

词条 亚历山大·路德韦格

亚历山大·路德韦格,曾是一名童星。九岁时开始演戏,又因在迪士尼作品《巫山历险记》中饰演男主角赛斯(Seth)受到人们的关注。他曾在2007年的幻想电影——黑暗崛起:召唤者中饰演威尔·斯坦顿(Will Stanton)他参与了《饥饿游戏》系列书籍改编电影中饰演加图(Cato)。这部电影将发布于2012年三月。一个令人印象深刻的工作,包括电影和电视机构,他把自己塑造成好莱坞最有前途的年轻人之一,为他的演艺生涯继续努力和参加富有挑战性的新项目。在生活中的他,除了热爱表演还热衷于各种球类运动,天生赋予爱心使他成为了一名动物爱好者。


外文名:Alexander ludwig








主要成就:2009 Kids Choice Awards





英文名:Alexander Ludwig

昵称:zander zxander alex

全称:Alexander Richard Ludwig[来自于IMDb ]






身高:身高:6' 2" (约1.89 m)



语言:英语 日语



最喜爱的影视作品:《True Blood》(真爱如血)《Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid》 (虎豹小霸王)《Harry Potter》(哈利波特)

喜欢的乐队:The Beatles/Sum 41











喜爱食物:杏仁意大利食物(dip dish pizza ) 日本料理 香草冰激凌



喜爱书籍:《天使与恶魔》(Angels & Demons)《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games) [在采访中ALEX提到在自己被确认为Cato之前就已经是“a huuuuuuge fan”了] 《一个人的力量》(The Power of One)

喜欢的歌手:Taylor Swift, lil Wayne, John Mayer


最欣赏的艺人:莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥,布拉德皮特,约翰尼·德普(Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt and johnny depp)

出道时间:2000年 (九岁)

家庭:He is the oldest of four siblings that include twin siblings, two years younger, and a sister, seven years younger than Ludwig.(路德韦格是家里的长子,他有个双胞胎的弟弟妹妹,还有一个更小的妹妹)

父亲:Harald Ludwig (哈拉尔·路德韦格)

母亲:Sharlene MartinLudwig (莎林·马丁·路德韦格)

弟弟:Nicholas ludwig (尼古拉斯·;路德韦格)

妹妹: Natalie ludwig (娜塔莉·路德韦格

小妹妹:sofia ludwig(索菲亚·路德韦格)




路德韦格被表演深深地吸引,他接受采访时说:“我有一个很大的梦想。我爱表演。”尽管他的母亲以前有过演艺生涯。 然而,路德韦格却不得不说服他的父母支持他的愿望追求作为儿童演员的职业生涯。他的父母认为,儿童演员可以进入的生活这一事情并不现实。


为做一辈子的演员。”大家都一直跟我说,我有一个很大的想象空间。我爱表演。我开始演戏时,我九岁。我央求了我的父母几个月,他们连声说不行。他们担心,谁的孩子在那么年幼的时候就开始创业了? 但是,他们终于答应了我。他们一直这么支持。这样一部电影是一个梦想成真。

最后,路德韦格的父母说:“如果,你想继续从事演员工作的话,就朝着梦想去吧!”亚历山大在接受采访的时候透露出谁是他演员生涯他的主要启示。路德韦格透露,这两个超级巨星Leonardo Deception和Johnny Depp 是他的灵感。



Alexander Ludwig was born in Vancouver, British Columbia.He is the oldest of four siblings that include twin siblings, three years his junior, and a little sister, seven years younger than Ludwig. His father, Harald, is a businessman, and his mother, Sharlene, a former actress.

The actor was drawn to the profession, saying in an interview, "I have a big imagination. I love performing." Yet, despite his mother's early career as an actress, Ludwig had to convince his parents to support his desire to pursue a career as a child actor. His parents believed that child actors "can get sucked into a life that isn't reality."] Further,

My mom and dad were kind of iffy about the whole thing. You know as well as I do the whole kid-actor thing can get a bit warped. But eventually, they said — "OK Alexander, if this is what you want, go for it".

Ludwig hopes to continue to pursue acting beyond being a child star. As he puts it, "I hope I can continue as an actor. My goal is to do this for the rest of my life."

Ludwig is currently enrolled as a theatre major at the University of Southern California.

