词条 | 奥尔菲斯之窗 |
释义 | 《奥尔菲斯之窗》又译《奥尔佛士之窗》,为日本著名漫画家池田理代子的经典历史巨作。1975年开始连载于《稚菊周刊》,1980年获得第九届日本漫画家协会优秀奖。 内容介绍: 20世纪初,圣塞巴斯汀天主教会的附属音乐学校里有一扇古老的窗子,被称为奥尔菲斯之窗。相传站在那扇窗前,将会和第一位映入眼帘的女性坠入一段宿命的悲恋。 女主角尤利乌斯作为德国三大家族的继承人,从小就被其母亲以私生子的身份养大成人。女扮男装的她英姿勃发兼貌美绝伦,在圣塞巴斯汀音乐学校的奥尔菲斯之窗前与转校生钢琴系的伊扎克以及小提琴系的克拉乌斯宿命般地邂逅。 三个年轻人有着不同的身世背景:尤利乌斯生为贵族,家人因庞大的财产继承权而勾心斗角; 伊扎克家境贫寒,努力成为一流的钢琴家; 克拉乌斯是一名俄国革命者,因其兄谋反被杀而逃亡德国。 在家族的恩怨与阴谋中,在音乐学校度过的快乐时光中,友情与爱情悄然滋生。 随着一战爆发,俄国大革命的开始,三个人为了各自的理想与信念,逐步走上各自不同的人生…… 在这部架构浩大的爱情悲剧里,无法挣脱命运的枷锁与个人对命运的反抗构成了故事的核心。情节哀婉动人,画面恢弘华美,欧风浓郁,心理描写出色,是比《凡尔赛玫瑰》更为成熟之作。 奥尔菲斯之窗年表
1869 Jacob Sebatigan and Belmann Whitcliff (Alanst Balenga) was born 1869年,雅各布·修涅巴汀根和海尔曼·维尔克里夫(艾伦斯特·贝林格)出生 1874 the Von Balenga family was murdered, but Jacob and Belmann escaped 1874年,冯·贝林格全家被谋杀,但管家之子雅各布与海尔曼逃脱 1875 Maria Barbara von Alansmeyer, Julius eldest sister was born 1875年,尤利乌斯的大姐,玛丽亚·巴巴拉·冯·阿连司马亚出生 1879 Alexei's brother, Dimitri Mihailov was born 1879年,阿历克赛的哥哥,托米托依·米哈依洛夫出生 1882 Araune von Ekinov was born 1882年,阿尔拉芙娜·冯·艾杰诺夫出生 1883 Anneroc von Alansmeyer was born 1883年,二姐安娜洛特·冯·阿连司马亚出生 1885 David Rawson, being in the eight grade when Klaus was in the seventh, should be born in this year 1885年,大卫·拉塞出生。克拉乌斯七年级时刚好大卫是八年级,由此推断。 May 1886 Alexei Mihailov (Klaus) was born 1886年5月,阿历克塞·米哈依洛夫(克拉乌斯)出生 March 23,1887 Prince Felix Youssoupoff was born -- Leonid Youssopov is modeled. After this Russian prince who murdered Rasputin in his neoclassic palace at 94 Moika Canal also known as the Yusupovsky Palace or the Moika Palace. 1887年3月23日,雷欧尼特·尤苏波夫的原型——菲利克斯·尤苏波夫公爵出生。他就是后来在自己的尼古拉斯宫殿暗杀了拉斯普庭并把他扔进涅瓦河的人,尼古拉斯宫殿也被称为尤苏波夫宫殿和涅瓦宫殿。 1887 Lynette, Julius's mother met Belmann at the Window of Orpheus Maria Barbara was twelve years old Issac Godfried Faustus was born 1887年,雷娜托——尤利乌斯的妈妈与海尔曼老师在奥尔菲斯之窗下相遇 时年,玛丽亚·巴巴拉12岁 伊扎克·哥德喜福·怀斯哈伊特出生 1888 Julius Reinhardt von Alansmeyer was born 1888年,尤利乌斯·雷因哈特·冯·阿连司马亚出生 1892 Alexei's mother died and he was adopted by the cooking lady 1892年,阿历克赛的妈妈过世,阿历克赛被厨娘收养 1893 Alexei was 6 years old when he moved to live with his grandmother 1893年春,6岁的阿历克塞搬去和奶奶一起住 May 1893 Alexei's 7th birthday 1893年5月,阿历克塞7岁生日 1895 Dimitri and Alexei swore into a pact 1895年,托米托依和阿历克赛立下誓言 1900 Dimitri was executed Alexei was 14 years old when escaped to Regensburg and studied at St. Sebastian under the name of Klaus 1900年,托米托依被处死 14岁的阿历克赛逃到雷根斯堡,以克拉乌斯的名字在圣·塞巴蒂安学校学习 1903 Issac saw Julius from the Window of Orpheus Alexei saw Julius from the Window of Orpheus Issac was 16 years old Alexei was 17 years old Julius was 15 years old Belmann was 35 years old 1903年,伊扎克与阿历克赛先后在奥尔菲斯之窗遇见尤利乌斯 时年,伊扎克16岁,阿历克赛17岁,尤利乌斯15岁,海尔曼35岁 1904 Alfred von Alansmeyer, Julius's father died 1904年,尤利乌斯的父亲艾弗莱德·冯·阿连司马亚过世 7th April 1904 Maria Barbara asked for an investigation of Jacob 1904年4月7日,玛丽亚·巴巴拉开始调查雅各布 Easter 1904 Issac played with the orchestra at the Kepler Monument in the park Issac was seventeen years old Anneroc was 22 years old Maria Barbara was 29 years old Lynette and Belmann fell to the death from the Window of Orpheus and died Alexei left Regensburg Gertrude died 1904年复活节,伊扎克与管弦乐队在公园开普勒纪念碑处演出 时年,伊扎克17岁,安娜洛特22岁,玛丽亚·巴巴拉29岁 雷娜托和海尔曼从奥尔菲斯之窗坠下生亡 阿历克赛离开雷根斯堡 女仆甘尔特路特去世 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905年,日俄战争 1905 Frederike died 1905年,福里蒂里过世 22nd January 1905 Bloody Sunday Julius was seventeen Maria Barbara was hurt in a carriage accident Anneroc died and Julius left Regensburg the same night Julius arrived in St. Petersburg. She was shot in a riot outside the train station and taken to the Youssoupov residence on the day she arrived. Julius was already seventeen at this time 1905年1月22日,流血星期天 时年,尤利乌斯17岁 玛丽亚·巴巴拉在马车意外事件中受伤 安娜洛特死去,同晚,尤利乌斯离开雷根斯堡 尤利乌斯抵达圣彼得堡。