

词条 杨云慧











2005年8月----现在 在云南师范大学化学化工学院工作




主要学术活动——已多次应邀为《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》、《Applied Surface Science》、《Talanta》、《Journal of Physicl Chemistry 》、《Process Biochemistry》等杂志评审稿件。主持完成一项云南省自然科学基金项目。目前正在主持承担一项国家自然科学基金项目,一项云南省自然科学基金项目;一项云南省教育厅科学研究重点项目:还主持一项湖南大学化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室开放基金项目。

主要学术成果——发表学术论文48篇,以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI源期刊论文14篇。单篇论文最高SCI影响因子为3.186。2005年破格晋升为正教授。2007年获云南师范大学教学成果三等奖(因指导大学生完成的科研训练作品2007年获第十届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖,云南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖) ,2007年获湖南大学优秀博士论文奖。2008年获云南师范大学2007-2008年度“伍达观教育基金”二等奖。


1. Xuxiao Lu, Huiping Bai, Ping He, Yongying Cha, Guangming Yang, Lin Tan, Yunhui Yang*. A reagentless amperometric immunosensor for α-1-fetoprotein based on gold nanowires and ZnO nanorods modified electrode. Anal.Chim.Acta, 2008, 615(2):158-164(SCI 收录)

2. Xu xiao Lu, Hui ping Bai , Qing Ruan, Minghui Yang, Guangming Yang, Lin Tan, Yunhui Yang*. Direct determination of pesticides in vegetable samples using gold nanoelectrode ensembles. International Journal of Environment Analytical Chemistry, 2008,88(11):813-824(SCI 收录)

3. Lin Tan, Guang-Ming Yang, Ping Wang, Zong-Yuan Xie, Hui-Ping Bai, Xu-Xiao Lu, Yun-Hui Yang,Direct Deteromination of Uric Acid Based on Pd Nanoparticles Electrodepositing onto Anatase-Type TiO2 Nanoparticles/Chitsan Film-Modified Electrode. Analytical Letters, 2008, 41: 2860–2876.(SCI 收录)

4. Hui ping Bai, Xu xiao Lu, Guang ming Yang, Yunhui Yang*, Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor Based on Electrodeposition of Zinc Oxide Nanoflowers onto Carbon Nanotubes Film Electrode. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2008,19(3):314-318(SCI 收录)

5. Yunhui Yang, Zhijie Wang , Minghui Yang , Jishan Li, Fang Zheng , Guoli Shen , Ruqin Yu, Electrical detection of deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization based on carbon-nanotubes/nano zirconium dioxide/chitosan-modified electrodes,Analytica Chimica Acta,2007,584(2):268–274(SCI 收录 )

6. Yunhui Yang, Minhui Yang, Hua Wang, Ling Tang ,Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Inhibition biosensor for determinatin of nicotine, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2004, 509 (2): 151–157 (SCI 收录)

7. Yunhui Yang, Minhui Yang, Hua Wang, Ling Tang,Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. An amperometric horseradish peroxidase inhibition biosensor based on a cysteamine self-assembled monolayer for the determination of sulfides, Sensors and Actuators B, 2004,102 (1:) 162–168 (SCI 收录)

8. Yunhui Yang, Haifeng Yang, Minghui Yang, Yanli liu, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Amperometric glucose biosensor based on a surface treated nanoporous ZrO2/Chitosan composite film as immobilization matrix, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2004,525 (1-2):213–220 (SCI 收录)

9. Yunhui Yang, Mengmeng Guo, Minghui Yang, Zhijie Wang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Determination of pesticides using an acetylcholinesterase biosensor with improved selectivity though polyectrolyte multilayer film. International Journal of Environment Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 85(3):163-175 (SCI 收录 )

10. Yunhui,Yang, Zhijie Wang, Mengmeng Guo, Minhui Yang, Zhaoyang Wu, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu. Inhibitive determination of mercury ion using a renewable urea biosensor based on self –assembled gold nanoparticles. Sensors and Actuators B, 2006, 114(1): 1-8 (SCI 收录)

11. Yunhui Yang, Minhui Yang, Yanli Liu, Hua Wang, Jianghui Jiang, Guoli Shen, Ruqin Yu.A Novel Biomolecular Immobilization Matrix Based on Nanoporous ZnO/Chitosan Composite Film for Amperomertic Hydrogen peroxide biosensor. Chinese Chemical Letters 2005,16 (7):951-954 (SCI 收录)

12. Yunhui Yang, Jiang Zeng, Chunguang Gao, Ulrich J. Krull. Stabilization and re-activation of trapped enzyme by immobilized HSP and molecular chaperones. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2003,18:311-317 (SCI收录)

13.Yunhui Yang, Qianrong Zhao, Zhijie Wang, Minghui Yang.Amperometric determination of inositol based on electrocatalytic oxidation on a glass carbon electrode modified by nickel hexacyanoferrate films. Analytical Letters. 2006, 39: 361–372, (SCI收录 )

14. Yunhui Yang , Bi Yunmei, Liu Mei, Fu Jin, Xi Zhiwen. The Preparation of Decylidene Bis(4’-benzo-15-crown-5)ether PVC Membrane Rubidium (Ⅰ)Electrode. Microchemical Journal,1997,55,348-350(SCI 收录 )





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