Ludwig started acting when he was nine years old in a Harry Potter toy commercial, a job that enabled him to sign on with an agent and obtain more commercial work. After which, he was cast in movies such as Air Bud World Pup (2000), MXP: Most Extreme Primate (2003), Scary Godmother: The Revenge Of Jimmy (2005), Eve and the Fire Horse (2005), The Sandlot: Heading Home (aka, The Sandlot 3) (2007), The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (2007), and Race to Witch Mountain (2009). In The Seeker and Witch Mountain, Ludwig portrayed lead roles.In addition to cinema, Ludwig has also worked in television. He has performed in movies made for television, such as A Little Thing Called Murder (2006), and series television such as The Dead Zone.

[edit] The Seeker: The Dark is Rising (2007)

Ludwig obtained his leading role in The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising (2007) after a "gruelling audition process." The casting process involved eight in-person auditions in Vancouver, Canada and one over-the-telephone audition for the vice president of casting at the studio. Then came three more in-person auditions in Los Angeles.This was followed by yet another over-the-telephone audition for the studio's casting vice president, this time from Ludwig's Los Angeles hotel room

Given his limited acting experience, and the fact that he would be carrying the film as its protagonist, the studio hired Ludwig an acting coach. Regarding the acting coach, Ludwig said he was

absolutely amazing and he worked with me everyday. We would go in and work together in the car and he really taught me how to get into those moments. So I'm really fortunate to have [had] him.

However, upon meeting fellow cast member Ian McShane, Ludwig was told to ignore everything the acting coach had told him. Ludwig chose to ignore McShane's advice, later saying that he did not think that that was exactly what McShane had meant. For Ludwig, the "coach is fantastic and he really helps me get into the moment and connect with the characters." Ludwig believed that what McShane meant was that in their scene together, that scene would be

about he and I and no one else. No one is to come between us, that this moment is just me and Ian. … and what he meant was to not be anyone else, just be natural and be in the moment. He was just really trying to help me get into character and it was just he and I, eye to eye and really went through the moment together.

Regarding his relationship with the movie's director, David Loren Cunningham, Ludwig says, "I really loved David Cunningham because he's really open to suggestions and he really likes everything to be messy and wild and just natural."

Principal photography took place in Romania, which required Ludwig to travel from his home in Vancouver. For Ludwig, filming in Romania was an introduction to a part of the world very different from his own. In an interview he said,

For people who had so little, they wanted to give so much … To visit this place that's just recently come out of the communist era — you really learn how much we have in North America. You really appreciate life here.

Ludwig says that the language barrier between the film's crew and the non-English speaking Romanian extras on one occasion followed the law of unintended consequences. The extras misunderstood the translation from English explaining that Ludwig's character was an outcast. They understood that his character was bullied, which they proceeded to do as he walked down the high school corridor. In the end, it worked on film better than what had been planned. As Ludiwg puts it, "[I]t was just really, really funny to see that happen because it all worked in the scene. We had a great time."

Despite his early casting success with The Seeker, Ludwig indicated in a contemporaneous interview that it was his intention to attend university.[3] In another interview, the actor said that the most challenging thing about filming The Seeker was trying "to juggle school while filming. My school wasn't used to it, and I wasn't used to it. It was the most amazing experience, but it was really hard."

[edit] Race to Witch Mountain (2009)Alexander Ludwig's next lead role came in the part of Seth — one half of a teenage, alien brother-sister duo — in the film production of Race to Witch Mountain (2009), also starring Dwayne Johnson, the professional wrestler turned actor. Seth is the part originated by Ike Eisenmann in the 1975 original, Escape to Witch Mountain. The film opened at № 1 at the box office the weekend that it premiered with receipts estimated at $25 million.

Whereas the casting process for The Seeker had been arduous, getting the part for Witch Mountain was relatively painless. From the moment Ludwig auditioned, the director knew that he was the actor he wanted for the role of Seth. As director Andy Fickman puts it,

We had nationwide auditions and narrowed it down to five young actors, but when Alexander came in and auditioned, I just thought he was fantastic. Before the door was shut when we left, we all said, "That's the one we should cast."


Alexander Ludwig does not lack enthusiasm. The 15-year- old is talking happily about his starring role in The Seeker: The Dark is Rising, and even over the phone his giddy energy is obvious.