抵达当天,在火车站外的一场暴动中中枪,被带到尤苏波夫侯爵家里,此时尤利乌斯17岁。 October 1905 The First Russian Revolution Julius and Alexei met in St. Petersburg Leonid fell in love with Julius Julius lost her memory from a fall 1905年10月,第一次俄国革命爆发 尤利乌斯在圣彼得堡遇见阿历克赛 雷欧尼特爱上尤利乌斯 尤利乌斯在一次堕楼中失去所有的记忆 December 1905 Araune died Alexei was captured by Leonid and exiled in Siberia 1905年12月,阿尔拉芙娜牺牲 阿历克赛被雷欧尼特捕获,流放至西伯利亚 1906 Tsar Nicholas granted the first Duma to the people 1906年,沙皇尼古拉斯同意召开第一次杜马会议 1911 Alexei escaped from Siberia. Radio broadcast of Issac's performance Beethoven's "Emperor" (author's note" Radio broadcast was not available until 1920) caused Julius to remember her past 1911年,阿历克赛从西伯利亚逃出。在收音机内听到了伊扎克演奏贝多芬的《皇帝》,同样听到广播的尤利乌斯开始记起自己的部分回忆。(作者注:录音广播直到1920年才得以实现) 1912 Leonid thought Alexei died. Leonid expressed his love for Julius and sent her back to Regensburg Anastasia exiled to Siberia Alexei reunited with Julius 1912年,雷欧尼特以为阿历克赛已死,向尤利乌斯表白了自己的感情,并派人送她回雷根斯堡 安娜斯塔西亚被流放西伯利亚 阿历克赛与尤利乌斯重遇 28th June 1914 The assassination of the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo by a Serbian student Ruberta, Issac's wife was previously received and greatly impressed by the Archduchess Issac went to war -- W.W.I 1914年6月28日,奥地利大公及夫人在萨拉热窝被塞尔维亚学生暗杀身亡 罗伯尔特——伊扎克的妻子曾经被大公夫人称赞 伊扎克参加第一次世界大战 1916 Julius and Alexei were married Leonid met Julius on the street and told her to leave Russia with Alexei before February 1917 1916年,尤利乌斯与阿历克赛结婚 雷欧尼特在街上遇见尤利乌斯,告诉她与阿历克赛在1917年2月前离开俄国 16th December 1916 Leonid (Prince Felix Youssoupoff in history) murdered Rasputin 1916年12月16日,雷欧尼特(历史上的菲利克斯·尤苏波夫公爵)暗杀拉斯普庭 January 1917 Julius became sick and was also pregnant Alexei moved Julius to live with his grandmother at the Mihailov residence 1917年1月,尤利乌斯生病,并怀有身孕。 阿历克赛送她到米哈依洛夫的大宅,让她与自己的奶奶住在一起。 February 1917 February Revolution 1917年2月,二月革命 2nd March 1917 Tsar Nicholas II abdicated 1917年3月2日,沙皇尼古拉斯二世退位 After April 1917 Issac returned to Regensburg after the W.W.I Leonid told Sergei Rostovsky, his first officer to rescue Julius from the Mihailov residence and put her in a safe house 一战结束后,伊扎克在1917年4月晚些时候回到雷根斯堡 雷欧尼特侯爵命令副官——塞尔根·罗斯托夫斯基,把尤利乌斯从米哈依洛夫的大宅转移至安全住所 August 1917 Alexei was ambushed and killed Julius' miscarriage Julius and Vera fled St. Petersburg Leonid committed suicide Sergei committed suicide 1917年8月,阿历克赛被伏击身亡 尤利乌斯流产维拉带尤利乌斯逃离圣彼得堡 雷欧尼特效忠自杀 塞尔根效忠自杀 October 1917 October Revolution 1917年10月,十月革命 December 1917 Civil War between the Reds (headed by Trotsky) and the Whites 1918 Roberta gave birth to Yuber, Issac's son and died Issac met Julius again in Regensburg 1917年12月,在共产党人——红军(由托洛茨基领导)和保守派——白军之间爆发了国内战争 1918年,罗伯尔特生下伊扎克的儿子尤贝尔后死亡 伊扎克在雷根斯堡重遇尤利乌斯 1923 Julius gained back her memory Julius was killed by Jacob in Berlin at the age of 35 Maria Barbara was 48 at the end of the story David was 38 Issac was 36 1923年,尤利乌斯恢复记忆 尤利乌斯在柏林被雅各布杀死,时年35岁 故事结束,玛丽亚·巴巴拉48岁,大卫38岁,伊扎克36岁。 |
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