd so begins this tragic love story… Act Two: Wild Zebra's sky ?Wild Zebra and Miss Zebra arrange to meet in the forest. There, in the natural splendor of the wild zebra playground, the two dance to their hearts'delight. Mother Bear was hoping to wear a special dress made of 100zebra skins to the party, but unfortunately, she only had 99 skins-she needed one more.(Legend has it that whoever wears a dress of 100 zebra skins in guaranteed to live a long, healthy life free of diseases) The forest cheers. Nature smiles down on their happiness. The air is a alive with wild, overflowing passion. Love. Yes, Wild Zebra and Miss Zebra fall in love with each other. Act Three: Mother Bear Was ill ?Mother Bear becones ill. She longs to wear the zebra skin dress so she can live the promised disease-free life. Fox Spirit conceives a plan to hunt Wild Zebra in order to please her mother with his zebra skin. Miss Zebra soon hears of Fox Spirit's plan and is determined to warn Wild Zebra despite the fact that he has already left for a "faraway place". Equally determined to accomplish her mission, cruel-hearted Fox Spirit sets out to disrupt Miss Zebra's quest to warn Wild Zebra. She shoots Miss Zebra's legs and causes her great pain and suffering. Meanwhile, the hunt for Wild Zebra continues… Action Three: Realization ?Wild Zebra is coming back for his wounded wife. Miss Zebra must find a way to come to terms with her divided loyalties. She wants peace and doesn't want a war to break out in the forest. She wants love but she must prevent Wild Zebra from being killed. She wants her family to be happy and especially wants her mother to live a long, healthy diseaes-free life. The ideals are in conflict with each other. Miss Zebra makes a painful decision that allows her to incorporate all her objectives:peace,love and family. Wild Zebra carries Miss Zebra's body in his arms. This sad situation arouses the conscience of all the animals, especially Fox Spirit and Mother Bear. The animals cherish this expression of great love. Mother Bear and Fox Spirit deeply regret their cold-blooded behaviors. The animal kingdom stepped into an ideal world of humanity… |
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