Small wonder. After a gruelling audition process, the Vancouver resident was chosen to star in the fantasy-adventure movie, jumping his profile from a couple of small roles in a few small movies, to lead.

Ludwig is very handsome, and this role will probably win him quite a following among teenage girls. He bursts out laughing at the very idea.

"After everything else that's happened," he says, "I have no idea what's going to come next. This has been such a roller-coaster ride. It was the opportunity of a lifetime."

The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising, which co-stars Wendy Crewson, Ian McShane and Christopher Eccleston, is based on the award-winning novel by Susan Cooper. Ludwig plays the central character, a boy who discovers his crucial role in a fight between the powers of good and evil. The movie was filmed in Romania, and that, says Ludwig, was an eye-opener.

"For people who had so little, they wanted to give so much," says the young actor. "To visit this place that's just recently come out of the communist era -- you really learn how much we have in North America. You really appreciate life here."

The shoot did not, he adds, involve the usual perqs associated with a major feature film, and that suited him just fine.

"I think too many kids get sucked into that Hollywood stuff," he comments.

Ludwig is a Grade 10 student, and he admits there was a period of adjustment when he returned to Canada from Romania. For one thing, he left in a rush to do the film, and keeping up with his schoolwork while shooting was tough. He caught up eventually, but it was stressful, Ludwig admits.

"And I want to go to university, so it's important. Luckily, my friends have been really supportive and my family keeps me grounded." He's not the only actor in the family. Ludwig has twin siblings of 12 (a boy and a girl) and a younger sister of 8, and they're all involved in the acting world. The two girls, he says, just got their first commercial.

Yesterday, before The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising opened in movie theatres, Ludwig and his family hosted a private screening in Vancouver to thank family, friends and co-workers. A lot of people helped him land the role, says Ludwig, and a lot of people were rooting for him.

"I really wanted this part," he says. "As soon as I read the script, I thought, 'This part is for me.' Ever since I was little I wanted super powers," he jokes, referring to his character.

It gets better. "They let me do pretty well all my own stunts," Ludwig says. "I love this -- meeting new people, experiencing new things. Who would believe that something like this could be your job?"

Nurturing an impressive body of work that encompasses film and television, Alexander Ludwig is positioning himself as one of Hollywood’s most promising young talents as his career continues to evolve with exciting and challenging projects.

Embracing college life, Alexander is currently a freshman at USC, studying film and theatre. He just recently returned from Montauk N.Y. where he shot the 2011 Abercrombie campaign with veteran photographer Bruce Weber.

Alexander stared in the Walt Disney feature film “Race to Witch Mountain” alongside Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, which opend nationwide on March 13,2009. He marked a milestone during the filming of the movie: he turned 16.

Among his gifts from cast and crew was an acoustic guitar from Dwayne Johnson, also a gifted player.

A Vancouver, British Columbia resident, Alexander entered the entertainment business at age 10 by booking his first ever audition for a National Harry Potter toy commercial. Roles in several family films soon followed, including “Eve and the Firehorse,” “MXP: Most Xtreme Primate,” “Air Bud: World Pup” and “The Sandlot III” to name a few.

Alexander was most recently seen in the thriller “The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising,” starring alongside veteran actors Ian McShane, Frances Conroy and Wendy Crewson.

When not in school or on film sets, Alexander enjoys the outdoors. He spends his free time skiing at Whistler Mountain near his home in British Columbia, surfing, water skiing, playing tennis and ice hockey



饥饿游戏/ The hunger game (2012) 饰 Cato(加图)

死神来了5/ Final Destination 5 (2011)

(原有其名,但据国外报道好像是因为他选择了另一部电影 <The ring 3D> 或者是因为考大学。)

巫山历险记/Race to Witch Mountain(2009) 饰Seth(赛斯)

沙地传奇3/The Sandlot 3(2007) 饰.E.J.

