词条 | 雅诗兰黛密集特润修护精华露 |
释义 | 雅诗兰黛密集特润修护精华露,内含突破性配方,拥有5倍浓度的神秘修护复合物,彻底改善肌肤状况。强力聚合三种创新科技,集中作用于21个夜晚,大幅度加强了肌肤自我修复功能,使之能够对抗更多压力伤害,重获健康新生。 商品品牌:Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛 计量单位:瓶 商品重量:0.030 kg 商品简介:Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛密集特润修护精华露 30ml 在睡眠中启程,21天的肌肤舒压假期! 全新雅诗兰黛密集特润修护精华露,内含突破性配方,拥有5倍浓度的神秘修护复合物,彻底改善肌肤状况。强力聚合三种创新科技,集中作用于21个夜晚,大幅度加强了肌肤自我修复功能,使之能够对抗更多压力伤害,重获健康新生。 含有独特高效修护功效的密集特润修护精华露,采用了超浓缩的夜间修复精华、高效抗刺激精华和浓缩的屏障修复配方等3项专利申请中的独有技术,提高皮肤抵抗老化的能力,最大限度改善皮肤老化状态,减轻和舒缓皮肤所受刺激,重建和加强皮肤表面的屏障功能,令肌肤更健康、更有弹性。 每隔三、四个月,连续使用密集特润修护精华露21个夜晚,帮助肌肤:提高皮肤的自我修复能力并改善皮肤表面的质地;镇定和舒缓皮肤,改善明显的因刺激而产生的红肿状况;缓解皮肤紧绷干燥的不适感觉,并祛除皮肤表面的皮屑;最大可能的减少细纹、皱纹和肤色不均等状况。梦中醒来、拥有完美肌肤的梦想轻松实现! 市场价格:¥980.00 详细介绍 (英文)Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Concentrate Recovery Boosting Treatment 30ml/1oz Tonight, take the weight of the world off your skin. Advanced Night Repair Concentrate works to visibly free your skin from the accumulation of excessive damage. It helps dramatically and intensively boost your skin's natural ability to repair the visible effects of this accumulation, helping to "clean the slate" of past damage. Now your skin can focus all of its energies on repairing the visible effects of the assaults and stresses it faces every day. On rebuilding and renewing its appearance every night. Advanced Night Repair Concentrate is formulated with 5 times the concentration of the patented* recovery complex found in the Advanced Night Repair serum you use every night. Use it for 21 consecutive nights and your skin will emerge as if you've been on an extended vacation--more rested, even-toned, supple, smooth and noticeably more healthy looking. You can also use it after sudden skin traumas such as when skin is uncomfortably dehydrated, after excessive sun exposure, or pre- and post- microdermabrasion and chemical peels. Consider tonight the beginning of a beautiful new life for your skin. HOW TO USE ADVANCED NIGHT REPAIR CONCENTRATE Use Advanced Night Repair Concentrate as an intensive "booster treatment" in addition to your regular skincare regimen. Every 3-4 Months. Apply 2 full droppers all over cleansed face and throat each night for 21 days. Follow with the Estée Lauder moisturizer that's right for you. After Excess Exposure. Following too much sun or environmental exposure, apply as needed. Pre- and Post-Procedure. For cosmetic procedures such as micro-dermabrasion and chemical peels, use for 1 week prior to your procedure and for 2 weeks after. Concentrated Anti-Irritation Response Amplified with the potent anti-irritant Amentoflavone, Advanced Night Repair Concentrate begins working immediately to relieve and calm the look of redness while helping skin naturally inhibit the irritation that can lead to more serious visible skin damage. Concentrated Barrier Restoration A highly concentrated blend of proven, skin-strengthening lipids, including Linoleic Acid, Cholesterol and Wheat Bran, works to quickly help rebuild a weakened moisture barrier, helping keep environmental irritants out and more moisture in. *U.S. patented. International patents pending. 详细介绍 (中文)Estee Lauder 雅诗兰黛密集特润修护精华露 30ml 在睡眠中启程,21天的肌肤舒压假期! 全新雅诗兰黛密集特润修护精华露,内含突破性配方,拥有5倍浓度的神秘修护复合物,彻底改善肌肤状况。强力聚合三种创新科技,集中作用于21个夜晚,大幅度加强了肌肤自我修复功能,使之能够对抗更多压力伤害,重获健康新生。 含有独特高效修护功效的密集特润修护精华露采用了超浓缩的夜间修复精华、高效抗刺激精华和浓缩的屏障修复配方等3项专利申请中的独有技术,提高皮肤抵抗老化的能力,最大限度改善皮肤老化状态,减轻和舒缓皮肤所受刺激,重建和加强皮肤表面的屏障功能,令肌肤更健康、更有弹性。 每隔三、四个月,连续使用密集特润修护精华露21个夜晚,帮助肌肤;提高皮肤的自我修复能力并改善皮肤表面的质地;镇定和舒缓皮肤,改善明显的因刺激而产生的红肿状况;缓解皮肤紧绷干燥的不适感觉,并祛除皮肤表面的皮屑;最大可能的减少细纹、皱纹和肤色不均等状况。梦中醒来、拥有完美肌肤的梦想轻松实现! 使用方法1.每3-4个月使用一次,密集特润修护精华露用以改善皮肤修复的天然能力,阻止细纹和皱纹的出现,并加强皮肤对压力的天然防护。 2.在皮肤美容治疗(如微晶擦皮术、激光治疗和化学焕肤术)前后使用,密集特润修护精华露可以帮助皮肤应付由这些手术所引起的可见刺激,并帮助加速术后红肿消退。 3.在日晒、风吹或者暴露于严寒之后使用,密集特润修护精华露可以帮助平息和减轻皮肤红肿,并帮助减轻细纹、皱纹和肤色不均等肌肤问题。 4.在经过了一个炎热的季节和脱水状态之后使用,密集特润修护精华露可以帮助缓解皮肤干燥、紧绷等不适感、减轻色斑并且重建水分屏障。 关于雅诗兰黛1946年,雅诗兰黛夫人凭借着想为每个女性带来美丽的渴望创立了雅诗兰黛品牌。历经半个多世纪,它以领先科技和卓越功效在全球赢得广泛美誉。如今,雅诗兰黛的护肤、彩妆及香水产品系列已在全球130多个国家销售。坚持为每个女性带来美丽的初衷、致力于科研的突破和创新、保持与顾客良好的交流,这些优秀传统延续至今并成为未来发展的宝贵基础。 |
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