

词条 亚历克·鲍德温

亚历克-鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)原名亚历山大-雷-鲍德温三世,1958年4月3日生于美国纽约长岛,身高亚历克·鲍德温180厘米。他长着一头乌黑的头发,温文尔雅,英俊潇洒,是鲍德温演员家族中知名度最高的一个。


外文名:Alec Baldwin








曾在纽约大学攻读戏剧,毕业后日间出演电视肥皂剧,晚间加盟莎翁舞台剧表演。80年代初开始活跃在电视荧屏上,参加了《医生》(The Doctors)和《Knots Landing》等电视系列剧的拍摄。此后,亚历克-鲍德温正式步入影坛,先后在《永远的璐璐》(Forever, Lulu)、《甲壳虫汁》(Beetle Juice)、《乌龙密探摆黑帮》(Married to the Mob)和《抓狂电台》(Talk Radio)等多部影片中出演一些比较严肃的角色。1990年,亚历克-鲍德温第一次出现在由美国畅销间谍小说作家汤姆-克兰西小说原作改编的票房大片《追击赤色十月》(Hunt for Red October)中,和第一任007肖恩-康纳利一起拍片,获得极大成功,凭着他扮演的中央情报局干员杰克-赖恩一角声名远播。同年,亚历克当选美国《人物》杂志全球最美的50位人物之一。

不幸的是,后来派拉蒙电影公司再次找到他,希望他能在《爱国者游戏》(Patriot Games)中再度演出杰克这个角色时,亚历克-鲍德温却谢绝了公司的请求,杰克这个角色后来被哈里逊-福特接走,《爱国者游戏》成为当年一部超级卖座的电影。之后,他又在《迈阿密特别行动》(Miami Blues)中扮演一名被警官不断追击的小偷,1991年出演喜剧片《抱得美人归》(The Marrying Man),1992年在《拜金一族》(Glengarry Glen Ross)中扮演一名性格倔强的房地产公司总管。虽然这个喜欢向部下发号施令的角色在影片中只出现了10分钟,却给观众留下了难以磨灭的印象。

1994年,亚历克-鲍德温和他那时的妻子金-贝辛格(Kim Basinger)共同出演了重拍影片《赌命鸳鸯》(The Getaway),同年又主演了由著名连环漫画改编的影片《魅影魔星》(The Shadow)。1996年,他在民权戏剧片《密西西比谋杀案》(Ghosts of Mississippi)中成功塑造了一名助理检查官,表演才华得到极致发挥。


除表演外,他在配音方面也表现出与众不同的才能,先后为几部倍受儿童喜爱的英国儿童电视剧和动画片配音,包括《Clerks》(2000)、《猫狗大战》(Cats & Dogs,2001),《最终幻想》(Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within,2001)和《棉球方块历险记》(The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie,2004),《马达加斯加2》中的Makunga等。


多才多艺、高深莫测的亚历克-鲍德温仍继续奋斗着:在好莱坞爱情大片《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbor)中以精湛演技塑造了海军上校吉米-杜利特勒的形象,2003年在《冷却》(The Cooler)中扮演一个性情爆燥的赌场老板,以自己的不俗表演获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角奖提名。2003年,他还遭遇了一场票房灾难,他所出演的《戴帽子的猫》(The Cat in the Hat)一片惨淡收场,受到影评界严厉的批评。2004年,亚历克和本-斯蒂勒以及詹妮弗-安妮斯顿一起出演了《遇见波莉》(Along Came Polly)。






姐姐的守护者 My Sister's Keeper......(2009)

爱很复杂/为爱迷失 It's Complicated ......(2009)

Broadway: The Next Generation (2006) .....

牧羊人 The Good Shepherd (2006) .....

Street (2006) .....

Running with Scissors (2006) ..... Norman Burroughs

米尼的第一次 Mini's First Time (2006) .....

Untitled Marc Klein Project (2006) .....