黑暗崛起/The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising(2007) 饰Will Stanton(威尔·斯坦顿)

有件小事叫谋杀/A Little Thing Called Murder(2006) Kenny at 11/12 yrs.伊芙与火马/Eve and the Fire Horse(2005) 饰 Kevin

神犬也疯狂3/神犬巴迪3/飞狗巴迪3:世界杯Air Bud: World Pup ------- (2000)


Scary Godmother: The Revenge of Jimmy ------- (2005)


哈利波特/Harry Potter ------- (2000)

绝技名猩/MXP: Most Xtreme Primate ------- (2003)


2009 Kids Choice Awards(2009年青少年奖)

the 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards(第52届格莱美颁奖典礼)

“Most watchable young actors of today”(当今最有看头的明星之一)

2012 Kids Choice Awards(2012年青少年奖)


The Vancouver Sun


Teenvogue magazine March 2012

Wonderland Magazine

YRB Magazine

VMAN Magazine

BELLO Magazine

People Magazine

Bullett Magazine

DaMan magazine

InTouch Magazine

NYLON Magazine


Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie kids

Year Film Role Notes

2000Air Bud World Pup cameo uncredited

2005Scary Godmother: The Revenge Of Jimmy Jimmy (voice) Released on October 7, 2005

Eve and the Fire Horse Boy #2 Kevin 

2006A Little Thing Called Murder Young Kenny Kimes 

2007The Sandlot: Heading Home E.J. direct-to-DVD

The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising Will Stanton/Tom Stanton Released on October 5, 2007

2009Race to Witch Mountain Seth Released on March 13, 2009

2012The Hunger Games Cato Release date: March 23, 2012

2012The Ring 3D Unknown Rumored 

Guest Appearances

Year Title Role Notes

2000Harry PotterCommercial cameo uncredited

2003MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Child in airport

Self Appearances

Year Title Role Notes

2008Entertainment Tonight Himself 1 episode

2009The Bonnie Hunt Show

Leo Little's Big Show





采访原文:Eventually, one day I was in my room and getting changed into a new shirt to go to the meeting with my agents from ICM and my agent from Vancouver called. I was in the changing room putting on a shirt and my mom said, ‘Alexander, I’m going to put you on speaker phone.’ So she put me on speaker phone and my agent from Vancouver is fantastic, and I was putting on the shirt and I hear, ‘Alexander you got the part!’ So I started screaming in the mall and I run out without a shirt on. I was screaming and dancing. It was hilarious and the best experience. I have no regrets ever since. I mean, any kid would die for this role. I’m so fortunate to be here and I’m having such a fun time.






09.2009 – AnnaSophia Robb & Alexander Ludwig Interview – JJJ Exclusive!

08.2009 – Twist magazine interview

08.2009 – Alexander’s Interview With The Street Team! (1)

05.2009 – AnnaSophia Robb & Alexander Ludwig Talk Race to Witch Mountain

2009 – Lola’s Land interview

2009 – 2009 – Tommy2 interview

2009 – The Dead Bolt interview

2009 – Interview magazine

2009 – Alexander Ludwig Interview for “Race to Witch Mountain”

13.03.2009 – Q&A with Race to Witch Mountain’s Alexander Ludwig

2008 – Alexander Ludwig – UGO interview

06.10.2007 – It still doesn’t feel real

05.10.2007 – Time For Kids – 10 Questions for Alexander Ludwig

02.10.2007 – Alexander Ludwig is Will Stanton

2007 – Cinema interview

23.05.2007 – Latinoreview – Interview




'Hunger Games' Casts Its Final Tributes: Meet District 2's Alexander Ludwig And Isabelle Fuhrman

The Reaping is complete.

All 24 "Hunger Games" tributes have been cast following the news today (via Facebook) that Alexander Ludwig and Isabelle Fuhrman will represent District 2 as Cato and Clove.

"Hunger Games" fans may remember Alexander as one of the handful of actors on the shortlist to portray Katniss love interest and District 12 tribute Peeta Mellark. The 19-year-old is probably best-known for playing Seth in the 2009 Disney flick "Race to Witch Mountain."

Fellow tribute, 14-year-old Isabelle, already has one conniving creepster to her credit: She played evil Esther in the 2009 film "Orphan." (Meaning "bloody thirsty teen" is nothing new for her.)Now, I've had few complaints thus far regarding tribute casting since most of them don't figure prominently into the plot, and I never really gave too much thought as to what they looked like. But here I must voice a bit of concern. Am I the only one who thinks Alexander is a bit slight to play Cato? The menacing career tribute is described by author Suzanne Collins as a hulking brute of a boy, and if recent photos do him justice, Alexander just doesn't fit that bill for me. And I'm not sure there's enough time before filming begins for the actor to pull a Taylor Lautner and transform his body into pure steel.据国外媒体报道,狮门公司对他们根据

