词条 | 烟台国际综合物流园区 |
释义 | 烟台国际综合物流园区 园区概况YICLP in Brief 烟台国际综合物流园区位于烟台经济技术开发区,总规划面积23平方公里,是烟台市政府“十二五”规划的重点项目。区内规划了大型工业企业物流区、物流总部经济区、商贸物流区、物流装备区、高端物流区、公铁海联运区、中日韩自由贸易区、会展商务区、行政服务核心区、生活服务区十个功能区,投资额和年交易额均将超过1000亿元。烟台国际综合物流园区以建设山东半岛蓝色经济区为契机,依托胶东半岛区位、交通、资源和产业优势,全力打造面向内陆腹地,连接东北三省和东北亚的桥头堡,建成集仓储、配送、商贸、会展、物流总部经济等功能于一体的大型现代化国际综合物流园区,区内规划了大型工业企业物流区、物流总部经济区、商贸物流区、物流装备区、高端物流区、公铁海联运区、中日韩自由贸易区、会展商务区、行政服务核心区、生活服务区十个功能区,投资额和年交易额均将超过1000亿元。 Located in YEDA and covering an area of 23 km, Yantai International Comprehensive Logistics Park (YICLP) is a key project of the 12Five-Year Plan formulated by Yantai Municipal Government.Taking advantage of the national strategy of developing Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone, and fully utilizing the location, transportation, resources and industry advantages of Jiaodong Peninsula, YICLP aims to develop itself into a large and modern international logistics park with functions of warehousing, distribution, trade, convention and exhibition, and logistic headquarters, which will link Yantai with the inland area of Shandong Province, Northeastern China, and Northeastern Asia. The volume of investment and annual turnover of YICLP is expected to exceed RMB100 billion respectively. 交通优势Transportation 烟台国际综合物流园区拥有得天独厚的物流交通优势。与烟台港西港区和烟台潮水国际机场零距离接触。烟台港已与世界70 多个国家和地区的100 多个港口直接通航;正在建设的烟台潮水国际机场规划年旅客吞吐量2600万人次,货邮吞吐量38万吨;德龙烟铁路贯穿园区并在园区内设立货运编组站;206国道、疏港高速、绕城高速、荣乌高速、沈海高速零距离交叉环绕,园区主干道目前已形成,基础设施配套完善,构筑起“海、陆、空、铁”四位一体、四通八达的物流网。 YICLP boasts superior logistics and transportation advantages. The park is adjacent to the Western Yantai Port Area and Yantai Chaoshui International Airport. Yantai Port has direct shipping links with more than 100 ports from 70 countries and regions; the planned annual handling capacity of the new airport under construction is 26 million passengers and 380,000 tons of cargos. Delongyan Railway will pass through YICLPand a cargo station will be set up in the logistics park. Currently YICLP has easy access to highways like No. 206 National Highway, Port Area Highway, City Beltway, Rongwu Highway and Shenhai Highway. With rapid improvement on its infrastructure facilities, YICLP will boast convenient logistics networks by means of ocean, air, highway and railway in the near future. 投资服务Investment Service 为高起点规划建设管理园区,烟台市委市政府组建了“烟台国际综合物流园区管理委员会”,建立以仓储、配送、运输、跟踪和营销五大服务系统为核心的物流信息化平台,为入园企业提供“一站式、立体化、全方位”的服务。园区管理委员会负责入园项目的招商洽谈、用地选址和优惠政策的落实。 烟台国际综合物流园区管理委员会竭诚欢迎国内外客商前来投资合作、共谋发展。 To build a high-standard YICLP, Yantai Municipal Government has established YICLP Administrative Committee with high-efficient professionals from different government departments. YICLP will establish a comprehensive logistics information platform with core functions of warehousing, distribution, transportation, tracking and marketing. The administrative committee is authorized to negotiate with potential investors, and help investors choose appropriate land lot and approach to collaboration. It will also take charge of the implementation of preferential policies. We warmly welcome investors from home and abroad to invest in our logistics park and achieve a win-win development. We will provide one-stop, all-round service for you. 依托城区YEDA in Brief 烟台经济技术开发区是中国首批14个国家级经济技术开发区之一,管辖面积228平方公里,总人口40万。位于山东半岛黄海之滨,与日本、韩国隔海相望,境内设有保税港区、留学生创业园区、汽车工业园区、资源再生加工示范区等专业园区,通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证,被联合国环境署确定为“中国工业园区环境管理示范区”。烟台经济技术开发区以机械制造、电子信息产业为主导,形成汽车、手机、电脑、船舶、装备制造五大产品集群,是中国重要的轿车、工程机械、消费电子产品和造船基地。已有40多个国家和地区进区投资,50多个世界500强项目落户。在国家级开发区综合评价中,投资环境位居第六,经济实力进入十强。预计“十二五”末,GDP和工业总产值分别突破1500亿元和5000亿元。 As one of the first 14 state-level economic and technological development areas, Yantai Economic and Technological Development Area (YEDA) covers an area of 228 kmand has a total population of 400,000。 Located along the coast of Shandong Peninsula, facing Japanand South Koreaacross the sea, YEDA boasts such specialized parks as Bonded Port Zone, Business Incubator for Returned Overseas Chinese Students, Automotive Industry Park, and Resources Recycling Demonstration Zone. In addition, YEDA has passed the ISO14001 environmental management system certification and won the honor of China’s Exemplar Industrial Park in Environmental Management conferred by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). YEDA is one of China’s main production bases for car, construction machinery, consumer electronics and shipbuilding, with two pillar industries of machinery manufacturing and electronic information and five production clusters of car, mobile phone, computer, shipbuilding and equipment manufacturing. Currently, companies from more than 40 countries and regions have invested in YEDA, among which there are more than 50 Fortune 500 companies. In China’s state-level development areas, YEDA ranks the 6and among the top ten respectively in terms of comprehensive investment environment and economic strength. By the end of the 12Five-Year Plan period, the GDP and gross industrial output of YEDA will exceed RMB 150 billion and RMB 500 billion respectively. |
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