无间行者 The Departed (2006) ..... Ellerby

伊莉莎白镇 Elizabethtown (2005) ..... Phil DeVoss

新抢钱夫妻 Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) .....

Steve McQueen: The Essence of Cool (2005) ..... Himself - interviewee

The Swimmer (2005) .....

Saturday Night Live: The Best of Alec Baldwin (2005) ..... Himself/Various Characters (archive footage)

Simply Halston (2005) ..... Roy Halston

I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper (2005) ..... Narrator (voice)

Brooklyn Rules (2005) .....

Knots Landing Reunion: Together Again (2005) ..... Himself/Narrator

Double Dare (2004) ..... Himself (uncredited)

最后一击 The Last Shot (2004) ..... Joe Devine

Nickelodeon Presents the Fairly OddParents in: Channel Chasers (2004) ..... Adult Timmy Turner

10th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2004) ..... Himself - Nominee: Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture

Melanie Griffith (2004) ..... Himself

第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) ..... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Supporting Role/Co-presenter: Best Documentary Feature

The Rise of the Celebrity Class (2004) ..... Himself

飞行者 The Aviator (2004) ..... Juan Trippe

Thomas & Friends: Best of Gordon (2004) ..... Narrator

26 棉球方块历险记 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004) ..... Dennis

27 "TV Land Moguls" (2004) ..... Himself

28 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004) ..... Himself (archive footage)

29 趁虚而入 Along Came Polly (2004) ..... Stan Indursky

30 与远古人同行 Walking with Cavemen (2003) ..... Narrator (USA version)

31 帽子里的猫 The Cat in the Hat (2003) ..... Quinn

32 IFP Gotham Awards 2003 (2003) ..... Presenter

33 杀手本性 Second Nature (2003) ..... Paul Kane

34 厄运急转弯 The Cooler (2003) ..... Shelly Kaplow

35 Dreams & Giants (2003) ..... Host

36 "I Love the '70s" (2003) ..... Himself

37 Brighter Days (2003) ..... Himself

38 Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There (2003) ..... Himself

39 The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002) ..... Himself

40 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Will Ferrell (2002) ..... Himself/Various Characters (archive footage)

41 "The Hamptons" (2002) ..... Himself

42 星际冒险王 The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002) ..... M.Z.M (uncredited)

43 Intimate Portrait: Joan Van Ark (2002) ..... Himself

44 战争之路 Path to War (2002) ..... Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense

45 The Big Show (2001) ..... Himself

46 Journey to the Screen: The Making of 'Pearl Harbor' (2001) ..... Himself

47 The Devil and Daniel Webster (2001) ..... Jabez Stone

48 最终幻想 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) ..... Capt. Gray Edwards

49 珍珠港 Pearl Harbor (2001) ..... Lt. Col. James Doolittle

50 Breaking the Silence: The Making of 'Hannibal' (2001) ..... Himself (N.Y. Premiere)

51 2001 ABC World Stunt Awards (2001) ..... Himself - Host

52 Beyond the Movie: Pearl Harbor (2001) .....

53 Aki's Dream (2001) ..... Captain Gray Edwards, Deep Eyes Squadron (voice)

54 猫狗大战 Cats & Dogs (2001) ..... Butch

55 Into the Shadows: The CIA in Hollywood (2001) ..... Narrator (voice)

56 特伦鲍姆一家 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) ..... Narrator

57 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Molly Shannon (2001) ..... Various characters (archive footage) (uncredited)

58 汤姆斯和神奇铁路 Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000) ..... Mr. Conductor

59 "Clerks" (2000) ..... Leonardo Leonardo

60 Intimate Portrait: Judy Collins (2000) ..... Himself/Narrator

61 The 54th Annual Tony Awards (2000) ..... Himself

62 The Acting Class (2000) ..... Himself

63 "Nuremberg" (2000) ..... Justice Robert H. Jackson

64 The Kennedy Center Presents: Speak Truth to Power (2000) ..... The Man

65 欲望小镇 State and Main (2000) ..... Bob Barrenger

66 The 53rd Annual Tony Awards (1999) ..... Himself

67 Scout's Honor (1999) ..... Todd Fitter

68 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars (1999) ..... Himself

69 5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1999) .....