苏珊娜·柯林斯(Suzanne Collins)的青少年科幻小说《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)改编的电影版寄予厚望,准备将这个原本只有三部小说的系列拍成四集电影。

其实狮门想把《饥饿游戏》打造成自己的《暮光之城》,这个想法由来已久。而《饥饿游戏》小说的确也有不少粉丝,并曾得到《暮光之城》作者斯黛芬尼·梅耶(Stephenie Meyer)的称赞。

《饥饿游戏》的故事讲述了美国在一场大战后被摧毁,在美国原来的废墟上,人们建立了新的家园,但新政权规定:管辖下的12个地区每年都必须进贡少男少女,参加一档电视直播节目“饥饿者游戏”,节目的规则很简单——杀人或者被杀。Katniss Everdeen的妹妹不幸被选中,出于保护妹妹,Katniss自高奋勇要替妹妹上场,尽管Katniss从小摸爬滚打惯了,对节目里的重重障碍都能应付自如,但在这样一个节目里,要想成为最后的赢家就必须成为一个没有人性的杀人机器,这对她是一个极大的考验。

《饥饿游戏》小说一共三部,分别是《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)、《点火》(Catching Fire)和《自由梦幻》(Mockingjay)。首集电影由加里·罗斯(Gary Ross)执导,将于明年3月23日上映,级别为PG-13。

ALEX对饥饿游戏的看法:'Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.'



故事改编自1975年版的《Escape to Witch Mountain》(又名魔鬼山历险记),讲述了一个拉斯维加斯的出租车司机,竭尽全力去保护一对有超能力的兄妹,以免其超能力被坏人利用的



随着杰克目瞪口呆地发现莎拉和塞思根本就不是普通的孩子,他们拥有着不可思议的超能力时,几个人也不由自主地陷入了一场任何人都没办法解释的冒险征途当中,中间还有一位UFO专家亚历克丝·弗里德曼博士(卡拉·古奇诺饰)加入到他们的行列。一行四个人很快就意识到,拯救这个世界的惟一机会就隐藏在“巫山”的未解之谜里,卷入其中并想要阻止他们的人越来越多, 包括政府官员、犯罪分子,甚至还有来自于外太空的智慧生物--他们将会经历的是一个充满着乐趣的同时又







德威恩·约翰逊(Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson)

安娜索菲亚·罗伯(Annasophia Robb)

亚历山大·路德韦格(Alexander Ludwig)

卡拉·古奇诺(Carla Gugino)

巫山历险记(AnnaSophia Robb Alexander Ludwig 专访)

So, first of all, I was kind of curious about how you first heard about this role and if you were both familiar with the original two films at all?

AnnaSophia Robb:Ifirst heard about the film when I had a meeting with Andy Fickman, our fabulous director, and he pitched me the project and I read it and loved it. I'd love to work with Andy and Dwayne ("The Rock" Johnson) and then it just kind of snowballed from there. They actually sent me the original films and it was just exciting because they're such classic films and it was nice to think that we were going to make the next chapter in the Witch Mountain series.

Can you both talk a little bit about how you built your characters? These characters are a bit similar to the original but quite a bit different as well, so can you talk about how you crafted your characters for this?

Alexander Ludwig:Well, we had a lot of creative freedom on this project, due to the fact that our characters are, obviously, from a different planet and we really got to explore pretty much any qualities we wanted to incorporate in our characters. We were really fortunate in that we got to be really creative and AnnaSophia and I just became so close while filming because we got this creative freedom that you don't usually get on other features, so we really got to work together and form these characters with a freedom you don't usually have on other movies. It was a really cool experience.

AnnaSophia Robb:I would definitely say that, I would definitely agree with Alexander. It was fun being able to create the characters because they weren't exactly the same as the originals. No one really knows what aliens are like, so we had special powers and kind of went from there. Just being able to work with Andy was so much fun, just bouncing ideas off of him and Alexander and I became close, just trying to become brother and sister.Alexander Ludwig:We actually don't like each other at all (Laughs).

AnnaSophia Robb:He's in another room, really (Laughs).

I really enjoyed the film when I saw it in theaters and I thought one of the cooler parts about your character, AnnaSophia, was how you kept saying his full name all the time, 'Jack Bruno, you need to do this...'

Alexander Ludwig:She does that in real life too, by the way (Laughs).

AnnaSophia Robb:It's weird because when I read the script, I went, 'That is really strange.' Then, by the end of the shoot, I didn't even realize I was doing it. It didn't even feel weird.

Most of your scenes are with "The Rock" and he's really transitioned quite nicely from the wrestling to acting, so what was it like just working with him?

AnnaSophia Robb:Dwayne is amazing. He is such a great and genuine and very sincere and kind guy. We had so much fun. He's hilarious too and we all became very close and cracking jokes. It was just a fun set and he was definitely one of the reasons why it was.

There are a lot of other great actors in this too like Carla Gugino, Chris Marquette, Ciaran Hinds and it didn't seem that you got to work with them a lot, but what was it like being on set with all these actors?

AnnaSophia Robb:We had such a phenomenal cast and Ciaran Hinds is like the best bad guy ever. He just talks so softly but has this presence about him that is so powerful. He was so perfect for it too. It wasn't like he was a bad bad guy, he was a bad guy but he thought he was doing the right thing. Carla was great to work with. She is such a sweetheart and just so creative with their character and always continuing to develop it. Chris Marquette, although I didn't get to work with him, he is a fabulous guy who brought great humor to the role and Tom Everett Scott is brilliant and Billy Brown. We just had a great time.

You also got to work with the two original children, Kim Richards and Ike Eisenmann, so what was it like having them on the set for those couple of days, and did you get any stories out of them from the first movies?

Alexander Ludwig:Oh yeah. Personally, my mom was actually a huge fan of the original when she was little and she sort of passed it down to me, so I'd already known about the originals. I was a huge fan of the originals and I just idolized these kids who were in the originals, Kim and Ike. It was just cool being in the same position that they were in when they were little and it was fun to have them come back and do the cameo appearances. We just became so close and we will remain friends forever because, really, all of us, just formed a family bond on and off screen. It was so cool to have them do a cameo in our movie and, actually, they have this little hint in the movie. There is this scene where Kim and Ike help us out in our situation and there's a hint they were maybe the original kids all grown up, so that was a pretty cool thing to incorporate into the new movie.

Yeah, because that part was actually in the old town, Stonybrook.

Alexander Ludwig:Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, I actually talked to Kim because they had these new special editions of the original films on DVD and she was really excited about going to work on the film.

Alexander Ludwig:She's just super-nice, right?

Yeah, she was really great. So, you've talked about working with director Andy Fickman, and he's really become a Disney mainstay these days, so how would you compare his style with anyone else you might have worked with?

AnnaSophia Robb:He is just a ball of energy and creativity. I would work for Andy, I would do anything for him. He is incredible. He has a megaphone on the set and he just includes everybody in on his vision, so everybody, the cast and crew, he makes sizzle reels, he'd do everything so that we all were one and it was like a big family and he's really into that, to make sure everyone's on the same level.

Alexander Ludwig:We don't have enough nice things to say about Andy. He was truly a phenomenal director and an amazing person. You walk into his office and it really looks like a 12-year-old boy's because he designs his office around all these action figures and cartoons. There will be no inch of free space. It's crazy. His objective is to basically surround you in the film that you're making. It's all creativity when you walk into his office. He's just really a truly amazing guy and an amazing director and it was an honor working with him. We both really hope we get to work with him again, and we would in a heartbeat because he's amazing.

There's a blooper reel on the DVD so how much was Dwayne and everyone else just cracking you guys up on the set?

AnnaSophia Robb:Oh, all the time. I think all of the bloopers will be of us just laughing and losing it because it's so hard to keep a straight face on that set. Dwayne, Alexander Andy and I were just giggly.

Alexander Ludwig:There are some bloopers in there that are actually very embarrassing for us. Before a scene, if it was a scene where we'd need a lot of energy and get really pumped up, I would do push-ups or do some jumping jacks or something, just to get my heart rate up, so I'm actually feeling what we're going through. And a lot of that is in the reel, but they would cut to the most ridiculous things where I just look like an idiot (Laughs). It was very funny and we had a great time. We would laugh, if anything, too much.

The film did rather well at the box office, so has there been any sequel talk as of yet?

AnnaSophia Robb:Let's see how the DVD does first... and have all your readers buy it. Then we'll see.