70 诺丁山 Notting Hill (1999) ..... Jeff King (uncredited)

71 Saturday Night Live Christmas (1999) ..... Pete Schweaty (archive footage)

72 The Confession (1999) ..... Roy Bleakie

73 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Adam Sandler (1999) ..... Various Characters (archive footage) (uncredited)

74 Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) ..... Himself

75 Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary (1999) ..... Himself

76 Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary (1999) ..... Himself

77 天意之外 Outside Providence (1999) ..... Old Man Dunphy

78 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Farley (1998) ..... Himself

79 The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1998) ..... Himself

80 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Mike Myers (1998) ..... Various Characters (archive footage) (uncredited)

81 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Phil Hartman (1998) ..... Mr. Cherrywood (archive footage) (uncredited)

82 The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) ..... Himself - Presenter: 'L.A. Confidential' Film Clip

83 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Mike Myers (1998) ..... Various Characters (archive footage) (uncredited)

84 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Phil Hartman (1998) ..... Mr. Cherrywood (archive footage) (uncredited)

85 终极密码战 Mercury Rising (1998) ..... Lt. Col. Nicholas Kudrow

86 Thick as Thieves (1998) ..... Mackin, 'The Thief'

87 Sean Connery, an Intimate Portrait (1997) ..... Himself

88 The 51st Annual Tony Awards (1997) ..... Presenter - Leading Actress in a Play

89 Sean Connery Close Up (1997) ..... Himself

90 "Raw Footage" (1997) ..... Host

91 势不两立 The Edge (1997) ..... Robert Green

92 猎杀大行动 Heaven's Prisoners (1996) ..... Dave Robicheaux

93 危险机密 The Juror (1996) ..... Teacher

94 寻找理查德 Looking for Richard (1996) ..... Himself/Duke of Clarence

95 Wild Bill: Hollywood Maverick (1996) ..... Himself/Narrator

96 密西西比谋杀案 Ghosts of Mississippi (1996) ..... Bobby DeLaughter

97 The Universal Story (1995) .....

98 两毛五 Two Bits (1995) ..... Narrator (voice) (uncredited)

99 第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) ..... Himself - in 'Cabin Boy' audition reel (pre-recorded) (uncredited)

100 欲望号街车 A Streetcar Named Desire (1995) ..... Stanley Kowalski

101 Masters of Illusion: The Wizards of Special Effects (1994) ..... Himself

102 逃亡之路 The Getaway (1994) ..... Carter 'Doc' McCoy

103 影子 The Shadow (1994) ..... Lamont Cranston/The Shadow

104 体热边缘 Malice (1993) ..... Dr. Jed Hill

105 拜金一族 Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) ..... Blake

106 神魂颠倒第六感 Prelude to a Kiss (1992) ..... Peter Hoskins

107 The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) ..... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Score (uncredited)

108 抱得美人归 The Marrying Man (1991) ..... Charley Pearl

109 猎杀红色十月 The Hunt for Red October (1990) ..... Jack Ryan

110 爱丽丝 Alice (1990) ..... Ed

111 迈阿密特别行动 Miami Blues (1990) ..... Frederick J. Frenger Jr.