Alexander Ludwig:We really have no idea, but we know there was talk of a sequel...AnnaSophia Robb:Alexander is dead in it (Laughs).

Alexander Ludwig:Yeah. Sara mourns the death of her brother Seth. Yeah, so hopefully the DVD's go well, because that's what will ultimately determine if there is a sequel. I think Austin Powers: InternationalMan of Mystery did horribly in theaters but it exploded on DVD and that's what made the sequels go, so we'll see what happens with this.

So do you both have anything else that you have lined up right now? I know, AnnaSophia you have Dear Eleanor, but is there anything else you both have lined up?

AnnaSophia Robb:Yeah, we'll see how that goes. That's kind of at a standstill right now, but I have a couple of projects that I'm looking at and developing. Right now the financing is not there so we'll see how that goes, but I'm just enjoying my summer. It's nice. I was in high school this year and it was my first year and I've been having a nice, regular, fun summer, so I'm enjoying life right now.

Alexander Ludwig:Yeah, economically, times are really rough right now, so it's kind of tough finding financing on independent projects you truly believe in and love the story. I was cast in a project, well still am I guess, but we need financing and it still may happen in the future. But it's with, I don't know if you know him, do you know Burt Reynolds?

Yeah, I've heard of him.

Alexander Ludwig:(Laughs) Yeah I'm cast opposite of him and James Brolin and just a phenomenal cast, Louis Gossett Jr. It's a great story so hopefully that goes through. I'm still meeting with directors here in L.A. about other projects that may be going.

Does that Burt Reynolds film have a working title right now?

Alexander Ludwig:Yes, it does have a working title at the moment. It's called A Fonder Heart. Yeah, it's a true story and it's just phenomenal.

So, finally, what would you like to say to those who might not have caught the film in theaters to get them to pick it up on DVD?

AnnaSophia Robb:Well, it's an action-packed adventure and there's great heart and a great story and explosions and you'll enjoy the ride.

Alexander Ludwig:She said it all. It's great.

That's about all I have, guys. Thanks so much for your time and best of luck with your upcoming projects.

Alexander Ludwig:It was a pleasure talking to you. Thank you so much.

AnnaSophia Robb:Thanks, Brian. Bye.

You can see AnnaSophia Robb and Alexander Ludwig as these precocious alien siblings Sara and Seth when Race to Witch Mountain comes to DVD and a Blu-ray/DVD combo set on August





英文名称:The Seeker The Dark is Rising



类别:动作 / 奇幻 / 冒险 / 剧情

片长:94 mins

分级:USA:PG Taiwan:PG-12


电影导演:大卫·柯宁汉 David L. Cunningham电影编剧:

Susan Cooper .....novel

John Hodge .....screenplay


亚历山大·路德韦格Alexander Ludwig .....Will Stanton

克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿Christopher Eccleston .....The Rider

伊恩·麦柯肖恩Ian McShane .....Merriman Lyon

艾玛·洛克哈特Emma Lockhart .....Gwen

格里高利·史密斯Gregory Smith .....Max

乔纳森·杰克逊Jonathan Jackson .....The Walker

温迪·古逊Wendy Crewson .....Mary Stanton

詹姆斯·卡沙莫James Cosmo .....Dawson

阿梅丽娅·华纳Amelia Warner .....Maggie Barnes










故事极度沉闷乏味,但表演方面却颇为值得探究,尤其是亚历山大·路德韦格(Alexander Ludwig)饰演的威尔,既可爱又有天分。








英文名称:The Sandlot 3



电影导演:William Dear

电影演员:Renzo Carbonel .... Roll

Jason Bryden .... Phil Dixon

Alexander Ludwig .... E.J

Kai James .... Timber

Mike Antonakos .... Worker #2

Robin Timpanaro .... Needman's Wife

Leila Johnson .... Judy (20's/40's)

Meshach Peters .... Q

Keanu Pires .... Tommy

Brendan Beiser .... Umpire

Cole Heppell .... DP

Samuel Patrick Chu .... Wok

Paul Jarrett .... Earl Needman

Brandon Olds .... Two Ton

杰伊·布兰泽 Jay Brazeau .... Doctor Parker

Chris Gauthier .... Uncle Pork Chop



片 长 01:36:31

简 介






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更新时间:2025/3/18 19:26:27