112 大火球 Great Balls of Fire! (1989) ..... Jimmy Swaggart

113 Tong Tana - En resa till Borneos inre (1989) ..... Narrator (English version)

114 嫁入黑帮 Married to the Mob (1988) ..... 'Cucumber' Frank de Marco

115 死亡热线 Talk Radio (1988) ..... Dan

116 阴间大法师 Beetle Juice (1988) ..... Adam

117 She's Having a Baby (1988) ..... Davis McDonald

118 上班女郎 Working Girl (1988) ..... Mick Dugan

119 The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory (1987) ..... Col. William Barrett Travis

120 Forever, Lulu (1987) ..... Buck

121 Dress Gray (1986) ..... Rysam 'Ry' Slaight

122 Love on the Run (1985) ..... Sean Carpenter

123 Sweet Revenge (1984) ..... Maj. Alex Breen

124 "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" (1984) ..... US Narrator/Voices (1998-2003) (voice)

125 "Cutter to Houston" (1983) ..... Dr. Hal Wexler (1983)

126 "Knots Landing" (1979) ..... Joshua Rush (1984-1985)

127 "The Doctors" (1963) ..... Billy Allison Aldrich (1980-1982)

128 "The Fairly OddParents" () ..... Future Timmy

129 "The Fairly OddParents" () ..... Future Timmy

130 "The Fairly OddParents" () ..... Future Timmy

…… ……




因《倒霉鬼》(The Cooler)获得奥斯卡最佳男配角提名


《欲望号街车》(A Streetcar Named Desire)获艾美奖迷你和特别剧最佳男主角提名




《战争之路》(Path to War)获得艾美奖迷你剧和电视电影类最佳男配角提名


《威尔和格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)获得艾美奖喜剧类最佳客串演员提名


《威尔和格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)获得艾美奖喜剧类最佳客串演员提名


《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)获得艾美奖喜剧类剧集最佳男主角提名


《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)获得艾美奖喜剧类剧集最佳男主角奖


这是于80年代在百老汇取得成功的新星之一,这位深发色蓝眼睛的年轻人在那个时代的后期给影视主角赋予了火辣的个性。在一些电视电影和肥皂剧如《甜蜜的复仇》(Sweet Revenge)和《灰色上装》(Dress Gray)中露面之后,鲍德温主演了大荧幕处女作,小规模上映的影片《永远的露露》(Forever LuLu)。他的上升期是在1988年,不可思议地一口气拍了5部电影,戏路也非常广。在《天下父母心》(She’s Having a Baby)中饰演凯文-培根的一个不可靠的朋友,在《甲壳虫汁》(Beetlejuice)中饰演一个善良但困惑的鬼丈夫,在《乌龙密探摆黑帮》(Married to the Mob)中饰演一个得意忘形的黑手党徒,在《抓狂电台》(Talk Radio)中饰演一个滑头制片人,以及在《上班女郎》(Working Girl)中饰演一个下层社会的乡下佬。

鲍德温在1989年的影片《大火球!》(Great Balls of Fire!)中扮演吉米-斯瓦加特,在《迈阿密特别行动》(Miami Blues)中饰演一个变态杀手,在《猎杀红色十月》(The Hunt for Red October)中饰演英雄杰克-瑞恩。之后在1991年主演了内尔-西蒙的喜剧《抱得美人归》(The Marrying Man),他和共同出演的金-贝辛格(后来成了他妻子)之间的浪漫史严重玷污了他的“清白”形象(尽管这形象本来也不怎么样)。在和派拉蒙公司的一次公开争执之后,他在影片《红色十月》的续集《爱国者游戏》(Patriot Games)中的角色被哈里森-福特取代。那以后他将百老汇的作品《神魂颠倒第六感》(Prelude to a Kiss)搬上荧幕。他以一部翻拍剧《欲望号街车》又重返百老汇,然后又回到好莱坞在1993年的影片《怨念》(Malice)中扮演一个古怪但很有才华的外科医生。


亚历克-鲍德温出演过的影视作品还包括电视剧《威尔和格蕾丝》,《老友记》,《辛普森一家》,《我为喜剧狂》;电影《飞行者》,美版《无间道》,《珍珠港》等等,目前参与主演的影片有正在制作中的《紫禁城》(The Forbidden City),讲述了中美两国联合抓捕日本二战战犯的故事。











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